Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 96

As the grasshopper-mantis hollow screeched, the discordant sound reverberated through the narrow alley, sending shivers down the spines of those who could sense spiritual energy. Still undeterred by the failed attempt of Bakudō #9. Geki, the hollow, its left sickle damaged by Mei's freezing strike, lunged forward with malevolent intent.


Mei and Yuichi, undaunted by the creature's resilience, pressed their advantage. The hollow's movements, hampered by the fractures in its left sickle and the cold energy coursing through its exoskeleton, became increasingly sluggish. They executed a relentless assault, their zanpakutōs clashing against the hollow's remaining sickle in a symphony of steel.


With each of Mei’s strikes, more cold energy flowed into the creature, causing fractures and cracks to spread through the remaining sickle. Mei and Yuichi, fueled by desperation, seized the opportunity to exploit the weakened state of their adversary. As they continued their assault, the hollow's defenses faltered, its sickle becoming more brittle with every clash.


In a synchronized display of skill, Mei and Yuichi executed well-timed strikes aimed at the damaged sickle. The impact sent resonating shockwaves through the hollow's form, creating splinters along the length of the weapon. The cold energy emanating from Shiro no Shikaku intensified, exploiting the hollow's vulnerability.


As fractures propagated through the weakened sickle, Mei and Yuichi unleashed a final assault. With precision and synchronicity, they delivered devastating blows that shattered the remnants of the hollow's defenses. The broken sickle fell away in pieces, leaving the creature exposed.


The culmination of their efforts manifested as a simultaneous strike aimed at the hollow's chest. Shiro no Shikaku and Yuichi's zanpakutō cut through the air with lethal intent. However, as their blades made contact, they saw sparks as their attacks were repelled.


Caught off guard by the unexpected countermeasure, the hollow followed with a powerful kick that sent Mei and Yuichi flying backward. The hollow proceeded to eat its own sickles from the ground and instantly regrew them.


As they regrouped, Mei glanced at Yuichi, pain and fatigue could be seen in her eyes. "This hollow is unusual like the one before. It’s too strong and even though my Fuyu no kōtō should have weakened its defense we still couldn’t cut it. I have no choice Yuichi I’ll take it down but then I’ll pass out to carry me and take care of me until I recover."


Mei, grimacing from the pain of her injuries, exchanged a glance with Yuichi. The hollow's resilience was beyond any they had faced before, and Mei knew that a drastic measure was necessary. Despite her fatigue, she resolved to unleash her trump card, Sōzō no Yuki—the Creation of Snow.


"I have to use everything I have," Mei declared, her voice resolute despite the strain.


Yuichi nodded in understanding, acknowledging the severity of the situation. Mei took a deep breath, channeling her spiritual energy into Shiro no Shikaku. The atmosphere around her shifted as a cascade of snowflakes materialized, swirling around her in a mesmerizing dance. The air itself seemed to chill as Mei harnessed the power of ice and snow.


In the grip of Sōzō no Yuki, Mei's zanpakutō turned whiter. Shiro no Shikaku, now imbued with the essence of winter, emanated an ethereal glow. Mei's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity as she prepared to unleash her newfound abilities.


With a swift motion, Mei swung Shiro no Shikaku, creating a barrage of ice weapons that filled the alley. Countless swords, spears, and axes materialized, each radiating with an intense cold energy. The frigid blades hovered around Mei, awaiting her command.


The grasshopper-mantis hollow, sensing the impending threat, screeched in agitation. Mei, her energy rapidly depleting due to the strain of wielding such power, wasted no time. She commanded the arsenal of ice weapons to attack, each blade slashing and hacking at the resilient hollow.


The onslaught was relentless. The hollow, unable to evade the multitude of freezing strikes, became ensnared in a dance of frost and shattering ice. The cold energy emanating from Mei's creations permeated the creature's exoskeleton, causing fractures to appear. The very air around them seemed to freeze as Mei pushed her abilities to the limit.


As the ice weapons continued their assault, the grasshopper-mantis hollow's movements slowed, and its screeches transformed into pained cries. The cold, unforgiving grip of Mei's Sōzō no Yuki methodically froze and broke the once formidable adversary. The alley became a tableau of winter's wrath, with blocks of frozen body parts left in the wake of Mei's relentless onslaught.


However, Mei's energy had reached its limit. As the last remnants of the hollow succumbed to the freezing assault, she staggered, her strength depleted. The unused ice weapons in the air shattered and Yuichi rushed to her side, catching her before she could collapse entirely.


"You did it, Mei," Yuichi said, admiration and concern evident in his eyes. Mei managed a weak smile before succumbing to exhaustion. The alley, once echoing with the clash of spiritual forces, fell into an eerie silence.


With Mei in his arms, Yuichi felt the weight of her exhaustion. The aftermath of the intense battle against the grasshopper-mantis hollow left them drained, physically and spiritually. As he sought a safe place for Mei to rest, the eerie silence of the alley was shattered by a sudden, destructive impact.


Two new hollows descended from the sky, crashing into a nearby building and reducing it to rubble. The ground trembled beneath Yuichi's feet as he turned to face the unexpected threat. Exhausted and depleted of energy, he knew he lacked the strength for another confrontation.


The hollows, grotesque and unpredictable like the ones before, prepared to charge at Yuichi. Desperation crept into his weary mind as he braced for another arduous battle. But before the clash could commence, a small black ball soared through the sky, exploding in a burst of blinding light that momentarily halted Yuichi, Mei, and the approaching hollows.


Amidst the luminous chaos, a red wave of energy surged through the air, slicing through the two hollows with swift precision. The grotesque creatures crumbled into the remnants of the ruined building, their forms dissipating into the spiritual ether. The alley, once again, fell into an eerie stillness.


Sōzō no Yuki (Creation of Snow) - Shiro no Shikaku can create ice and snow out of thin air, which she can use to create weapons, and barriers, or to blind her opponents.

The downside to using these abilities is that it drains Mei's energy quickly and she can only use it for a short period of time.

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