Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 146: Grand Marshal


***Alternate Rift, Kingdom of Erunia's Ashes***

The Fall, as it was called by the natives of Erunia came swift, and without warning. Dozens of tears in reality itself opened and the children of Shelios came from within. The day turned into night, and hordes of monsters rained from above. They swept over the land with indiscriminate slaughter. There was no bargaining with the children. No deals to be brokered. Titles, or lands to bestow on the enemy. No, all they wanted carnage. For every death was another sacrifice to their God.

High above the capitol city of Erunia stood the Arch-mage King's tower. There the last bastion of safety was kept. While thousands of citizens were crammed into the towers walls. Wards were placed around the construction like a kaleidoscope of color, and symmetry. Geometric patterns glowed brilliantly with every clash as might titans of muscle, and bone clashed against it from outside. With every strike the civilians old, and young quivered. Each one praying to the spirits above for salvation. Each one hoping against hope that help would arrive. But secretly within their heart of hearts, knowing none would come. For it was hard to expect help from allies that didn't exist.

At the top levels of the tower sat the Arch-mage King on his throne as his advisors bickered back and forth. No, they spoke in frantic mania trying to come up with a plan and each one was shot down by the other simply because they had no actionable intelligence. The King looked towards his left and saw his daughter, his only surviving kin and his heart broke. She was curled up into a ball asleep, with her friend M'gann next to her. The Ronnethian had taken the form of giant predatory cat. Or in his daughters case a giant plushy to hug, and snuggled with as she slept. A small smile tugged on the King's lips as he watched his exhausted daughter sleep with a predator that even a mage knight would fear to fight.

Before the discussion(?) could go any further one of the auxiliary doors opened up and a Mage-Squire in dented armor rushed in. The King looked up and a glimmer of appreciation came across his features as young Billy Batson had grown into a fine young man, and capable mage in his own right. The squire came to abrupt halt in front of the council and clapped a fist to his breastplate. His eager smile told everyone he had good news. The King stood from his throne and the room fell silent. He nodded in acknowledgment, and permission.

“My king, respected councilors. We have news. As you said to ride out and find anyone to help we went towards the mountains and found the Temorian people.” Batson began to say, though more than a few people scoffed. They didn't do anything more than that.

“Their current ruler, a Warrior Princess known as Kori'Ander will be arriving...” Batson said with a smile as a battle horn rang out across the ruined city. “Right about now.”

“Knight-Commander!” The King roared with pride. The man in arms stood at attention. “Prepare everyone we have left immediately. It's time we take back our nation!” The Knights, and councilors saluted and sprang into action.


The Temorian people were to many a barbarian horde. They roamed the land traveling from one battle to another. It was often considered the mark of any new nation to withstand at least one attack from the great horde. Despite their savage, and tribalism ways they never held a grudge against any nation that brushed them off. If any reaction they had, it was only to swear to return again when they were stronger to fight a superior enemy. Because the fight was what they were after.

They never slaughtered the people, they never burnt the earth they traveled through. If anything they were far more in touch with nature than most. They accepted any would be warrior into their horde. They had all sorts of mystic healers ready to stabilize, and recoup their losses. It was because of this that they had the largest, most well trained of brutes, and savages in the known world.

With this all in mind, how did one rule a horde of barbarians, mystics, and tribal warriors? Well through ritual combat of course! Their current ruler was a woman named only as Kori'Ander the Flame Tempest. For she was of pure living flame incarnate. She provided warmth, safety, and care to her allies. While she brought destruction and ash to her enemies. Capable of harnessing the living flame. The Spirit of Light that shown brilliantly in the sky.

The Princess of the Temorian people stood at a stunning 6'4” with fiery red hair that glowed when ever she channeled the Light Spirit. Her skin was a vibrant color of flame that many 'civilized' people associated with demons, and devils. Which only gave her more mystique among her own people. Her skin was like dragon scale. Her weapons of pure flame could cut through even metal, and when she took flight on wings of flame. Oh, that was when all was brought to ruin!

The Warrior Princess, Kori flew across the ruined capitol of Erunia with a cheer of joy. Battle was joined as a hail of bolts of fire fell from her hands. The horde was behind her bringing their weapons of war to the children of Shelios. It was a festival of blood, and at what a festival it was! Kori shot like a ballista bolt through one of the titans of flesh and bone. With a triumphant shout of glee as she came out the other side covered in gore. A flare of brilliant light burnt the viscera to ash. The remaining titans roared in challenge as she replied in kind. But watched in appreciation as her honor blood guard swarmed in from behind. The best, and brightest of the horde raced into melee with the titans.

“Hello new friends! Come, come out to play in glorious battle!” Kori called out to the spell tower. As she flew around the wards in place. The terrified people within cheered at the timely arrival.

Kori smiled wide as the front gate of the tower opened and a familiar boy with a brilliant smile came riding out on his mount. A magical blade in hand as he led the mounted cavalry. Kori flew down over the boy and waved. He smiled back, and she all but swooned. Innocent boys were the best to play with. She couldn't wait for the post-battle orgy! Just then Billy felt a chill roll down his spine. He assumed it was because of the battle ahead and focused. Unaware of the true battle ahead.


***Star Wars Rift, Coruscant***

They had talked for hours, and it would seem they would continue to talk for hours more. Despite the fact the senate house was currently under attack. The Chancellor assured everyone of their safety. So on, and on it went. She chewed on her lower lip as she watched the senators discuss what would be by anyone with any sense a suicidal order. Senator Mon Mothma wondered if there was not more she could do in this situation. More than once she glanced over at Grand Admiral Lash, of the Jensaarai, and Mand'alor the Renewer. They were discussing whether or not they would sent the Galactic Militia to their deaths in a false hope of reclaiming Coruscant. Yet, he stood perfectly still like a statue as the senate hearing continued.

“My Lady, there is a private message on your terminal.” An attendant whispered to her. Mon turned and accepted the data pad with a strained smile. Trying to keep up the appearance of a composed politician for her people.

Mon pulled up the information and froze in place... It was from the Grand Admiral. She glanced over at his pod and saw he was still as a statue then had to give herself a good mental smack. He had a full helmet on. It was well documented that Lash was capable of partitioning his mind allowing him to multi-task like no other. She shook her shelf free of thoughts, and looked at the prompt. It showed a detailed scheme of her home system of Chandrila.

The system went through a time skip as Ghost Industries terraforming machines arrived, and changed every planet, and moon into habitual places to live. The Gas giant's in her system would be harvested for fuel, and something was above their sun. Some kind of... Forge? The design was obscure. But she began to think even if she saw the blue prints she wouldn't understand a word of it. But above all else she understood the orbital ring around her home world was.

The orbital ring would allow an unprecedented amount of security, as well as economic prosperity for her people. They could keep their environmentalism culture in tact, while heavy industry was above them. According to the data pad Ghost Industries could have the entire skeleton structure of the ring complete in....

“4 months!?” Mon gasped out loud and felt half the room look at her. She quickly hid the pad, and politely apologized to the current speaker who nodded in acceptance.

Senator Mon Mothma took a moment to brush her short auburn hair from her eyes, and quickly glanced her pale blue-green eyes at her neighbors pod. Mon didn't just represent her system. But over a dozen. While her neighbor senator was the same. Normally they would have junior representatives in their pods looking over data. But with the attack, and after action reports. Most the pods were empty. Her neighbor looked at her with a smile, and held up a data pad too. Mon's eyes went a little wide, she realized Lash had contacted not only herself, but her neighboring systems. She gracefully glanced around the senate house and saw more than a few people were more interested in something in their hands than the current discussion.

“What are you playing at?” Mon asked herself more than anyone. All the same, for the first time in hours she saw Master Lash turn ever so slightly towards her. Mon felt her face heat up and she subtly found something, anything else to look at.

“Does the Grand Admiral having anything to add before we cast our vote?” Chancellor Palpatine requested of him.

Mon glanced up to see a very haggard, and depressed looking Chancellor. His skin was pale, his eyes sunken, and he looked over a hundred years old. Mon felt sympathy for him. It wasn't everyday you saw the fall of the capitol. Still the very idea of voting to stay on the ruined world was ludicrous. Over 30% of the planet had been changed into a toxic wasteland. The only reason they could even breath with out a mask right now was because of the senate houses cleaning systems. She hated to admit it. But Coruscant was dead.

“Think long and hard before you cast your vote. Are you fighting to maintain the Republic? Or are you fighting to keep your personal wealth intact?” The Grand Admiral said in admonishment towards more than a few Corporate, and wealthy Senator in the house.

“I don't like your tone, Master Lash.” A senator called out.

“Funny how the truth tends to hurt more than a fanciful lie, senator.” Lash replied, and did one of the most insulting things any senator could do. He ignored them by simply leaving his pod, and the she presumed the senate house.

The senate house grew still as they realized the one man they needed on their side just left the room. Mon looked down at the data pad in her hand saw the accept or declined buttons were highlighted. “Please everyone forgive the Grand Admiral. I'm sure you can imagine he has a lot on his mind. All of you please, cast your votes now.” The Chancellor requested of the room.

Before she cast her vote she contacted her embassy and requested an information packet. It was a few minutes but she received it all the same. She chewed on her lip as she read the information. If she pressed accept than it would jump the overall value of her system by a measure of ten. She glanced up and saw she was not the only one who couldn't decide a course of acti-.... Oh! She needed to vote on reclaiming the planet. She cast her vote, 'nay'. They needed to leave, and decide on a different course of action. She then pressed the acceptance button for the planned proposal of her home system.

“We will now take a short one hour recess to calculate the votes. Respected senators, and colleagues please don't go far.” The chancellor called out, and every pod returned to its home and they were excused.

Senator Mon Mothma returned to her office with her retinue only to pause at the open door. A security officer stepped inside and briefly fell silent. Before he returned and said she had a guest. Her attendant helped her with a once over of her state of office uniform and walked in with a smile on her face as she saw Master Lash standing by the bay window. Looking out onto a city that was on fire. Down below the Clone Troopers held the line from a swarm of creatures from below. Mon walked up to his side and watched in horrified wonder as Lash reached up and twitched his hand. Over a thousand creatures dropped dead for no apparent reason.

“Thank you for accepting my proposal. When the vote is done I need you to gather all of your people on a transport and head straight towards my HQ. I'll get you all off the planet as quickly as possible.” Lash replied in a cold, but oddly comforting tone.

“Some would say it's illegal to use the Force to see what the vote's result is, Master Lash.” Mon said with a bit of cheer. So, they were leaving, good.

Mon sat at her desk and quickly typed out a message to her staff. She took a moment to process all that had happened and wondered if the Republic could really bounce back from this. She ran a hand through her short cropped hair and looked sideways at a holo-picture of her husband and baby girl. She was doing this for them. To make a safe, and healthy Republic. At least that is what she told her self. Mon glanced up at Lash who remained by the window, every few seconds his hand would twitch and the abrupt change in the battlefield was evident.

“Please excuse me, Senator. I have a few more meetings to attend. Along with a list of things to do as long as my arm.” Lash said politely as he bowed from his waist towards her. Mon was quick to stand and walk him out of her office.

“Yes, of course. Grand Admiral. Please let me know if there are any changes.” Mon replied and wished him the best. She blinked as the man in question simply faded from sight. Some Force trick she was sure. Still a bit unnerving to her eye.

Mon glanced out her window and regretted that she wouldn't see this view anymore. Not the destruction, fire, smoke, and radioactive ash. No, the picturesque view of Coruscant in the middle of the day. The towering spires of dura-steel, crete, and transparisteel. Like crystal towers that glowed with a rainbow light. She hoped the next capitol could compare. A smile tugged on her lips. Maybe they could build a new capitol on some rock that Ghost Industries terraforms. Something with more trees, perhaps?

Before she knew it, the hour had passed and the senate house was reconvened. Mon moved to her senate pod just as she received word that her husband, and daughter had reached Ghost HQ and were on a transport off the planet. A weight she didn't know she carried was lifted from her shoulders. She breathed easier, and looked around the room with a clear expression. She glanced towards Lash's pod and saw he was doing his best impression of a statue again. While several of her neighbors were looking over there private data pads. More than a few had smiles on their faces. While several other senators could only look on confused.

“All stand for the supreme chancellor of the Republic!” The Vice-Chair called out in his deep bass baritone voice.

The chancellor looked as if he had aged a year inside of an hour. He looked pale, his hair was in need of a good wash, and his eyes were blood shot. Though she had to admit, there were many senators with the same look. A resounding snap rang through the room and Mon felt a rush of energy pour through not only her, but the whole senate. Several people sighed in relief, and they looked towards Master Lash as he lowered his hand.

“Thank you, Master Lash.” The chancellor said, as he looked like he had now stepped out from a spa. Rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the world. “I regret we cant bottle that technique and sell it on the market. I would think the Republics monetary problems would evaporate post haste.”

The comment earned a few chuckles, and snickers. But the somber mood was quick to return. As Mon looked around the nearly empty house. She hoped for the last time. The Chancellor typed a few keys into his console and the results came through. Mon's eyes popped with disbelief. 32 votes to leave the planet, 203 to stay. This... Didn't make any sense. It was well documented that Lash could use the Force to see forward in time. No, that wasn't right. He could see the weave of the living Force and pick the most likely event. It wasn't fool proof.

“Grand Admiral Lash, due to the lack of Military Command among the Republic Forces you have now been granted full command of our military. Your orders are to retake Coruscant in a timely manner. You have the full force of the Republic behind you. What do you need from us?” The Supreme Chancellor called.

“Article 26, page 34.” Lash called out in a clipped voice. As said document was presented to every senator in house. Mon looked at her console and nearly feinted in shock!

Simply said, in the result that the Senate gave what could be deemed as a suicidal order. The ranking military officer could temporarily supersede the senate. For their own safety. Take full command of the military, and government. Until such time it was deemed safe to return control to the senate. By the Supreme Chancellor's own words. Lash was now in complete and total control of the Republic. Not even the Chancellor could control him.

“Wait! This is not a suicidal order!” A senator called out, voicing everyone's thoughts. Master Lash then uploaded new information.

“The enemy is referred to the Yuuzong Vong. They have released a mutagen into the atmosphere that is rapidly consuming and terraforming the planet. In one standard year all of Coruscant will be a toxic, irradiated jungle. They are effectively recreating their home world here.” Grand Marshal, Lash informed the senate. As tactical data was poured through them, and the military.

“Right now, every single individual without a environmental suit is breathing the mutagen. Twisting your minds, compelling you to stay, and accept the change. 32 of you have been inoculated, which is why you voted to leave.” He continued to inform the room. Absolute silence greeted him in response. Until one senator all but screamed in horror.

“That...That's impossible!”

“Senators, you will now be escorted to your embassies, and will be promptly moved off world. The new capitol of the Republic will be Chandrila. Thank you, Lady Mon Mothma for accepting us in these perilous times.” Lash called out, and directly bowed towards Mon who went visibly pale. Out rage was called on behalf of the senate.

“Wait....” Mon called out, but was drowned in the idiocy of the moment. She didn't agree to that. Wait... Did she agree to that? She pulled out her data pad and looked through the Ghost design scheme.

“Oh no....” Mon had forgotten the contract. She had been so caught up in the moment. She agreed to host the Republic on her home world!?

“ORDER!” The Vice-Chair called out, and the Supreme Chancellor looked like he was about to keel over.

“Lash you can't do this... It isn't right.” The Chancellor called out.

“It's done... Troopers escort the senators to their embassies. We are leaving Coruscant.” Lash called out, and the Coruscant Guard showed up promptly.

What happened next was a blur. She vaguely remembered speaking to Bail Organna who had a bitter smile on his face. She tried to speak, but he just gave her a reassuring hug and told her to trust Lash. He wasn't a warmonger. As soon as the Republic was safe he'd hand over power again. She had to trust a man who had just completely manipulated the entire republic into his absolute control!? She could only pray, Bail was right.


Padme woke up like a Bantha had took a shit on her and forced her to swallow its excrement. She forced her eyes open and saw a hospital room? She glanced left and saw Sabe!? She was alive, but asleep in a bed next to hers. She had been....She had been.... Tears welled up in Padme's eyes as she remembered that house of horrors made of flesh, and bone. But she had escaped. No, she had been saved by a friend. She looked right and saw her friend and bodyguard Gregor asleep in a chair next to the door. His body in a full bio-cast. He should be in bed she thought. But by her bed asleep was the love of her life, Anakin.

“Welcome back, milady.” Gregor's soft voice called out. Padme looked up and smiled at him, as the man stood up slowly. Pain evident on his face.

Padme reached out and ran her hand through Anakin's hair. He jerked awake with wide eyes and looked around. Then saw her, and all but jumped into bed with her. She gasped in mild pain, but wouldn't let go of him for the world. “Hey Ani... Miss me?” She asked, and Anakin choked out a laugh.

“More than can possibly imagine.” Anakin said into her neck, and just held her.

Padme leaned in as best she could and just breathed in this moment of peace. But it wasn't long before her resilient mind kicked in and she started to notice tiny details. She didn't recognize the hospital. The way it was shaped made her think it was a ship, not a building. Her eyes must have given her away as Gregor moved to inform her.

“We are on a transport ship, headed towards the Chandrila system. Coruscant has been lost to the enemy. Grand Marshal Lash has ordered the temporary relocation of the Capitol.” Gregor said with a bemused expression. Padme winced as Anakin hugged her just a bit to tight.

“Grand Marshal?” Padme asked, then gently patted Anakin on the back. “Ani, I'm having a hard time breathing.” She whispered and Anakin jumped back like he'd been tasered. “No, no... Come back. Not done hugging you yet.” Padme pouted, and Anakin laughed and returned to a gentle embrace.

“A lot has happened, milady. Master Lash is now in charge... Of everything.” Gregor replied with a mild grimace. Padme raised a brow at that. Then Gregor went into complete detail, along with Anakin supporting him. They were right, a lot had happened.

A few hours later, and a lot of heated arguments. Padme was in a grav-chair being pushed towards the bridge of the ship. With Anakin, and Gregor behind her. She did her best to look presentable. But there is only so much one can do with hospital scrubs, pale skin, and unwashed hair. She at least was sitting up straight, even if it hurt to do. She bit back a groan as she was pushed to the primary holographic communicator without a word from the staff. The image of Lash appeared promptly.

“What the hell, Lash!” Padme screamed at him. Lash's image simply tilted his head at her.

“I need more information about which subject you are angry about, Padme. A lot has happened since we last spoke. I had expected a thank you for saving your life at least.” Lash's voice was cold, and clipped. Padme winced at the admonishment.

“Sorry... Thank you for saving my life. And the lives of my people.” Padme said next... Wait until Lash nodded. “So... How are you?” Padme tried to start again.

“Busy, I am sure you can imagine why. So let us keep this short and to the point. Knowing you, you have a list of questions. Ask them, and I'll answer.” Lash looked away, and another officer stepped into view for a moment. Lash looked over a pad, signed something, and dismissed the officer.

Padme looked at her old friend, nearly a brother in everything but blood. But for the first time in many years. She couldn't read him. Something was off. Something was different. She glanced towards Anakin who was awfully quiet about the whole thing. He was white knuckling his hands, and grinding his molars. Normally he would have joked, or teased someone about something. Something had happened. She didn't like that the two men who were most important to her in her life. (Save for her father) kept secrets from her.

“Who attacked us?”

“They are called the Yuuzhan Vong. For the past... I'd say 30 standard years they have been in the unknown regions. However, they are originally from another galaxy. Their primary force is still in transit. But enough of their number have arrived to create a beach head. While advance agents have been here for over a century. Gathering intel, resources, and plotting. You met one in the house of horrors. It's name was... Zring Knull.” Lash's voice was monotone, like he was discussing the weather, as he continued to work. Not like he had just informed them of an alien force from outside their galaxy had come to attack them.

“What happened to Coruscant?” Padme asked as she physically swallowed the bile that came to her mouth.

“The...Agents have been harvesting citizens for decades. People go missing all the time on Coruscant. The Vong's unique immune system actively attacks, and devours the Force. Which is why neither the Jedi, Sith, or Jensaarai knew about them. They would have shown up as a blank spot in an ocean of... Well everything. One of their Gods decided to introduce a third faction in the war. Coruscant, along with little under a hundred worlds have been consumed with a mutagen that actively degrades, recycles, and changes entire worlds into the Vong's home world. Coruscant's entire super structure is being used a building materials.”

“You said a God ordered them?” Gregor asked next. “Apologies milady.” Padme gestured with acceptance. Lash produced a picture. A beautiful mural of an older man in the middle of a dark man, and a beautiful light woman.

“These are called, Force-Wielders. Anakin should know about them from his study. Aptly called, The Father, The Son, and The Daughter. What this mural does not depict is, The Mother... Abeloth.” Lash said the name, and a supernatural hush fell over the room. As if saying the name was forbidden by the very galaxy it...No! The Force went silent at her name.

“Abeloth is controlling the Vong...” Anakin spoke up softly, as a look of realization came over him.

“Correct, Abeloth's history is sorted. But I'll send you a data packet to read. However, you must understand that Abeloth for all intentions is practically a god... Little g. Saying her name draws her attention. I would not be surprised if everyone single one of you is currently experiencing a crisis of faith. Like something is...Whispering to you to not believe me. That I'm insane.” Lash's words echoed through them, and Padme had to blink and sort out her own mind. She was thinking that.

“Are you affected?” Padme asked, as she began to massage her head. A headache was beginning to form. She felt the... Force pushing against something in her mind.

“I was... I hadn't realized how much it had...How much she had been directing me. Since the moment I stepped into this galaxy. She's had her eye on me. I've recently developed a temporary measure to block her. But, long term effects are up in the air.” Lash continued, and waited for the next question. As a crew member walked over with a data pad for all three of them.

“Why are we going to Chandrila? I understand that Coruscant is lost, for now. But out of all the different planets?” Padme continued as she put the pad on her lap and promptly forgot about it. She blinked and realized that she had pushed it to the side of the console. She reached for it and felt something push a pin through her skull.

“Padme?” Anakin asked, as he took a hold of her shoulder, and gave her hand a tight squeeze.

“I'm fine... Just a lot to process.” She replied, and stopped reaching for the data pad. The 'pin' in her brain receded. She turned to focus on Lash who was watching her.

“Chandrila has a Force-Temple on it. The entire planet is saturated with positive energy. It will temporarily give the senate a reprieve. Maybe. Given that I've received word that we've had over two hundred active attempts of sabotage from people who have no memory of why they did what they did. I'm assuming I hit a mark.”

“These attempts to block this... Creature?” Gregor asked, as he too massaged his head as a migraine seem to take a hold of him. Padme noticed he still had his data pad in hand. She glanced towards her own pad and found it was somehow across the room. When did it get there?

“You were all inoculated when you were asleep. The fact that you are actively fighting her influence even as we speak says its working, if only mildly.” Lash replied, and a pain shot through Padme's skull.

“LIAR!” Anakin screamed at Lash, took out his light saber and was shot from behind by a clone trooper with a stun bolt.

“Anakin!?” Padme shouted out, she tried to get up from her chair and collapsed on the ground from a sense of vertigo.

“Regretfully it's those who are strong in the Force who are the most affected. But it seems those who gained their ability directly from my involvement gives you some immunity.” Lash's voice was distant, and wrong to Padme's ears.

“You... You can't do this Lash. It's not what the Republic stands for...” Padme called out, as she crawled towards Anakin.

“Padme we weren't even discussing the Republic. As soon as the senate is on Chandrila I'll give back the command power I was given.” Lash simply said.

“The...Republic...Wont... Accept...This.” Padme wheezed, as her vision grew darker.

“Trooper up the dosage by another one thousand.” Lash said, to the clone medic who stood over Padme. But she lost consciousness before she felt the prick of the needle in her arm.


Lash watched on his holo-video as the clone troopers secured Padme, and Anakin. Officer Gregor was off to the side as he gripped his head in pain. But a relieved sigh escaped him as he was given another inoculation. The officer stood up and straightened out his uniform. Though his bio-cast got in the way. He maintained a sense of normalcy. He looked towards Padme as she was carried away with a wounded expression.

“Lady Padme was changed from your influence, why wasn't able to shake off the effects?” Gregor asked. Lash leaned back in through at his Parallel Minds worked in over time across the Republic.

“She hasn't been trained. Get some rest, Gregor. You have a full schedule ahead of you.” Lash informed the officer who nodded in acceptance and killed the feed.

Lash turned away from the holographic and moved towards the forward window of the Venator he was aboard. The officers, and Clones gave him a wide berth as he stood by and watched the stars pass them by in hyperspace. He checked his watch and counted the seconds as they came out of hyperspace right into the Chandrila system. Which was currently spilling over with activity.

Chandrila system was located in Bormea sector in the Ringali Shell of the Core Worlds. The Planet Chandrila, and its system was three systems away from Coruscant. Practically next door with hyperspace available. Though the planet Coruscant had been abandoned, the moons were still operational and would be continued to be of use. Though at a lesser version. Given their primary source of resources came from the planet was not cut off. Lash wouldn't be surprised if the Vong had plans for those moons and had promptly informed the Coruscant guard to do a thorough inspection of them.

That had also been a surprise. The Clone Command had folded like a deck of cheap cards. Always a people for regulations. Their command structure had gone over the contract, and laws with a fine comb and discovered that what Lash had done was perfectly legal. Especially when it was proven without a doubt that the senate was under control by a foreign power. Due to a majority of the clones being low, to none existent sensitivity to the Force. Abeloth had very little control over them. Or, she was playing the long game.

Now the Jedi? That had been a discussion.


(Before they left, Coruscant.)

“Lash, you done what have? The planet we can't leave. You control the republic like this we can't let!” Master Yoda said in outrage, as he stamped his cane into the ground. They stood together on a landing platform under the Ghost HQ atmospheric shield.

“As soon as we are on Chandrila I'll give back the power. I've already proven that the senate is under control from Abeloth. I know for a fact that all of you feel her influence after your injection. The Vong have won the planet, I refuse to order the suicide of every clone because of your pride.” Lash gave his rebuttal and dismissed the snarl that gave from Master Windu.

“I should have known this was your plan all along! The Jensaarai are just like the Sith! They want to seize control of the Republic!” Windu shouted at him and pulled his light saber. It's purple glow stood electric in the dark ash cloud above.

“I just told you that I'll give back my power in Chandrila! It is less than an hour away by hyperspace! Listen to yourself, Windu!” Lash stood dumbfounded at Windu's actions.

What remained of the Jedi order on Coruscant consisted of 8 Jedi Masters, and 4 Jedi Knights. Not including Anakin who was at Padme's bedside. The rest had either died, or had been moved off world. More than half the young lings present had been moved to the temple of Venura. Or taken to another Jedi temple.

“For this but the republic will not stand, Lash. Remain and keep our home safe we must.. Yes, hrrrm.” Yoda said with certainty. He even made motion to retrieve his light saber.

“This is not working.” Lash said in irritation and activated his Nullification Field, it popped to a 30 foot sphere, then extended at his insistence. Not only did this push Abeloth out, but the surrounding Force was pushed out as well. Though it seemed annoyed, it also understood the reason. Though the Jedi dropped to their knees and screamed in anguish. Being cut off from the Force was heart wrenching.

“What...What have you done!?” Master Plo Koon asked in horror.

“I cut you off from the Force, temporarily. Abeloth uses the Force as her target vector. As horrifying as this experience must be for you all. Please, shut the fuck up and listen!” Lash shouted with finality, as his voice carried to each of them.

“The Vong have committed galactic wide genocide in not one, but two different galaxies. They are here now in ours. They've had practice, they've had experience, and they are a lot stronger than we are. Now, they have a god telling them what to do. I need you all to actually act like the warriors of the Force you claim to be and grow the fuck up!” Lash shouted the last part, and they winced at his tone.

“I am sick and tired of your bullshit! This is beyond the Jedi, and the Sith. The Vong do not care. We are all meat to them. To be processed and used in their war machine.” Lash weaved a spell through his various domains. Something he found was far easier than it use to be and pushed another round of drugs into their systems.

“Now, I'm going to take down my field. Do you have any questions before I do that?” Lash asked around.

“Wait... Do you know who the Sith Lord is?” Windu asked.

“Yes, its Sheev Palpatine. He's Darth Sidious.” Lash replied like it wasn't a big deal. Windu's eyes went wide as several puzzle pieces clicked into place. “Abeloth wanted the war to happen, so she's been manipulating both sides. That's not to say that Sidious isn't severally talented in counterespionage, and the mere fact that Jedi are fucking morons when it comes to spy-craft.” Lash then took down his field and the Force rushed back in, along with twisting tendrils that latched onto each Jedi he saw. Irritation came out in a low key snarl, but he could tell it amused Abeloth that he was trying. Like it was a game they were playing and he only realized recently that he was a player.

Windu ground his molars as he gripped his head in pain, and frustration. “Do you have...any proof?”

“I do, every dealing, every back room agreement, and communication between him and Lord Tyranus. The problem is even if I gave you the entire data pad here and now. Abeloth would force you to destroy it. The war will happen whether you want it to or not. In fact I doubt you'll even remember this conversation. Which is why I'm recording it.” Lash spoke to the air, more than Windu and saw the tendrils grow still for a moment.

“But do you know who the Sith Lord is!?” Windu asked in fury! Lash rolled his eyes and sighed. But Yoda looked up in absolute horror then he looked towards Lash.

“I'm happy you still remember, Master Yoda.”

“Enough, to Chandrila with the senate we will go. To ensure the proper transfer of power. You give your word do, you will return power to the republic, Lash?” Master Yoda asked, as he stood up and waved at the Jedi around them. Many of them were confused and held their heads in pain. Others looked like the past ten minutes hadn't happened and wanted to attack Lash.

“To the Republic, yes I will. Not to the Sith. I'm done playing that game.” Lash replied. Which of course the next conversation was going to be fun.


(Minutes before they leave Coruscant.)

Lash walked into a secure cell on the perimeter of the HQ holdings. Just along the edge, as the last remnants of the clone troopers pulled out. He walked up straight towards the ray shields that held a unique prisoner who looked at him with hatred. Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor sat chained, and tied to a stone throne. An IV pumping into his body full of a recent drug Lash had made. Oddly based on the Vong immune system.

“Did you ever intend to let me have my Empire?” Palpatine asked in a bitter tone. Lash crossed his arms across his chest with a sigh.

“Yes, yes I did.” Lash replied, and Palpatine looked surprised. “The Vong were supposed to show up in 50 years. At the height of the Empire's power. A few civil wars, rebellions, and your battle station. Though the station is destroyed not once, but twice. The galaxy was meant to have a galactic power that could rival the Vong's entire population. Something around 500 billion soldiers. Because their entire population is capable of conflict. I wanted you to rule, because I knew the Jedi would fail.”

“Then why am I chained up!? Release me and I will see the Empire you saw come to fruition!” Palpatine screamed at him.

“When that drug entered your system did you feel it leave? The pressure in your mind?” Lash asked, and Palpatine went still as he searched through his memories.

“...Yes... Yes, I felt it. That was her?” He asked, and Lash nodded. A snarl of frustration ripped from the Sith's throat. “I AM NO ONE'S PAWN!”

“Sheev Palpatine died on Coruscant. Darth Sidious is still the ruler of the CIS.” Lash replied, and the fiery inferno of Palpatine's hatred went to a dull simmer of rage.

“One of my Force-projections will continue to assist you as Enfarious if you allow it. Stop dilly dallying about this pathetic war to kill the Jedi. We have BIGGER problems. The Vong will commit galactic genocide. Then they will split into factions and wage war onto each other. Once they have consumed every natural resource, and blown up a few suns. They will pack up and go to another galaxy. They don't care about the Sith, the Jedi, or the Force. They will literally devour it.” Lash finished his little spat, unlocked Palpatines restraints but before he could speak a single word in retort a Portal of shadow, and starlight swallowed the Sith Lord. Sending him to a safe house in Raxus Sucundus.

Lash turned on his heel and made his way to one of the last transports off of Coruscant. He was the last one to leave the toxic world. He turned to look back as the Ghost HQ was all but abandoned. Though thanks to his tear drop powers tone, and Portal he took the buildings, simulation hall, and a lot of resources and automatically ported them to another location. That had mystified more than a few people. With one last look he boarded the transport who flew off towards the designated Venator. He had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to get it done. The War had entered another phase. He also needed to get to Mortis and speak to The Father.


Mortis was an ethereal realm within the Force which was whispered over in legends and stories passed down through the millennia by Jedi, Sith, and the average spacer alike. It was believed to have existed outside any star system, and potentially the galaxy or even the universe. Some believed that the origins of the Force came from Mortis. (Copy and paste from Wookiepedia.)

Mortis was a realm of the Force which contained dreamlike environments; it could not be mapped, and even its landmarks appeared in different locations frequently. The daytime was a time of peace during which blossomed lush fields, green mountains, and stunning vistas. Dense forests, molten caverns, and floating mountains above the surface were among some of the different biospheres. The light had a healing quality, though it came from no star. When night fell the plants withered and died, the creatures vanished, and the few stars that shone in the black sky were unidentifiable. Scalding rains swept the terrain, making survival without shelter near impossible.

Entrance to the mysterious planet was never voluntary, as Mortis drew in its visitors inexplicably. It manifested itself in different ways; Mortis was reported as having appeared as a massive monolith floating in space; other times individuals walked through a door or landed there without discernible reason. Time within Mortis had no meaning; what seemed like days or weeks within the realm, passed within seconds without, a mysterious quality it shared with such locales as Ahch-To and Dagobah. (Copy and paste from Wookiepedia)

Deep within Mortis was a towering structure not unlike a Ziggurat. Its stone roots ran deep into the earth, and its spire reached towards the sky. The structure was at the heart of the dream like plane. Despite the distance, and the location one could always see its glimmer in the dark, and its towering peak during the day. This was the home of the three. The Father, the Son, the Daughter. Though the children would often wonder the forgotten realm. Seeking new discoveries to their home. Because it was always changing, and shifting. Mortis was never the same for long. Then sometimes they would have visitors.

The Father, a wizened old man who knelt in meditation within the pyramid temple opened his eyes as he felt the cosmic Force whisper in his ear. “Son, daughter, we'll be having guests soon.”


First draft, raw, unedited.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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