Beyond the Bloodline

Chapter 42- Contradictory Myths;The Reasons Why

Swuyle International Airport

Ubra Region

Neutral Continent

January 10th

Year 2018

“Why are things like, three times as expensive in airports?!”

“Because they know travellers like you would still pay that amount despite knowing fully well that the prices are unreasonable.”

Davina replied to her brother’s question as she forced his hand that was about pulling out his card back into his pocket and then proceeded to drag him out of the shop and back to the VIP Lounge.

“But it’s a new release!!”

“That you can get when we get back home, for a normal price.”

The younger twin replied once more, momentarily considering knocking out her elder sibling just so he could stop flailing around as she pulled him to the VIP Lounge where the others were.

She seriously could not understand how he found himself all the way over at the other end of the Airport Terminal in the few minutes it took for her to go over with Wanete and their pilot to get their flight clearance.

“I also don’t understand why you bought this much stuff.”

“Because they looked cool, I guess?”

The young man didn’t seem to even be sure of his own reply, shrugging his shoulders as he walked into the Lounge with his shopping bags.

A lot of gazes turned in his direction upon his entrance, and a lot of them remained on him, mostly from the females present.

Wasn’t too surprising though, his looked like he could be mistaken for a model, especially as he was fully dressed in branded clothes.

Having a lot of gazes on him was something he had grown used to over the years so he didn’t pay them any mind as he walked over to the others who were waiting for him at a table.

Some people wanted to walk up to him and speak to him, but a single glance from Davina made them have second thoughts about said decisions.

“I brought the idiot back. We can leave now.”

“All I did was go shopping!

She ignored her brother’s complaints and picked up her handbag before following Wanete and the other two guys who were already making their way to the boarding gate.

“Have you texted Lord Jamie?”

“Yeah. He said he’d be here in a few se-”



Jamie teleported in right beside the group and collected the newspapers that Wanete was holding for him before she even completed her words.

“How much did they charge us for the hangar?”

“Just a thousand. They tried charging us higher but when they saw found we were Vampire Nobility, they behaved themselves.”

Wanete replied to David’s inquiry as she rearranged the things in her hand, leaving the airport staff who was escorting them to the hanger a bit flummoxed about Jamie’s sudden appearance.

She did tell them it was fine and the Hybrid was with them but they were more concerned about how the man was able to teleport within the Airport when there were clearly formations put in place to prevent teleportations.

They could not have people teleporting right onto planes, after all.

Their questions remained unanswered until the group of six arrived at the Airport Hangers, where their passenger plane was waiting for them.

Given the number of other subordinates that they had brought with them to man the base on Brentlet Island and to fly the VTOL they used to get there, there was no way that they’d have come over to the Neutral Continent with a normal plane.

They stepped onto the large, long range wide body airliner that would normally be used for flights with about 300 passengers, but had been customized to be used as a luxury private jet.

Within minutes, they had been cleared for take-off and the plane lifted off the ground, marking the start of their journey towards the Vampire’s Continent—Nightingale.

◇ ◇ ◇

“This is a ten-hour flight. No way I’m gonna spend it all on watching movies and playing games.”

David declared loudly as he walked into the dining area of the plane where Jamie and the others were seated, pulling the attention of all but Jamie towards him.

The Hybrid was far to engrossed in his crossword puzzle to even bother listening to what the young man had to say, much to the boy’s dissatisfaction as he had wanted to hear some stories about his great grandmother from Jamie.

Sadly, he had no choice but to wait for Jamie to finish all the crossword puzzles from all the newspapers he bought earlier in the day before he finally had the chance to talk to him.

“You want to hear stories about Evangelista?”

“Why do you keep calling her that? Her name’s Seren, is it not?”

When he heard Davina’s words, the Hybrid just shrugged and muttered something about it being an old habit.

“Well, leaving great-grandmother aside. I am quite curious about a few other things.”

“Like what?”

“Why was your existence, and the existence of Hybrids as a whole considered a myth?”

The younger Evangelista twin voiced out the question that all of them had considered multiple times over the course of the past ten days.

From what they were taught, Hybrids between Vampires and Werewolves theoretically and practically could not exist.

They were even told about how many attempts to mix the two bloodlines, either by the mainstream reproduction process or experiments in labs had failed for one reason or the other.

Everything all boiled down to the fact that the two races were as incompatible as oil and water.

“It’s very contradictory.

Why tell everyone that Hybrids don’t and can’t exist, and then go on to keep stories and myths about a Legendary Hybrid who had unimaginable levels of power?”

“Most of the general populace did believe that Lord Jamie had actually been one of the Werewolf OR Vampire Race Kings of old, whose stories and achievements were twisted and exaggerated a little bit.

But to be honest, besides our two races, others don’t really put much emphasis on what race Lord Jamie was from, they just knew him to be one of the ‘Nameless Race Kings’ or something.”

Wanete tacked on those little details after Davina voiced her concerns, before the two young women then turned towards Jamie for answers.

They had noticed that the Hybrid himself was not surprised by the situation when they told him about it, and figured that he either knew why things were like that, or he might have even had a hand in it.

And they were right on both fronts.

“There is a reason why your Race Kings twisted the stories to make the idea of there being a Hybrid seem like an impossibility.

First off, it was because they knew that we Hybrids existed, and some of them didn’t want anyone creating more of us because we were too powerful.”


So, you’re not the only one, after all.”

Wanete spoke up the instant she heard Jamie speak using plurals, finally confirming that there are indeed other Hybrids besides Jamie.

“I’m the only Perfect Hybrid, not the only Hybrid. There’s a difference.”

Jamie corrected her while pointing two fingers to his clear blue eyes, hinting that their colour had something to do with him being a Hybrid.

‘Are they some kind of indicator? Like the way the eyes of most Vampires are just different shades of red?’

She didn’t get the chance to ask about that as Jamie continued talking right after.

“For a period of time, there was this fad about trying to create a Hybrid, mainly because of some stuff that the others and I did that showed the world just how non-standardly powerful we really were.

Some Interstellar scale kind of stuff that I’m not gonna bore you about.

Anyway, because of that, a lot of people tried creating Hybrids at that period because they wanted to have control over people with the power we had, and naturally they failed woefully.

However, this caused the kidnappings and deaths of a lot of young Vampires and werewolves as many tried to experiment on them to and all.

Moreover, we Hybrids, most especially me, had a lot of people attacking us, trying to capture us, get our blood or DNA samples to see if they could cultivate it in labs and stuff like that.”

While he spoke about this, Jamie’s expression contorted lightly as he was remembering just how many attacks he had to fend off at that time.

“Was it that difficult to deal with the attackers?”

Davina asked when she noticed his expression and deduced the reason it changed, and the Hybrid nodded his head in reply.

“Yes. It was so difficult because of how many they were.

It’s kinda like a bunch of ants crawling around on your skin. You can kill them all easily but their sheer numbers were just annoying.”

“Oh…that’s why.”

The Vampire couldn’t help but sigh as she heard Jamie complain about the attackers and liken them all to ants.

If the reason they attacked Jamie in the first place was because of his power, then unless the attackers in question were stupid, they would have sent groups of pretty powerful people, especially for those who were trying to capture him.

However, the Hybrid remarked that killing them all was easy and only found them an annoyance because of their numbers.


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