Burning Moscow

Chapter 15

Section 14 Highland Defense Battle (9)

Suddenly, I felt that the machine gun stopped moving. I stepped on the button for a few more times, but there was no response. Jeanne next to me yelled in my ear with a hoarse voice: “All the bullets are gone, Comrade Lieutenant!” I followed the direction of her finger and saw a pile of hollowed out ammunition boxes and mountains of ammunition shells on the ground. .

On the southern **** position, fierce fighting continued. The German army deserves to be a well-trained and elite division that has experienced many battles. The soldiers who broke into the trenches fought hand-to-hand with the militia fighters. With their skilful combat skills, they gradually mastered the initiative on the battlefield. As more and more German soldiers entered the trenches, the militia was already a bit unable to resist. In addition to retreating to the left and right of the trench step by step, some soldiers simply jumped out of the trench with their guns, bent their waists and sprinted towards them. The second line of defense came. But most of these fighters were overwhelmed by German firepower on the open ground.

After the continuous shelling of my company’s anti-aircraft guns, most of the German tanks were destroyed. The remaining three tanks increased their horsepower and crossed the first trench and quickly rushed towards the second trench.

“Boom boom boom!” The anti-aircraft gun continued to shoot downwards. With a series of continuous explosions, the three tanks drove a distance in a twist of black smoke, and they were five or six meters away from the second trench. Stopped. Several fighters with submachine guns immediately jumped out of the trenches, and shot at the tanker who had escaped from the tank without mercy. Those tankers who were lucky enough to escape from the tank fell under the guns of the soldiers without any suspense.

After a while, the firing of the anti-aircraft gun stopped, and the ensign ran over and reported to me that all the ammunition was used up. I murmured secretly in my heart that when the ammunition ran out, I could no longer provide fire support to the infantry defending below. What can I do?

“Comrade Lieutenant,” Seeing that I hadn’t spoken for a long time, the second lieutenant approached and said, “We should enter the position to help the infantry defend.”

“That’s right,” Jeanne, who was standing next to me, echoed: “The bullets are all gone. It is useless for us to stay here. We should go to the position to help the infantry fighters fight the German devils.”

I pondered for a while, and then decisively ordered: “The female soldiers stay to guard the anti-aircraft artillery, and the male soldiers follow me to the battlefield.”

As soon as I entered the position, I saw the captain running around in the trenches to command. Everyone else wears a steel helmet, but he still wears a big brimmed hat, not knowing whether he feels invulnerable or purely for showing off. Anyway, I always put safety first and prevention first, so as soon as the guns rang, I put on my helmet immediately. Seeing him parked not far in front of me, he hurried over: “Comrade Captain, Lieutenant Oshanina brought an anti-aircraft artillery company to support, please instruct.”

“It’s great, the new army is here!” The captain happily narrowed his eyes and asked, “How many people are there and what kind of weapons?”

“The second and third rows are here. There are sixty soldiers, all equipped with rifles.”

“Here” the captain pointed to the side casually, “Your troops are here. It is the old saying: You must be nailed here, you can’t take a step back.” He immediately added when I was about to walk away. One sentence: “Don’t run around, just stay by my side and listen to my direct command.” After saying this, he looked around, lowered his voice and whispered to me, “All the officers on the battlefield except me and you. All sacrificed.”

Although all the German tanks were destroyed, the soldiers who occupied the first trench, even without armor and artillery cover, still held submachine guns and rifles fiercely, lined up in a skirmish formation, and rushed towards us.

“Don’t shoot!” the captain yelled loudly: “Keep the German devil closer before hitting it.”

When the German skirmisher formation advanced to only 50 meters from our trench, the captain suddenly yelled: “Fire!”

The light and heavy weapons on the position fired together, and the advancing Germans were caught off guard. The soldiers in the first two rows were knocked down a lot, and the rest hurriedly fell to the ground and fired at us.

“Boom boom boom…” The sudden artillery fire blasted the first trench into a sea of ​​flames. The incoming German troops were completely separated from the troops behind. The German soldiers who were shooting at us hurriedly retreated into the trenches that were still under their control.

“This is the artillery support provided by the group army to our position.” The captain approached my ear and shouted.

Although all German troops retreated into the trenches, they suffered heavy casualties under the fierce fire from our troops. If it weren’t for our army’s shells to blast a wall of fire between them and their successors, it is estimated that they would have retreated early.

The artillery fire of our army began to extend. I saw that the first trench was littered with flesh and blood corpses of the German army. It seemed that the German army who occupied the trenches had become a lone army.

“Comrade Captain,” I leaned into the captain’s ear and said to him, “The German devils can’t stand it anymore. We should fight back and take back the lost ground.”

The captain looked at the situation on the opposite side, nodded, did not speak, jumped out of the trenches, stood on a high place, raised his submachine gun above his head, and shouted: “Comrades! For the motherland! For Lenin Geller! For Stalin!!! Front In! Front…” His shout suddenly stopped, and his whole body fell into the trenches facing the sky and the earth.

I looked back, and there was a bullet hole on his forehead that was bleeding out. I went up and touched his carotid artery. I could no longer feel any heartbeat. It seemed that the bullet of this German devil had already killed him.

There were a lot of soldiers who jumped out of the trenches. They were a little at a loss when they saw the captain fell. When several soldiers followed in the captain’s footsteps, they were scared that the remaining people either lay down or jumped back into the trenches again. Seeing this situation, I felt bad in my heart. The sacrifice of the captain had a great impact on morale. Although the number of German troops on the opposite side was not large, if they took the opportunity to attack, whether we could hold onto the trench was also a question.

After the captain died, I was the highest commander on the ground. What should I do? I remember seeing this scene in a former Soviet film: The Soviet army repeatedly failed to attack a German-guarded position, so it retreated to the starting point of the offensive in embarrassment. The female hygienist in the army found that there was a wounded soldier on his side groaning in pain in the middle of the positions of the two armies, so she rushed over to bandage the wounds of the soldiers. After spotting the brave health worker, the Germans first shot and shot. Seeing that they had been inaccurate, they sent out manpower outside the position to try to capture her alive. At this critical moment, the bloodliness of the Soviet soldiers was aroused. They braved the enemy’s rain of bullets and shouted and rushed up, and in one fell swoop, they captured this tightly guarded position by the Germans.

After hesitating again and again, I gritted my teeth, crawled out of the trenches, raised my pistol, and shouted like a captain, “Comrades, for the motherland! For Leningrad! Go forward!” After shouting, I pistol. A wave forward, and then strode forward.

Although I seem to be acting righteously on the surface, in fact, I’m thinking about it as I walked. If there are no soldiers following after ten steps, should I get down on the ground and look for cover?

Ten steps passed, and I still didn’t hear any movement behind. I couldn’t help but pause for a moment. I wanted to get down on the spot, but my feet continued to move forward without being obliged.

A cannonball screamed and landed behind me, and the earth from the explosion wave fell on me. UU reading www.uukanshu.com hit my steel helmet like a sound. I shook my head and shook the soil off the helmet. My thoughts changed. It seemed that it wouldn’t help to get on the ground. Even if I could dodge bullets, I could not dodge bombs falling from the sky. I can only move forward in front of me, even if I am sifted by the bullets of the German devils, I can only move forward.

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. When I looked back, I saw that the ensign was running up quickly with a rifle. Behind him was a line of skirmishers lined up by anti-aircraft artillery soldiers.

The bottom of the female soldier’s summer uniform is a skirt. I can’t run like them, I can only take big strides. I continued to walk a few steps forward, and behind me came the sound of “Ula” that was suppressed by the sound of artillery and shooting. I didn’t need to look back to know that it must be the soldiers on the battlefield who started to attack.

More and more soldiers, carrying rifles and submachine guns, passed over me, and rushed towards the enemy’s position like a tiger.

Cannonballs roared into the middle of the attacking team one after another. Someone fell from time to time, but they couldn’t stop the soldiers from attacking. The fast-moving soldiers had already jumped into the front trench, and the Germans who were still standing inside had bayonet.

There were still thirty meters, I walked to the edge of the trench, and another screaming shell landed on my left front, a cloud of mud rose to the sky, I suddenly felt like my chest was hit by a heavy hammer. It hit me, and the huge impact smashed me and sat on the ground.

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