Direct Bullet

Chapter 54: Heading East!

Chapter 54 Heading East!

Gaelic Town Hospital

Intrigued but also surprised by the statement, Ver says, sure why not! But just a disclaimer you might die traveling with me! Looking at him with a straight face Rint says in a serious tone, trust me I know. Still in shock at the question staring at the both of them, with his mouth gaped open Pap says, what! Are you serious Ver! Your letting a guy that legitimately tried to kill you not to long ago travel with you! Turning to Pap with a friendly expression on his face, responding back to him, Ver says in a calming tone, it would seem so! Also in the off chance that he tries any thing! Shifting his head back toward Rint, Ver says in a snarky voice, I'll just end his existence! Looking at Ver with a nervous expression, Rint sweats a little at his claim.

Chiming into speak Lizzie says, so now that you have a new tag along buddy what next? Putting his hands in his pockets turning toward Lizzie, Ver says, easy! Me and Rint are heading east to take down Zorga! Hearing the name Rints eyes widen with surprise and says in a hesitant voice, did you just say Zorga as in Zorga the demon? Glancing at him with his right eyebrow raised, Ver says, yeah why? Do you know where in the east I can find the prison Killri gear? Responding back Rint says, I don't but I know someone who does! And he might also know more if we can get it out of him!

End of Chapter 54

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