Burning Moscow

Chapter 17

Section 16 Bronze Key

In the evening, the German army that was repelled by us never launched a new offensive.

The entire battlefield fell silent.

I took Pastukhov and Savchenko in the first trench to check the soldiers’ work on repairing bunkers and traffic trenches. Regarding the construction of the fortifications, I am a complete layman. Seeing that the soldiers are doing their best, I didn’t give any opinions indiscriminately. As for Lieutenant Savchenko, he didn’t know much about the fortifications before he was transferred from the air defense force, so naturally he could not make any guiding opinions and suggestions, and he did not say a word just like me.

Pastukhov seems to take part in defensive battles in other areas, and has a certain say in the quality of the fortifications. After examining the newly repaired fortifications, he immediately pointed out to me the inadequacies of the fortifications: “Comrade Lieutenant, look,” he pointed to a newly repaired machine gun position and said to me, “From a military perspective. Look, this fortification cannot withstand criticism. The location of the machine gun point is so that it can only shoot in one direction. When the battle is going on, the soldiers who hide inside to control the machine gun can only hide stray bullets or shrapnel at best. German devils usually do it. Before attacking, use shells and planes. If a firepower point like this is hit by a shell, or if it is directly hit by a bomb, it will beat the people inside without leaving any traces.”

“What should I do?” Listening to his analysis like this, it seems that he has some experience in building fortifications, so he quickly consulted him.

Although his military rank is higher than mine, but for special reasons, he is still under my command, so when answering my question, he used an attitude of subordinates to superiors and explained to me very patiently: “In the open space To build fortifications, it is necessary to cover and reinforce those temporary firepower points with steel plates, so as to support a longer time when the artillery is aimed and bombarded. In addition to building temporary firepower points, permanent firepower points are also indispensable…”

While he was talking nonstop, suddenly I heard Lieutenant Savchenko next to him say softly: “Comrade Lieutenant, look, there is a commander here.”

I looked back, and in the distance, a burly soldier with a big brimmed hat and a mustache, with a few people, was walking along the bunkers that had just been dug and strode towards him.

As he got closer and closer, I saw the colonel’s epaulettes on his shoulders clearly, trot over and stood up and saluted in front of him, “Comrade Colonel, Lieutenant Oshanina reported to you that the troops are rushing to repair fortifications, please give instructions. .”

Colonel    did not speak, but pulled me over, hugged me, and said with excitement, “Good job! Lieutenant, you are really good!”

Although it is said that according to Russian custom, when shaking hands or hugging, the greater the strength used, the more friendly and affectionate. But his strength was so great that I could hardly breathe in his arms.

He didn’t notice my pained expression, and continued to speak to himself: “You are amazing! I am a veteran. I know how hard it is to stand up under the roar of bullets and mortar bomb explosions; at first; A few seconds are decisive. Soldiers must be driven by a sense of responsibility and the will of their commanders, muster the courage to stand up to death, or stay in the trenches…”

His hug touched the wound on my chest. I almost screamed in pain, but I still held it back, but tears still came out of my eyes. I burst into tears and thought that Zi once said: Impulse is the devil. It seems that his old man was really right. At that time, I was definitely possessed by the devil. Otherwise, how could my cerebellum get feverish, I jumped out without thinking, and then bravely led the charge. If it weren’t for my luck and life, and the brass key hanging on my chest blocked the shrapnel, then I should go to accompany God for afternoon tea.

He let go of me, stood at the forefront of the position, calling my nickname affectionately, and said with emotion, “Lieutenant Lida, do you know? Today you not only blocked the German devils, but also blocked them in other places. They couldn’t advance even one step. According to aircraft reconnaissance, today’s long-range artillery fire from our navy eliminated a huge number of tanks and armored units that tried to bypass the high ground again…” His voice sounded familiar. It should be the person who talked to me on the phone during the day, but I still don’t know who he is. Although he was a bit of an understatement, from the history I know, I know that in the city behind me, many important facilities and buildings are buried with explosives. Once the defense line is breached by the Germans, those places will become ruins.

“Comrade Commander,” a correspondent hurried over, saluted the colonel, and reported loudly: “Report to Comrade Commander, Major General Feizuninsky, commander of the Group Army, told you to go back immediately, saying that it was important. The mission.” After listening to the reporter, I realized that this was Colonel Novikov, the commander of the 21st Division.

When I finished my work and hurried back to rest, it was already eleven o’clock in the evening. I walked into the female soldier’s dormitory and saw that it had been cleaned up. Rows of bunks lined up in an orderly formation. Moonlight passed over the young faces. They breathed out evenly. With the sweetness of being immersed in dreamland, someone occasionally uttered a few vague words.

My bed is on the bottom of a wooden bed near the door. When I chose this position, I nicknamed it was close to the gate so that I could go out and command operations at any time. In fact, I am more afraid of death. If you encounter German shelling or air raids, it is the most convenient escape if you are close to the door.

“Lida,” I walked to the bed, bent down and wanted to go to bed, and suddenly heard someone calling my name softly on it. When I looked up, it turned out that it was the soldier Lena who was sleeping on the upper bunk. I stood up straight, leaned in front of her, and asked softly, “Leena, why haven’t you rested at this late hour?”

“Can’t sleep, can I talk to you?”

“Okay, okay, of course, Lenachka.” Although I was a little surprised, I agreed. Anyway, she doesn’t know my details, and she is not afraid to worry about wearing help because of her long and short questions. I lay down with Yi and covered the quilt. She was wearing chiffon underwear that could only cover the key parts. She climbed down from the upper bunk and quickly got into my quilt.

She lay in my arms, did not speak, but started to touch my chest with one hand, my goose bumps popped up, thinking that she would not be lesbian, or something else. Come in and touch me. While considering whether to grab her hand and stop her groping on me, she stopped, grabbed the copper key hanging on my chest through the clothes, and asked me curiously: “Lida , What key is hanging on your chest?”

I reached out and touched the long-deformed copper key, and sighed in my heart. Fortunately, with this key hanging on my chest, my life can be guaranteed today. I organized the vocabulary in my mind and heard myself say as if someone was outside: “This is the key to my house, and it is a gift from my husband.” When it comes to the word husband, I really am Especially embarrassed, her face flushed with shame, but fortunately, in the dark, Lena didn’t notice my unusual expression.

“Is your husband also in the army?” Lena asked curiously and softly. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

I stroked the key on my chest, and the broken memory fragments in my mind about the origin of the key were finally pieced together into a complete story at this moment. I began to tell Lena the story of Lida and Oshanin, but I used the first person: “My husband is Oshanin, a captain at the border post….He has a strip by his side. The inseparable army dog, although I am very afraid of dogs, every time I date him, the army dog ​​is by our side, but I am not at all afraid…After we got married, we had our own The house, he personally hung this key on my neck…After the war broke out, he hurried back to the front line. Before leaving, I hung this key on his neck again. I told him to come back safely…how do I know that one morning a few days later, I found the army dog ​​he raised, lying dying outside the house, with this one hanging around his neck A shiny copper key. As soon as I took the key off its neck, it closed its eyes. Since then, I have kept this key on my chest…”

I told the story quietly, the hand that was holding Lena’s body, but habitually wandering around her body, from the hips to the full breasts, touching up and down. At the same time, I sighed in my heart that this Russian girl is good. Not only is she beautiful, she has fair skin and smooth body, but she also has a great body. She feels good when she touches it. It’s a pity that the shelf life is a bit shorter. Aunt Katyusha, who was over the waist of the bucket, is gone.

I fumbled around on Lena. Not only did she not have the slightest disgust, she seemed to enjoy it, and after a while, she fell asleep in my arms.

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