Enchantrix: On a New World

18 Betrayal

Trix wasn't gentle. She wasn't pleasant. She was a vicious little monster. While I can mitigate pain, this was worse. Far worse. Trix was finding every fucking place on my body where I was ticklish, and exploiting me mercilessly. I couldn't get my legs beneath me. I had a viciously ticklish area behind my knees. I would have drowned if I could. I didn't even know I was ticklish in half these places. She was a little murder missile, homing in on every sensitive spot just to torment me. I tried standing up, but couldn't. I tried grabbing the demon, but she was too fast. I really should not have splashed her. I was regretting it. I was crying and laughing at the bottom of the pool, unable to escape for what felt like years.

Rough hands grab me and pull me above the water. I may not need air, but I do like breathing. I began choking and gasping, spewing out water. I stop, and just start coughing, holding tightly to the attendant we laughed at. A little traitorous voice starts to speak. "Thank you, sir, I couldn't get her out of the water. She slipped, hit her head, and was drowning. You saved her. "

I'm still coughing and sputtering. I'm hypersensitive but clung on to the attendant, who I now could tell was red as a tomato. My naked bosom pressing against his chest, I feel the warmth of his body. It's comforting after that watery hell. I needed him after he saved me. He may not have saved me from drowning, but he saved me nevertheless. I didn't say a word, just moved my lips to his. I ground my nipples, hard from exposure to the air after water, against his chest, moving my lips against his. He gave in, moving my head up and kissing my neck with slow, gentle kisses. His shorts were easy to remove. I just hooked a toe in them and pulled them down. This man is not as timid as Jet had been. He didn't need to be told what to do. His mouth moves over the skin of my breasts, caressing them with his lips. When he finally took a nipple into his mouth, I moaned deeply, pulling his head into my bosom. His tongue is soft against my areola.

I pulled away and sank to my knees. The water rises just above my shoulders. Looking at the erection in front of me, I decided he would have been a perfect fit back in my world. Not too long, a bit wide, and very, very hard. With the lightest of teases, I pushed my tongue just below the head and flicked my tongue up. His shaft twitched. I did it again and again. So fun watching him twitch. I descend my mouth upon him, and... I am moaning deeply around his shaft. The little devil made herself known. She is at my neck, running her body across my sensitized skin. She has a gift. My skin lights aflame, and I groan into my savior's manhood. Trix moves herself to my ear, and purrs, nibbling my earlobe, "Don't forget to move your mouth. He seems to like that. " I shudder involuntarily, and with gentle suction, move his erection slowly in and out, keeping my tongue against his sensitive underside.

Meanwhile, Trix is caressing the outer skin of my ears, sending waves of pleasure rippling down my body. "That's it, now all the way in." That voice caressing my ear is pushing electric tingles throughout my whole body. I am headed toward a climax, and she has only touched my neck, shoulders, and ear. I push all the way down, gripping his head with my throat, and make swallowing motions, the muscles of my throat dragging his building tension higher and higher. That was when she went to my breasts. She knew exactly how to evoke such fire in them. Burning with her caresses, it was too much. I began to shudder and moan, swallowing violently with waves of ecstasy pushing from my core. Convulsions wrack my body, and I cling tightly to his hips as he has his own orgasm. His hot fluid pulsed down my throat.


 System note: Oh god. Another nipplegasm, almost a neckgasm. Keep it up. The throating was good too. Have a skill up. That fairy is good for you.

 Skill increased - Sexual Fantasies rank A to Rank S

 Rank S Bonus - Triggering a sexual fantasy in a partner may cause beer goggles. Villans may forget to tie you up, check active magical effects, or even think of you as a threat. No negative effect when used for pleasure.


Spent, I let go. I was feeling too weak to be sassy at the system. I moved sluggishly to the side of the pool and lay down next to the water. That devilish pixie knows her business. She said she was fondling nymphs? Must have been more than that. Dear God that was amazing.

"Thank you, sir, but you probably should get out of the women's area." My voice is a bit hoarse. "Consider that a thank you for not letting me drown."

He gets a look of panic, realizing he probably shouldn't be here. He pulls up his soaked shorts, picks up his shirt, and runs off.

A sultry voice startles me directly in my ear. "That was fun. Your ability to share sensations was quite illuminating. I even finished from that experience. "

I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Dear God, you are sneaky. I didn't even hear you get out of the pool. "

"Yea, well, being this small compared to all of you has its advantages." Her smile turns mischievous again. "Did you enjoy our bath?"

I shudder in remembered terror and ecstasy. "Please don't do that again. It was horrifying. I was cry-laughing underwater. That shouldn't happen. I didn't even know I was so ticklish. That second part, though, was the single most pleasurable orgasm I've had in this new world yet. You have a gift. " I reached my hand down, offering her to get on it. She complies, and I put her on my neck as I am laying down, and hug her deeply. "Forgiven?"

"Forgiven. Now we probably should get dressed, and check to see if I have a new outfit ready. "

Trix manages to stay on my neck as I get up. I can feel her there, but it's like she is being held up by strings. I think I get it though. She can hover now, so staying attached to me just got that much easier. We head into the changing room and get dressed.

They did have some clothes ready for her, so she put on her new outfit. Trixy's new outfit consisted of an above-the-knee forest green circle skirt and a chartreuse sleeveless asymmetrical top. Some cleavage, and an over-boob for her right side only. We had to take it back for a moment though. Slits needed to be made for the wings that were coming in. When we were done, she was adorable. I couldn't wait for my new clothes either.

Now to the inn suggested, the Whispering Hen. We rented a room. With a little extra money, we got their nicest room. We will have it for 4 days. I decided that I should weave a mana containment web over the table we would be using. Any mana lost should disperse harmlessly instead of explosively. It was a new idea I had after the collars that blocked use of inventory. It would cost some of my mana regen to maintain the web, but it would be better if anything went wrong. 

Trix watched me with fascination. She decided to chime in with something. "I've seen webs like that, but my father made them of shadows, They funneled mana where he wished. What you made, while it does look like it will do what you want, might be better if you could harness more natural energy. The ambient mana should be sufficient if you told it where to go. That's what my father always did. "

I contemplated what she said. Thinking about it, she was probably right, but that's mostly Faerie magic. I could generate shadows, but harness? maybe. I decided to pull up my character sheet.


Oh, I have lots of new stuff to review. Let's see... My shared traits. That's a new section. What do those traits do?

Fae magic affinity - Grants the ability to interact with magic as the Fae do. Wild magic can be your plaything. Nature can be convinced to do your will.

Eternal Beauty - Time doesn't affect your physical form. Your beauty, taken to the limits of what nature can provide, will last so long as you are not brought to an untimely end.

That's exactly what I need. Fae magic affinity. I should be able to interact with the forces Trixy described. I let my web dissolve, and began again, thinking carefully, using my mana to coax the ambient mana in the shadows into the pattern that I was using.

Class unlocked: Grammarie Spellweaver

This class can guide the natural world to make spell formations that change the being of something. Make fire into liquid, make shadow into substance. Make the air hard. These are just some of what a Grammaire can do.

Skill unlocked - Grammarie magic Rank E

Skill increased - Semantic spellcraft error X to error X

Skill increased - Mana manipulation error X to error X

System note - Reviewing.... consolidating... correction implemented

Skill increased - Magical Matricies rank C to rank B

This new knowledge was exactly what I needed. I was doing it mostly wrong. I had almost the right idea. Now I made the shadow into a natural mana weave that would easily catch and disperse uncontrolled mana. Not going to damage this establishment. Now, for the real work. To teach and enchant. Simple at first, but we would build up.

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