Demented psycho through the multiverse.

Fences are cunts.

[2600 words]

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



3:16 of the Pewdiepie Chronicles states that "thou must not simp, less thy become spat on my Floor Gang". 


I was sitting on the roof watching the sunrise and eating a tub of melted vanilla ice cream.

it has been a month since the apocalypse started, there were some major riots in the first few days, people were murdered, stores were smashed and had their contents stolen, cities were set on fire. it was really fun, I enjoyed myself quite a bit, but of course the people killed would just come back and eat the others, who would then rise and do the same thing to the rest

after the sixth day the walkers were at full swing, cities were full of the undead, of course the military tried to do something, you could hear the sound of helicopters and gunfire continually for three weeks straight. but now? not so much.

from what I heard on the radio yesterday, the walkers now outnumber people in a 

100 to 1 ratio.

speaking of people, all the people in my neighborhood are now gone, some got eaten, some left, while the rest were killed by me when the military came to evaluate us.

to expand on that topic, basically three weeks after the walkers hit the fan, some military people in armoured trucks and a tank leading at the front showed up to evacuate us, pretty late if you ask me. 

when they arrived people rejoiced and cheered that they were saved. of course at the time I was watering the flowers in the garden at the front of our house, a soldier came up to me and asked me where my parents were, after replying that they disappeared, he told me to come with them.

seeing no reason to really leave, I declined politely by telling him to 'fuck off'. he attempted to take me with them by force, so I retaliated by punching his head and torso out of existence

the other soldiers seemed to not like that as they tried to shoot at me which was very rude. so I beat them all to death by using their headless comrade as a bat

as for the one guy in the tank?, I just pulled him out of the tank broke all his limbs, and drove over his head with the tank tread, of course after that I had to hunt down all the screaming neighbors who were running away in fear

Jesus, I've gotten so violent these days, I mean I never had a problem in killing people but I never did so if unnecessary, or tried to make their death more agonizing than necessary, I mean that would just be a waste of time

but now for some reason, so much joy bubbles up inside me when causing pain humiliation and suffering to others, I love hearing their screams, I love watching their struggle to survive, the despair in their eyes moments before their death. I love trampling on all their insignificant lives as if they were just bugs. their fear, suffering and despair, all of it just makes me so ecstatic to the point of almost losing my sanity, is it because I died before?, or is it because of this new body? or maybe it's because I absorbed that spider?

no, this is how I was always, the reason I didn't feel joy when killing in my past life was because I always knew in the back of my head that if someone knew what I did, there would be consequences, or there could be consequences. I knew that someone in the world had the power to punish me, be it a police officer, a judge, a city mayor, a country leader. they all had the power to punish me for my deeds.

but here, no one can do anything, I have absolute dominance and power, no matter what I do or how many I kill, no one can retaliate against me, all they can do is run or beg for mercy

but enlightenment about myself aside, I decided it would be a waste to let all the fresh walkers that I acquired to go to waste so I tore of their arms, smashed their teeth out and tied them to the fence of my house by their necks, after that they became very docile, they stopped lunging at me to try and bite or scratch me and just stood there on the sidewalk Infront of my house growling occasionally, it was sorta cute in a way

'hah, so peaceful', I thought to myself as I finished eating the tub of ice cream. there was no sound of cars or their horns, no annoying people, no more noise pollution, no more air pollution, it's quite ironic that it took the virus known as the walkers to get rid of the parasite on the planet known as humanity. ironic but still beautiful and frankly quite expected

'I'm bored, and I still have to spend more than nine and a half years in this world', I pondered as I closed and threw the empty tub at one of the walkers heads, being bonked, it turned around to look at me and just kept staring at me with it's dead fish eyes

'hmm, what to do? what to do?. I could join one of the plots going on in the walking dead, there should be around three, first telltale's the walking dead which should be happening here in Georgia, specifically in Macon and the first season should end in Savannah, there's also fear the walking dead which should be in Mexico right now, and last and certainly fucking least the walking dead which should also start in Georgia, specifically in Atlanta. but I don't feel like meeting Kenny, going to Mexico or getting involved with Rick and his drama crew

'of course I could also try and do my own thing, maybe exterminate an entire city of both the dead and the living or kill the dead and enslave the living or maybe enslave both the dead and the living, I could also just try and build a gigantic hoard of walkers and exterminate all the people in this continent, but keeping all the walkers in such a gigantic hoard and not letting them wander would be pretty much impossible, not to mention vexing, or I could just stay here, take care of the house's garden, get some solar panels, live a Hikikomori life as the Japanese call it

[a/n: in simple terms a Hikikomori is a shut in]

 'yea, you know what, fuck it, fuck the plots, fuck the people, fuck the walkers, I'll just find a nice isolated farm, wall it off and just stay there', having decided on my next course of action, I went back inside the house by punching a hole through the sealing. I grabbed my bag and exited by just jumping through the wall, I picked a direction and just ran, jumping over any buildings or obstacles in the way

a few hours later I found what I was looking for, a large house, lush green fields and even some cattle.

hopping over the fence I walked to my new house, when I walked into the porch the front door opened and a middle aged man came out

"who are you?, where did you come from?, whose with you?", he questioned with a mean face as he put his hand on his holstered gun

"oh, me?, I just came here with Candice", I beamed

"who's this Candice?, where she hiding?", he pulled out his gun and looked around while questioning

"Candice dick fit in your mouth. yeet", I said while lunging at him he couldn't even react as I put my index and middle fingers through his eyes, grabbing him by the eye holes like a bowling ball and yeeting him, sending him flying to the distance


I heard a soft gasp from the inside of my new house, entering inside I quickly found the source which was in the kitchen

inside were two girls, they were both Identical, so twins. they looked to be in their mid teens, they both had long black hair, black eyes, pale white skin wether it was natural or from seeing their father get yeeted has yet to be seen, their facial features were beautiful and they had pretty nice bodies although their chests were pretty flat their bodies definitely had nice figures, over all they were both a solid 9/10, I'm definitely keeping these gals around


when they saw me they tried to run away, but i jumped on them, grabbed them by their slender necks and pinned them to the wall

"wow running away at the sight of me?, I didn't know that I was that ugly", I said as I softly squeezed their necks, they tried to struggle but alas that was meaningless against me

"well since your father has finally achieved the dream of all humans, flight. I'm gonna step in and become the new head of this house, aren't you thankful for my endless benevolence?. the name's D by the way but you can call me daddy", I said as I brought my face closer to theirs, and then I let go of both of their necks letting them fall to the ground and gasp for air

"so. we need some house rules, first you will do anything I ask, second you can't leave without my permission, simple right", I said as I showed two fingers

"do so and I'll make sure that no harm comes to you, you have witnessed how strong I am firsthand, I can easily make sure that nothing neither dead or alive can hurt you", I said

"you killed our father!", one of them screamed at me with hatred

"oh that was inevitable, a hoard or someone would have destroyed this place eventually, you and your father would have either been eaten alive or enslaved by some group and turned to their sex toys", I said as I slowly crouched down to the same eye level as the girls on the ground

"yeah?, and you won't?", she spat back hatefully as she avoided making eye contact with me

"look at me", I ordered, her hands trembled as she refused to look at me, so I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me

"you know, I like to think of myself as a minimalist, so I rarely keep around anything that isn't necessary, but when I do, I make sure to take really good care of it, so since I decided to make you both my toys I'll take good care of you, don't worry I won't ask you to do much, all you have to really do is make my meals and take care of the house", I explained in a soft voice as I caressed her cheek

"i-" she tried to speak but I cut her off

"you don't have to decide now, take a few hours to think about it", I said as I got up, I then webbed them to the wall and walked away, they both were freaked out from being suddenly subjected to my white and sticky substance and tried to struggle out

walking out the house and closing the door, I looked at the fence surrounding the farm, short and flimsy, mostly there to mark out the property and stop the cattle from wandering off. gonna have to replace that

I went to the nearby city, well I say it's nearby but it's more then 60km away. I came here because I had a small shopping list, I needed a long roll of large metal fence, preferably something like the big ones they use in prisons, a lot of solar panels and a large gas powered generator.

I couldn't find an adequate fence but I did manage to get around twenty large solar panels from a super market, so I tied them all together with my webs and carried them all back to the farm, of course while I was making my way inside and outside the city there were gigantic hoards of walkers but I just easily avoided them, there were some people here and there but I just killed anyone who tried to make contact with me and ignored the rest

after putting the solar panels in the farm, I left again. this time I was heading towards a prison that was a few dozen kilometers from here. after around half an hour I arrived at the prison. the fence was perfect it was a really high, chain link fence with rolls of barbed wire at its bottom, middle and top.

(image of fence)

the yard was full of orange wearing walkers with a few ones in guard attire, if I wanted to take this fence I would need to remove it's posts from the ground, doing that with walkers all over me would be annoying, thankfully this was a prison, which have two layers of fences, so problem solved

jumping over the first fence, I tightly hold the fence post and pull it out the ground, these things must be really secure cuz it took me yelling "yeah buddy, light weight baby" to be able to pull it out the ground, after repeating the same thing a lot more times I managed to finally steal enough of this fence for my uses, now I was stuck with a large heavy roll of fencing so what will I choose to do now? is it:

A: go back to the city and get a large transport truck

B: realize that I don't need a fence this large for a farm and just leave

C: take the fence apart so that it isn't one piece, stack the pieces on top of each other and transport it that way

D: raw dog it and just drag the fence more than 90km by myself while screaming yeah buddy light weight, for six entire fucking hours

for anyone who guessed D instead of C you are a certified fucking idiot

'and so am I', I thought as I finally reached my destination, I was tired, it was the first time in this life that I've felt tired, damn being tired sucks carpet water

well just like master Oogway once said

"get your ass up and plant that fence down before I whip your dirty ass nigg-"

ay ay captain I thought as I started planting this ridiculous fucking fence in the ground, I did not only one, but two layers around the farm, now you might have noticed something strange other than how ridiculous what I'm doing is, it's that the are no gates in either of the new fences, that might seem like an oversight for someone like you, but for me its a feature, what need would I have for a gate?, I can easily jump over it, as for my new toys they are never gonna leave so this is perfect

now that I was done doing the work of god aka me, I decided to go back to my house and check on my toys, there's no question about if they will become my toys, just how long it will take and how much torture will they need


end of chapter by the way next one is probably gonna be R18, and definitely less gory

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