Direct Bullet

Chapter 53: Let Me Travel With You!

Chapter 53 Let Me Travel With You!

Gaelic Town Hospital

Stepping into the room a bandaged up Rint circle walks in, shocked with his beaded gray eyes staring at Rint, gulping hard, opening his mouth to speak in a down cast tone, Pap says, um um what are you doing here? Did you come here to take us out while we are defenseless? Gazing straight ahead with a solemn face, Rint says, no need to worry I didn't come here to take out anyone. Looking at him with a high strung gaze, Lizzie says in a sassy but anxious voice, then why are you here then? Shifting his eyes downward to the floor and then shifting them back up with a sorrowful expression strewn across face, Rint says with a gentle tone, I would like to apologize to Ver! Staring at Rint with an expressionless face, Ver says while putting both arms up on the back of his head, no apology needed! Confused at the response, Rint says in befuddlement, why not? Walking up to Rint and placing a hand on his right shoulder, Ver says in an empathic tone, because every chance you had at going for the kill when we fought you didn't really take it! And plus after I beat you I saw the necklace of your bros. so it got me thinking that your really not a bad guy!

Tearing up in his right eye, Rint says in a quiet tone, I see! But I have one more thing I must ask of you! giving off a slight smirk, Ver says, alright let it rip! Lifting up his left hand wiping his teary right eye, Rint says with conviction in his voice, let me travel with you!

End of Chapter 53

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