Burning Moscow

Chapter 16

Section 15 Highland Defense War (10)

The sharp pain in my chest made me sit on the ground and dare not move. At this time, let alone stand up and continue to move forward, it is just that the breathing force is a little bit stronger, and the heart part also feels tingling. Many soldiers rushed past me, but no one stopped or even looked back.

I am not at all annoyed by everyone’s ignorance. After all, this is on the battlefield. For the soldiers, **** death has long been commonplace. No one knows whether he will be overthrown by a bullet or shrapnel in the next moment. Under such overwhelming circumstances, who cares about whether he is lying on the ground is an ordinary soldier or an officer.

After the pain subsided a little, I gently unbuttoned my shirt and looked down at the injured area. I saw a piece of black shrapnel inlaid on the long-handled copper key hanging on my chest. The key had been severely deformed. It seemed that my life was really great. It was the key that helped me block the deadly shrapnel. However, the white and smooth skin around the key was already red and swollen, and I felt painful when I pressed it lightly.

I rubbed my chest and stood up with difficulty, only to find that the pistol in my hand had long been lost. I looked around and saw a German soldier who was killed not far away, with a submachine gun in his hand. I staggered and walked over, bent over to grab the submachine gun, and pulled it hard and grabbed the gun into my hand.

I don’t go to bayonet the enemy, this is what men do. Not to mention that I am a petite woman now, even in my previous life, this kind of technical work that requires courage and skill is not suitable for me. I hung the submachine gun on my chest, put my right hand on the trigger, gently rubbed the injured part with my left hand, and walked forward staggeringly.

When    reached the edge of the trench, the battle was almost over. Most German devils were either shot to death or stabbed to death with bayonets by soldiers. Most German troops are equipped with submachine guns, and the number of people using rifles is very small. If they are used to attack fortifications, the firepower is very powerful. But if it is close hand-to-hand combat, the German soldiers with the submachine guns that have been shot out cannot beat the soldiers with the bayonet-mounted rifles.

The soil of the normal color is no longer visible in the trenches. The ground is either purple or red, and the flesh and blood is completely smeared here. The soldiers of the German army cried and pleaded there, and the soldiers shouted and killed there. The heaven and the earth were like a **** on earth, where there was only tyranny except for despair.

I pulled the trigger and knocked down a wounded German soldier who was struggling to leap at me, without the slightest pity in my heart. On the battlefield of life and death, it is impossible for a woman to be kind, otherwise, you will not know how to die in the end.

When the trenches returned to our army, I, who led the charge just now, didn’t know what to do. Fortunately, Lieutenant Savchenko, the deputy company commander, had rich experience, and he commanded the soldiers while strengthening the fortifications. While starting to treat the wounded.

I stared blankly at the artillery fire of our army, which continued to extend to the German position. Wherever the artillery fire passed, there was no longer a German soldier standing standing. I thought that today’s battle was really useless. The German devils broke through our defense line so easily. If it weren’t for the successful counterattack with the artillery support of the group army, it is estimated that this high ground has now been lost. After the German army occupied the unnamed high ground, they would use it as a starting position and launch an attack on the main peak position from the flanks. Once the main peak fell, the Soviet defense line completely collapsed, and the German army could drive straight into Leningrad city.

“Comrade Lieutenant,” a soldier next to me touched me and said loudly to me, “There is a phone call in the shelter department. It is from the group army command. The other party is looking for a commander to speak.”

I followed him into the shelter, picked up the phone on the table, and began to declare my name: “I am Lieutenant Oshanina, commander of the antiaircraft artillery company, and I am directing the battle. Please give instructions.”

“Where are you doing?” The other party said in a very rude tone: “Where is Captain Holopov?”

“Comrade Lieutenant died.” I didn’t know who the opponent was and couldn’t get angry. I tried to report to him in a calm tone: “Under the cover of tanks, the German army once captured the first line of defense of our army. I even used anti-aircraft guns. After the fire wiped out the tanks, with the support of the group army’s artillery fire, through counterattacks, the lost positions have been taken back.”

“Where is Captain Klopov, the first-level political instructor?” The other party pondered for a while and asked again.

“I also sacrificed.” The other party has been slow to show his identity, and I didn’t want to say more to him. After saying this, I remained silent.

“I’m Major General Fejuninski, commander of the group army, UU reading www.uukanshu.com” After a while, another person’s voice came from the phone headset, “Report your current situation.”

“The soldiers suffered a lot of casualties. The officers almost all died. We need support.” I’m not sure when the Germans will attack again. With the current strength and equipment, the Germans will not be able to stop the new attack, so you are welcome. The ground filed a request for reinforcements to the commander.

“I will send a sailor company to supplement you right away,” he paused, then continued: “In about an hour, you can enter the position.”

“Yes.” Hearing that reinforcements would come soon, the stone in my heart fell to the ground.

“You will take over as command immediately, and the new troops will also be under your command, understand?” Feijuninsky commanded flatly.

“Yes, Comrade Commander.”

“I order: Don’t hesitate to sacrifice, stand on your ground! If you need reinforcements-call.” Before I could speak, there was no sound in the headset.

An hour later, the soldiers of the sailing company entered the position, and the company commander, Captain Pastukhov, who led the team, went directly to the shelter and reported to me.

Two platoons of sailors were arranged by me in the first trench to assist the original troops in defense, under the command of Captain Pastukhov. The remaining platoon retreated to the second trench with the remaining soldiers of the antiaircraft artillery company.

After the artillery of the    group army ceased, the German position was silent. Until dark, the German army did not organize a new round of offensive.

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing very clearly in my heart: The high ground is held!

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