Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 145: BOSS


***The Real World(?)***

It was early morning, or later evening depending on your work schedule as a man stepped into his sedan and drove from his home towards his office. It was a chilly 45 F in the morning as the dark night sky was just starting to turn a light blue along the horizon of Colorado. The man in question Professor Dominic Cobb had a cup of coffee in his hand as he turned his car on and selected a destination. His automobile hummed to life and started down the selected path with no further input.

Professor Dominic Cobb leaned back into his seat as he sipped his coffee. He was 54 this year, and had a distinguished stripes of gray hair above his ears. He had many smile, and stress lines across his whole face as he settled into his heated seats. He gazed at the short trip ahead of him as Dream Engine HQ slowly rose up. He checked his watched and groaned at the 5:00 am call he got to come in. Especially since he had been at the office only 6 hours prior. But that was why he got paid the big bucks. Though he did just get back from a lovely month long holiday with his wife in a simulated environment. Good times.

His automated car pulled into the main gate as he pulled out his ID. The security guard with a sub-machine gun, side arm, and body armor gave him a stern look. Checked his ID, then a dog walked back and forth along the car with its handler. Professor Cobb just waited for the inspection to finish. He had originally believed it was true paranoia. Until corporate espionage had had nearly stolen his son from him. All in an attempt to learn the secrets behind the Engine formula. He was cleared, and the gate opened. Though he had to take the wheel and guide his car through the six reinforced concrete barriers in an S-curve.

“Good morning, Professor Cobb!” A very enthusiastic and young voice called out to him as he parked his car. Professor Cobb looked up and gave his assistant a bemused smile.

“Alex... Did you even go home?” Professor Cobb looked as his Alex looked away instantly and whistled innocently.

“I finished my Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering!” Alex replied, trying to gloss over the subject. Professor Cobb rolled his eyes and let it go.

Alex was a young man fresh out of high school with grades that would have landed him in any university with a scholarship. Instead Dream Engine gobbled him up for the advanced program at their company. It helped that he could literally go to school and work full time without issue as they were fully credited. Education programs were after all their bread and butter. This new gaming phenomenon was just means to an end.

“So, any word why I was called in so early?” Professor Cobb as his assistant who handed him his E-pad with a Red-Classified his eyes only. “Oh, one of those.”

Professor Cobb opened his pad up with a thumb print, an eye scan, and a voice print. Alex walked ahead and cleared the doors for him. He waved at the front desk who watched him and Alex like a hawk. The HQ was a giant campus that was spread out across 10 square miles of green real-estate. With office buildings that stretched nearly 100 stories into the sky. They kept a 24/7 staff on campus filled to the brim with technicians, engineers, code monkeys, administrators, and testers. Lots, and lots of testers. More than 60% of those that worked at HQ lived on the campus. While the rest live off site in town. They had subsidiaries all over the world that helped push their bottom line. Each one was nice and shiny, and a fortress.

When they reached the elevators they went down instead of up. That was where the real magic took place. They had miles of underground complexes filled to the brim with tech. Or more importantly server rooms chilled to the bone. Professor Cobb read through his E-pad and groaned in annoyance as he read that another group of testers had gone into seizures due to being pushed their allocated limit. The human mind wasn't meant to be pushed that hard, or that long without rest! But BOSS kept pushing the limit time and time again.

“Alex, whats your security clearance?” All the while Professor Cobb reached up and started to input a security code into the elevator.

“It's...Uhhhh...What ever you say it is, Professor?” Alex replied with a raised brow as the elevator went further and further down than he had ever gone.

“Great, it's time for you to meet BOSS.” The old man smirked as Alex started to choke in mild surprise as he straightened out his tie, and tucked in his shirt. “Relax, he doesn't care about that. You could show up in slippers, and stain on your shirt. As long as your big beautiful mind works that is all he cares about.

“I've never met him before. I don't think anyone has. I've heard rumors.” Alex started to comb his hair back, seemingly ignoring what Professor Cobb had said.

“Oh, what do the rumors say about our employer?”

“That he... He is married to his work. That he's like almost 90 years old, but still holds the company in an iron grip. He... May or may not be a vampire werewolf hybrid thing.” Alex said, and turned sheepish when Professor Cobb pegged him with a stare.

“He is most definitely married to his work. He lives here on campus. Does most of his best work in his private room. The room we are about to visit.”

Before Alex could say another word the elevator door pulled open and he swallowed his words as two guards with AR-15's pointing directly at them. Professor Cobb walked out of the elevator pulling on Alex to help the poor boy who looked horrified as the guards tracked them with their rifles. Their were at least 5 laser points on Alex alone, and he only saw two guards. Professor punched in his security code, plus guest. Only then did the guards stand down.

They strode down a stark white hallway with illumination above them. Every thirty feet was an alcove which held an armed guard. Alex winced every time they passed one as he felt the guards eyes burn a hole into his head. He was practically in Professor Cobb's shadow by the end of the walk. Their in front of them was a reinforced metal door. To the left, and right of it were winter coats. Professor Cobb put one on, and handed another to Alex who put it on quickly. There they stayed for a few minutes. The Professor stared unblinking towards the door.

“Pro-” Alex tried to being but was shushed by the Professor. Then the door opened up into an entry way with another door in front. They stepped in and the door behind them closed like a vault door.

“Try not to gawk, and do your best to look him in the eye. He prefers people who are straight with him.” Professor Cobb whispered softly, Alex nodded his head so hard it almost hurt. Then the second door hissed open and they walked into a pitch black room.

“I was expecting a pent house... Maybe like an underground mansion?” Alex whispered, but clearly spoke to soon as ominous electronic crimson red eye turned on ahead of them.

Professor Cobb.... Alexander Dallany... Welcome....” A smooth deep bass electronic voice poured across Alex from the very room itself. Alex froze in his steps and let out a soft pitched whine and little else.

Professor Cobb turned back to look at him and smiled. “Alex, this his BOSS. Basic. Operating. Sapient. System. He's in charge, he signs all the checks, and keeps this place running.”

“Wha....Who....Bu...Tha....Wha?” Alex tried to articulate his words but his mouth just opened and closed like he was a gold fish trying to study poetry.

At least he didn't feint like Abigail did.” BOSS replied with a bit of humor in his god like voice in the room.

“Wait...I've seen your photo upstairs. Is that fake?” Alex rebooted his brain, and Professor Cobb was impressed. He had gabbed at the idea of a sapient machine for nearly twenty minutes.

No... 50 years ago I 3D mapped, and printed my mind into an organic interface. Creating who many refer to as a Quantum Computer.” BOSS replied as a holographic display showed a play by play though he did seem to skip over some relevant information.

“Oh...OH!...That...That's amazing! Wait 50 years ago!? That's insane! Wait a minute, that...How?” Alex had evolved from a gold fish to a golden retriever. Just happy to be a part of the conversation.

“The history books have lied to you, Alex. There are many things you will have to be read up on. But I am pleased to see that you are taking this so well. But before that, Professor Cobb. May I assume you are here about the testers being ill equipped for their task?” BOSS's crimson eye didn't move, but Cobb understood he was being looked at.

“Ill equipped, you force fed them enough data to nearly melt their brains. They're in overload right now. It will be weeks before they wake up. We'll be lucky if they even want to go back in.” Professor Cobb gestured wildly at the giant crimson eye.

They are not preforming at satisfactory levels.”

“Satisfactory levels!? They are best in the world!”

Incorrect... Pulling data feed...” BOSS produced over a hundred feeds of the newest installment of the Dream Engine Beta Test gaming. Numbers scrolled by as gamer after gamer data crunched algorithm they had created in the block chain. Professor Cobb's went wide as he read through the information. “These are civilians, bus drivers, baristas, data input technicians, students, and yet they are out preforming our best testers. Itemized listing 42, 76, 105 have all been completed by these... Gamers. While our 'elite' testers have failed to complete a single file.”

“File...file 76? We have a cure?!” Professor Cob shouted in shock.

We do, I've already sent the relative data to our R&D. Professor Cobb, I am pushing our testers because it is their job to complete the itemized list. How is it that subconscious minds of gamers are doing a better job then they are?”

“I...I don't know... “

Then it will be your task to find out. You are dismissed Professor. Alex! Please head out and meet one of my assistants. You have a NDA to sign.”

BOSS promptly dismissed them both. Alex was still awestruck, and followed in Professor Cobb's wake. While the Professor was lost in his own little world. But all the while he had a smile on his face. They had a cure... He shook himself to clear his thoughts and all but sprinted down the hall passed the guards who watched him pass.

“Top professionals who we trained, and conditioned for years. Hundreds of millions of dollars invested in them. When all we had to do was give the engine to a bunch of gamers. Ridiculous!”


***Alternate Rift, Kingdom of Eruinia***

The Kingdom of Eruinia was a Mage-tocracy. Governed by the ruling council of 13 spell casters and their various disciplines, schools, and types of magic. They had formed under a Archmage who had now gone into seclusion to study the arcane and the astral sea. Before they had left they had appointed the council and the law of governance. That had been wise beyond years of counting. Which had greatly changed the status quo of the world outside of their kingdom. If not for their plentiful food market, and advanced magical research their neighbors would have forsaken any contact with them.

With the introduction of the 'Heartfire' and Rune magic a simple commoner could grow as strong as any Mage-Knight. Though it was a strength of a different kind. Because of this within in the Kingdom of Eruinia women were allowed to hold station, and even become heir of their houses. As the foolish ideal that women were weaker then men was laid to rest by the development of these magics. Something that had never been done on the whole world of Ekias. Along with the laws for commoners which forbade nobles from doing anything they like to them. The low born were even allowed to...Vote!

Such a change had been a shock to all. But when the Archmage one of the most powerful beings on the know world put his foot down. Every shut their mouths, and kept quiet. At least in public. It has been early 50 years since the kingdom was created and.... And...

“Princess Kara wake up!” The history instructor shouted at his student.

“42!.... I mean....Yes, I'm awake!” Kara said as she stood up at attention and looked around the class room she was in. Her fellow students giggled, and tried to suppress their laughter. Kara turned a bright shade of pink.

The instructor glared at Princess Kara as she sat down in her seat and tried her best to sink into the wooden chair and not be noticed. The illusion magic displayed behind the instructor had frozen in place, properly illustrating the history of their kingdom. “Maybe Princess Kara would like to come up here and read from the book in front of the whole class?”

“Ummm, well that is something I normally love to do!” Kara began, and a few more people laughed. This was not the first time she had been caught sleeping. “We...Are.... Out of time!” Kara said with a sly grin. As the chime for the end of the day went off.

“Sit!” The Instructor pegged a glare at Kara who wilted in place. “The rest of you will read chapters 5-7 and do the practice questions. We have an exam at the end of the week that will effect your grade!” The students gave their confirmation and filed out of the room.

Her Highness Princess Kara Zorluna fidgeted as her friends left the room. She glanced at the door and saw her escort peak in with confusion evident. Then rolled their eyes at her. She gave a sheepish grin, and her attendant pointed at her and then rubbed her cheek as a tell. Kara quickly rubbed her own cheek and came away with an ink stain!? She looked down at her desk and the ink pen she had and dribbled away. Her face was covered in blue ink!? She got a little smaller in her seat as the Instructor walked over.

“Princess Kara...” The Instructor began with a wave of his finger. A cleaning spell went from head to toe and cleaned her up. Kara sent a grateful look towards him, and he nodded. “I try to make my class instructive. I use the illusions to illustrate history. I've been told time and time again that young minds need stimulation. Especially when being taught. So, why is it that everyone else seems so intrigued yet you fall asleep, every, day!”

“Well not every day... I only have your class once a week.” Kara squeaked at him with a smile that was not returned.

“Maybe I should contact your father.” The Instructor began.

“No! …. He's busy...” Kara said as she ground her molars and said under her breath. 'as usual.'

“Is it because its your history?” The Instructor said in a softer tone.

“It's... That's just not how it happened ok! It's embellished. I know it makes for a better read. But I noticed you skipped over the war that took place. The half a million dead. It's just a story.” Kara replied as she fiddled with her pen which was now capped.

“Yes, and I plan to go over the actual historical recordings at the end of the semester. Where we compare fact from fiction. The truth seekers would have my head if I didn't speak the whole truth in my lesson plan.”

“I can't imagine what it is like being the daughter of the King...”


“Chapters 5-7 Princess. Next time you fall asleep I'm using shocking touch on you!” The Instructor gave a sympathetic smile at her. She looked horrified, the last he did that her hair puffed out for like an hour!

“Yes Instructor!” Kara grabbed her things and sprinted from the class room.

Kara raced out of the room and met up with her guards and attendant who snapped a holo image of her horrified face and sent it off through the arcane network. Kara looked glum and trudged on down the hallway while her guards were in lock step around her. “Oh come on, at least he didn't shock you this time.”

“Gods and Totems M'gann! That was the worst day I've had in months! I still think we should try that telepathic learning thing.” Kara bemoaned and M'gann of the Roneth clan.

“It wont work on you.” M'gann said with the same argument they had.

“We don't know that! Telepathy is a spell in the Arcane magics!”

“Yes, a spell you don't know.”

“I would know it, if you used it on me!”

“Or your mind would drip out of your ears.”

“Just...History class is the worst.”

“I thought you hated Physical Education more? Or did that change when Mage-Squire Batson joined our class?” M'gann asked with a teasing grin.

“Shut up!” Kara squeaked at her, and her guards chuckled. A bring pink shade crawled up her neck and settled on her cheeks.

Princess Kara, and M'gann of the Roneth clan continued on in silence for a few minutes. They moved passed the hall of mirrors well known for its illusion school of magics, and pranking. Kara as a petite young girl with brilliant blond hair, soft white skin, brilliant arcane purple eyes. The eyes of her father everyone says. But the few times her farther the Archmage tells it. She got the eyes from her mother. Kara wore a pleasant ensemble for royalty. Knee high boots, white pleated skirt to her knees. A purple, and blue vest. With a white v-cut up tunic beneath with a protection amulet dangling from her neck. One of the strongest in the kingdoms. Supposedly it could withstand a dragons full breath for an hour before it broke.

M'gann wore a flowing purple cape, and extravagant gown red satin gown from hugged her curves perfectly. She had brilliant olive green skin, and red hair. Her eye color today was bubblegum pink. With a sinister smile of 4 canines then sent a child down the boys spines when ever she would glance at them. She matched Kara in height, and build. Being a Druid-Shifter of the Raneth Clan allowed her a great freedom of what she looked like. Shifters were very dangerous, and part of the council of 13. She had been Kara's friend, and personal attendant for about two years. The Raneth clan had simply showed up out of the blue, oddly enough.

“Come on! They are serving chocolate cake in the mess hall!” M'gann tugged on Kara who groaned in response.

“M'gann, I can't just eat chocolate like you can! I've gained 5 pounds since you discovered chocolate. No more!” Kara replied, but allowed herself to be tugged away.

“Well if you practiced your heartfire....”

“I know! It's just...” Kara tried to illustrate her frustration with her hands zeroing in the shape of a box. M'gann in an attempt to assist. She turned herself into a box turtle trudging along at a quick pace. Kara couldn't help it but laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

“I just don't think I have the ability to.” Kara said after a giggle fit.

“Everyone can do Heartfire princess, every living being anyways.” M'gann said in her turtle form. The popped back to her picturesque form.

“Maybe I'm a fluke! Every instructor I've had said that they can't even get it to move. That is the first step isn't it? Once you feel it move, you can start to move it yourself. Nothing for me! I'm just as solid as can be!” She said in a huff, as she crossed her arms across her chest.

“Maybe you need the proper motivation. We could go talk to Batson to get your blood pumping?” M'gann grinned and dodged out of the way as Kara tried to swat her.

“What am I helping the princess with?” A strong masculine voice called out. M'gann's smile looked like it would split her face in half, as Kara looked horrified!

Standing in the hallway down the way was Billy Batson Mage-Squire. He was tall, built like a bull. But had the best smile either of them had ever seen. A glint of mischief was in his eyes as he looked at M'gann who fluttered over with a wave. While Kara did her best to hide behind one of her guards who very quickly stepped away and said something about watching the perimeter. Leaving Kara alone in the middle of the hallways.

“...Traitors all of you....” She hissed at her guards who were trembling with laughter.

“Hi Billy!” M'gann said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He smiled down at her and ruffled her hair into a mess. M'gann just wiggled her nose and her hair twisted back into place perfectly. “Princess Kara can't seem to get her Heatfire to work. You've already reached the third stage. Perhaps a new set of...Hands could do it.” M'gann said teasingly.

Good ole reliable Billy Batson was complete clueless about the implications which made it all the sweeter for M'gann, as Kara turned bright red at the idea of his hands all over her. “Oh my! Of course Princess Kara I would be more than happy to try if your up for it?”

“Ya Kara...Are you.... Up for it?” M'gann grinned.

“ …..eeeeeeeeeeee I don't think I have time.” Kara said in a high pitched whine that made several near by pets wince in pain.

“Oh come on.... You could spare a few minutes for a... Quickie.” M'gann continued, and Billy nodded along.

“Yes, it wont take long. I should be able to determine if I can help you or not within that time.” Billy said with a hopeful boy next door smile.

“ALERT! Dimensional breach detected!” A mechanical voice broadcast across the campus and all the good humor in the moment evaporated.

A distortion ripped the sky apart above them. A black hole grew to an impressive diameter of a mile like a gaping maw of a titan. Then out poured thousands of winged creatures, and monsters of ill formed bodies, and a malevolent presence that peered through the distortion at every single person within the city below it. Before another second past Kara's guards pushed her to the side. M'gann turned into a mountain troll and bellowed out.



***Alternate Rift(?) Star Wars***

Kanan Jarrus snapped his eyes open as he bolted up right. He looked around with wild and crazy eyes before a giant mitt of a hand came down and forced him to lay back. He fought against the hand for a brief moment before he felt a rush of cool liquid enter his arm and he instantly relaxed. He took a deep breath and took stock of his situation. The hand belonged to a man that looked vaguely familiar to him. His father? No, his father died years ago back home. He didn't have a brother.

“Rest little brother, you are safe.” Said a voice that desperately needed some TLC. But all it did is make Jarrus's eyes go wide.

“Marr... Is that you?” Jarrus asked the man. A young albeit older than his face smiled.

“Yes... You and I are brothers now young Jarrus. The Master Jensaarai spun me up from your blood. I had not realized such a thing was possible with the Force. So many Dark Lords who sought immortality and a wielder of both figured it out.” The newly reborn Darth Marr said as he shook his head in bemusement.

Jarrus didn't know why but he felt a connection with Marr he didn't have before... With... Anyone really. Then he looked around the room to see the rest of the younglings being tended to by armored Jensaarai, and apprentices. The room was carved stone, and durasteel. It didn't match anyplace in the temple he knew. He had an IV drip in his arm that poured blue fluid into him. Which made the pain go away, and his head a little lite.

“Where are we?”

“We are on the temple of Venura. Master Lash created a portal from starlight and ushered us in with barely a word.” Marr remarked with a slight smile on his face as he looked around the room and breathed in.

“But what about the others? We have to go back and help?” Jarrus called out and tried to sit up but Marr his...Brother? Pushed him back down.

“The Jedi Temple is lost, Jarrus. The remains of its people were transported off world to another location. It matters little. We are both being trained as Jensaarai now. It is far suitable for you. For us both.” Marr said with conviction and Jarrus couldn't help but believe him.

Another moment passed another a medical technician arrived to check on Jarrus. All of the younglings were accounted for and were rapidly healed. Something called empathic healing. Jarrus watched as a volunteer took on dozens of injuries in quick time. Then tattoos appeared across their skin, then the wounds they obtained healed quickly. Watching a perfectly healthy man obtain broken bones, gashes, and burns had been odd enough. But watching them all heal in quick time had made Jarrus light headed.

He had never seen a Jedi do that. Maybe he did belong here. Before too long he was released from care and his brother Marr helped him to his feet. His brother? That was still odd to think about, but every time he said it out loud it felt right. Which didn't make sense at all! This was the Sith ghost who possessed him? Why had Master Lash spun him up from his blood? It made his head hurt.

“Here we are, this will be the Jarrus residency. Please ring the network if you have any questions. Good day!” A protocol droid chimed at them. Jarrus had snapped out his daze to find them in a spacious two bedroom loft overlooking a pristine eco-dome.

“Marr...” Jarrus called out as they both walked in. The older version of him looked back. “I've tried to be a Jedi since I was a baby... I... I don't know how to be anything else?”

“I have decades of memories of being a Sith. This will be a learning experience for both of us, brother Jarrus. But it is a journey we will take together. Come... Let us make sure the other younglings are settling in. We start training tomorrow.”

So that was where his journey to become a Jensaarai began. What a weird origin story.


***Alternate Reality, Star Wars***

(Lash / Mand'alor the Renewer.)

Lash sat at the top of a entry port into Ghost Industries HQ, and Militia point. Acidic rain fell from the skies in a drizzle. Bathing the land in little more that a toxic chemical sludge. He cradled his head in his hands. He wore his traditional armor as always. But it was covered in grime, gore, and a few other things best not mentioned. From afar one may think he had fallen asleep in that position but in reality his mind, and parallel minds worked in overdrive.

Questions led to answers, which led to more questions. Dozens of /tells went across the data net. While he also coordinated his Manifestations. He had been at this for six days straight and needed some time to rest. But it never ends. So he found a secluded spot that no one would find him at.

“Lash!” Crap, spoke to soon.

Senator Bail Organa called to him from afar. A hydro static shield above him being held by an attendant. They walked carefully towards him under the chemical was from above. But they also moved with purpose. Almost as if on que a land transport coming into port failed to land correctly and its rear most engine exploded. It threatened to destroy the landing site and its passengers. Lash reached out with barely a thought and caught it. Setting it down in an easy fashion. He didn't even move an inch in response. But Organa smiled all the same. Telekinesis at Master was incredibly broken.

“Senator, what can I help you with?” Lash asked in mild irritation, though Organa knew it was not directed at him.

Organa came to stand beside him, Lash nodded at his attendant who smile back at him. “The senate is being called. They are voting on whether we should abandon Coruscant.”

Even with his mask on Organa could feel Lash's dead panned expression through it. “OK?” Lash replied.

“They specifically asked for you to be present.” Organa followed up with a slight frown.

Lash looked around at the current state of affairs. Coruscant's atmospheric towers had been destroyed in the attack. A thick radiation cloud chocked the sky. People had to wear re breathers if they left the HQ shield. Huge sections of the city's depths, and surface were slowly being consumed by the Vong chemical process. Durasteel, plascrete, and transparisteel were consumed in huge swaths and converted into organic fluid. Lets not also forget the legions of bio-morphs converted from their own citizens. In less than a year, Coruscant will be a radiated toxic world. Controlled by an enemies faction version of cannon fodder.

“What's there to vote about? Coruscant is lost.” Lash stated simply. Organa nodded his head in acceptance. His attendant didn't disagree but looked like they wanted to input but held back.

“If they vote to stay. They would expect the clones, and...Ahem... Jensaarai to lead the reclamation.” Organa finished and felt a distinct impression that he was standing next to a very angry beast.

“....Oh.... Thank you, Organa. For notifying me. I think I will attend.” Lash said in a very calm, and collected voice. Organa took a tentative step back and than glanced up to see that the rain had stoppe- no. It was still raining it was just avoiding Lash. Almost as if the very sky was afraid of offending him.

“Wonderful, my escort is leaving in a few minutes. Would you...ahem...care to join us?” Organa asked diplomatically. His mouth suddenly very dry.

“No, I'll make my own way. Thank you.” Lash replied and gently patted him on the shoulder.

With nothing else to say Organa left Lash to his thoughts and quickly but safely fled the landing strip. His attendant trailing behind. Lash watched him go, then reached out to Nazvo who like him was incredibly busy coordinating the effort. She knew about the senate summons but had elected to ignore it for the more pressing issues. Like evacuating citizens off the planet. But went deathly silent when Lash informed her of the topic.

“Master Lash, would it be ill formed if we joined the separatist?” Nazvo asked in a collected voice and Lash barked a laugh.

“Technically Mandalor is neutral. We could just join their side. Course the Vong are in the war now. If all honesty we should put this...Civil war on stand by and get rid of them first.” Lash mollified his Chief Operations Officer (COO) company.

“So, are you going to tell them to fuck off?” Nazvo replied across their link.

“Yes, continue with the evacuation. But let the militia and Mandalorian's know the clones might receive orders to arrest me depending on how this plays out.” Lash replied with a realistic mentality.

“Yes Master.”

Before Lash could forget he reached out and bought the recently updated Dream Point Shop. As Dawn had quickly updated him during his sit down time. It had only taken a year!

  • Attention User! You have used your Dream Point total to purchase Portal Creation – Master.

    • You may now create a basic portal to any location you have been to, as well as any location you have a clear description of. Restrictions, and modifications may apply. (See tool tip.)

    • The Master Rank has no Cool Down, and relies solely on your personal power.

“Dawn, why isn't there a Sub-Ability with the master?” Lash asked softly as he created a portal made of void black, and starlight.

“The shop, and ability system has finished its update, User. I have all the additional changes here in the black room for your preview and question. But to answer your direct question. There is a Sub-Ability. However, you the User must discover it. This was done to entice the Users to make them try out new and interesting things with their abilities. Based off of their play style and personality. Once an effect is 'found' it will be locked in.” Dawns sweet melodious voice replied.

“That, is actually pretty clever.”

Lash finished with the portal and walked in right into his waiting senate pod. The portal closed with but a whisper as cosmic shadow and smoke drifted from it. He was incredibly early but he sat down regardless and went back to his administration duties through his parallel minds. The grand senate house had seen better days. It was actually listing to one side. Along with a sizable crack that went through the whole building. Work crews, and droids were in the process of mending the crack.

Lash went through the invitee list on who was attending. According the the Killed in Action (KIA) and the Missing in Action (MIA) nearly half of the senate was gone. While an additional 20% give or take a few were sending junior representatives. Lash actually had a waiting list as long as his arm for VIP's who were trying to gain access off planet. Lash had enjoyed when he told them all to wait their turn. Critically injured citizens had front row seats to evacuation. Not opulent puff bags. It had gotten so bad that several officiates had actually shot them selves in the arms, and legs just to leave. The look on their faces when Lash snapped his fingers and their injuries healed.

“Master Lash?” A soft spoken voice ringed beside his pod. He turned to see Jar Jar Binks junior rep standing with one of his arms in a sling. He was also missing an eye!

“Jar Jar, good to see you. Wait, why are you not in medical? They could replace the eye given a few hours in the Bacta tank.” Lash said as he stood up and jumped pods to land silently next to him. Jar Jar smiled at him.

“No, no. Messa fine. If messa hadn't come. Then Senator Padme would have come. Then we be all in big trouble, messa thinks.” Jar Jar gave a sheepish grin as Lash chuckled at him.

“Fair enough. But once this is all said and done you will go back to medical. If I have to drag you myself!” Lash said with a point of finality. He even made an appointment.

“Ya, ya! Messa don't like this. Keep running into things. Like the old days.” Jar Jar said with a frown.

“You've come a long way since then, Jar Jar. I'm proud of you.” Lash reached out and gave a reassuring squeeze of the old gungans shoulder. Jar Jar looked six inches taller with those words.

“Wesa not stayin here right?” Jar Jar looked around the broken house. But Lash knew he meant the planet.

“No... No, we are not.” Lash did a quick cast of Nature's Supplement for Jar Jar and the gungan relaxed into his chair.

Jar Jar and Lash made polite conversation from there. Even the loss of his eye and malformed arm that still needed healing under a doctors tender care couldn't damper the gungans mood for long. He started talking about stories about a female bird royalty on some planet that had fallen in love with him. Erik the gamer had a vague recollection of an episode in the animated series about that. Lash encouraged Jar Jar to go for it. Jar Jar's humble, and honest personality is what won her affection. When everyone around plays the 'game' of politics. Meeting someone so down to earth and laid back can be... Lovely.

One by one more representatives showed up. They all looked a little worse for wear. By that point Lash had facepalmed his own helmet and had quickly regenerated Jar Jar's eye, and fixed his arm. He had no idea why he...He felt a disturbing shiver roll down his spine as he quickly glanced around looking for the source. He wasn't sure why but he got the distinct impression that a certain stalker didn't want Jar Jar up and running. Lash quietly excused himself from Jar Jar feigning the need to prepare a speech. Jar Jar was currently trying to re harmonize his blinking. One eye stock would blink. Then the other. He didn't want people to think we was winking at them. That would be bad.

“My brightest star, I thought Eldritch Mind kept me safe from mind control?” Lash asked softly under his breath.

“Normally it would, User. Unless the intruder is also an Eldritch Mind.” She replied softly to him which caught Lash up short.

Holy shit! That spelled Abeloth to a T. “Dawn is there a Psionic shield I could buy? Something specifically for the body, mind, and spirit?” Lash asked hesitantly and a Dream Store application appeared on his E-pad. Nice and subtle. Thanks Dawn!

  • Psychic Shield: The User is highly resistant to any/all mental intrusion, including psychic or empathic powers, Hypnosis, Mental Hallucination, deception, etc. Telepathy only “hear” static, while mind controllers will have trouble manipulating those shielded.

  • Eldritch Physiology: A User with this ability either is or can transform into an eldritch abomination, a being whose very existence defies the rules of nature and/or existence and is defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them. They wield godlike powers and are, for the most part, not bound by the laws of the universe. Their true form cannot be grasped by mortal beings and may be interpreted differently by different individuals/species, with others creating a collective delusion of their form. These interpretations can range from the unusual to the awe-inspiring, to the mind-shatteringly terrifying. It is rare, but not unheard of, for the presence of such a being to benefit the universe it currently inhabits. (Warning body, mind, and soul transformation. Find a quiet, and secure place before purchase.)

  • Nullification Master Rank: User's of this enigmatic power can not be manually activated at this time. But with practice maybe it one day will. This skill allows you to, as the name implies Nullify skills, abilities, spells, what have you. If mastered it could bring great hope, or great despair!

Lash's eyes snapped open as he read the last one. Though Saurian did snuffle the Eldritch Physiology. It had promise. That was right! Nullification had saved his ass several times through his entire life. He had the Dream Evolution Points saved. So he reached in and pu.... Holy fucking God! It consumed his entire stash!? Hundreds of DEP would be gone if he purchased this. But he really hated being manipulated. He pressed the confirmation button.

  • Attention User! You have purchased Nullification Master Rank! This ability allows you to create a Null field which extends from the User. Standard fields ranged at 30 ft, but can be pushed based on the Users energy level. This field can be turned on, off, or set to passive. (Passive is encouraged.)

  • Attention User! Due to the updates in the Dream Shop. Dream Evolution Points are no longer granted in any form and have been removed from the Beta Test at this time. All Users who still have DEP may use them or convert them in to Dream Points. Thank you, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Lash click to passive on Nullification and felt a pressure he hadn't even known existed leave him. The field was tight against his body, like a second skin. He could feel a large, and malevolent force knocking on the field trying to get back in. He hissed at the presence and knew who, and what it was. How long had she been manipulating him!? A fog across his mind slowly lifted and be looked around the room. He reached out with his magic and healed every representative in attendance. He was in a Rift! Who fucking cared if they didn't understand how he did it? Then reached up and with his tear drop power stone fixed the senate house.

The entire building snapped back into place and fixed it's list. The fix it crew looked up in confusion and Lash sent some positive Nature Domain vibes their way. Along with Technomancy Domain for the droids. He then data jacked into the Central-Net and poured his energy into his Tech-Spirits who jumped into action like dolphins on crack. He was done playing by some one else's rules.

“Dawn?” Lash asked once more as he pulled up the store E-pad she had given him. He was on a role.

“Yes User?” Dawn's voice came from the pad.

“Due to purchasing 20 Domains I can't pay anymore. I remember that I could activate a story event to obtain True Sorcery and/or Wizardry right?” A flicker of a memory of half giant with a grin ran through his mind. Then he cleared his head in amusement.

“Which one do you wish to obtain, User. They are technically different... Sorcery contained within the DC Universe which is where you are anchored is tied to the school of blood. The power comes from you. The spells you know are tied to your being. Due to the game play mechanic. We have a good grip on your personality and what you would obtain as spells.”

“Wizardry is by far more versatile and wide when it comes to spell craft. There is no upper limit what you can learn. But being able to cast depends on the User. You would also need a teacher. While Sorcerers learn on the go. They do not have the same versatility as Wizards do.”

“Additionally these are just two of the Magic 'Classes' that one can obtain within the Dream Engine.” Dawn finished and waited for the question that she knew Lash had.

“I thought we didn't do classes? Did that change in the new update?” A bit of worry and curiosity appeared in his mind.

“Yes, and no. The Developers have allowed the User's to choose. There has been a petition of over 6 million who described the desire to have classes. So the Developers chose a middle ground.”

“Oh.. No, I'm good with the no class system. It's what I started with. Changing would be weird. But I do enjoy that there is a choice.”

“Then due to your unique play style, and current back ground. Origin Magic would be the course you would take.”

  • Origin Magic: Contained within your home reality are the various forms of Order, Chaos, Avatar, Elemental, and various go between. But every magic in your known Universe, and reality had a beginning. Due your Eldritch connections. You may start the journey to obtain this illusive form. (Warning you must return to your prime reality start this story event.)

  • Attention User! You have purchased the Origin Magic story event. Good luck!

Something within Lash snapped together like a puzzle piece, or a circuit board. Saurian gave off an almost pleased purr. When a astral being that was 300 ft plus tall purred it tends to make ripples in the air around you. Everyone in the senate house looked around in alarm. Though they couldn't hear him. There was a definitely unsettling experience shared for all.

“Wait... Wasn't Origin Magic used by 'The Presence' to write the rules of reality?” Lash asked.

“Yes... Yes, it was. No take backsies! “ Dawn said with a snicker. Lash could hear the laughter from his cosmic patron.

Oh shit... Lash just dug himself into a deeper hole didn't he?

First Drat, raw, unedited.

Hello everyone, sorry for the HUUUGE delay. Sorry for the short chapter, only 7k this time. Getting back into things.

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