Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 41- Movies and New Weapons

[Perfectly balanced… as all things should be.]

“Well…he’s not wrong.”

Both David and Davina turned towards Jamie with incredulous gazes when they heard him agree with the words of the purple-skinned man on the screen.

“Why’re you looking at me funny? He did balance things out, didn’t he?”

“Oh…that’s what you meant. I thought you were agreeing with his random genocide method.”

“Who said I didn’t agree with that?”


Once again, the twins were left dumbfounded by the Hybrid’s words while the man in question just went back to watching the rest of the movie while snacking on some popcorn.

When they were finally done with the movie, David picked up the remote and closed the video, only for his jaw to drop in shock when he saw the watch history that showed up right after.

“To think you’ve come this far into the Cinematic Universe in just a few days…”

“I’m almost done with it.”

“And that’s precisely what I’m shocked about.”

The eighteen-year-old replied as he scrolled through the list of movies Jamie had been watching in the past three days since they returned from Clurg.

The dungeon break in Clurg was the strangest one in not just the city, but the entire Ubra Region’s history.

Starting from how recently the dungeon was cleared to the part where there was no ‘Boss’ of the break.

Like Jamie had stated, Hecragar and Glox were the most powerful of the Legendary Realm monsters and after he killed both of them, nothing stronger came out of the dungeon.

The remaining monsters were rounded up with minimal effort on the part of the Legendries, and the Dungeon Break finally came to an end.

Before they left the city, they heard that the City Mayor who was an Inferior Stage Sovereign Realm existence had apparently been attacked and was wounded gravely.

This was news that leaked out when one of the Epic Realm existences who had gone to report to him after had screamed out in alarm upon seeing the man covered in blood in his office.

Jamie went over because he wanted to see if he could find out what exactly Olivia was doing there and when he saw the half dead man drenched in his own blood, the Hybrid shook his head while thinking that the heterochromatic eyed woman was the same as ever.

The Legendries helped the man out and healed him, before they started asking questions about his assailants and what they had come for, however, the man refused to say a word.

Seeing that, Jamie quickly guessed that Olivia must have put a restriction rune on his soul that’d kill him if he said something she didn’t want.

It’s just that she never exactly stated what it was that ‘she didn’t want’ him to say so the man had guessed it was basically ‘anything’ about her presence in Clurg.

Jamie left them and went down to the dungeon that had broken to check it out and see if he could find out what Olivia was doing there but besides the spatial residues left behind that showed a spatial gate had been opened, he could not see anything else.

It wasn’t really important to him so he quickly gave up before going back to the five vampires and returning to Swuyle with them, after which he returned to binging movies.

And thus, we arrive at the current situation where he had just finished one of said movies, along with David and Davina who joined him mid-way.

“So? Exactly what did you guys come here for anyway?”

“No particular reason.”

“We just came to chill.”

Seeing their replies, the Hybrid could not help but chuckle lightly as he felt that among the five of them, the twins were the easiest to get along with.

‘They don’t treat me like some Ancestor and aren’t overly stiff in their interactions like Wanete and Jorin.’

Completely ignoring Nelo’s existence, the man made his thoughts known to them.

“When you come to think of it...”

“I wonder why that is?”

From the two’s reactions, it seemed they were not fully conscious of how casual they were being with him in contrast to their companions’ attitudes.

“You’re close with our great-grandma, right?”

“If it’s the one who gave you your sword, then yes.”

Jamie replied to Davina’s question while giving her a look that said ‘what did that have to do with the current scenario’.

“Well, I just think that we’re like that because we’re subconsciously treating you like another one of her friends? We did meet a lot of them when we were younger and we were quite casual with them.”

David nodded in affirmation with his words as he felt that was indeed the case, but before he could voice out his other thoughts on the matter, a knock from the door interrupted him.

When Jamie gave permission for the person to enter, Wanete came in with the group who had been here earlier in the week to pick up the corpse of the dragon Jamie killed on New Year’s Day.

‘Come to think of it, that happened.

Those guys would know I’m awake when the news of the dungeon break spreads across continents.’

While thinking that, Jamie walked over to the table where they set out the items they came to deliver, starting with the six dragon bone swords they had crafted at his request.

“Would have been nice to have gotten these three days ago though.”

“Huh? What for? Did you want to use them in Clurg?”

“Yeah. My lack of Legendary Grade weapons made me use something that could have been considered overkill from certain angles.”

He replied to David while making a few practice swings, much to the dismay of the hotel staff with them who was scared that Jamie might accidentally destroy the entire suite with one of his ‘casual’ swings.

If the Hybrid knew the man’s thoughts, he might have felt insulted for having so little power control.

Anyway, he checked out the swords one by one, only tossing them into his subspace after he was satisfied with the quality.

He then moved on to the next set of items, the blazers and boots he had them make with the flesh and leather.

Checking all the items they brought took around half an hour, an amount of time that passed by in a flash.

After sending off the people who came to deliver the things, Wanete then proceeded to inform Jamie about their plans to get back to the Vampire Continent which was an ocean away.

For means of transportation, they were using an aircraft, just as they had used to come over to the Neutral Continent in the first place.

Teleportation Waypoints in the Neutral Continent were intracontinental so using those to get to Nightingale was not an option.

Jamie’s desire to experience a ‘normal’ airline flight also influenced this decision greatly.

“The members of the Crimson Court would also like to have a discussion with you and formally explain the reason why we were sent to wake you up, as well as other things.”

“Crimson Court? Ok-Wait a sec.”

Jamie was halfway through agreeing when he suddenly stopped and turned towards the young woman with narrowed eyes.

“You five were sent by the Crimson Court, right?”

“…yes, we were.”

“And what are the ranks of the members who sent you?”

Wanete didn’t really understand the reason for his question but she answered him anyway.

“We were told our orders came directly from the Transcendents.”

“Transcendents? Those are just Lower Seat members of the Court.”

Jamie had a strange expression on his face as he said that, before leaning back onto the couch with a pensive look on his face.

“There’s no way that the higher ranked members would let the Lower Seats make the decision to wake me up.

It must have come from higher up in the chain of command.”

He spoke to himself a bit before shrugging and agreeing to the meeting, however, he specified that it would only happen when he wanted it to and told Wanete to relay his words verbatim to whoever it was she was corresponding with.

After this, he returned to his movie-binging session with David, starting with the next movie on the list after the one they had finished earlier in the hour.

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