Enchantrix: On a New World

17 Shopping with Trixy

We set off to town, Trixy on my shoulder. It was exciting for me. I had spent the last few days putting myself in the power of evil men. Now was a time for me, and my new friend. "Hey, Trixy... do you mind if I call you Trix? It would make a fun nickname.  It gives off a more powerful vibe too. The devious Trix. Trixy makes me think cute thoughts."

She appeared to be thinking about it and nodded slowly. "I like it. Trix the devious. Now how about we figure out a shopping list. I had read many tales of silly mortals and their shopping. It sounded fun. I never had the chance before. Everything was just provided for me."

"Oh, what terrible misfortune," I started sarcastically, "Having everything given to you must have been so hard." I stop the sarcastic tone as she was looking about offended. I decided to backtrack a bit. "I'm sorry. I didn't have everything as I was growing up. I had to scrape and struggle and never had the chance to really shop like some of the girls I was around. Shopping does sound like a good stress reliever. I'm sure you could use some fun too."

She was mollified, Then smiled warmly over at me. "Now how about clothes. That's first on the list. Maybe baths? Do they have a bathhouse? I'm pretty sure both of us stink right now."

I slap myself on the forehead, then my panties of cleaning appear in my hand, and I begin carefully putting them on, trying not to make Trix fall. "I have magic underwear that cleans me," I add matter-of-factly, successfully keeping Trix on my shoulder. 

Trix looked at me in jealousy," Ria, if we are going to be friends, I need some of your fancy items. Clothing that cleans the wearer. So convenient. We have plenty of magic in Faerie, and I was going to dabble in weaving shadow and other Grammarie, but I was too distracted with teasing dryads and fondling nymphs. My parents let me have fun, but that won't help me here. Can you teach me your magic?"

"I would love to teach you. We can enchant your clothes together. I may need to special order an inscriber. Wait a second. Let me look at something." A bubbly giggle escapes me, and I pretend to confide quietly, "You won't need tools to enchant. We share traits, and you can enchant naturally. All you need is to see some runes to learn rune lore and inscribe a rune circle to get Runescripting. I will need to consider how I might evolve that into my version of Magical Matrices. It's like weaving the meaning of a rune into a formation of magic..."

"Were you some kind of magical genius in your world?" Trix was looking amazed with wide eyes, leaning toward me.

"Nope," I might have been sounding a bit smug as I continued, "I was a student of programming and game theory. I also loved books of every kind. I wanted to tell my own stories. I really wanted to help create the story in a virtual reality that was hyperrealistic." I was getting less smug, realizing I was about to try to explain earth. Trix was getting a puzzled look, so I tried explaining, "my world doesn't have magic. We imagined magic but used science. With science, we made tools and mechanical contraptions to do our work for us. They got so advanced that we made stuff like that phone that played the music I showed you. We got to the point we were creating a place within our lives that could imitate magic. I enjoyed the stories with magic in them and dreamed of magic so much, that I wanted to help create it. 

"When I got here, I experimented with magical theories that I learned about in my world, and I was successful enough that the system here rounded out my knowledge. Now I feel like a magical prodigy. I have been doing real magic for less than a week."

Now Trix was looking astonished," a WEEK?!"

I gave her a friendly smile. "Yup, and I'll teach you what I've learned. Let's go shopping. I need accessories. I've been walking around defenseless compared to how I could be. A ring with fireballs, an anklet of translocation, an earring of communication, Haste shoes, Mana storage rings, a Gem of returning... We should make some stuff for you as well. I could make something to get you camouflage, or invisibility. I wonder if I can allow you to grow bigger." I was babbling excitedly about our options. Trix was beaming at some of the suggestions, and shaking her head at others. We chatted for a while.

Finally, Trix pointed at something. "Someone is trying to talk to us. He is on that wall."

I look around, I got so distracted I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I would have walked right into the gate. "Thank you Trix", I turn to look up at the guard, "Hello, can we come in?"

The guard seemed mildly annoyed, but let us in after finding out we came on a boat and would be staying a couple days. He also was kind enough to tell us where to go for clothes and a bath. A warm soak sounded lovely, even though I didn't need it. To the Tailor to order some clothes, then a bath.

The tailors were a husband and wife duo. The husband seemed to be using an inscriber. The wife greeted us as we entered, "Good Morning Miss, How may we help you?"

"Hello," I smile politely. "My name is Ria, and this is my friend Trix," Trix waves eagerly. "She needs clothing, and I was hoping you could have a small dress ready, and take a small rush order for some skirts, shirts, and dresses."

We discuss a price for a few minutes, and the kind lady awkwardly takes Trixy's measurements. She is tiny.

Now we set off for the bathhouse. It's a cozy building. The air is warm inside. I may not need the warmth, but it is glorious. I can only imagine the water.

We pay very little for our bath. The male attendant couldn't stop staring at me. No idea why. I look at his pants, then Trix. I whisper to Trix, "somebody wants to pop out and say hi." We giggle as we enter the changing room.

Undressing, I realize this will be the first time we are naked together without potential danger lingering nearby. We head to the woman's bath area.

It is a somewhat small area. Maybe 3 hot tubs worth. There is a slight woman headed to the changing room as we enter. She looks to have a almost imperceptible coating orange-tipped fur on her smooth skin, small pointed ears on her head, and a tail. Her breasts are hidden by a towel. I could still tell they were at least slightly bigger than mine. She gives me a look, clearly impressed. We exchange smiles and admiring glances, but ultimately she doesn't stay. Trix and I approach the water.

Trix doesn't wait. She jumps from my shoulder into the water. She manages to come to an uneasy hover over the water. Her wings aren't beating... as I look closer, the small beginnings of her wings hold a complex matrix that must be how she flies. There is just enough of the repeating matrix to hover.

"YAY," I bounce on the balls of my feet excitedly. "Your wings are restoring. I'm glad the magic is working."

I jump into the water, deliberately accidentally splashing Trix. It sent Trix tumbling into the water. A moment later, she comes up with a glare that morphs into the evilest little smile I have seen.

"That was an accident," I lie, "please don't hurt me."

Trix doesn't respond verbally. She just sinks into the water and I see a blur swimming rapidly toward me.

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