Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Chapter 89: Chapter 85 - The Meeting Between the three Faction.

After all the top member of the angel, fallen angel and devil already arrived and sit on all the provided seat. There is a little silence for a moment because all of them can be called as an enemy. And the meeting is held to ensure the peace between the three faction.

Michael and Gabriel have a sad face when they looking at Azazel, because even after his fallen. He is still their brother, and the two of them feel sad and disappointed to him. Because he choose to give in to a worldly lust rather than obeying their Father rules.

Akeno who standing behind Rias, looked at Barakiel her father with a cold and angry look, the deep hatred for her father Barakiel was still there, but it had diminished a bit after she listened to Shirou's words.

Barakiel can see the a deep hatred from his daughter eyes. He can't be angry to his daughter even if his daughter hate him, that was because his own fault that hate is appear in his daughter heart. So right now he can't do anything at all, because the meeting is more important than his personal problem. But he will try to talk with Akeno after the meeting is over.


"Because all the leader of the three great power of biblical faction already arrived, let's start this meeting," Sirzech said after confirming all the top member of the three great power already arrived. "With the most important topic: 'The rumour about the Allmighty God that still alive.'"

After Sirzech saying the expression of the top member of the three great power start to change. All of them already heard about that rumour even Azazel is already confirming about that rumour by himself.

"Like the rumour said, the Allmighty God is still alive," Sirzech said. "And I can confirm that the rumour is true and real. All of you already now about the truth about that rumour right based on the information that all of you got."

"Are the user of the Longinus Zero is really exist?" Asked Gabriel. "After all if the rumour about Father is still alive is a lie then this meeting maybe only a trap."

"Sister please don't start the unnecessary fight," Michael said. "We came here for the peaces meeting and talk, not for a war. So stop saying some provocative word like that."

"I'm sorry brother," Gabriel said while lowering her head. "I lost my temper."

"That's good," Michael said. "And for you information sister, I met the Longinus Zero user this evening. And I already confirm it by myself that Emiya-san is really have the Longinus Zero inside his body."

"So brother you also already meet with him, huh," Azazel said. "Me too already met him by myself, and sister if you want to meet the Longinus Zero user, you are so lucky. Because right now he is standing behind the Second owner of Kuoh city."

Azazel looked at Shirou who was standing behind Rin, causing Gabriel to look at him.

When Azazel, and Gabriel eyeing him, it made Shirou feel uneasy, plus Vali who looked at him like he was prey ready to be eaten made his body feel goosebumps. Shirou really didn't like being stared at by so many people.


After seeing Shirou for a moment, Gabriel can really feel the Longinus Zero from Shirou, the ultimate weapon that her Father made. Base on the treasury of the king of heroes Gilgamesh that her Father defeat. She knew almost anything about the Longinus Zero, because She is helping her Father when he converted the Gate of Babylon to something new that not only can shoot out a weapon or storing a treasure but also can created a new weapon. The basic blueprint of all the Sacred Gear is storing inside the Longinus Zero.

And because of that, the Longinus Zero never exist inside the Sacred Gear System.

Suddenly a tear has flow down trough her cheeks, all this time she always think that her Father is already dead. But after she feel the Longinus Zero inside Shirou body, she became really happy. The appearance of the Longinus Zero is the greatest proof that God is still alive.

"Sister why are you crying?" Asked Michael.

"I'm so happy brother," Gabriel said while wiping out her tears. "I'm really happy that our Father is still alive."

"If the God is still alive then that was a really good news for our biblical faction," Sirzech said. "But what I want to know is when will He will return to Heaven? Emiya-kun if you got the Longinus Zero directly from the God then you already meet Him right, do you know when He will return?"

"That's a very good question Sirzech-Sama," Shirou said while smiling. "To tell you the truth, I my self didn't know about that, God only told me that His avatar in this dimension already dead, and He give me Longinus Zero, along with the Second Magic Kaleidoscope."

"Whaaat you got the Second Magic from God!" Sirzech, Grayfia, Serafall, Rias, Akeno, Sona, Tsubaki, Vali, Griselda, Michael and Gabriel really shock by what Shirou told them. Except for Azazel who already know about it and of course he also told Barakiel about it.

Sakura and Rin already knew that Shirou can use Kaleidoscope so they don't feel surprised or shock. But Rin feel a little jealous because Shirou can use the true magic that she really want to have.

From what they now, the Second True magic Kaleidoscope only had one user and that user is Zelretch. But right now they have another user of the Kaleisdoscope in front of them. Of course that revelation make them feel really surprises.

"That's was a shocking information," Sirzech said. "I don't expect something like that, no wonder that old troll Zelretch have a fear to the Allmighty God. If He can give something so big like Kaleidoscope from the root of a thing with easy to Emiya-kun, then He also can remove the Kaleidoscope from Zelretch easily too. If the Allmighty God is really that powerful how can He lose in the great war that doesn't made sense at all."

Almost all the people in the room agree, if the Allmighty God is so powerful to the point even Zelretch fear Him, why He lose in the great war?


'Hey, Archer tell them the reason why the avatar of the God is dead, because He use almost all of His power to seal the Trihexa at the end of the world in the underworld before the great war,' Zelretch said. 'That's why He can't use His maximum power in the war and His avatar is die because He lose a lot of divine power, His avatar are powerful but not as strong as Great Red or Ophis and my other self who is more stronger than Ophis or great red fear Him, because he knew that God true self is not something He can't fight. Though God not telling me why He made the avatar of Himself in this world is weaker than Ophis and Great Red.'

'Are you sure it's okay for me to tell them something important like that?' Asked Shirou.

'The God Himself that told me to make you tell them that information,' Zeltretch said. 'So don't worry.'

'Well, if you say that then I don't mind to telling them about that information,' Shirou said.

'And one last thing that I forget tell you is, God give you is a divine program to fix the system in Heaven back to normal like when His avatar is still exist,' Zelretch said. 'The program is exist deep within your Unlimited Blade works, give this program to Michael because He is the one who need it. And for your information the God already know that the peaces meeting will happen and you will be the center of the meeting.'

'Geez, He is really the all knowing God,' Shirou said in awe. 'He really had a big plan for me to saves this world.'

'That's why He was called as the Allmigthy God,' Zelretch said. 'That's why don't ever think to do something againts His will, that was only a suicides moves.'

'When I'm still Counter Guardian, maybe I will do something like that,' Shirou said. 'But because I saved by Him and giving one more chance to redeem my sin there's no way I will do something that provoke His wrath, that was the most stupid thing to do.'

" Sirzech-Sama if you want to know why God who is so powerful lose, I know the answer about it," Shirou said. "Are all you want to know?"

"Of course we want to know," Sirzech said. "That was one of the thing that make me confuses and curious at the same time."

"I have a theory my self, what is the answer of Sirzech question," Azazel said. "But if Emiya-san who already meet with my Father Himself want to answer the question, then it better if we heard it from him rather that hearing it from me who only had a theory that still had a lot of hole on it."

"Same for me," Michael said. "I also had some answer about Sirzech question, but like Azazel it will be better if we hearing it from Emiya-san."

Gabriel and also Serafall agree with Azazel and Michael it'll be better to hear the answer about that question from Shirou.

"Well then the answer why God lose in the great war because His avatar lost almost His power to sealed the trihexa at the end of the world before the war is started," Shirou said. "That's why He can't fight with His full power in the great war and because of that His avatar lose it life in the great war."

"What!" All the top member from the three faction feel really surprised and shock after they hearing the important information that Shirou told to them.

"You say the avatar of Father?" Gabriel shouted. "Did you mean all this time the Father in heaven who is with us, are only His avatar?"

"You can say like that," Shirou said. "His true self is resides in a higher dimension a true Heaven, even though He can be anywhere and anytime because He is omnipresence he still need an avatar in this dimension to act as His hand in the lower world like this dimension."

"So Father is really is die in the great war but only His avatar," Michael said. "If my guess is correct His true self can made His avatar more powerful that anything in this world but why He made a weak avatar?"

"He didn't tell me about that," Shirou said. "So even you ask me I don't know the answer."

"That's answer a lot of question about Father," Azazel said. "But what's more important is the trihexa, I didn't think that creatures is really exist."

"The monster from the legend that only seek for destruction and chaos," Sirzech said. "To think God found that creatures and sealing it at the end of the world."

"After this meeting has ended we must found that creatures and make more sealed on it," Serafall said with a serious tones. "If someone find that monster and then broke the seal that God made, then we are all in a doom."

"That's a very good idea Serafall," Sirzech said. "I will call Falbium after this meeting to prepare a team for the expedition in searching the trihexa."

"I will also send my people to help," Azazel said. "Because trihexa is a very serious problem."

"Thank you for informing us about this vital information, Emiya-san," Michael said. "If we late find about this information a lot of victim will fall."

"It's okay Michael-Sama," Shirou said. "Because God told me to do so, rather than that I have another question for you."

"What it is?" Asked Michael.

"Why the Vatican exile Asia?" Asked Shirou.

"I can only apologise about that, After Father disappear only the system that Father made to govern divine protection, mercy and miracles remained. This system was a divine system to perform the miracles etc.

Father made this system, and using it to bring about miracles on earth. Something like a holy things like exorcism and other thing also arranged by the system's powers. Father absence made a trouble on the system some occurred," Answered Michael. "To be honest, it takes a big toll on me when I'm using it when Father is disappear. With me as the center and with the help of the Seraph on the heaven we was able to somehow start up the system but comparing it to the time when Father is still existed, the divine protection and mercy to those who believe in Him is not complete.

It's really unfortunate thing but, those who can be granted salvation are limited. Because of that the Sacred Gear system also became unstable and there is some hole in the system that made some error, the Sacred Gear that can be exist within a pure human, now can also exist within a half human. Even some Sacred Gear can heal other creature other than human like Asia Argento's Twilight Healing who can heal Devils and Fallen Angels. Her present within the followers, will influence the faith of the ones around her. The source of us living in heaven is the faith of believers. Because of that, Twilight healing is a forbidden sacred gear which can cause an influence on the system. That's why we must to exile her even though it hurt my heart by doing something bad like that."

"I understand the reason right now," Shirou said. "I'm sure Asia also will forgive you if she hearing your reason, but I hope you can take better care of your men in the Vatican, because there are a lot of bad things I heard about the Vatican from Griselda and Asia."

"I will, I promise you that I will take care of the corruption that exist in the Vatican," Michael said.

"I hope you keep your promise Michael-Sama," Shirou said. "And now I will give you this."

Shirou opened the divine gate and took something from it. In his right hand there is a ball of light that really bright to the point making all the people in the room can't see a thing except for the angel.

"Too bright!" Serafall and Sirzech said.

"My eyes is hurt!" Azazel and Barakiel said.

"What is that thing!" Sakura and Rin said.

"That was a divine program?" Michael said. "How did you had something like that?"

"God give it to me to giving it to you," Shirou said. "This divine program will help you to fix the program in the Heaven that control the miracles and Sacred Gear. With that program the system in Heaven will back to normal."

Michael held the divine program that Shirou give to him, he can feel the power of his Father in the program. With the divine program all the miracles that human needed will back to normal and the Sacred Gear system will not made anymore error.

"This program is something that I didn't expect, Emiya-san," Michael said while keeping the program inside his pocket dimension. "Father is really work in the mysterious way that even I can't guess."


The rest of the meeting time was spent discussing what things were really needed to maintain peace between the three great power. And the discussion is end with a very good result.

When the meeting about to over, all the people inside the room can feel something has happen to the space around them. The space feel frozen and they can't move at all, because of that they realize that someone has attacking them.

Author Note: Next chapter the Khaos Brigade attack.

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