Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 110

It’s just that the laughter doesn’t sound good.

“The people at the Blu-ray base listen, a few **** who ate human flesh ran into your base. If you know you, you will obediently hand them over, Miss Ben, don’t embarrass you.”

Wang Yue slowly polished his nails while holding his nail polisher. He didn’t take a glance at Zhang Zhongmin, who led people to the door because a large number of people came to the blue light base.

Zhang Zhongmin looked at the people outside and suspected that the entire Yonghui base had been out for more than half.

The woman in Ma Yan’s arms, black and not slippery, also has makeup on her face that makes it difficult to look directly. Zhang Zhongmin felt that his eyes were uncomfortable for a time, and wanted to wash and wash his eyes.

“Oh? In our base, there’s no lady what you said about the human bitch.” Zhang Zhongmin said.

Wang Yue turned black: “You are the young lady, and your family is all young ladies!”

Zhang Xuemei stood next to his brother and couldn’t help but chuckled and smiled: “This lady, obviously you just claimed to be this lady just now? Isn’t it okay for my brother to call you that?”

No one can see there better than anyone else in the doomsday, but it wo n’t be as unsightly as Wang Yue ’s.

In fact, the five facial features, Wang Yue is indeed ordinary, can also be regarded as beautiful. But the beauty of her self-beautiful makeup really makes her look unremarkable.

“Less nonsense, give me that woman Jin Ling, otherwise I will flatten your Blu-ray base today!” Wang Yue was annoyed by Zhang Xuemei and could not be pretended to force it, said fiercely.

“Oh … It’s such a big tone. I ran to someone else’s site to spread the field. Isn’t it reasonable?” Chen Song said with some anger. “I want to see, how do you level our blue light base!”

The Yonghui base likes to grab the material of the blue light base, which has long made the people of the blue light base endless. Now Wang Yue took the initiative to send him to the door.

Zhang Zhongmin looked at the man behind Wang Yue as if he could not hear anything. He only gently embraced the woman in her arms, as if carefully caring for a delicate flower.

“Brother Ma, I heard that General Mo gave you the base of Yonghui. That’s how you managed General Mo’s base?” Zhang Zhongmin said with a smile.

Jin Ling was injured when she came, and is now nursing. She told Zhang Zhongmin that Xing Tian had handed over the base to Ma Yan.

Although Jin Ling has always been arrogant and arrogant, he has never robbed the material of the Blu-ray base. Even with many people in the Blu-ray base.

Otherwise, she would not escape to the Blu-ray base, and she easily entered.

Hearing General Mo’s words, the dull eyes seemed to light up the points.

Wang Yue found that Ma Yan’s hand shook slightly, and suddenly screamed in his heart. He reached out to grasp Ma Yan’s hand, turned his head, and looked at Ma Yan with dark eyes: “What’s wrong?”

Suddenly, the shimmering light gradually dimmed.

Zhang Zhongmin became more vigilant in his heart, and whispered to Chen Song and Zhang Xuemei, “No one will go and see which woman’s eyes.”

“Eyes?” Zhang Xuemei glanced over there differently, and just happened to meet Wang Yue and turned back, and a pair of black eyes just met.

Zhang Xuemei’s heart was full of rippling, and was suddenly caught by Zhang Zhongmin, suddenly awake, suddenly afraid for a while, and dared not look at Wang Yue’s eyes again.

What exactly is this?

When listening to Zhang Zhongmin, Chen Song was still a little disappointed, but saw Zhang Xuemei’s strange behavior. Suddenly became vigilant, and never dared to take it lightly.

“Are you all right?” Zhang Zhongmin looked at Zhang Xuemei worriedly, in the end it was his sister.

Zhang Xuemei stabilized his mind and let out a long breath: “I’m fine.”

“Okay, for a while you will take someone to deal with other people. Chen Song and I will deal with Ma Yan and the woman. I can feel that the woman mainly depends on those eyes.”

“So, we must destroy her eyes, understand?” Zhang Zhongmin whispered.

Wang Yue was impatient over there: “What do you whisper?” What? Didn’t you just return your sharp teeth? What happened now? Frightened? “

Ma Yan’s gentle look changed, and he waved his hand: “Go!”

For a time, the people at Yonghui Base were full of passion, nothing else. The main thought is that after taking over the Blu-ray base, the materials of the Blu-ray base are not theirs?

Naturally excited, each team led their team straight forward.

Zhang Xuemei led the fight between the people at the Blu-ray base and the people at the Yonghui base. But soon, the foot of the Yonghui base stepped on the ground, the ground was directly sunken, and the whole person fell.

Only with a loud noise, there was a **** smell in it.

Zhang Xuemei gave thumbs up to Deng Yunfei.

At this time, Ma Yan at the base of Yonghui was controlled by Wang Yue, and Wang Yue couldn’t understand it at all. The people at the Blu-ray base ran and jumped as if they were all strange.

After Jin Ling and others fled, Deng Yunfei took the trap of the earth-based gold system. It was changed based on the moat ditch that was made at the base of City D in the past.

Close to the traps near the blue light base, look carefully at the ground to see which traces of mottled color on the ground. The darker colors are traps, and the lighter colors are safe.

However, the people at Yonghui Base didn’t even know.

The originally huge team soon became piecemeal.

Wang Yue was completely dumbfounded, completely ignorant of what was going on, and the people at their base in Yonghui were at a disadvantage.

“Hurry up!” Wang Yue screamed in horror, and his voice broke through.

The maroon-colored Matten dragged the two men around and ran out.

“Chasing!” Zhang Zhongmin and Chen Song got on the motorcycle and chased them out directly. Wang Yue’s eyes are too weird to control others. That Ma Yan is obviously not right.

Zhang Zhongmin will naturally not leave such a dangerous person, and it seems that this Wang Yue is still the kind of brainless bad.

Seeing that both were going to catch up, Wang Yue’s face was pale, and she waited for Ma Yan: “You go down and stop them!”

Ma Yan turned and jumped down, blocking Zhang Zhongmin and Chen Song.

Chen Song surrounded Ma Yan with a direct fire. Zhang Zhongmin walked directly around him by bicycle. Slowly condensed the ice blade in his hand and flew to the limbs of the maroon horse.

While Ma Yan was tripped over by Chen Song, there was no time to help Wang Yue.

“Ah !!!” The horse’s limbs softened and directly fell Wang Yue to the ground.

Wang Yue panicked and forgot her own abilities. Suddenly she remembered her own abilities. She desperately wanted to control Zhang Zhongmin. Who knew that a pair of eyes had just looked over.

Ice Blade inserted directly into her eyes.

The cold stings, the pain is undesirable: “Ah !!!”

Wang Yue made a miserable cry, and his eyes were black, and he could not see anything. After Wang Yue’s eyes were stabbed blind, those controlled by Wang Yue gradually recovered their consciousness.

However, what he did after being controlled by Wang Yue is still vivid.

Especially the two women of General Mo, when they thought that they were almost the same as those of the women in the red light district, they couldn’t help but despair.

Most of the people who came with them were almost wiped out. For a moment, Ma Yan felt dim and dark, General Mo handed him a good base, but he …

Ma Yan left slowly alone, and neither Zhang Zhongmin nor Chen Song stopped him.

Zhang Zhongmin couldn’t bear to see Ma Yan, who left lonely. But he also knew that he just wanted to stay at Ma Yan, and Ma Yan would not stay here.

Going back to the base, Gu Ming announced the good news that the nutrient solution had been successfully made. An assistant in the experimental base voluntarily tried it, and the result was obviously good.

After 24 hours of observation, the assistant manager was plentiful and had no adverse reactions or signs of infection.

For a time, the whole experiment base burst into tears.

After the news was announced, the people at the entire base were mad and happy. Only Gu Ming brought a pair of frame glasses, extended his index finger and pushed his glasses slightly, and there was no smile on the indifferent mouth.

After successful research, the mass production will be faced afterwards, but a tube of nutrient solution can provide people with nourishment for a day, and it will not make people feel hungry.

Chen Song always felt so guilty about Gu Ming.

Because he knew that his dad was going to die, he did not want his dad to try a nutrient solution. This led Professor Gu to test the solution by himself. If not, Professor Gu is still alive and well.

Accept the gratitude of the people in the base.

“I’m going to see Gu Ming.” The first batch of nutrient solution was distributed to some people, and the taste of the nutrient solution was also changed. The taste of drinking water was similar to that of plain water. There was no strange taste.

At this time, all the people in the base looked at the first batch of nutrient solutions out of the first batch. There were only twelve bottles, that is, they could only be distributed to twelve people.

After all, this is the result of the first batch of research. Now that the nutrient solution is successful, it will be put into mass production in the future, and there will not be so few.

But to put into production, obviously the experimental base is not enough, and the equipment is not enough. So Zhang Zhongmin announced the establishment of the first plant of the Blu-ray base, responsible for the production of nutrient solution in the assembly line.

The base was very lively, but Gu Ming was sitting by the fountain before the end.

It has dried up long ago, and only the fountain’s pool remains the same as before. It’s just that there is no water.

“Wine?” Chen Song walked over to sit by the fountain, looked at Erguotou held in Gu Ming’s hands and couldn’t help laughing, took a big sip from him: “Where did you find it?”

Chen Song would come to him from time to time, and Gu Ming was already surprised.

“It was sent by someone else,” Gu Ming said lightly, and he would take it back after reaching out.

However, Chen Song looked up, and he slurped off after a few slurs. Also smacked his mouth: “It tastes good.”

“That’s mine.” Gu Ming’s cold eyes looked at him without a trace of emotion.

“Your? Will you drink it?” Chen Song said with a white glance: “Besides, if Professor Gu knew you were drinking, he must not jump up and kill you.”

Hearing Chen Song ’s words, Gu Ming gave a slight pause, and the cold eyes slightly fluctuated: “I would rather he appear in front of me now and give me a few slaps.

Chen Song froze, put the bottle aside and put one hand on Gu Ming’s shoulder: “Brother, don’t be sad.”

Gu Ming ignored him and stood up and left.

“Where are you going?” Chen Song asked.

Gu Ming stopped, but did not look back: “The task the professor asked me to accomplish is not only nutrient solution. There are also antibodies.”

He pushed his glasses, and strode toward the experimental base.

Chen Song sighed helplessly: “If you are an iron hitter, you have to rest.”

The people at the experimental base responded that Gu Ming has been working for several days and nights. The Iron Man can’t stand it either, but no one can persuade Gu Ming.

At this moment, Gu Ming, who didn’t go far, collapsed on the ground.

“Gu Ming!” Chen Song was startled, ran his legs over and picked Gu Ming from the ground. Only to find this person outrageous. Because he fell directly, hit his forehead, and scratched his skin and looked miserable.

A health center was established in the base.

Chen Song rushed to the clinic holding Gu Ming.

Fortunately, it’s okay to disinfect the wound on his forehead. He just couldn’t resist the fatigue of his body and fell asleep at once.

This made Chen Song relieved.

“What happened?” Hearing that Chen Song came to the clinic with Gu Ming, so Zhang Zhongmin rushed over to see what happened.

Chen Song told Zhang Zhongmin, Zhang Zhongmin immediately frowned.

“Let him take a good rest and wait for half a month when he wakes up to go to the experimental base.” Zhang Zhongmin said.

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