Demented psycho through the multiverse.


[2271 words]

I tried to make the paragraphs smaller for this chapter let me know what you think

here's a joke.

why are all black people fast?....cuz all the slow ones are in jail wahahahaha

this chapter is written, proof read and edited by me, your only god and savior



'speaking of torture I should probably prepare something to discipline them when they inevitable try to oppose me, well I'll do it tomorrow.', I decided as I went inside the house.



walking into the kitchen I saw the twins sleeping with their heads drooped while still stuck to the wall.



walking closer to them a large spider leg grew out of my back, it was long, Sharp and pointy, perfect for impalement and disembowelment, but that wasn't gonna be my use for it this time.



and yes I can do stuff like this, I can grow spider legs of my back and sides, I can transform into a small spider only as large as a thumb or one much bigger than a human, I can also become what they call an arachne, a large spider with a humans torso.



but cool shit that I can do aside. I use the spider leg to cut off the webs holding the girls to the wall, they fell to the ground with a thud, the impact waking them up.



I lower myself In front of them, and snap my fingers in front of them.



"wakey wakey, good morning sleepy heads. I hope you enjoyed your nappy time. so?, have you decided yet?", I asked with a warm smile on my face as I used my long spider leg to hold up their chins



they looked at the long, cold and sharp spike under their chins and nodded



"o-ok, we'll do w-w-what you want as long as you don't hurt us", one of them said while trying to hide the clear fear in her voice



"excellent, serve me well and I'll make sure that you stay safe. there are lots of monsters and bad people out there, but don't worry as long as I'm around you'll be just fine.", I promised with a friendly smile glossing over the fact that I'm the worse of all the monsters in their eyes as I removed the sharp spike from under their chins and made it go back inside me. (..sus wording)



"well I'm hungry so why don't you make me a sandwich", I ordered as I walked away



"I'll be outside", I said as I closed the house door, I didn't lock it, there was no need to do so.



why was I so nice to them?, well it's the carrot and the stick approach, now the normal carrot and the stick approach would consist of giving the stick in promise of the carrot.



but this is MY carrot and stick approach, so I'll first give them the carrot without the stick, treat them nicely give them the 'choice' to serve me, and promise them their safety and happiness, and when they inevitably try to kill me, BAM that's when I'll hit them with the hardest, thickest and most painful stick I have that won't kill or leave any permanent marks on their bodies.



after I'm done giving them said stick they'll be so obedient they won't even think about wanting the carrot all they'll want is to avoid the stick and the only way to do that is by keeping me and MY stick happy



(wink wink..)



but although I've already given them the carrot I still haven't decided on the stick



'I could tear off their nails, break their fingers, break their arms, break their legs. nah all those would leave a mark plus what I want to do is break their minds not their bodies', I thought as I went inside a large shed on the farm



inside was what I think is blacksmithing equipment, there was a forge, an anvil, a vice, hammers, and some tongs.



'hmm I could web them up again and dangle them over a hoard of walkers for a few days', I pondered 



'nah it would take too long plus that sort of fear doesn't last long and they probably won't be affected by it all that much after a long time, I need a method that will not only always work but also get even more effective the more it's used', I thought



and while looking at a few large metal sheets leaning on the wall, an idea suddenly struck me, I remembered how I read about one of the C.I.A'S advanced "interrogation" techniques. they would take the person they were interrogating, strip them naked, tie their arms and legs, and lock them in a box too cramped for someone to sit up or lay down in so they would be forced to stay in a very uncomfortable fetal position in pitch black darkness, the painful muscle contractions, the feeling of the already tight walls closing in even tighter and the endless darkness.



now this torture method I mean 'advanced interrogation technique', might not seem to be all that bad I mean you're not being hit or waterboarted, but don't underestimate it, most people can't stay there for even 10 minutes before they start to feeling incredibly uncomfortable so you can only imagine what it's like to be locked in there for hours on end.



(image is a self portrait done by Mr.Abu Zubaydah the first person to be subjected to the C.I.A's advanced interrogation program in Guantanamo bay)



now that I was provided all the tools it was time to get to work on making my vision into reality, I can't wait!!!



it wasn't all that hard to make. saw appropriate seized sheets of metal out of the big sheets, weld them together to make a rectangular box, add a few hinges and locks to make doors and boom you got yourself a George W. bush approved torture box.



(mAkE sUrE tO sMaSh ThAt LiKe BuTtOn AnD sUbScRiBe FoR mOrE ePiC tOrTuRe ReLaTeD cOnTeNt)



it took me around half an hour to make two boxes. and only after I was done with it did the twins show up, one had a plate with my sandwich while the other had a tray with a glass of some booze with a little extra something. neat this just gets better and better.



"wow took your sweet time didn't you?", I said as I grabbed the sandwich and inspected it's contents, ham, lettuce and cheese sandwiched between two slices of white bread.



"sorry, it took some time to cook the meat", the twin that handed me the sandwich said and lowered her head slightly.



"hmm, what's that?", I said as I looked at the other twin holding the booze tray.



"uh, this is some whiskey we brought you, would you like me to pour you some?", she offered.



"yeah thanks", I said with the brightest smile that this body has ever made, it wasn't because of the whiskey but because of what was mixed into it.



after filling the large glass, she handed it to me with a smile, I took a sniff of the whiskey, that made both of them tense up as if they were anxious about something, I kept sniffing it for an entire three minutes to tease them, those three minutes undoubtedly felt like they were three decades for them.






with a large gulp I downed the entire glass of rat poison whiskey, unsurprisingly the rat poison made the whiskey better, I mean it's not like you can make whiskey worse tasting






they visible relaxed a large amount after I drank their naughty liquids.



"ahh this whiskey has that nice classic rat poison flavor", I said as I let out a content sigh.



"uhh yeah, well we wouldn't know since we're too young to drink", one of them awkwardly said



"oh yeah I don't know anything about you guys, how about you tell me about yourselves", I proposed, they should be pretty willing to talk since they think they just poisoned me.



"well, I'm Julia and this is my sister Joline and we're both 16", the twin who gave me the sandwich introduced herself and her sister. she was also the one who did most of the talking ever since we met this morning.



"well it's very nice to own you Julia, my name's D and I'm five months old", I introduced myself as well while slightly emphasizing our relationship, I didn't really need to do so as I would be making our relationship very clear later.



after that I ate my sandwich in silence while Joline kept pouring me one glass after another. they just watched in silence as I eventually emptied out the bottle.....just like daddy used to do.



"Julia, Joline I have a question for you", I said in my normal voice which was void of emotion. (bit cringy but I'll bear with it)



"uhh what is it D", Julia asked






"uhh that's not a question", she nervously said



I violently tore off their shirts



""hiiiiiii"", they both yelped in surprise and hugged their chests to hide their breasts.



"that's because I don't make requests. now get naked", I asserted as four spider legs grew out of my back two of them ripped through my robe since it covered a part of my back.



they slowly removed the rest of their clothing while making sure to hide their chests with one hand and their crotches with the other.



those shivering bodies full of fear, their splendid smooth white skin free of any blemishes, their curvy slim waists, their seductive wide hips, those fleshy thighs pressed up together, those long legs and delicate feet.



they were beautiful like flowers in the spring, how I wish to crush and squeeze them to make the finest of perfumes, but if I did that I would soon run out of flowers, so I'll properly raise these ones so that I may enjoy them whenever I wish, until their bodies become COLD, NUMB AND HOLLOW.



but first I'll have to properly train them.



so I seized them both by their black hair and dragged them out of the shed all the way to the well behind the house, they struggled, begged and cried on our way there probably thinking I was planning on taking them to the house to rope them, but they were wrong.



I wasn't so soft hearted, after I'm done with them they will be willingly spreading their legs and begging for me to bless them with my seed. I'll make sure of that.



taking them to the well I tie both of their wrists and ankles together with my webs letting them fall to the ground on their backs.



after doing so I drew water from the well using a bucket with rope attached to it's handle and splashed cold water on them until they were completely drenched and shivering from it's cold like rabbits, after that I picked them up like sacks of potatoes and took them back to the shed,



i thought about dragging them through the ground for entertainment but that would damage their value.



after bringing them back to the shed I put them on the ground.



"wwwhy arrre you doing thisss to uss", Julia asked while madly shivering from the cold



"well you see dear Julia, I am the most poisonous creature on this god forsaken rock, I could easily kill you by just spitting on you, do you really think that something as weak as rat poison can kill me, It would do nothing even if I drank an entire ocean of it.", I explained in my normal and monotone manner of speech.



I opened the lid to the box and put her inside, As soon as i locked her up inside the box, she tried her best to sit up, but in vain, for the box was too short. she tried to take a curled position but to no avail, for it was too tight. she was immobilized and shackled in the fetal position.



I grabbed Joline who was sobbing. and bringing her face close to mine I licked her tears, they were salty, they were the tears she was crying because of me, so I'll gladly enjoy them.



"delicious, much better than rat poison. ey Joline", I said as I put her in the box, slammed it shut, and closed the lock. I still have work to do so I decided to leave. 



I have to get some electricity so I decided to install the solar panels, I put four onto roof of the house, ten on the roof of the large barn, and the leftover six in the yard Infront of the house, I then got long reinforced cable, hooked up the solar panels to the house and boom miracle of electricity sorta....



i realized that I would need batteries and a solar power generator if I wanted to have electricity all the time, so I went back to the city again, got what I was looking for and came back, and CABLAMM. electricity 24/7..... I hope.



'it has been more than two hours since I locked the girls up, time to let them out, fufufu, I wonder how they'll act in the future', I thought to myself as I walked to the shed




chapter forecast here, specialists say that next chapter has a one hundred percent chance of R18, so make sure to put your rain coats on cuz lewd juices are gonna flow

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