Chapter 52: Unexpected Guess!
Chapter 52 Unexpected Guess!
Gaelic Hospital Second Floor: Pap and Ver's Room
Looking at the two injured half mummies, Lizzie says, what's all the loudness for? Gazing over at her with a comedic upset face pointing at Ver with his left arm, Pap says, he started it! He scared me half to death! Looking over at Pap with squinted eyes Ver says, over reaction much! Putting her hands on her petite waist giving Ver and Pap a stern glare of concern, Lizzie says, well it doesn't matter who started it! What matters is that you two need to relax and rest and to not overexert yourselves! Standing up out of his seat, placing his right hand over his head, brushing his hair back like a super model, Ver says with a smooth bravado, come now Lizzie there's no need to worry about me! my bodies as tough as an ox! Poking out her lips looking at him with a yeah what ever type look, Lizzie says in a sarcastic tone, yeah I know says the guy wrapped up like a half mummy! Sitting up in his bed, Pap giggles to himself at Lizzie's dialogue. Knock! Knock! Stopping there convo, all three turn there heads toward the door.
Folding his arms with his body shifting toward the door, responding to the knock Ver says, It's open! Slowly opening the door a man walks through, both gazing with shrunken pupils and sweating nervously, Pap and Lizzie stare at the man in silence. Walking in front of Lizzie, Ver says with a small smile on his face, looky here! Looks like we have a guess!
End of Chapter 52