Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Chapter 83: Chapter 79 - Gasper Vladi 2

"Please Gasper, you must to go out," Rias said. "It's not good for your health if you always stay at the dark room like this, I have someone that maybe can help you to control your power."

"Noooo! Outside world is scary! And my power only causing trouble for someone else!"

Gasper didn't believe there is someone in this word that can't help him to control his power, Forbidden Balor View the Sacred Gear that made a lot of trouble for him.

"I-I don't believe that bishoujo there is a boy," Issei said. "It so unreal to the point I still thinking him as a girl!"

"You're not the only one who thinking him as a girl Issei-kun," Irina said. "He is too beautiful to be a boy."

"Hmm he is beautiful and cute," Xenovia said. "But I think both of you is too excessive by thinking him as a girl."

"If he is a boy why did he wearing a girl outfit?" Asked Shirou.

""B-B-B-Because a girl's clothes are really cute and comfortable to wear," Gasper said with innocence face.

"Ohoook!" Once again Issei vommiting a blood from his mouth. He can't accept there is a super cute boy like Gasper that love to wear a girl clothes. "Please stop saying thaaaat! I can't accept there is a cute boy like you who love to wearing a cute dress! It's too much for my heart!"

After saying that, Issei then pass out. Because the shock that he have after seeing Gasper.

"Kyaaa! Issei-kun!" Irina said while holding Issei body that drop on the wooden floor.

"It look like Issei-kun cannot accept there is a cute boy who love to wear a cute girl dress," Kiba said with a sigh. "That's why he vomitting a blood and then pass out."

"Hyoudou is still have a perverted mind deep inside his head that's why he look so happy the first time he see that dhampir boy," Shirou said. "He think that sissy dhampir boy as a girl at first and want to get close to him but after he knew that sissy dhampir was a boy he can't accept the truth and because of that he pass out, but I admit he really try his best to get rid of his perverted nature, he didn't show his perverted face when he see Gasper."

"Yeah, he is really change to br a better man even only a little," Rias said. "But now let's get back to the main topic, Gasper are you really don't want to go outside?"

"Nooooooo!" Gasper shouted. "I hate outside world!"

After Gasper shouted everyone on the room suddenly stop moving except for Shirou who immune to the effect of Forbidden Balor view because of his UBW inside of him, UBW can be categorized as a different world and different dimension with time and space that work in a different way and because the UBW was Shirou personal world and the space and time energy that came from the UBW automaticly wrapping his body when the Forbidden Balor View is actived the stopping time power didn't affect him at all.

He then walking closer to him and then said:

"Stop shouting Gasper! Rias already told you that I would help you to control your power."

"H-how you still can move with my power active?" Gasper now feel really scared, because he never see someone who didn't affected by his power.

"Your Sacred Gear power has a lot of potential," Shirou said. "But your Sacred Gear power can't affect me, so Gasper please close your eyes, so that your powers are deactivated and everyone in this room can move again."

Gasper nodded his head and close his eyes and after that the time inside the room is moved once more.

Rias, Akeno and the other club member except for Xenovia and Irina who pass out.

They are all realized that Gasper has activated his Sacred Gear again. Because they had all experienced the side effects of Forbidden Balor View power, and they are all can feel the after effect after tasting that power making them feel a very chronic headache. (This part is not exist in the original novel, this is my original idea)

"Uuuhkh are Gasper using his power without control once more?" Asked Rias.

"Yeah, he accidentaly using his stopping time ability to all of you," Answered Shirou. "Fortunately I immune to his ability, so I can ask him to close his eyes. So the time in this room is back to normal."

"Emiya-kun, are your immunity to Gasper power is because of you Sacred Gear?" Asked Akeno while rouching her forehead.

"Maybe," Answered Shirou. "I don't know the answer my self."

'I can't tell them about the UBW that make me immune to Gasper power, yet. UBW is one of my final secret, There no way I would tell them about it.'

"My choice to pick you as Gasper trainer is right!" Rias said with a very big smile on her paled face. "If Gasper power didn't affect you in the slightest then you are the best trainer that Gasper can have to control his power."

"I don't really mind train him, Rias-buchou," Shirou said. "But before we train him to control his power, we need to train him to go outside. Sacred Gear is a Noble Phantasm that can became so strong depend on the feeling of the user if he still behave like that, the power of his Sacred Gear will be wasted."

"Then, Emiya-kun please train Gasper to have a courage to go outside," Rias said while touching her head because of the headache she feel. "I want to go home and sleep because I have a very chronic headache right now."

"I will go home too," Akeno said. "The chronic headache that appear to everyone that feel Gasper power can only disappear with a lot of sleep, so right now I will go home and sleep till morning."

"Me too," Kiba said with a paled faced. "No matter how often I feel the side effect of his power, I still not used to the side effects of Gasper ability."

"Shirou-Senpai please take care of Gya-kun," Koneko said with a sincere tone. "He is a good kid, but he have a lot of trouble, I want to help him but with his uncontrol Sacred Gear power always made me suffer so I can't help him at all, only you senpai who can resist Gya-kun power that can help him."

"Sigh, fine-fine," Shirou said while sighing, while he's okay to train Gasper using his power because of his good nature, but he don't like leaving behind alone with Gasper. Rias and the other club member behave like an irresponsible person leaving Gasper alone with him. But Shirou don't have a choice in this matter, because only him that can resist Gasper time stopping ability. "I will take train him, are you all satisfied now!"

"Thanks Emiya-kun," Rias said while her body is shaking because of the pain she feel. "Please take care of Gasper."

After that Rias and her other peerage member is leaving Shirou behind in Gasper room, with Xenovia and Irina who pass out as the after effect because they feel the power of Gasper time stopping ability.

"Shi-Shirou-Senpai what I must do right now?" Asked Gasper.

"Please stand still Gasper and keep your eyes close, there is something that I must do before train you," Answered Shirou.

Shirou walk to Irina, Xenovia and Issei who pass out and bring them out of Gasper room. Then he leaning the three of them against the wall so they feel a little more comfortable.

After that Shirou walk back to Gasper room, and then calling him.

"Gasper open your eyes now and come here!"

Gasper doing what Shirou told him and walking toward Shirou. And then after Gasper arrived in front of him. To eliminated Gasper fear to go outside Shirou have some ideas in his head that he could think it will work. But all of his ideas take a long time to do, because right now he doesn't have a lot of time. Shirou decide to use his illusion eyes to give Gasper some courage. And fortunately Gasper Sacred Gear is already inactive so it more easy for Shirou to give him the illusion.

"Please stand in front of me and look into my eyes," Shirou said. "I will give you some therapy to cure your fear."

"O-Okay," Gasper said. Gasper has a doubt in his heart are Shirou really can cure his fear or not, but because Rias who said Shirou can train his power and making him more braver so Gasper only can do what Shirou ask him to do.

He then stand in front of Shirou and look into his eyes, in only a second Gasper didn't move at all and standstill like a statue after one minutes is pass he screaming so loudly with a lot of tears flowing from his eyes and after that Gasper pass out.

"I give him a very terrible and realistic illusion," Shirou said with gasping breath and lot of sweat is his body, using illusion eyes using a lot of stamina and because this is his first time using it, Shirou using almost 3/4 of his stamina and power to activated his first illusion. "I hope he is okay and can overcame his fear when he woke up."

Shirou then leaning against the wall and closing his eyes, he really needed a break after almost exhausting 3/4 of all his strength.

"Using this damn eyes is really made my body tired," Shirou said. "I will only using this eyes if I facing a life and dead situation."

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