Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 97

As the blinding light began to fade, Yuichi squinted his eyes, trying to discern the source of the unexpected salvation. Through the dissipating glow, the figures of two individuals emerged—Hanatarō Yamada and Niko Kuna. Relief washed over Yuichi as he recognized the familiar faces of his fellow soul reapers.


Hanatarō, his usual timid demeanor overshadowed by a sense of urgency, rushed forward. "Yuichi, are you alright? What happened here?"


Yuichi nodded wearily, still cradling the unconscious Mei in his arms. “Hanatarō am I glad to see you it’s been chaotic. We were separated during our arrival, and Mei and I encountered these bizarre hollows. Mei’s injured so treat her and I’ll tell you the story afterward."


Niko, her eyes surveying the aftermath, spoke with a tone of concern. "This town was heavily damaged by your battle. Some humans and souls could have been affected by the reiatsu of either you two or the hollows. I think it’s best if we leave this area first to avoid causing any more damage."


Hanatarō nodded in agreement with Niko's suggestion. "You're right, Niko. Let's move to a safer location. I'll take care of Mei, and we can discuss everything once we're settled."


With caution, the trio navigated away from the scene of their recent battle, leaving the historic town behind. Hanatarō focused on Mei's well-being, occasionally casting glances at Yuichi to ensure he wasn't overlooking any injuries incurred during the skirmish.


As they reached a quieter area on the outskirts of Karakura Town, Hanatarō carefully laid Mei on a patch of grass beneath a large sakura tree. He began tending to her wounds, using gentle healing kidō to accelerate the recovery process. The soothing energy of the kidō enveloped Mei, and a serene calm settled beneath the sakura's blossoming branches.


Niko, still vigilant, scanned their surroundings to ensure they were undisturbed. "This should be a safe spot. We can discuss the details of what happened here without causing any further disruptions."


Once Mei's immediate injuries were addressed, Hanatarō sat back, looking at Yuichi with concern. "Now, please tell us everything that happened. Have you met any of the other students?"


Yuichi recounted the events from their arrival, the encounter with the peculiar hollows, and Mei's valiant attempt to overcome the threats. He described the oddities of the hollows—their unpredictable behavior, resilience, and the unique abilities they displayed.


As Yuichi spoke, Hanatarō's expression shifted from concern to a mixture of surprise and worry. Niko, absorbing the information, remained stoic, “That sounds a lot like the hollow we also met. We could hurt it no matter what we did. Luckily, Hanatarō's zanpakutō when released was powerful enough to kill them however, it’s hard to use. So we’re the only four here right now and you two appeared in the city while we appeared a few miles away. Looks like the coordinates were messed with.”


Hanatarō nodded, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "It seems the distortions are affecting more than just the spatial coordinates. We were all supposed to arrive together at the same time but in Yuichi’s story he appeared here before we did."


Niko added, "Yes, I heard the Senkaimon gate breaks through the Dangai where time and space behave weirdly. So it's possible for us to appear at different places and times. The real question we should be asking is how far and how long it will take for everyone to exit. It's possible that they’ve already exited and are somewhere far away or they might be exiting as we speak."


As the trio delved into discussions about the mysterious occurrences, Mei stirred beneath the sakura tree. Her eyes fluttered open, and she winced as the pain from her injuries gradually registered. Hanatarō, attentive to her recovery, immediately approached.


"How are you feeling, Mei?" he asked with genuine concern.


Mei glanced around, taking in her surroundings. "I've been better, but I can manage. What happened after the hollow?"


Yuichi summarized the events, detailing Hanatarō and Niko's timely intervention. Mei's eyes widened with understanding as she grasped the complexity of the situation.


"So, we're not the only ones dealing with these strange hollows. And the spatial distortions explain why we ended up separated," Mei remarked, her mind working to piece together the puzzle.


Hanatarō nodded. "Exactly. We haven’t found Instructor Kensei or any other students yet, none of us can open the Senkaimon gate so we can’t call for help. There might be more than four of these strange hollows too and you Mei aren’t in any condition to fight. Things are looking really bad now."


Niko, ever vigilant, pointed out, "We also need to be careful about the potential impact on the human world. The disturbances here could be affecting the living as well. Luckily the reishi here isn’t too low so Mei will recover in a few hours. Let’s just do as we learned in the practical. You guys rest and get your strength back I’ll keep watch and activate a barrier to hide us for now."


As Niko took charge of keeping watch and setting up a protective barrier, the group found a relatively secluded spot beneath the sakura tree. Hanatarō continued to tend to Mei's injuries, applying healing kidō to expedite her recovery.


Mei, while appreciative of the care, couldn't shake off the weight of the situation. "Niko, do you think this is a deliberate act? Those hollows and the distortions don't feel like a natural occurrence."


Niko paused, her expression thoughtful. "It's hard to say. I can’t examine these anomalies, but if I were to guess going by the event we’ve encountered I would say there is a high probability that yes someone is behind this. Who it could be and what their motive is I couldn’t tell you. But that's enough of that all of you rest and gather your strength because we’ll definitely need it."


As the trio settled beneath the sakura tree, exhaustion weighed heavily on their shoulders. One by one, the weariness of their recent battles took its toll, and Mei, Yuichi, and Hanatarō succumbed to the beckoning embrace of sleep. The tension that lined their faces eased, replaced by the vulnerability of rest.


In the quietude of the makeshift haven, Niko withdrew what appeared to be a communicator—a device she created for personal use based on existing technology. The sleek, black device seemed out of place against the traditional backdrop of cherry blossoms.


Attempting to establish a connection, Niko pressed a series of buttons, her expression focused. However, the communicator only responded with static, frustrating her attempts to reach out. She muttered under her breath, contemplating the implications.


"It seems like I can't establish a connection. Then he must not be in the human world yet or worse off he’s in a completely different world," Niko whispered to herself. Undeterred, she continued her efforts, adjusting the settings and trying different frequencies.


Due to problems with my flight causing the time to be changed I wasn't able to upload the remaining two chapters so I'll just post them with the next chapter tomorrow making it three chapters for tomorrow.

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