Enchantrix: On a New World

19 Bonding (poll)

Trix and I talked magic long into the night, and deep into the next day, only pausing for sleep. I was trying to explain my magic. I learned through my explanations that magical matrices are VERY complicated. It uses concepts I learned during programming. Only the concepts. The language was not the same at all. That is why I have been having such an easy time with it, and probably why the system could even award it to me. Something that amazed me was that Trix completely revoked her character sheet. She didn't like it, so the system won't show anything anymore. She has an instinctive understanding. It's like the knowledge just washes over her. I like my sheet, so I'm keeping it.

Throughout our time in the room, we had food brought to us. The only time we saw the sun was when we went to pick up the clothing we ordered. We had a lot of fun playing dress-up. The tailor is quite skilled. We had three new outfits each. Trix didn't order panties. She explained that she doesn't like the feeling of confinement that underwear like that causes. I had forgotten to order some. Oh well.

Trix now has several new outfits. A deep ocean blue silky smooth satin dress. A blue and white skirt that went down to her ankles was paired with a short-sleeved low-cut blouse of the same color. A forest green miniskirt that would flare out if she spun, and a very revealing garment that looked like a tube bra, also forest green. We enchanted each of them over a full day. She is going to be super cute and even more sneaky. I got a couple of unexpected results as well.


Enchanted Mini Circle Skirt, Dense Fae enchantment: This garment has light woven into its fabrics, changing the color from forest green to a dimly shining shamrock green. No enchantments were forced. Effects are determined solely by the light-made fabric woven into them. Doing the same crafting will create something completely different.

It will prevent darkness from causing negative effects on the wearer. It grants light only to the wearer. Dim light is provided naturally. Effects toggleable.

Overcharge on command, light weaves will break and the power of the sun will bathe the area for several minutes. Effects can include heat damage, blindness, and any effects that the sun itself would provide at high noon in summer.


Enchanted Tube Bra, Dense Enchantment: This garment has concealment magic woven through it. It will project the illusion that nothing is wrong with the area inhabited by you. If you are standing on grass, the grass will wave with all the other grass in the area while you are actually bending the blades. Side note: It's funny how a garment so revealing is so concealing.

It will conceal your visual presence within 12 inches of your location. Toggled

Overcharging burns out the enchantment and the item. It will conceal your presence completely for 1 day from all forms of detection, including touch. 


Enchanted Tea Layered Skirt, Dense enchantment: This garment has ice magic woven through it. It can produce an ice shield that holds itself in the air where the wearer indicates. Can be shattered to create a storm of ice shards.

Can be used up to 3 times before being recharged. Can create an ice shield that protects the wearer from up to moderate damage of any kind and high heat damage. This can be shattered to create a storm of ice shards in a cone in front of the wearer. It deals low damage at 30 ft, moderate damage at 15 ft, and high damage at 3 ft.

Overcharging burns out the enchantment and item. It will stop all heat damage(or until the magic is drained) for up to 5 minutes on command, or if going to be burnt up anyway.


Enchanted Short Sleeve Scoop Neck Blouse, Dense Enchantment: This garment has force magic bound in it. It allows the wearer to shoot missiles of force that cannot miss twice per minute. 

Will, 2/min, shoot a group of 3 missiles at up to 3 targets for low damage each. 400-foot range

Overcharging burns out the enchantment and the item. On command, it will shoot a storm of missiles for as long as mana is provided. Minimum 20


Enchanted Satin Fit and Flare Knee Length Dress, Dense Fae enchantment: This garment has shadows woven through it, making the ocean blue of its color ripple softly, as though a soft current is moving through it. No enchantments were forced, and the effects were determined solely by the shadow-made fabric woven in. Doing the same crafting will create something completely different.

The garment binds itself to the first wearer's shadow, allowing the garment to switch between the owner and their shadow. Up to 3 sets of clothing may be stored in this manner. Garments that are worn by the owner when the swap occurs get worn by the shadow(s). Any worn items can be swapped in this manner. Note: exception detected. The light woven garment will make the shadow's garment glow if swapped.

Overcharge Shadows and the ocean of the dress consume an attacker for 5 minutes, removing it from you or your shadow. Magics less powerful than this item do not function. Tries to suppress any magical effects generated. Takes weeks to regenerate into your shadow if it is not destroyed.


In between enchanting the clothing, we ate plenty of food to make sure our mana regenerated quickly. We didn't have to eat, but we could eat all we wanted. The food was fun to eat. I swear, we ate twice our body weight. We had a couple of long conversations about what we wanted to get out of our time in this world and what kinds of magic would be fun to play with.

"I want to shoot missiles. I'll do that one. It will be on the blouse. I will rain death on all those that oppose us!!" She was quite exuberant. I smiled at how it turned out nearly exactly like a mid-level magic missile, but it also had an effect that was quite similar to Isaac's greater missile storm. That would be very interesting if we needed it.

She was learning fast and felt comfortable with my 3 rune enchantments. I was experimenting with Grammarie Magic, and I ended up ranking it up after that Shadow Enchantment.


Skill Increased - Grammarie magic from Rank E to Rank D


Other things we created were more papers of binding, including an area binding. It was able to force the outer layer of a creature touching it not to move. A command word and a touch would free up some area, allowing for speech, or ahem... a body part to become pliable again. I could use another session. Magic is coming first now. Sleep, and enchanting.

At the end of our enchanting of her items and the basic papers, Trix was looking unusually melancholy. The look on her face said she was worried. I want to comfort her, so I offer to pick her up. She gladly accepts, and I move her next to my cheek and nuzzle her, asking "What's wrong, Trix?"

She contemplated for a long while. She was just stroking my cheek, a comforting motion for her. She eventually spoke. "You know how we met, right? With the curse upon those orcs. Well, when your magic was opening the connection, I used it to contact my family for help. They used it to place the Grammarie Curse, making them small. They had sent me a message as well. They told me I was alive and well at home. I was still just as carefree as I was before. I'm not gone, and am still here as well, so who am I? I am not me. I don't know what I am. "

I brushed my lips against the side of her face with the lightest of touches. "You are who you are. I suspect I am the same. The creators of the worlds took examples from different realities, or simulations, to create this one. You are my friend. You are my treasure. I don't know what I would do without you. I can talk to you and you understand me. You get me. I want to always be with you. "

She smiled warmly at me. "I feel the same about you. Thank you for rescuing me. I will never forget it. "

We continue talking while laying in bed. Trix was lying comfortably on my stomach. She loved to sleep on my skin. It's a good thing I could sleep on my back. I end up telling her about the half-orc fight.

"You did WHAT?" Trix was flabbergasted.

"I killed him by pushing his own dick down his throat. He was awake and knew everything I was doing. He just couldn't stop me." I explained without any trace of remorse or discomfort. "He was the kind of guy that tormented those smaller than him. He would either tear their throat from the inside or choke them slowly by fucking their throat. He would tease them with chances to breathe. He was a real piece of work who needed an actual punishment. "

"That is AMAZING," Trix thrilled, "and we made the orcs small because they were hurting me. Such sweet vengeance."

"Karmic Vengence, That's what the trait I got is called. It makes it much easier to pull off that kind of revenge. It triggered just after you walked over to my head in that orc tent. I suspect that was when you were building the song up for the final push. "

"You got that right. I could sense enough power to start the magic. It was time." We smile reminiscently and fall into a companionable silence. Not long later, we were asleep.


I woke up in a haze. It felt like I was dreaming. My neither lips were swollen and moist. I had the sensation of rubbing my nether lips against some silky skin, grinding deep into my jewel of passion. Suddenly, the sensation of fullness plunges into me. I was full to bursting, lightning coursing through me, and my eyes flew open. The beauty of the sight before me could not be described. The stunning fairy, Trixy, had tied a silky bit of thread to the base of my tit, holding it thin and erect. She had been grinding my nipple, then impaled herself. It was mystifying and sexy as all hell. I felt the grip of her smooth legs on my breast. The firm sensation of a seized nipple caused electricity to radiate from it in waves.

"Hum." Instructed Trix.

I gave a deep, "mmmm" of pleasure.

"Not moan!" Trixy commanded, "make the sound of wind through mountains! Make the feeling of white rapids with your chest! Make me sing songs of ecstasy! "

My mind was grasping for the concept before it clicked. I wove a spell of deepest rumble in myself and pushed it toward Trixy. I summoned forth a great thrumming and caused an earthquake in my partner. Trixy was trembling.

"Yes, YES, YOU HAVE IT. AHHHHH" She was screaming out her orgasm to the world. The tremors around my nipple made waves of mountainous energy pulse from my core, reaching every inch of my skin and thrumming through my liquified loins. I was dripping lightly. The orgasm was spectacular. Trix let herself fall between my breasts and crawled to my neck, cuddling up to me and nuzzling my throat with her eyes closed. I moved a single finger to her, and she squeezed it lightly, holding me to her chest. We fell asleep happy.

In the morning, I had a notification.

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