Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 111

“In this half-month, people are watching the experimental base, and he is not allowed to enter the experimental base.” Zhang Zhongmin explained.

“This is not enough, Gu Ming lived in the experimental base.” Chen Song said.

“With such a large base, can’t you find where he lives outside the experimental base?” Zhang Zhongmin said funny.

So Gu Ming was transferred to the room next to Chen Song before he woke up. The person next to Chen Song was unwilling, but when he heard it was Gu Ming, he immediately moved away.

Today, Gu Ming is the object of worship in the base. After all, he has developed a nutrient solution. No one cares if it is difficult to drink. What everyone cares about is that this can be full and will not make people hungry.

Moreover, this nutrient solution is not difficult to drink.

Solved the food and clothing problems of the people in the base, then Gu Ming is as important as the father of regeneration to the people in the base.

After several people were injured, Jin Ling was included in the team of the Blu-ray base, but it disrupted the other teams. Jin Ling is not as arrogant as before.

Although she drove away Wang Yue, she asked herself to be very good to Wang Yue.

She felt that she was not sorry for Wang Yue. On the contrary, Wang Yue failed her trust again and again. Finally, she just drove away Wang Yue.

Jin Ling couldn’t understand it, so, why did Wang Yue become a thorn in his eyes?

After the Blu-ray base was taken over by Zhang Zhongmin, all training could not be interrupted, and Jin Ling training was muddled. Not as majestic as before.

Several times, he was almost injured due to training, which caused the captain a headache. It was useless to talk to Jin Ling several times.

It seemed that the one that had been hit by Wang Yue was sluggish.

If it wasn’t for the protection of the few remaining teammates at the time, Jin Ling probably gave up resistance and might not be able to stick to the Blu-ray base.

t city

Dise stood in front of the French window and looked into the distance, his **** eyes full of excitement.

“Dome, we should start.” Dees looked at the dome sideways, his beautiful face under the lights.

The zombies at the base of t city wrestle with each other every day. The result of fighting is obviously good. They are much more fierce than zombies of the same rank.

“Stay ready, my master.” The vault bent slightly, showing a perfect smile.

Before Diss had not set off, Deng Yunfei finally found Zhang Zhongmin and told Zhang Zhongmin the results of Xie Changyi’s research.

Using the ability to form a five-element gossip array, the attack power will multiply.

Zhang Zhongmin heard some doubts in his heart, but Xie Changyi had tested it before Deng Yunfei said it, and it was confirmed that this was indeed the case.

So, Zhang Zhongmin immediately found someone to test.

With their unskilled cooperation, the five-element ability’s low attack is indeed appalling.

The training in the base has been adjusted since then. The five behaviors are in small groups to practice the tacit understanding of the cooperation of several people. Then Deng Yunfei has to assist them in clearly knowing how to use the five elements and know the five elements.

However, on the side of Chaoyang Base.

When Fu Cao returned to the base, he discovered Lan Zhi’s changes, and also felt that his mental strength was strange. That powerful force made Fu Cao feel a sense of crisis.

After a careful feeling, I realized that the mental force she had put on Lan Zhi had long since disappeared, but she did n’t know when it disappeared.

Fu Cao narrowed his eyes at Lan Zhi, was he still Lan Zhi?

Lan Zhi strode over, stood in front of Fu Cao, looked at Fu Cao, and after a long time, he leaned down and whispered in Fu Cao’s ear: “It’s so cute, you said, how did I get it in my previous life?”

The **** pupils contracted for a while. Upon closer inspection, the eyes of Fu Cao, who was alert to the heart, contracted tightly like cat eyes.

However, Lan Zhi stretched his hand over Fu Cao’s head: “I am willing to give up in the previous life, but I can’t bear this life.”

A light smile hung on the corner of his mouth, as if no change in Fu Cao’s mood had been found.

However, Fu Cao coldly pushed him away, keeping a distance from Lan Zhi. All over her body exudes a sense of precaution, and she can’t feel how strong Lan Zhi is now.

That is, he must be more than one order higher than her.

Ken Zhi left Lan Zhi before, that was because she was convinced that her strength was much higher than Lan Zhi. Lanzhi could do no harm to her, but now it is different.

Originally died in the hands of Arashi in the previous life, now Arashi is reborn, and the power level is still a super dangerous stage.

Fu Cao became irritable all at once: “You are not welcome here, please leave.”

“No, on the contrary, I think I like it very much. There is no plan to leave at the moment.” Lan Zhi’s **** eyes showed a smile, but that smile made Fu Cao feel cold in his heart.


“Sister Fu.”


“Fu Cao, are you back?”

In a flash, Fu Cao was surrounded by a group of people. Fu Cao glanced at Lan Zhi with a smile on his lips, feeling uncomfortable.

Diss was an accident, but Lanzhi, this one was originally chasing her to catch her. Now she surpassed her to a point where she could not surpass.

This makes Fu Cao very uncomfortable.

“Well, I’m back! To treat everyone, let’s eat lamb soup pot tonight!” Fu Caoxiao said sweetly, and no one noticed that Fu Cao’s nerves were tight all the time.

Only Qin Long and the thin man realized that Fu Cao was not right.

But Fu Cao didn’t say that they were not easy to ask. You can only wait for a while for the person to disperse before asking if something has happened.

“Lu Xun, did you make the big iron pot you built before?” Fu Cao asked Lu Xun.

“Ouch, Fu Cao. You don’t know how busy we are during this time. It’s almost exhausting to build this base. How can I get a big iron pan.” Lu Xun said with a sigh.

“It doesn’t matter if we don’t do it, anyway, we are not too many …” Fu Cao hadn’t finished speaking, and he saw that he was coming over gradually.

Lan Zhi looked at Xing Tian who came over step by step like a smile.

Fu Cao tilted his head, watching a sudden appearance of an unknown person. But it felt a bit familiar, but I didn’t think about it for a long time.

Xing Tian looked at Fu Cao, and his mind was constantly showing the face that was almost blurred in the previous life, but when he saw Fu Cao, his face became clear.

Just like when I was dreaming in a coma, my faint face became very clear all of a sudden.

Xing Tian stood in front of Fu Cao: “Hello, my name is Xing Tian.”

Fu Cao didn’t remember who he was in front of him, and showed a sweet smile. The appearance of Livorn was exactly the same as before.

“Fu Cao.” When she stretched out her small white hands in front of Xing Tian, ​​she suddenly remembered: “It’s nice to meet you, General Mo.”

No wonder she feels so familiar, this is the master of Yonghui base, General Mo. What did this General Mo come to her Chaoyang base?

Fu Cao was puzzled, but soon she noticed why she didn’t think of it as Rong Mo at first.

Although she is almost identical to human beings now, she will still distinguish a person by breath and feeling like a zombie. And now in Rong Mo’s body, it has been replaced with a punishment.

Therefore, because of the change of a person, the breath and mental strength have changed a lot, so Fu Cao has not recognized it for a long time.

Xing Tian lost his smile: “I am not General Mo, I am Xing Tian.”

Fu Cao observed Xing Tian. He was indeed not Rong Mo, which was different from the previous Rong Mo. But the breath on him is very much like an ordinary person, so strange.

Looking at Xing Tian’s smile, Fu Cao felt a bitter taste in his smile, and did not know what he was bitter.

In fact, Xing Tian understands that even if he is born again, Fu Cao does not know him. Even if Fu Cao did not die in the previous life, he appeared in front of Fu Cao, and Fu Cao did not necessarily know him.

But seeing Fu Cao didn’t know him, Xing Tian’s heart was not special.

Suddenly, he reached out and wrapped up Fu Cao. Fu Cao was suddenly embarrassed. She had wanted to avoid it. Who knew that she hadn’t avoided it, but instead she was cuddled up in her arms?

At first glance, the thin man turned black: “mD! Let go of Lao Zi, did you hear?”

Qin Long looked at the thin man’s irritability and quickly stopped him: “Calm down.”

The thin man didn’t follow it at all, and it seemed that he wanted to take away the criminal day for life, but Fu Cao pushed away the criminal day at this time.

Seeing Fu Cao pushed away Xing Tian, ​​the thin man calmed down, but he stared at Xing Tian with a pair of eyes, and wanted to stare at a kidnapper who kidnapped children.

“Eat roast whole lamb and mutton soup pot tonight, we are warm and warm, come, do whatever you want, move. Come over to help me deal with lamb if you do nothing.”

In fact, Fu Cao can completely get it out of the space and take it out directly, but now the scene in the base is a bit strange, so she arranged for everyone to do things.

Two sheep were pulled from the space, and the eyes of those who were forced to come to the base saw the sheep.

The throat swallowed even more.

When night fell, the hot lamb soup pot was ready.

Several Da Zuozis were placed in the base, with liquefied gas and stoves placed on top, and the soup pot was placed on the small fire to avoid boiling for a while.

The roasted whole lamb was just roasted and served on the table on time.

Fu Cao hasn’t been back for a long time, and how fierce and violent it is to eat one by one, it seems that he hasn’t eaten lamb in eight lifetimes.

They were all like that, let alone the few people who were forced to come to the base, and wished to swallow their tongues. I secretly said that I was unlucky, but at this time I felt very lucky.

Arashi is like an elegant aristocrat. Unlike the previous world, he is very elegant in every move. He obviously eats roasted whole lamb and lamb soup pot, but seems to be eating steak and drinking champagne.

Fu Cao’s eyes couldn’t help but looked to Lanzhi, who saw her and smiled at her.

Since he said the past life in her ears, he obviously knew what she was reborn. Fu Cao suddenly felt a strange feeling. The rebirth of several of them was probably related to Lan Zhi.

“You are looking at me like this, I would think you are falling in love with me.” Lan Zhi’s mouth twitched a smile, looking at Fu Cao lazily, his deep voice was very magnetic.

Lan Sheng sitting next to Lan was stunned.

He turned his head slowly like a robot and looked at Lan Zhi, then looked at Fu Cao again. Didn’t Lanzhi like to be too close to Fu Cao before?

Previously, Lan Zhi hated the feeling of being under control, so I didn’t like being too close to Fu Cao, let alone slap Fu Cao in this way.

The thin man looked at Lan Zhi coldly: “You think too much.”

After eating, Fu Cao wiped his mouth: “Lanzhi, I think we should talk.”

Fu Cao’s eyes gradually returned to normal, not as daunting as Lan before. Although Lan Zhi’s strong disturbed her, Fu Cao still felt that Lan Zhi didn’t mean to kill her.

“Your cooking is really good and delicious.” Lan Zhi took a big sip of soup and smacked his mouth with satisfaction.

Then looked at Xing Tian: “We should have a good talk, but he should also be together.”

The expanded Chaoyang Base is very large. Although it has not been completely completed, they quickly found a secluded place. It is a little far away, so the power supply has not yet been obtained here.

The fire was simmering in the air, and suddenly a large flame lit the room.

The flame temperature is moderate, so that the room is warm but not too hot.

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