Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 95

The grotesque hollow, its form resembling a fearsome mutated bear, continued its onslaught against Yuichi and Mei. Its shadowy silhouette loomed ominously, the jagged fur-like protrusions and haunting, glowing eyes creating an aura of menace. The air shivered with its reiatsu, a tangible force that bore down on the two Soul Reapers.


The erratic movements of the hollow, coupled with its unnatural strength, posed a formidable challenge for Yuichi and Mei. The clash of blades resonated in the narrow alley, but the creature's fur seemed impervious to their zanpakutō strikes. Its attacks, fueled by an unseen madness, were accompanied by an eerie effect—objects touched by its claws seemed to be erased from existence, leaving only distorted remnants.


Mei, her analytical mind at work, realized the futility of their current strategy. The creature's fur, almost metallic in nature, resisted their attempts to cut through. In the midst of the struggle, she called out to Yuichi, "We need a different approach. Our zanpakutō won't cut through that fur. I have a plan, but I need you to draw its attention."


Yuichi nodded and decided to follow Mei's plan and become the bait. He initiated a series of kido spells to divert the hollow's focus. First, he cast Bakudō #4. Hainawa, conjuring a Reishi rope that bound the creature, momentarily restricting its movements. Seizing the opportunity, Yuichi then cast Hadō #4. Byakurai, generating a concentrated bolt of lightning to strike the bound target.


The hollow, enraged and now facing Yuichi, broke free from the spiritual rope with a roar that reverberated through the alley. It pursued Yuichi relentlessly, destroying objects in its path. The distortion caused by its movements added to the chaos, scaring the spirits and even the humans in the vicinity who perceived the unnatural phenomena as floating and distorted objects. Their screams echoed through the air, a symphony of terror as the unseen spiritual battle unfolded.


While the hollow chased Yuichi, Mei seized the moment to enact her plan. With a swift motion, she tossed her zanpakutō into the air, the blade catching the ambient light as it ascended. As it reached its zenith, Mei uttered the command, "Freeze, Shiro no Shikaku!"


In response to her command, Mei's zanpakutō underwent a transformation. In its Shikai state, the sword became slightly shorter, gaining a dagger-like appearance, and the blade's edge took on a distinctive blue hue. Shiro no Shikaku, the embodiment of Mei's spiritual power, now held a power aligned with the icy elements.


As the hollow continued its relentless pursuit of Yuichi, Mei leaped into action. With a precise strike, she used Fuyu no kōtō (Winter Cut) and aimed Shiro no Shikaku at the creature's legs, directing the blade's newfound freezing abilities at its fur. The blue-hued energy emanating from Mei's zanpakutō enveloped the hollow's form, causing its fur to crystallize and stiffen.


The unexpected change in the creature's mobility caught it off guard. As the once-rabid hollow struggled against the sudden freezing effect, Mei seized the opportunity to unleash a barrage of strikes. The frozen fur, now brittle and vulnerable, succumbed to the onslaught of Mei's zanpakutō.


Meanwhile, Yuichi, having successfully drawn the creature's attention, utilized his agility and kido skills to evade its attacks. The alley became a battleground, a dance of blades and supernatural powers against a foe that defied the conventional rules of hollow encounters.


Mei's plan had introduced a crucial element—temporarily neutralizing the hollow's fur. As the battle unfolded, the frozen patches on the creature's form expanded, hindering its movements and creating openings for Yuichi and Mei to exploit.


The once-rabid bear hollow, now hindered by Mei's Fuyu no Kōtō (Winter Cut) technique, found its movements impeded as the crystallized fur stiffened around its form. The brittle, frozen fur crumbled under the relentless assault of her zanpakutō, leaving the creature vulnerable.


As Mei pressed her assault, focusing on the immobilized hollow, the duo was caught off guard by a sudden ambush. Another hollow, resembling a fusion of a grasshopper and a praying mantis, launched a surprise attack. Its legs, reminiscent of a grasshopper's, and the razor-sharp sickles akin to a mantis's, made it a formidable opponent.


The grasshopper-mantis hybrid struck with blinding speed, cutting across Mei's back and catching Yuichi off balance. It then proceeded to unexpectedly assault them with a powerful kick sending them both sprawling, crashing into a nearby wall. The impact reverberated through their bodies, momentarily disorienting them as the new adversary asserted its dominance.


The grasshopper-mantis hollow, fueled by predatory instinct, wasted no time. It lunged at the temporarily incapacitated bear hollow, its mandibles clamping down on its prey. The eerie sound of gnashing teeth echoed through the alley as the grasshopper-mantis hollow began to devour its fellow creature.


Yuichi and Mei, recovering from the initial shock, exchanged a brief glance. The situation had escalated, and the new adversary posed a different set of challenges. The alley, once a battleground against a single foe, now became the arena for a clash against another dangerous hollows.


Regaining his footing, Yuichi gritted his teeth, his focus shifting to the grasshopper-mantis hollow. "We need to deal with this one first. It's faster and more agile. Mei, can you still fight?"


Mei, despite the pain from the recent cut across her back, nodded determinedly. "I can manage. Let's take it down quickly."


The grasshopper-mantis hollow, having consumed its erstwhile companion, turned its attention toward Yuichi and Mei. Its compound eyes glinted with predatory intent, and its posture indicated readiness for another assault. It let out a screech that sounded like nails on a chalkboard.


As the grasshopper-mantis hollow leaped toward them, Yuichi countered with a kido spell. "Bakudō #9. Geki!"


The binding spell, Geki, materialized in a burst of spiritual energy, aiming to restrict the movements of the agile creature. However, the grasshopper-mantis hollow showcased a remarkable dexterity, contorting its body to evade the full impact of the kido. While Geki restrained it to some extent, the hollow remained undeterred.


Mei, capitalizing on the distraction caused by Yuichi's kido, lunged forward with Shiro no Shikaku. The blade, imbued with freezing energy, struck, creating icy fractures however the hollow blocked with its sickle. The creature recoiled, its movement slowed due to the cold energy.

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