Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 144: Let’s Flip the Table!


***HR, Starling City***

The shock and awe of the Cyber-Slave breaking containment and entering the crimson Rift was a surprise to all. This raised a single question, had the Cyber-Slaves entered the Rifts before this? Or, was this an isolated incident? The hazards, and benefits of the Rifts had been all over the world wide web. It would make sense that Brainiac would know about them. Perhaps looking for a way to flee the planet, or to receive a boost in power, who could tell with the enigmatic machine intelligence. It was still not full known what sort of virus was uploaded into its core source code.

But this all mattered little to a certain individual. A white martian in disguise as a green. M'gann M'orzz who stood before the crimson Rift in anger, and depression. She repeatedly slammed her fists into the shield that surrounded the Rift. Each strike was met with an equal retaliation. As if the Rift shield was protecting itself. But that mattered little, as Miss Martian had taken on a different shape. A shape she had been using more and more. She looked like a mini-Saurian.

She had pure white metallic scales. Six yellow red reptilian eyes flared with life with every rebound of energy from the shield. As the facsimile of Saurian allowed her to absorb the natural kinetic energy. She had four arms, with four whip like tentacles on her back and a bladed tail. They cracked across the shield with the intent to rend the shield apart. Each strike threatened to overwhelm her. But each time a purple glyph on her forehead flared to life. So again, and again she struck the shield. Desperately wishing she was with her team, her friends, her sisters.

“.....Miss Martian..... Miss Martian.... M'gann!” A voice called out to her. M'gann turned on her heel and snarled at the interruption. The last rebound sent a visible ripple through the shield, she had been making progress.

“WHAT?!” M'gann shouted at Black Canary who had been reaching out to her, but was smart enough to be out of reach.

“Miss, you have to stop. The Rift is getting larger with every strike.” Black Canary said in a soothing voice that sent an almost visible reaction through M'gann.

M'gann looked confused as she glanced back at the crimson Rift and stepped back to examine in. Her instincts were whispering at her to stop, to listen, almost as if it was something else entirely offering advice. Sure enough the Rift had grown by at least a foot. Something that had never happened before. It seemed who ever, or what ever was behind the Rifts had thought of what would happen if someone tried to brute force their way in after the shield was back up.

M'gann shifted back to her default green shape with red hair, red eyes, green skin, and a dark green light weight exoskeleton suit of the JLI. They had recently developed a suit that could shift with shapeshifters. Then she fell to her knees and began to cry. She felt so useless! She cradled her head in her hands and wept freely in front of not only Canary, but all the attending JLI, and ARGUS. She flinched when Black Canary came to her side and offered a shoulder to cry on.

“I... I-I should be in there with them. I...I need to be there to help them.” M'gann whispered between sobs.

“I know, I'm sorry it happened this way. But beating your fists against a wall wont help them now.” Canary said soothingly, her words only made M'gann cry harder. Canary attempted to pour every ounce of kindness and soothing emotions into her words. This was important as M'gann was a Telepath and could tell when one was lying or not.

Eventually another set of arms came to wrap around her, and M'gann felt Green Arrow offer his own comfort. “Being apart from your team is never easy. But you just have to trust in their abilities to stay alive. They are well trained, and have all of the tools they need to survive.” Arrow offered his best, and meant every word.

“...Bu-But what about me? I... I don't know what to do...” M'gann shuddered as she admitted the truth. A look of understanding came across both Canary, and Arrows face.

Before another word could be exchanged, Vici the ever helpful VI sent a private message to them both. M'gann had lost her whole family to the attack on Mars save for J'onn. Her support structure was now in the Rifts. Being separated from her family whether they were of blood, or by choice was devastating to her. Canary who had lost her Father in the attack, and Arrow who had lost his protege felt their emotions stir. They understood that feeling better than most.

The three of them stayed like that for nearly an hour until M'gann fell asleep laying against Canary. With the help of Arrow, they picked her up and teleported back to the Watchtower. Or more specifically towards the living quarters granted to M'gann. Arrow walked in, carrying her and gently set her down on the afforded bed and left her alone. Wishing her a deep, and dreamless sleep. Unfortunetly we rarely obtain what we want out of life.

M'gann dreamed, she dreamed of a battle field so grand and so great that it made the invasion of their home look like child's playing in a sand box. She saw armored monstrosities tearing into a city so large it covered the world. She reacted like a warrior born and rushed into the conflict to defend the children she found but was surprised when she passed right them. Through the enemies, and through those in need. What was happening?

“M'gann?” A familiar and lovely voice called to her. She turned around and saw her friend she so desperately wished was real.

Lash stood there wearing a full set of armor, designed after what she knew to be Saurian. He stood in the battlefield like a tide stone, as the battle washed around him while he remained unmoving. Blades of pure chaotic energy in his hands as he danced through the field with the grace of a dancer. But he always turned back to look at her. His full face mask and helmet covered him, but she felt his eyes on her.

“Lash... Please... I need your help. Kara, and Kory are stuck in a Rift... I...I got left behind. A Cyber-Slave slipped past us.” M'gann said as fresh tears fell from her eyes.

“...One moment.” Lash said simply and reached into the skies above him mid battle and pulled out a shinning key, made from pure starlight. He then handed it to M'gann. Once in hand he cradled her cheek and she leaned into. She had missed him so much in the past few days he'd been gone.

“One free pass into an occupied Rift. M'gann please be aware if the Rift is full you joining will only increase its difficulty. But either way, good luck.” Lash replied with a gracious shrug, as if it couldn't be helped.

M'gann was struck dumb at the situation. She reached and took the key into her hands. She glanced up at at Lash to see him return to the battle as if stepping back into the falling rain. She was so confused, wasn't this a dream? This was a dream, right? She pulled the key towards her chest and felt its energy course through her body and meld into her form. Then she woke up.

M'gann burst from her bed and all but flied straight into the ceiling. She stopped inches from it and looked around the living space afforded to her. Then reached up towards her chest and felt a familiar energy she had only just witnessed. No, it wasn't a dream. “Vici, I need an emergency teleport back to the crimson Rift in Starling City.”

Without a word a spring ring wrapped around M'gann and she was left floating above the ground at the city park. The guards on stationed looked at her in surprise that soon turned into shock. As she flew towards the Rift pulled out a energy orb of silver light and an opening in the shield around the Rift opened. Energy tendrils wrapped around M'gann and she was sucked into the Rift, then the shield snapped shut.

“Nose goes?” The guard said, as he had placed a finger on his nose. While his partner looked at him in irritation.

“I hate you...”


***AR, Kingdom of Eruinia***

Eruinia was an expansive if not relatively new kingdom on the grand continent of Ekias. Unlike Earth which was 70% water give or take a few percentile. This world was 60% land, and 40% water. Which granted it massive treks of land, and titanic bodies of water in the shape of lakes. But no oceans, or seas. As every piece of water was landlocked. This ultimately meant that one could essentially travel to any part of the world by walking.

Eruinia was located in the southern hemisphere of the planet near the equator. Granting it year round sun exposure, and very little change in weather. This allowed them to be one of the major exports of food to the near by nations. Food was often exchanged for minerals as the Kingdom of Eruinia was lacking in metals. Trade made the world go round as one would often say. Trade, which was made easier by roads.

Roads came in all shapes and sizes. From the simple dirt path no larger than a single mans steps. To giant highways of flagstones, and canals. Crafted, and tended to by the great way maker, and pathfinder guilds. Artisans, engineers, laborers, and guild soldiers who traveled the breath of the world from one end to the other. These guild workers were known across the globe as being true neutral. They fell under no nation, land, or faction. To be a way maker or pathfinder was to be considered a great honor. As the entry to such an illustrious guild and the necessary tasks needed to join was staggering. Well staggering for some...

“Master Brai... Are you sure this will hold?” A laborer asked for the fifth time.

“Yes, Nugvull it will hold. I don't have the time to explain my calculations to you.” Brai responded with a hint of irritation in his voice. As he glared at the laborer who turned meek at the attention and move to shift the stone into place.

“It's just... If it breaks a lot of people will die.” Nugvull replied in a soft voice.

“If you do what I say, when I say it. Then not only will no one die! But we'll be finished in a timely manner!” Brai all but shouted at him. Nugvull scampered off carrying a chiseled stone piece.

Guild Artisan Lord Brai of House Niac took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he watched the laborers stack the stones between to points across the crevasse. They were in the process of building a stone bridge between two points. Lord Brai had always had a head for numbers since he was a child. He also loved puzzles. Watching a bridge come together always filled him with joy. As he watched the laborers move he received a flash of insight.

A towering monstrosity of steel, and glass being built by millions of mechanical soldiers. A path carved, created, and constructed in minutes. His will obeyed without question as he was a part of the greater whole. Then the flash of insight faded and he returned to the here and now. It was because of this he saw several workers failing to lay the stones correctly. He took a deep breath and shouted.

“If you do not lay them correctly then I'll be using your flesh as the mortar!” Brai shouted at the deviant workers who snapped to attention as they had been caught.

Brai had always been a task master. He worked hard, and noticed even the smallest details. He expected the same amount of attention to detail from his workers. He also punished accordingly if you failed to meet his standards. But despite his brutal efficiency and punishments. Workers all but fought to be in his crew because he always got results, and always got the best rewards. He provided for his work teams ensuring they had the best tools, gear, food, and rest areas. If they reached their goals, Brai would give credit where credit was due.

By midday the last stone was in place and Brai moved to his place near the edge of the crevasse. He reached deep within himself for the power to move gravel, stone, and fire. He reached out with near invisible tendrils of energy and connected to the different keystones set for the arch ways. Hundreds of stones, and mortars flew through the air. They moved into place and the laborers sprinted across the incomplete bridge. Pouring mortar into place as Brai held the bridge up. Then they sprinted off and Brai said a command word and a flash fire burned the mortar and stone. Creating a melt-stone bridge.

“Congratulations everyone! We are three weeks ahead of schedule!” Brai shouted once the bridge settled. The work crew cheered and began to chant Brai's name over, and over.

Brai turned on his heel and meant to make way to his private tent but nearly toppled over as mana exhaustion hit him. But he caught himself and took a moment to collect himself. He closed his eyes and breathed in gathering the ambient mana into his lungs, and exhaled. When he opened his eyes the only one he saw who noticed was his personal attendant. Miss Rien who had come to his side with a fresh wet towel. He smiled and took it from her, to clean his face.

“No one saw...” She said softly, as a soft glimmering field had wrapped around them. A simple ring of illusion.

“Thank you, Rien. What would I do without you?” Brai asked, but chuckled at the sly look she gave him. Crash and burn is what he would do without her.

Brai walked through the ring and stepped back into the crowd. He ordered for two additional mugs of ale to be used for tonight's meal, and got another resounding cheer. At last he reached his tent with Rien behind him. He walked to his full length mirror to inspect himself. Brai stood at approximately 6' even with a wiry frame befitting of a scholar or spell caster. Though he kept himself in partial shape with daily exercise he was no muscle brained barbarian. He kept a clean shaved bald head. (Baldies Unite!) While he had a pale green skin tone, green emerald eyes, and a peculiar birthmark on his forehead. Three purple dots in an inverted triangle.

'All will submit...' -A voice called out to him from the wind... Brai turned to look around in confusion.

“Did you say something, Rien?” Brai asked, she turned towards him and gave a minute shake of her head in a clear no.

“...All will submit?...Submit to who?” Brai spoke softly, as if the words themselves felt right.


***AR. Star Wars, Coruscant***

  • Attention User, you have spent 100 Dream Points to purchase a Rift Key.

    • Attention User, you have spent 25 Dream Points to send purchased Rift Key to Dreamer Denizen M'gann M'orzz.

  • Attention User, M'gann M'orzz has entered a restricted Rift increasing its difficulty. B- to A-.

“Well that's not good.” Lash said in irritation as he swept his Red Psionic Blade through another monstrosity. Turning the whole corpse to ash after.

It had been a surprise when he had seen the astral form of M'gann next to him in the lower levels of Coruscant. A surprise, but a pleasant one. When she asked for help he did it without thinking. With the benefit of hindsight he should of asked questions. But he was a little busy, as he had just ripped apart a body factory to find Padme and her retinue in a state of... Insert B socket into C socket? Some parts may be missing? Some assembly required?

One benefit was it had pulled Saurian back from his festival of blood, upon seeing Padme his festive nature reeled back and he looked around in confusion. They returned to their Transformed state. Only stating after that he could fix it, and fix it they could. The problem lay in the issue of should he fix it? No, that wasn't a question. It was a question of how should he fix it?

But first he needed to collect the living, and the dead. The body factory as grotesque as it was, was highly efficient. If you were not of use, you were tossed into a bio slurry to be used as fuel. Out of the thirty two royal security force and Jensaarai with Padme, there were fourteen left. Lash saw the Force-Spirits of the remaining in a look of confusion as they had been used as fuel. Lash was contemplating constructing new bodies for them, or simply using Reincarnation. For now he gathered up the spirits and gave them a steady supply of magical energy for the Force to feed on, essentially giving them, and himself more time to consider the options.

“Alright here is the deal.” Lash spoke softly to the gathered spirits, as he cast a sleep spell on the still living people, and cast Regrowth and Restoration on Gregor for his lost limbs. “I can either release all of you to the living Force. Or I can recreate your bodies, and bring your back. Your choice.” Lash asked the spirits who looked at him like they stared at death itself, which wasn't to far off.

Lash's four tentacles on his back sprung up like cobras with Eldritch Blasts beams of destruction lanced out and cut through the monstrosities that stormed into the central chamber. He needed to figure out why they kept coming back here. He pulled up his Manifestations list and found several warriors, and veterans that had been slain. He called them to his position to secure the area.

A swirling vortex of smoke and starlight poured open, and his soldiers stepped out, and moved into position without a word. Blissfully understanding his intentions through a form of Hive-mind? Or maybe simply understanding his will as spell constructs. Details for later. Lash took a moment to hold his head spun. He was fighting a migraine that only grew with time. They still didn't know what set Saurian off.

'They said we had been touched by a god, that it's grace would feed the pyre. To purify the unclean.' -One of the Force-Spirits called out softly, their voice rippled across the field like a stone being tossed into a pond. A real chill went through Lash's spine when he heard those words.

Lash turned to look at the vats of bio slurry, and switched his Perceptions until he found them surging with magical energy. Energy that could be devoured by the Force as the slurry would also eat the Force. Absolute dread filled Lash... The Yuuzhan Vong could process magic? Lash whipped around and found a visible trail of magic leading deeper into the factory. He ordered his soldiers to keep an eye on the spirits, and Padme's people as he sprinted down the hall.

Organic walls pulled apart at his approach as if he was its master which only made him more disturbed. He raced through the hallways passing arteries that pumped blood through its organs. Then stepped into an open room with retracted ceiling. He found nothing but several ports for something? He looked around and determined that something use to be here. But the trail continued on so he followed it until he came to what he could only describe as the both the heart, and brain of the factory.

Literally a giant brain hung in the air, with thousands of umbilical cords connected to it. Giant vats of slurry sat to the side as dozens of hearts pumped and drew the 'blood' through the body factory. The Vong being the ever pioneers of bio technology had made a fully automated factory using a brain. A brain that was using the slurry of the Jensaarai Force-Supers that Lash had made. Then almost as if the universe was laughing at him, which given his luck may be true a loud hiss called out from above him.

Lash turned and saw a giant monstrosity, at least ten feet tall. With multiple limbs, wiggling tentacles on its back. A blade like tail, and partial scaled to chitin armor. It dropped to the floor silent as a cat on soft paws, and stood up displaying several dorsal frills often found on reptiles meant for intimidation. But above all else Lash felt his Monster Divine Domain call to him through this creature. Then that was when it clicked. He switched through his Perceptions yet again until he came across... For lack of a better term 'Faith sight'. Motes of energy like a trail of ants in the trillions connected from him to every Monstrosity on Coruscant. But not just the planet. It was then he first noticed... The whispers, the prayers...

He was being prayed to. He had followers in the Rift!? Who was praying to him!? The factory guardian had moved over to him gradually and bowed its head against Lash like a giant cat would, its grotesque limbs, and exposed flesh sent a tingle through Lash. But what wigged him out even more is he reached out and gently ran his claws along its head in a sigh of absent affection.

“The Yuuzhan Vong are praying to me.... Why?” Lash asked in astonishment.

'Because you are a monster, who thrives in war, and brings chaos. You are everything I need, and could ever ask for.' -A dark and malevolent voice whispered softly into his mind. It felt like silk sand paper across his skin. A sensual blood letting promising pleasures and pain beyond measure.

Lash went perfectly still, not even a breath was shared between moment to moment as his mind searched for the source of this voice and found none. Saurian snarled across the link, as he searched the intrusion. Even inside of the Rift they could feel the Pack Bond though many of the threads were frayed and needed attention once he left the Rift. There was no knew thread. So who could reach so far across the link. No, this voice was coming from inside the Rift.

'Abeloth...' -Erik the gamer said softly across the link.

“I did not realize I had garnered the attention of 'The Mother'.” Lash said softly.

'You...know me? You continue to surprise, and impress. What a wonderful father you will be. But now is not the time. Goodbye father, wait for me.' -The dark and twisted voice cut its connection, and once it was gone did all three of them only see where the connection was. Saurian was quick to shore up their defenses. Now that they understood the method of infiltration it would not happen again.

With a flick of his claw he sent a Telekinetic Cut through guardian's body and turned it to ash. The thing didn't even realize it was dead. Then a Rune of Destruction destroyed the brain, heart, and the vats of magical slurry was removed. Lash was quick to reabsorb the ambient mana back into his body. It had an acidic taste. Like orange, and lemon juice together. With its central organ dead, the body factory stopped working.

'Creator, the monstrosities are retreating.' -A Saurus Veteran sent word to him across their shared link.

'Each factory must work as central processing and command center. Even with out the Vong present the factories will continue to pump out new troops.' -Lash replied, but mostly spoke for his own benefit as he tried to understand the situation he had been drawn into.

Abeloth...Who was Abeloth? Abeloth, also known as the Bringer of Chaos and Beloved Queen of the Stars, was an extremely powerful Force-sensitive entity. Because she drank from the Well of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge, she was adept in utilizing both the dark and the light side of the Force. She first lived as the Servant, a mortal woman who served the powerful Ones on an unknown jungle planet over a hundred thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. Throughout her life, she became the Mother: she kept the peace between the Father's warring Son and Daughter and became a loving member of the family. Unfortunately, she was still mortal—she grew old while the Father and their children lived on—and she feared she would lose her precious family. In a desperate attempt to hold onto the life she so loved, she drank from the Font of Power and bathed in the Pool of Knowledge. Her actions corrupted her, transforming the Mother into the twisted, immortal entity known as Abeloth. (Wookieepedia!)

With this power she all but enslaved the Daughter, and the Son, and nearly did the same to the Father. In a desperate attempt to keep her beloved family together. Who are these three beings? That is a whole another rabbit hole. Simply said they are the equivalent of Force Gods within the Star Wars Galaxy. Before Abeloth could corrupt the whole family she was caught and punished by the Father. They then imprisoned her on the jungle planet, and her prison bars were several gravity wells found with in the mouth of the Kessel Run. Also known as 'The Maw'.

Even from within her prison Abeloth asserted her will across the galaxy. She thrives on chaos, and is a dark side entity. It is theorized that the true reason behind the chaotic mess that is the Sith, and Jedi war is because Abeloth feeds on the chaos from it. That without her, the galaxy would have been at peace for countless millennium. Now, Lash had caught her attention. Not only that she had called him father?

“Oh that's just great, I have a stalker.” Lash said in dismay...


(R2-D2 aka Artoo-Detoo)

R2-D2 the astromech droid was having a complicated day. First he had been woken up early from his charging routine and sent straight towards Anakin's star fighter. That wasn't so far out of the normal. Anakin was always in a hurry but was a delight to be around. R2 loved his adventures with master Anakin. But today had been usual, as Anakin had been filled with fraught. Sparkling Tano was the same. So being the living embodiment of communication that he was he attempted to lighten the mood.

A series of whistles, and beeps called forth from his voice box translating into simply. -'Is it time for another adventure?'

“Yes, R2. Another adventure... I'll need your help with this little buddy. We are looking for Padme.” Anakin called back across their shared link from pilot to droid.

R2 was surprised! Mistress Padme was on Coruscant wasn't she? Did the war come to Coruscant? R2 could imagine why the battle droids would attack there. Perhaps they were malfunctioning. R2 contemplated this as he ran a thousand and one calculations through his processor and punched in the next navigation point for hyperspace. G2 or Goldie in Sparkling Tano's star fighter whistled across the chatter, asking for directions. New generation droids these days, all so lazy...

Coming out of hyperspace R2's sensors were confused as the entirety of Coruscant was covered in an ash cloud. Was it raining today? No, this was toxic ash. Most peculiar... But R2 being the ever diligent worker remembered what master Anakin had said and started to automatically search for Mistress Padme.

“Thanks buddy, I don't know what I do with out you.” Anakin said with a small smile, some of the tension in his face faded.

“Master Skywalker, shouldn't we wait for the rest of the fleet?” Sparkling Tano asked once she left hyperspace. They had fallen behind, surely Goldie hadn't gotten lost. R2 whistled at the droid who turned its camera in the other direction, avoiding the question.

“Waaaaaaaaaa!” R2 Let out a exasperated whistle as Anakin dove straight into the toxic ash cloud. R2 heard sparkling Tano call out, but he was to busy navigating the ash cloud.

Radiation energy spiked to unsafe levels. Dust particles threatened to choke the fighters filters, R2 was quick to dump them, and close the feeds. He ran a system bypass, and alerted Anakin to switch the view screen only to be shocked into reboot because Anakin had his eyes closed and was moving through the cloud blindly! Honestly, is sparkling Anakin lost in his circuits. Well time for R2 to shine, as he assisted with the navigation.

Coming out of the ash cloud R2 let out a despondent whistle as he saw the whole city as far as the horizon was on fire, and in ruins. But not all was lost as there was a vast quantity of life all across the surface. In fact there was almost to much life... So much life that seem to be... mushed together? Like a bad soldering job? Circuits, and parts fused together? That didn't make sense.

-'Something is wrong with the people.'-R2 eloquently said to Anakin.

“What? What do you mean? That's not possible! R2 home in on Padme transponder, now!” Anakin shouted, and R2 quickly obeyed. He did a hundred thousand calculations in 1.5 seconds and whistled out directions. Anakin pulled on the star fighter and zipped across the ruined city.

What they found made R2's power converter burn in anger. He was sure his circuits would fry in anguish at the destroyed home of Mistress Padme. He whistled despondently, and brushed up against Master Anakin as he had fallen to his knees. Anakin leaned gently against as he all but sobbed. Sparkling Tano was speaking to the armored soldiers they came across. Mistress Padme had been taken by the bad mishmash soldering people. Like a droid had poorly welded two pieces together and expected it to still work. If R2 ever met their designer he would have a word or two about their intentions, yes sir!

They returned to the star fighter to head towards the Jedi Temple? No, Master Anakin drove his light saber into Sparkling Tano's star fighter control deck. G2 whistled and beeped in outrage! -'Do you know how long it will take me to repair that!'

-'Wooohooooo!'- R2 whistled as Anakin flew up then straight down towards a narrowing crevasse. -'Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!'- R2 screamed in dismay as they navigated through a tunnel that shouldn't be.

R2 turned his sensor camera towards Anakin and whistled sadly. Tears were falling from Anakin's eyes. He needed a good soldering, his eye fluid was leaking. Best to offer once they were in a safe space. But R2 knew the drill, find Mistress Padme. It continued to search for her, and a smile tugged on Anakin's frown.

“We'll find her.... We'll find her...” Anakin said to them both over and over. Of course they would! R2 was infallible!

…..Well mostly infallible..... Maybe mathematically probable. As hours went by. R2 gave out a low whistle as the lower layers were filled to the brim with the poorly designed mishmash people. They came across giant plants? Organs? Things that gathered up the mishmash people and made more mishmash? Anakin destroyed those with his star fighters blasters after R2 cleared it... Mistress Padme wasn't in this one either. Or the next one, or the one after that, or the one after that.

After the five hundred million, six hundred and twenty three thousand, three hundred and fourteenth time looking for Mistress Padme R2 turned his eye sensor towards Anakin and whistled to him to get his attention. R2 had been flying the ship on auto pilot now for the past hour. Anakin had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. He snapped awake with a.. “Did you find her!?”

-'No, I'm getting a signal from the surface.'- R2 beeped, and whistled at him.

“Oh... Just ignore it... Keep looking.” Anakin said and leaned back in his seat. R2 did as he was instructed. Then he felt a surge of energy override his data base and forced his holographic projector to turn on.

“Anakin, what the fuck are you doing!?” A very angry, and familiar voice shouted across the communication line. It was Master Lash! R2 liked Master Lash. He was super friendly, and gave R2 a lot of upgrades.

Anakin snapped awake again and stared at the tiny holographic of Lash in his armor. The tiny version of him stared at Anakin so hard that Master Anakin visibly deflated under his gaze. Perhaps his spring assisted servos needed maintenance? “I'm looking for Padme!” Anakin said through audio transceiver.

“Padme? Really? The same Padme who is sitting in Ghost Industries medical facility calling for you, wondering where you are because you've ignored the last five fucking calls!?” Lash shouted loudly at him. Anakin's face drained of color. Uhoh! R2 checked his vitals, yes he definitely needed a recharge.

“She's alive!?” Anakin shouted, and took control of the star fighter and whipped it around. R2 punched in the nearest exit to the surface without question.

Master Lash cut off the holographic communication so quickly it surprised Anakin. Master Anakin quickly dialed in the keypad and called him back...But the called was ignored. Once, twice, thrice... R2 felt like there was a bit of irony in the situation. Anakin ground chompers in frustration. R2 could feel the energy capacitor fall out from outside the cockpit.

They soon found a tunnel that led up to the surface and Anakin recklessly flew up and nearly shorted out R2's circuits. They made a bee line straight towards the industries section of Ghost Industries and that was when R2 was swamped with chatter from the rescue operators. A droid overseer contacted him and asked if they could use him as a processing station. R2 complied and nearly overloaded his circuits. He quickly dialed it down, and then almost exploded in shock as Anakin had dove straight at an entry gate into the shield that covered the complex.

-'Waaaaaaaaaaa!'- R2 Whistled and tried to get Anakin to slow down. Ghost Industries had established an atmospheric shield to filter out the toxic ash. Gateways had been erected to allow ships, and transports to pass through. Anakin had slipped between two transports moving in and out.

“Almost there! Almost there!” Anakin shouted as a crimson energy cascaded across his body. R2 whistled at him to try and pull up, they were coming in to...Oh Master Anakin ejected out of the star fighter. Using all of his processing power in 3.5 seconds R2 ejected as well just before the star fighter crashed into the landing pad.

R2 landed and looked around, rotating his head to see the star fighter crash, and skip of the pad falling below. R2 felt a little bad as emergency workers had to dive for cover. But it all worked out as the wreck stopped mid air and was slowly let down. R2 activated his third wheel and rolled after Anakin, whistling innocently. Upon entering the doorway he found Anakin screaming in rage as he was currently floating off the ground and being held in place by none other than...

“Hello R2, have you had a busy day?” Master Lash said to him as he walked over and patted him on the head.

-'Oh yes! Let me tell you about it!'- R2 Beeped at him excitably.


(Erik Lash / Hunter-Saurian)

“Anakin I'm not letting you go any further until you calm down.” Lash said to the Jedi quasi-Sith who was boiling with rage.

“LET ME GO! I HAVE TO SAVE HER!” Anakin shouted at Lash. Anakin looked like he'd been burning the midnight oil on both ends. Then when he ran out of wick, ate the candle wax.

“Save her from what? She's in the medical bay under surgery.” Lash called out to him. But Anakin wasn't listening anymore, a crimson glow often associated with Sith and/or Dark side Force users. He was drawing attention as they were on a traveled hallway in the tower.

Lash rolled his eyes and slammed Anakin into the wall several times. Much to R2's dismay. “Not to worry, he's fine. Just needs a good knock!” Lash replied as he patted the disgruntled droid.

“LET ME GO! I WILL KILL YOU!” Anakin shouted, and his eyes turned a brilliant yellow. So Lash stopped throwing him against the wall and just held him aloft. He crossed his arms and just watched him throw his temper tantrum.

Anakin struggled and kicked his legs in a futile effort to gain purchase in the air. In a roar of frustration Force Lightning erupted from his fingers and collided with Lash who just stood there and absorbed it. R2 hid behind Lash in confusion. While the service, and emergency workers avoided the hallway for now. Anakin fought against the Telekinetic binds with the Force and pulled his light saber until Lash took it from him. Which caused the child to scream in frustration.

“WHY ARE YOU KEEPING HER FROM ME!?” Anakin screamed.

“Because she's in surgery... If you rush in right now as you are. You'll rip apart the medical droids in an idiotic attempt to 'save her' as you said. Which would kill her.” Lash replied in a bored tone.

“I HAVE TO SAVE HER!” Anakin shouted again, he sounded like a broken record at this point.

“From what?” Lash asked.

“FROM YOU!” Anakin snapped and screamed in pure rage. A distorted ripple of dark side energy burst from him and collided with Lash and did absolutely nothing.

“What are you talking about?” Lash said in complete confusion.

“I WONT LET YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!” Anakin screamed again and struck out with Force lightning again, and again. Lash reached out and created a baffle field.

“Anakin, Padme is a friend and nothing more. Maybe bordering on a familial sister feeling. I fully support your relationship with her. I want you two together. If I am being perfectly honest, I'm looking forward to the day you two have kids. I was hoping to be like an uncle figure or something.” Lash said in a bit of shy tone. He was kinda looking forward to meeting a young Luke, and Leia in the future.

Then just like that all that rage, fear, and hatred just popped like a zit. A gush of dark side energy enveloped the whole area. But thankfully it was empty at this point save for R2 who beeped in confusion. “Is... Padme pregnant?” Anakin asked in a soft voice.

“Not currently... It's kinda a future thing. There a bit of Force tapestry that suggest she may have twins one day... With you!” Lash said, and made an exasperated gesture towards Anakin at the end before his eyes went fully yellow again.

“....Oh...Oh! Wait... You've seen my kids!?” Anakin asked, as he vaguely remembered that Lash had the gift of Foresight.

“There are several futures where you and Padme have children. As I said, I was looking forward to it..... Why do you think I was going to take her from you?” Lash said in total confusion.

“Cause......” Anakin said, and followed by incoherent mumbling.

“Anakin, I swear by the Force if you don't speak up. I'm going to smack you around until candy comes out.” Lash said and raised his hand.

“CAUSE YOUR BETTER THAN ME!” Anakin shouted at him.

“Anakin, I'm several centuries old. Give it time and you will surpass me. Wait, hold on! That still doesn't make any sense. Do you really have so little trust in Padme? She's in love with you. You've defied the Jedi Order, and the Republic Senate for this love. Where the fuck is this com.... Wait a minute. As Palpatine been talking to you?” Lash said at last, as something clicked into place.

“...What! This...This has nothing to do with the Chancellor!” Anakin said, but it was plain as day. Palpatine was using Lash's relationship with Padme to drive Anakin to the dark side via his insecurities.

“By the Force this is so stupid. We are at war. We just got our asses handed to us by a third faction, and you are acting like drama filled teenager!” Lash shouted at him then released him from this Telekinetic Field.

“Tell you what Anakin... Since you are so determined to paint me as the bad guy in your little drama. I'll play it up.” Lash said to him as he walked closer, towering over the shorter man. Anakin stepped back and called for his light saber but it refused to move.

“If you don't start shaping up... I will take Padme from you. Because as of right now, you are more boy than man. Because Padme deserves someone who will actually pull his own head out of his ass, and take proper care of her! Instead of a self absorbed glory hound like your self!” Lash screamed at him by the end. Anakin went pale at the accusation.

“She's on med deck twelve, thirteen-A. She just finished surgery, and is still high as a kite on pain medication. R2 knows the way. Next time we see each other Anakin I expect to see a mature, and understanding adult. Because if I don't, I will break every bone in your body until I do.” Lash growled out his words and shoved past him. “Fucking pathetic.”

By the end of Lash words Anakin had all but wilted into a dead shrubbery. He walked across the hallway and picked up his saber off the ground. He glanced at R2, his quirky ally that beeped at him with a simple phrase of. -Organics are weird- Anakin hung his head, and followed after R2. He glanced behind him but Lash was already gone. That...Could have gone better....

Lash continued towards the landing pads and watched as one by one the Force fate touched marks he had left winked out of existence. His Elites were hard at work and apparently found the last one a few seconds ago. A swirling vortex of midi-chlorians came rushing towards him, and swam around him like a flock of fish.

'GRATITUDE. RESPECT. QUERY?' -The living Force used its multi worded phrase, each word held hundreds of words and phrases jam packed into one.

“You need to contact The Father on Mortis... Abeloth is acting up.” Lash replied, and the swirling fish school of midi-chlorians froze in place.

'CONFUSION. ERRATIC. HELP?' -The living Force asked for help again, twice in the same week? What is the world coming to.

“I helped make the mess, I'll help clean it up. Though you may not like how I do it.” Lash replied, and the midi-chlorians danced around him once more then flew off into the horizon.

“Alright, lets go check on the Jedi.” Lash said, the took off into the air and made best possible speed towards the Temple. Which was once he was past the atmospheric shield that covered Ghost Industries he broke the sound barrier.

On a normal day Coruscant would be covered in traffic. Transports, and space craft would be in designated lanes to ensure safe passage to and fro across the planet. You couldn't just fly anywhere, you'd get killed. Now? Well now the only thing flying was emergency vehicles, and the military. The once pristine towering structures of the cities skyscrapers were in ruins. The few that remained were on fire, and barely serviceable.

Like desiccated corpses with their bones sticking out past the dried out skin. The architecture of Coruscant had gone from the living heart of the galaxy, to its necropolis in little less than three days. According to the chatter on the network over three billion were reported missing or more than likely they were dead and transformed at a body factory. By weeks end the estimated three trillion populace of the planet would be a lot lower. But what was even lower, was the Jedi.

Lash gradually came to a stop as he came upon the Jedi Temple. Unlike the rest of the surface this place was still under direct attack by the monstrosities. Lash switched through his Perceptions until he found the Faith Sight and found the energy trail of the monstrosities leading deeper into the layers of Coruscant. Lash dove through the ground via Earth Swim. The thousands of feet of stone, and metal gave way to an open space and three different factories stood and pumped out servants to the Yuuzhan Vong.

Lash focused his vision until he found the brain, and heart of the factory. Then through a combination of Divination – Clairvoyance and Telekinesis he destroyed both. Oddly enough Grasp Heart worked. He concluded with the last of the three, and just like flipping a switch the tide of flesh and bone diverted to the nearest factory which was several hundred miles away. So he returned to the surface to fight the remaining monstrosities who continued the fight.

Lash dove straight towards the temple's entrance and slammed into the ground with enough force to shatter the foundation. The resulting kinetic force flung the monstrosities into the air, or into pulp across the floor, or walls. Elemental Manipulation – Fire and he created a blue hot flame for cremation. Turning the remains to ash. He Blinked across the entrance to the main hall to find some of his Manifestations in defense of the temple. He reached out and recharged their energy. Normally he would do that automatically but distance did play a part. Or maybe he was just distracted...

The Saurus warriors, and veterans present disguised themselves as Jensaarai defenders. Though their spirit animal design on their armor was similar to his own. They linked with him and gave him a compressed information feed of the temple. Apparently a dark side kyber crystal juts out of the central mountain that the temple sits on. Instead of fleeing towards the dry dock and fleeing the temple the Jedi stayed in the temple to defend their home. Which caused mass casualties. What a surprise!

“Please secure the temple... Wait. Check the basement or more importantly the prison cells. There are a few down there that if are alive could prove useful. After that, work your way up.” Lash asked his Manifestations who obeyed regardless.

Lash used his foci and cast the spell Acceleration as always the Force... No wait. The Force didn't come to consume his energy? Perhaps the midi-chlorians were just to busy to care. Once the spell took hold he sprinted through the giant halls with haste and came across several monstrosities attempting to claw their way into a room. Which was a little odd, the claws and fangs on the creatures had an organic bile that made them easily chew through even beskar.

Lash reached out and turned them into pulp then ash. The sudden silence was a little unnerving. But a light above the door lit up and a holographic projection of a youngling looked at him. “Jensaarai, is it safe to come out?”

“The temple is not secure. However the never ending tide into the temple has been stamped out. Is anyone wounded in there?” Lash asked, he tried to keep his voice even and friendly. He knew he came off aggressive even when he didn't mean to.

“I...I-I don't know. Master Luminara went to sleep and hasn't moved since.” The youngling called out, and Lash snapped his attention towards the door. He all but dove straight the wall with Earth Swim and came into the other side.

The room was full of broken bodies, and dying Jedi. A few younglings jumped to their feet in defense with...Wooden swords? But collapsed in relief when they saw it was a Jensaarai. They broke down crying, as the youngling at the holographic door frame came running over. Lash cast a area of effect Corpse Repair, Soul Heal, Sooth, Nature's Supplement, then last but certainly not least, Kiss of the Grave.

The younglings watched in horror, and fearful hope as the bodies of their peers, and mentors snapped back together. Bones mended, flesh sewed, and skin renewed. Then with a resounding boom! The entire room shook and every dead body in the room coughed and sputtered with life. But Lash ignored the cries of joy as he walked over to a young woman named Master Luminara Unduli who was dry heaving and coughing our remnants of her now repaired lungs. Lash knelt at her side, and provided a hand which she took. After several minutes a miniature version of her in the form of Padawan Barriss Offee all but latched onto Lash.

“Hello Padawan Barriss, did you miss me?” Lash said in a teasing tone, as he opened up his available arm having returned to his is default near-human form.

“I knew you'd come.... Eventually.” Barriss whispered between her tears. Master Luminara finished her fit and leaned against Lash.

“What took you so long?” Luminara asked in a breathless whisper.

“Traffic...” Lash said with a shrug, and a bark of a laugh came out of Luminara.

“Better late than never...” She replied...

“I'm sorry to say, but were not done yet. The temple still isn't secure.” Barriss curled up and clearly didn't want to move.

“I understand, what do you need?” Luminara asked, as she pushed off of him and looked around the room.

“I need all of you to stay here in this room, and recover. But first can you explain why they couldn't get in. I watched those things dig through duracrete like wet clay.” Lash asked, as he slowly helped both Barriss, and Luminara to their feet.

“Sound, Master Lash. Specifically a sonic emitter.” A Jedi Master said softly as he held a device in hand. “The emitter is used for meditation. We jury rigged it to create an amplified sonic distruption directed at the door, and walls.”

Lash had to stop and think about that for a moment. The monstrosities were clearly still lethal, but why would a sonic emitter prevent them from getting through? This would require some testing later. Lash took a quick look through the emitter and copied the design. Then helped the Jedi set it back up and slipped through the wall via Earth Swim. The entire room, from its walls, floor, and ceiling was covered in that sound. That resonating frequency. Questions for later.

Lash went to recast Acceleration then realized he didn't need to. Even in a room full of Jedi the Living Force didn't move to eat his magical energy. Maybe they stopped? Whatever, thoughts for later. So he flashed through the great halls looking for survivors. Unfortunately he found very few, and even fewer bodies. Anything organic could be used as fuel and the industries monstrosities were not picky.

Eventually he found himself in the old folk home of the temple. To be honest Lash was a little worried about Master Yoda. But it seemed luck, or rather the Force was with him. As Lash turned the corner he saw a tide of monstrosities attempting to get towards a choke point. While the flare of light sabers cut through the tide. Lash yanked out a few dozen and dispatched the creatures. Then did it again, and again until the last creature died. Much to the surprise, and shock of Mace Windu who looked up at Lash.

“Master Lash, my heart good to see you it does.” Said the delightful muppet voice of Yoda as he gradually walked into view with his light saber, and walking stick.

“Any wounded in there?” Lash asked out of genuine concern.

“Many are, yes.” Windu replied, as he slowly got back to his feet. What traces of bitter dislike Windu had for Lash was gone in that moment.

Lash moved passed them both and found a similar sight like he had just left. From wall to wall was a butchery of bodies, and survivors desperately hanging on for life. He called on the familiar spells and pick me ups he recently used. Bones mended, flesh sewn, and limb regrew. Then with a resounding boom! The once dead snapped to life, and the living were revitalized. Lash's energy levels dipped but quickly refilled as always. He turned towards Master Yoda who had collapsed to his knees and openly wept. Why? More than half of the room was still dead. Their tethers were long gone. So all Lash did was repair, and clean the bodies. Ready for a Jedi burial.

Lash took a few minutes to create the sonic emitters, caring little for the fact that he simply created the machines out of thin air. While Windu asked him questions about what was going on. Once the last emitter was in place Windu looked like his soul had been sucked out of his body. He fell to his knees and just gaped openly at nothing in particular. Lash nodded in understanding and directed one of the living Jedi to secure the door behind him, and activate the emitter. He'd come back once the temple was secure.

Lash quietly left the old folks home and made his way through the rest of the temple creating secured rally points. Still having no clue as to why the sonic emitters prevented the monstrosities from clawing through the walls. Maybe it wasn't the emitters but simply the location? As Lash looked around he saw clear evidence of the monstrosities forced entry into rooms, and walls. But it looked as if the deeper they got the longer it took.

Lash ran his gloved hands across the walls surface and used his Transmuter title effect and read the usual duracrete and/or durasteel combination found in most places. But then he came across a trace of kyber crystal. That would make sense, a Jedi Temple using kyber as a building material to focus the Force. But the outside of the temple showed clear force of entry by the creatures. They peeled the layers off with ease. So why was the inner portion of the temple secure?

In the end Lash had no idea, nor did he have the time to waste. No, he had wasted enough time as it was. He put it out of his mind and raced through the rest of the temple. He sent a Nature Domain pulse through the area looking for life and got a odd reading from the central area. He moved quickly, and quietly to find the central peak of the foci mountain tip that the temple was built around. There he found a curious sight.

When those who are in balance with the Force, or at the very least lived side by side with it in peace died. They would join the living Force, and the cosmic Force. Traveling the rivers, and oceans of living energy. However, when one lived out of balance with the Force. Treated it like a servant, or slave. When they died, it almost seemed like the Force extracted due justice from those individuals. More often than not, but exceptions did apply. Dark side Force Users were imprisoned in a location, or an object almost at the behest of the living Force. Like they had to pay back their karmic balance.

That is what Lash saw now. The very tip of a mountain peak, with a giant dark kyber crystal jutting out of it. Circling around the crystal were the tormented souls of dark side users. They flowed around it in a clockwise motion with a constant ululate song of despair. Lash could see their hollow eyes, and gaping mouths screech in horror. As their wisps circled the drain. Then at the ground floor of the temple next to the crystal were dozens of people sitting in meditation around the dark side energy. Including several Jedi younglings...

“Master Lash!” A youngling called out from their forced meditation, the children jumped to their feet and tried to reach him. But cloaked figures snagged their arms and kept them still. “Please you have to help Kanan, he put on the armor and now the Sith spirit wont let him go!” The youngling called out. Oh crap.

Lash swept his eyes across the hall and made his way gradually towards the meditating figures. The room was grandiose, with wide open spaces allowing for hundreds of people to fit, and have room to spare. The floor had a rich brown to black stone flooring reminisce of marble? With gold, silver, and rose quartz for an almost calligraphy art style depicting the history of the Jedi Order. It was very well done. Though the blood, viscera, and ominous dark fog that boiled off the crystal ruined the atmosphere.

As he made his way forward one by one the... Sith stood one by one. But that was in Lash noticed they were slightly transparent. Sith spirits, tied to the crystal? Lash flipped through his many Perceptions and found that every single spirit was tied to a singular individual who now stood at the head of the column. The man...woman? Individual was tall or short? They almost seem to flicker between two different people. They were clad from head to toe in full armor. A synthetic mishmash of thread and metal plate. With a full face mask, a horizontal slit visor, and a shadow crimson hood. On both shoulders was a row of spikes from front, to top, to back. All in all the armor was intimidating, but also practical.

“....You are not Jedi...” The Sith spirit tied to the armor had two different voices who spoke in an odd reverb. One was Kanan Jarrus, while the other was a voice forgotten by time and in desperate need of a glass of water.

“No, I am what many call a Jensaarai.” Lash replied, and gave a simple bow towards the speaker. The Sith spirit tilted their head ever so slightly as if they had heard something interesting.

“Follower of the hidden truth. That is what that word means within the Sith. You are neither Sith nor Jedi.” The Spirit continued, the other spirits moved in a single cohesive movement. They did an about face and looked directly at Lash. Though several stood next to the group of younglings both protecting, and guarding them.

“May know who I am speaking too? I am Master Lash of the Jensaarai Order, Mand'alor the Renewer, chairman of Ghost Industries, and Grand Admiral of the Galactic Militia.” Lash said a slew of titles but he was sure if Nazvo were here she would interrupt him and tell him he was missing several others. He should really get a list.

“...Curious... Tell me, is it normal to send children into war?” The Spirit asked, as it gestured a single finger from his relaxed state at the younglings. That was an odd question since these younglings were still in training.

“...I was under the impression that the moment you could hold a weapon in your hand you were a fighter, at least in Sith culture. Or, do you mean how the Jedi send younglings into battle? I strongly disagree, but you above all should know how stubborn Force wielders are?” Lash replied with a simple shrug, as he glanced at the younglings who looked like they were watching a tennis match as they turned their faces back and forth.

“....Fair to say.... My host accepted my help under the condition I would keep his charges safe. It is clear to me that they are not safe here at the temple.” The Spirit spoke with a far off expression. Not say that Lash saw his face, but simple his wide open stance, shoulders back, and his head titled upwards towards the sky.

“Best way to keep your people say is to give them tools, and skills needed to keep themselves safe.” Lash replied as he watched in morbid fascination as the Sith Spirit caught one of the wailing souls and pulled it into his armor. The glowing red aura around the armor grew in power. Ah...Fuel source.

“...My name is Darth Marr, of the Sith Empire. Though I come to understand that it no longer exists.” The Spirit of Marr spoke and Lash went perfectly still, an action that did not go unnoticed by Marr. “Do you know of me?”

“I do, your living form helped kill the Sith Emperor in millennium past. You found a balance between the Force and moved on your final days.” Lash spoke in almost reverent tones. Darth Marr was a complete bad ass in the history holocrons.

“.... I see.... Tell me Master Lash... Kanan Jarrus speaks of the Sith. How this war you fight... This... Clone War.... Was instigated by a Sith, singular as if we no longer have armies across the stars... What happened to my people?” Darth Marr asked, as he began to gradually walk towards him with slow confident steps.

“Darth Bane introduced the 'Rule of Two' which promoted the idea that there should always ever be a Master, and an apprentice. Never more than that. Though its a bit of hogwash. Since the current Sith Master has over a thousand Dark Acolytes. But those are just semantics. Because of Darth Bane they killed off the other prominent Sith. As odd as it may sound it actually made the Sith that more dangerous. Because it forced them to adapt, change, and improve their thinking. They no longer come at you head on, but sideways. It's how they think, its how they move.” Lash replied and took on an almost educator teacher role until Darth Marr was a hands reach from him.

“...So my people live on.... The war continues... But you... You and your Order introduce a new element... I will release Kana Jarrus, and the younglings into your care..... If you give me your word to make them Jensaarai.” Darth Marr said with almost a breathless whisper, his crimson aura was fading now.

“It's there choice, Darth Marr.” Lash simply declared. “But I have a counter offer, words for you only.” Lash requested and leaned in. Darth Marr tilted his head and listened.

“How about I just make you a new body, and you can join with them?” Lash inquired, and Darth Marr leaned back and even with his mask Lash knew the Sith's eyes were wide.


First draft, raw, unedited.

Sorry for the delay! It's only 10k this time. Either way I hope you enjoy it.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.