Chapter 55: The Boy With The Scarf!
Chapter 55 The Boy With The Scarf!
13 years ago on a dark and rainy day, the winds woosh and slosh as the rain drops fall like cats and dogs. Settled in the middle of nowhere on a farm deep in the country side, a brown old two story house is nestled deep in the far off rural area. The moon is full as the light shining from it's spherical form hits the front of the old and washed home. Crrshing! Crashing to the floor a plate with food on it shatters, coming from the kitchen in the brown home a burly drunk man in his 20's yells out and says, what the fuck is this nasty shit! Looking over at the enraged man, a woman with bright blue berry colored hair says in a fearful voice, Cono calm down your drunk! Griping his beer in his right hand, standing up abruptly out of his seat at the table, Cono says in an ignorant and furious tone, shut the fuck up you stupid whore! Seeing his father yell at his mother a young boy with short spiky blue hair, gazes at his father with frightened eyes and says, daddy! You shouldn't say those things to mommy! Turning toward him with a disgusted look on his face, Reaching out with his free hand grabbing the boy with the quickness by his pink scarf and red shirt, Cono hollers in the boys face and says, what the fuck did you say to me! You pink queer scarf wearing motherfucker!
Lifting up the boy out of his seat, tears streaming down his face like an ice cream melting on a hot summer day. The blue haired boy says in a panic, daddy let me go! Let me go! Gazing at the boy with a malicious stare Cono throws the boy to the floor. Dsssh! With her heart dropping in her chest at witnessing the horrific scene, the boys mother yells out in bloody murder, Diya!
End of Chapter 55