Worst Stories Ever

Three: Stuck as a Magical Girl’s S*x Slave!

Jimmithey Johnrey James was sitting down in a dark, damp, moist room. It was a slave dungeon, his bedroom for the past week. This basement, under what seemed to be a large mansion, belonged to Jimmithey’s psycho magical girl stalker, Myusel. 

Well, she was no longer his psycho magical girl stalker. Instead, she is now his psycho magical girl master.

She has been obsessed with Jimmithey for the past few months, and had finally gotten the chance to capture and enslave him. He hasn’t seen natural light ever since, his eyes getting used to the darkness only cut off by a single laptop. The room smelled like piss and semen, the two fluids Jimmithey had been allowed to release.

She has had daily fuck sessions with Jimmithey, doing many different unspeakable acts upon him. They did this on the master bed, which sat in the middle of the room. Jimmithey did not sleep on it, since it smelled like Myusel, a smell that made him tremble in fear. 

Jimmithey has tried to escape from this basement room many times, but every attempt has led to failure and further “love making.” The room was guarded by Myusel’s stuffed animals, which seemed to be sentient somehow. They brought food to Jimmithey, which he used as a chance to bribe them. But this has only led to them snitching, and further love making punishments.

Myusel had no intention of letting Jimmithey go. She planned to keep him in the room until he had learned his lesson and beg to become her husband. It was a fate worse than death.

Jimmithey’s only hope of contacting the outside world was the laptop Myusel gave to him in order to study sex positions. He tried to contact his family through it quickly, since he was given only one hour to use the computer. 

But Myusel had somehow intercepted those messages, punishing Jimmithey with more of her love making.

Jimmithey was beginning to accept that it was over. He couldn’t escape. His powers were too weak to fight back against Myusel. And even then, if he somehow escaped, how could he stop her from doing this again?

But Jimmithey knew that he couldn’t just sit there and accept defeat. He had to come up with a plan, and a damn good one at that. 

The plan was to create a distraction, causing a fire or a loud noise, and sneaking out of the basement room when Myusel tried to check on it. He would try to trap Myusel in there if he could, but he doubted it would stop her for long. Then, he would run to get help. Either from the police or a superhero or anything really. It was a longshot, but Jimmithey knew he had to try.

But Jimmithey’s thoughts about his situation ended when he heard some noises from upstairs. It seemed that Myusel was going to talk with her other Magical Girl friends. 

Once, while Myusel assaulted him, she had talked about her plans and how she was going to meet up with her magical girl friends someday. It seemed like today was that day.

So, this could’ve been a chance for Jimmithey to escape. He was betting that the other girls had to be good people, unlike Myusel. They could all work to beat her, saving Jimmithey.

So, he waited a bit, seeing the stuffed animals had been deactivated. This was his chance, so he used a little bit of his schizo energy to create a tiny drill, which he used to cut through a wall. 

He had heard wind-like noises from the wall earlier, so he knew that this was the one that would allow him to get outside. It had taken him a few seconds, but he finally had made the hole and was ready to escape.

“Hell yeah!” Jimmithey thought to himself, keeping quiet. The sunlight from outside was blinding, but it was a beautiful sight indeed.

But he couldn’t wait for long, since Mysuel had a sensor that detects any disruption in Jimmithey’s cell. It was a vibrator that was in her pants, which went off slightly. 

So she stood up, turning to look at the other three magical girls in the room. She had to find an excuse to go, her legs trembling from the increased vibrations.

“Uh, ladies, I know this is important and all. But I have to use the, um, the b-bathroom. Quickly!” Myusel said as the vibrations got stronger in her crotch. 

“Sure Myusel. We’ll wait for you, and then start our discussion about Don Domination’s plans when you come back.” Carly, the Yellow Magical Girl said as she sipped some tea. She had short blond hair and wore a yellow school sailor uniform, similar to Myusel.

“Oh okay. Thank you Carly. I-I’ll see you in a bit!” Myusel said as she left the table, opening a door and running downstairs. They then heard a sonic boom go off on top of the house, causing all of the magical girls to look at each other.

“Well, now I doubt she’s in the bathroom right now. That must’ve been her flying. You think she’s doing something with her little boy toy she’s trying to keep secret from us?” Addressa, the Blue Magical Girl, asked. She had long dark blue hair and brown skin, wearing the same uniform as the other girls but in blue.

“Myusel’s a good friend, but I think she can even keep secrets. She isn’t good at it, but she has been keeping us from the basement, which is suspicious. We should investigate and see where she is. Just to make sure she’s taking care of herself.” Carly replied, putting her cup of tea onto the table. She stopped crossing her legs and stood up, looking at the other two girls.

“Heh. She’d better not be masturbating or something! Wasting our time.” Laura, the Orange Magical Girl, said while sighing. She had black skin, puffy orange hair and the same uniform as the others, but in the color orange instead. 

“Come on, let’s go.” Carly said, walking to the door Myusel opened. They went down, seeing that it was the mansion’s basement. They walked in, seeing that the metal door was unlocked. 

When they opened it, they saw that there was a man-sized hole in the wall of the dungeon, leading to a cliff surrounded by trees. It would eventually lead to the nearby city, which is where they assumed Myusel’s boy toy went.

“She must’ve gone after him, with this hole he created. How could he have even done this? Did he have tools?” Carly said as she analyzed the hole, seeing the perfect cut into the wall. 

She also looked down, seeing the cliff go down for a few hundred feet. How could he even survive that fall?

“Should we follow him, Carly?” Addressa asked, walking up behind Carly. 

“Yeah. Let’s fly around the sky and follow the path the boy would make. Look for anyone dirty or suspicious.” Carly responded, grabbing her wand from her pocket. The other two did the same, smiling at each other.

“And if we find him, can we make him ours?” Laura asked with a dirty grin. Carly turned at her and giggled a bit, covering her mouth with her glove. 

She then turned back and jumped out of the hole, flying upwards with her yellow magical girl energy. The other two followed her, flying towards the city and away from the Magical Girl Mansion.

Meanwhile, Jimmithey was running towards his home, as fast as he possibly could. He was out of the woods and finally made it into the city. He was running as fast as possible, panting hard. His legs were in pain, made even worse from the fall he had taken from the mansion, but he knew he couldn’t stop.

Myusel must know that he was out of the dungeon by now. She could fly at incredible speeds, so he really needed to be efficient and careful in order to avoid her. He felt like he was going to collapse from the pain, but he kept going. 

Surprisingly, he was also not that tired. His stamina seemed to be good from all of the daily jogs he had always done. But the massive distances he ran were starting to get to him.

“Shit! I-I can’t stop! SHIT!” He thought as he began running even harder. He then found a park, with a ton of tall trees around. He thought this would be a good resting spot, since it would be hard to see him from there. 

After around two minutes of resting, Jimmithey thought he had heard something. He looked upwards and saw Myusel flying over the city, as if she were an airplane. It was a massive pink beam, leaving behind a large trail of light. But thankfully, she flew far away, going to the upstate part of the city. He was safe.

Jimmithey began to move forward and heard a similar noise coming from above. So he hid back under the tree and looked upwards, seeing three beams of light flying above. They weren’t as fast as Myusel’s but were still colorful like hers. 

“That must be the other magical girls. Myusel’s friends… This could be my chance!” Jimmithey thought as he began running out of the park. He was waving his hands, looking straight up at them.

“HEY! MAGICAL GIRLS!!!! HELP ME!!! I’M BEING HUNTED BY A PERVERT VILLAIN!!!” Jimmithey screamed out at the top of his lungs. 

He began jumping up and down, causing the people around him to look at him as if he was crazy. And he did look crazy, with his dirty clothing and messy hair.

Luckily for Jimmithey, Carly did hear his cry and looked towards the ground. She stopped flying and turned at the other girls, who stopped flying alongside her.

“Girls! It’s a pervert victim! We have to help him!” Carly yelled, causing the other girls to look down and notice Jimmithey’s screaming.

“Oh. Let’s help him then. We can look for the boy toy later. Unless…” Laura responded as they began to float downwards. They landed next to Jimmithey, who walked up to them with a large smile.

“T-thank goodness. You’re my only hope! All of you!” Jimmithey cried out as he ran up to them. He then noticed how bad he smelled and backed up slightly, feeling embarrassed. 

“For sure. My name is Carly, and the orange girl is Laura, and the blue girl is Addressa. We’re all magical girls, here to save the innocent! Now, what happened? And where is this villain?” Carly asked as she noticed the scent coming from Jimmithey. For some reason, it seemed like the girls didn’t mind. Instead, they began to smile slightly.

“W-well, C-carly, it’s kind of hard to explain… I’ve had a… a very bad experience.” Jimmithey responded while looking downwards, scratching his head at the same time. Suddenly, the girl named Addressa walked up and grabbed Jimmithey’s hands, looking straight at his face.

“Please tell us. It’s the only way we can help you.” Addressa said, getting closer and closer to Jimmithey’s face. Jimmithey pulled himself back and looked at the three of them, sighing as he thought about what happened.

“W-well… The pervert, they kidnapped me… They assaulted me… Every day and night. F-for no fucking reason! They’ve kept me in a basement… I haven’t seen my mom in days! S-she must be worried. Fuck… I haven’t seen the sun in days… It’s too bright. I’ve suffered so much ever since she’s started bothering me! I-I’m just a normal guy… I didn’t deserve this! None of it! FUCK! I-I’m sorry… It’s just F-FUCK!” Jimmithey yelled as he began to break down, falling onto the ground.

He had just begun to realize how insane everything has been these past few days. All of the suffering and trauma had reached its peak for him. The only thing he could do was break down. 

The three girls looked down at him in pity. Carly then held out her hand, helping Jimmithey stand up again. Laura then walked up to him and held him by the shoulders.

“Who did this?! We’ll teach them a lesson! Trust me.” Laura yelled as she held Jimmithey in place. He looked at her, tears welling in his eyes. He knew that they were good now, nothing like Myusel. So he knew could trust them and tell the truth.

“I don’t know if you’ll believe me… But it’s Myusel. She’s not a good magical girl like you all. She’s a psycho bitch who is obsessed with me! She doesn’t care about me, she just wants to fuck me! I-I hate her! I want her dead! Dead! I don’t care anymore! Just please, help me! Stop her!” Jimmithey yelled as he looked at their faces, tears rolling down his eyes. 

They all seemed a bit shocked, but nodded after a few seconds of thinking. Laura let go of Jimmithey’s shoulders and walked back slightly.

“Myusel has been acting differently as of recently. She’s been keeping secrets from us. So we believe you. We’ll help you, trust me. We will stop her, no, even kill her if it means helping you.” Carly said as she walked besides Jimmithey and Laura, putting her hand on Jimmithey’s shoulder, assuring him.

“T-thank you… Thank you so much… S-she’s strong… I can’t do anything to stop her… But if you help me, then maybe…” Jimmithey responded, wiping his tears. He looked down at the ground at the same time. 

He then began to notice that the three of them began to surround him, getting closer and closer to him.

“We’ll save you. Just come with us, and we’ll take care of you…” Addressa said as she put her hand out for Jimmithey. He began to put his hand out to shake it, but started to move it back when he began thinking about what was happening.

Why were they so nice to him? They were so trusting and kind, willing to betray their friend and fellow magical girl over his words. Wasn’t Myusel their best friend, their teammate? It was too convenient, too nice. Too shady. 

Jimmithey wanted to ignore these thoughts and go along with them, but he held his hand back and looked into their faces.

“I appreciate it… But this is a bit too convenient… Do you all just trust me like that?” Jimmithey asked as he began to back away. He then bumped into Laura, who held his back and smiled slightly.

The three girls began to look at each other. They then broke into laughter, giggling at Jimmithey. He wasn’t confused, instead was becoming incredibly scared.

“I’ll be honest, boy. There’s a little catch with us helping you kill Myusel.” Carly said as she snapped her fingers. 

Suddenly, her magical girl outfit began to fade away, revealing her clothing. She was wearing a tank top and panties, an incredibly revealing outfit that didn’t match her seemingly cordial personality.

“W-what are you doing?” Jimmithey asked as he tried backing away. He then bumped into Addressa, who was wearing similar clothing as Carly all of a sudden.

“The catch is, boy, that we want a taste of you. You’re going to be our toy and we’re going to play with you until you’re a mess. Well, a bigger mess than you are right now, hehe. Myusel will be dead, and you’ll be our boy toy until you die. Sounds good?” Carly said calmly as she began to touch her own breast.

Jimmithey could not believe it. They were just like Myusel, possibly even worse. They weren’t going to save him. No, they were going to put him in an even worse hell than he had experienced already. 

They were monsters, all of the magical girls were monsters. He had to run. He had to get out of there as fast as possible!

“Don’t even think about it. There’s no escape for you, boy.” Laura said, holding him by the shoulders. She was in the same clothing as the other two. She also had an incredible grip, holding Jimmithey in place. He couldn’t run!

“Y-you’re all just the same… You’re just like Myusel!” Jimmithey yelled as he tried moving. They all began to laugh, trying to control themselves.

“Oh, we’re so much better. That girl, she couldn’t control her slave. But under us, you’ll only obey.” Addressa said, grabbing Jimmithey by the chin. 

Jimmithey couldn’t let this happen. He wouldn’t let himself return to that dark dungeon, to those terrible days. He was going to free himself, no matter what! 

So he tapped into his energy, the powers his father gave to him before leaving forever. His Schizo powers!

“Get the fuck off of me!” Jimmithey yelled as he blasted past them with his schizo abilities, running as fast as possible. This allowed him to get nearly a hundred feet away from them without them noticing!

“So he does have powers? That must be how he escaped the dungeon” Laura commented as he continued running. Despite how far he was, they didn’t seem to be worried at all. 

“Well, he needs to learn that this running business doesn’t work with us.” Addressa said as she snapped her finger. This caused blue bindings to appear on Jimmithey’s legs, causing him to fall onto the ground!

“What the fuck?!” Jimmithey screamed as he tried moving his legs. He tried crawling as fast as possible, dragging his body with his hands. But he didn’t make it far, for the magical girls had caught up with him just from walking.

“You're ours, boy. No running away. Ever.” Addressa said with a smirk. They all loomed over Jimmithey, surrounding him once again.

“I’m sure he won’t be running from us ever again, right boy?” Carly said as she crouched down to Jimmithey’s face. He didn't respond, instead staying silent with a look of despair. 

“For sure. Let’s take him back home, and show him our ‘love.’ It’ll be so fun!” Laura responded, waving her wand around. This created orange chains, which held Jimmithey by his throat, his hands and his legs. It pulled him upwards, making him float into the air.

The magical girls began to fly upwards, holding the chains that bound Jimmithey. They went off at incredible speeds, flying back to the Magical Girl Mansion.

When they landed, the girls brought Jimmithey inside to the table they used for their meeting and chained him down. 

Carly brought some snacks and sat down in one of the seats. At the same time, Laura used her strength to carry different sex toys and devices there.

“D-damn it! What are you a-assholes going to do to me?!” Jimmithey yelled as Addressa began to tighten him onto the table with Laura’s chains. She sat on his legs and looked down on his face.

“You’re going to be our sex toy. We will take turns using you, making you our perfect pet. And the first thing I’ll teach you to do is watch your tone around me.” Addressa said as she pinched Jimmithey’s right nipple. He wanted to cry right then and there.

He had gone from Myusel’s sex slave to all of the Magical Girl’s sex object. He didn’t know if he had bad luck or if he was cursed. But he couldn’t do anything except clench his teeth in rage.

“You won’t need these dirty clothes. Off with them.” Addressa said as she ripped them apart with her strength. Jimmithey was completely naked, unable to cover himself.

“Now, let’s try out this machine! It’s said to be able to give the greatest pleasures to every hole in the human body. Sounds fun… It’ll get your juices running, before we begin.” Laura said as she pushed a large box with different warnings on it. Jimmithey was about to piss himself in fear, for the machine looked disgusting and sharp.

But before they could begin pulling him onto the machine, a large boom went off behind them. 


It was the powerful noise made when the sound barrier was broken, meaning only one thing. Myusel was coming, and she was angry.

"Tch. She's here. She won't be happy with us taking her boy toy." Carly said as she stared up at the pink hued sky through a window. It was only getting brighter and brighter as time went on!

"Let's just teach that bitch a lesson. Show her to share next time instead of keeping stuff to herself." Addressa said while transforming back to her magical girl form.  

“Sure Addressa. Of course, we’ll kill the slut if she doesn’t learn her lesson easily. Hehe.” Laura responded, giggling as she and Carly transformed. 

Suddenly, the side wall of the mansion exploded, pink light flashing throughout the broken room! The dust began to clear out, revealing Myusel in her magical girl uniform, floating above in a massive orb of pink energy.

“How dare you all take him away from me! I don’t care if we’re friends, I’ll show no mercy to whoever touches MY JIMMITHEY!!!” Myusel roared with pure anger, summoning a massive pink blade behind herself. 

She shot it straight at the other girls, cutting through the mansion's walls. But in response, the girls put up their own shield bubbles, shattering the blade before it could touch them. 

“This is your fault, Myusel. You should’ve shared him with us. Like a good friend!” Addressa laughed out, shooting out a ray of her own blue energy at Myusel, who barely dodged it.

“Fuck that! He’s mine, mine alone! I’M THE ONE WHO WORKED HARD TO MAKE HIM MINE! Either way, you shallow bitches don’t want a man, you want a sex toy! You don’t deserve my JIMMITHEY! I DESERVE HIM!” Myusel screamed as she held out her hand, creating twenty magical girl rays behind herself. She sent them down flying straight towards the mansion, despite Jimmithey still being there.

“Am I going to die?” Jimmithey thought as he saw the lasers coming. He closed his eyes, accepting his fate. But then, he felt himself get tugged upwards.

The beams flew down, crashing straight into the mansion! The top floor exploded, sending smoke and debris to fall into the forest below. 

But despite that, the magical girls were still alive and were floating above the destruction, holding Jimmithey in their chains.

“Wow. Dumbass Myusel destroyed our mansion. Good thing she’s the one who owned and paid for it.” Addressa giggled as she shook around the chained up Jimmithey, who was being held upside down. This made Myusel even angrier, clenching her fists and grinding her teeth.

“Hmph. Seems like she won’t listen. Seems like little old Myusel has to die!” Laura screamed as she and the other girls flew straight towards Mysuel, charging at her!

“GIVE ME JIMMITHEY!” Myusel screamed as she sent more blasts at them, which were instantly deflected. 

Myusel was the strongest in the group. She was given the cutest color, pink, to represent that. But, even she knew she couldn’t beat the three of her teammates by herself! 

“RAHH!!” Myusel cried as she sent out more beams at Carly, who flew around the forest and dodged them. 

As she did this, Laura threw chains at Myusel, trapping her in place. She then created a giant orange hammer made of energy, and slammed Myusel straight into the ground! 

Addressa in the meanwhile, was creating a giant beam of blue energy, which she sent down straight to Myusel! The explosion went off, creating a pillar of light! A massive crater appeared, where Myusel laid in pain.

“This is our chance!” Carly screamed as she sent even more beams towards Myusel. More massive colored explosions went off as the other girls joined Carly in blasting Myusel! 

“H-HOLY SHITTT!!!!” Jimmithey screamed as Addressa flew towards the other girls, pulling him incredibly fast. The lights were shining onto his face, blinding him. It was like a horrifying roller coaster!

This was too much for Jimmithey. He was just hanging under Addressa, stuck upside down on her chains. 

He was happy to see Myusel get what she deserved, but he also wanted her to win against the other evil girls. He was conflicted and terrified, swinging around as the girls flew over Myusel.

“You whores!!!” Myusel cried out from the bottom of the crater. Suddenly, hundreds of pink beams flew from the hole, too many for the girls to react to. They tried to create shields, but the beams cut through them!

“AAAAHHH!!!!” Jimmithey cried out as he saw a massive explosion of light go off above himself. He was shocked as to how strong Mysuel was, nearly pissing himself from the loud explosion that went off.

But somehow, the three girls were still alive. They were very injured, having bleeding and wounds coming off themselves. But they were still alive, and enraged.

“Myusel! You asshole! You’re gonna fuckin’ DIE!!” Carly screamed as she pointed down at her. 

Myusel prepared to jump out, but felt Addressa’s chains holding her down. She was going to break out, but stopped when she saw the magical girl’s aura increase in size and intensity! 

The three girls then came altogether, putting their hands on top of each other’s. Their colorful auras began to mix around, becoming a rainbow. 

Myusel looked upwards in rage. They were going to do their special attack, the one that required all of the magical girls to work together. But they were going to it without a member. And they were going to use it to kill that member.

“YOU BITCHESS!!!” Myusel screamed as she created her most powerful shield, concentrating all of her remaining energy to protect herself.

“This will be our final attack! SUPER MAGICAL GIRL BEAM!!!!” They all screamed as the light encompassed the sky, flying straight towards Myusel! 

“A-AAHH!” Myusel cried out as she was crushed by the beam. An explosion went off and the entire forest shook from the shockwaves caused by it.

When the explosion and its corresponding smoke cleared off, the Magical girls began to float down. They landed on the hot dirt and gravel, unaffected by the intense heat.

A part of the forest grounds were burnt down, a massive hole going down around 40 feet in the middle.

Alongside the girls, Jimmithey finally landed on the hot floor, with only one shoe on his foot. He looked at all of the destruction in horror, terrified of how strong the girls were. His schizo powers were nowhere near as destructive as this.

“Haha! Look at the little bitch Myusel! She couldn’t handle the heat.” Laura laughed out as she looked down at the crater. Mysuel laid in the middle, burned and barely moving.

“Awww. Poor baby. I’m feeling a bit bad for her. Let’s bring her up here.” Addressa said as she pulled Myusel up with her chains. Myusel fell on the ground, looking up at the other girls in anger.

“Do you surrender now? We’ll share this toy with you if you do.” Carly asked as she crouched down to Myusel, grabbing her burning chin.

Myusel stayed silent, looking straight at Jimmithey, tearing up. Jimmithey looked at her in pity, still conflicted about what just happened. 

Carly then noticed Myusel staring at Jimmithey and began to giggle.

“Addressa, please bring the toy here. We’re going to play with him, show Myusel that he’s ours.” Carly said as she looked straight at Myusel’s face.

Addressa nodded, grabbing Jimmithey’s chains and pushing him forward. Jimmithey began to sweat, trembling as he walked forward.

Addressa then ripped his chains off, pushing him onto the hot ground. 

“K-kk! D-damn it!” Jimmithey yelled out as he felt the burning dirt on his ass. He then looked up, seeing dirty looks on all of the other girls’ faces. They viewed him as property, as a toy for their amusement.

“N-no! Please stop! Jimmithey is mine! He’s mine!!! Don’t take him from me! Don’t!” Myusel screamed as she tried moving forward, too weak to do anything.

Jimmithey looked back at Myusel, hearing her pleading. She didn’t view him as a person either, only as her property. Only as a shitty goal to reach.

All of them didn’t respect him, didn’t view him as a person. He was forced into all of this, not given any will or freedom. It was unfair and cruel.

He felt bad for himself, and wondered why it was him out of all people. He was normal, a decent person who never went out of line. He thought before that he was just unlucky, but he realized something now.

He wasn’t just unlucky. This part of this world was just against him. The disgusting degenerate underbelly of this world went against what he was. It went against what was normal and decent!

“Damn all of this! I didn’t ask for any of this bullshit! Myusel, the King Cuck, the Magical girls, and the slavery! I never wanted it! I was content and happy with my normal, peaceful life!” Jimmithey thought as he felt Carly’s hand force itself onto his chest, pushing him downwards. It began to move down to his crotch, making Jimmithey even more angry.

“I’ve tried running from it, and it never worked. I’ve tried fighting, and it didn’t work… It’s so fucking frustrating…!!! The only thing I can do is just LASH OUT. Even if it’s meaningless!!” Jimmithey thought as he clenched his fists, his energy flowing out from his chest. But this time it was different, his anger causing something to snap inside of his head!

“GRR-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAA!!!!!” Jimmithey cried out as his Schizo energy flew out. All of his memories began to flow into his head, remembering all of the suffering he went through these past few months!

Carly tried to hold herself over Jimmithey, but felt too much wind pushing up onto herself! She flew upwards, slamming onto the ground behind herself!

“W-what the fuck?!?” Laura cried out as Jimmithey began to stand back up. His schizo energy, now much more powerful and ferocious, pushed the four girls back!

“YOU ALL THINK YOU CAN USE ME?! USE ME LIKE A TOY, HOLD ME LIKE A SLAVE!? FUCK THAT! I’M PUTTING AN END TO IT ALL!!!” Jimmithey cried out, causing an even larger shockwave to pour out.

“How is that boy doing this?! His stupid powers were nothing compared to this!” Addressa yelled as she continued getting pushed back, using her hands to hold down onto the ground.

“How the hell did he get so strong so fast?! Did he turn his misery into strength? How is that possible!!!” Carly yelled, staring straight at Jimmithey’s raging face. 

“Y-you! Do you think you can stand up to us? Your masters!?” Laura screamed as she stomped onto the ground, getting back on her holding. She began walking up to Jimmithey, enraged. She was pushing back against the energy.

“I DON’T THINK, I KNOW I CAN!!! I’m ending this disgusting shit! And that disgusting shit is your lives!!!” Jimmithey yelled as he began walking forwards, straight towards Laura. 

The girls looked at him in shock, never expecting the feeble and weak boy they had control over to stand up to them.

Laura tried to attack him, but as Jimmithey stepped up closer to her, she got pushed back more and more. She began grabbing the ground to keep hold, kneeling onto the ground.

“You four are all sex crazed perverts!!!! You claim to protect the people, but all you’ve done here is use your powers fuck with me! You’re all as bad as the fucking King Cuck!” Jimmithey cried out, standing over the crouching Laura.

“Shut up! We protect all you weak idiots all of the time, and get no thanks. So why the hell can’t we enjoy ourselves, have a bit of fun with weak boy toys like you!” Laura screamed as she gathered more and more magical energy in her hands, preparing to attack Jimmithey back!

“You’re all too far gone…” Jimmithey responded firmly, gathering his own energy in his hands. 

It was buffed up tremendously, seemingly coming from his trauma and suffering. Jimmithey had finally realized one of the unique traits of a Schizo, the ability to unlock a trauma buff. This trauma buff had allowed for Jimmithey to be on the level of a magical girl for a short amount of time!

“Diiee!!” Laura screamed, pushing all of her remaining energy straight into Jimmithey’s face! 

Despite how close the attack was to Jimmithey’s face, it had done nothing to him. He began to move his hand forward, his energy looming right over her face.

“I-impossible! Stop it, you asshole!” Carly shouted from the side, the schizo energy still pushing back on her. Addressa then threw her chains around Jimmithey, holding him in place. 

“You don’t get to defy us.” Addressa said calmly, tightening the chains around Jimmithey’s body.

But instead of stopping him, the chains all snapped and flew off, all slamming straight into the two other magical girls!

They fell onto the ground, seeing replica chains made from Jimmithey’s schizo energy holding them down. It pulled them towards Laura, who found a pair of gray, translucent chains around her arms.

“D-damn you! If you kill us, who will stop all of the monsters and supervillains around this city?! You’re dooming all of these innocent people, just for your own petty revenge!” Carly screamed out, pulling on the chains in an attempt to let herself free.

“I don’t know. All I know is that you three won’t be there to find out.” Jimmithey responded coldly, his energy getting more and more ferocious.

"Honey... You're so cool..." Myusel said while she weakly grabbed her wet cooch.

“D-don’t do it! Don’t kill us!!!” Carly cried out, trying her best to get away. Jimmithey looked down at her and only got more furious.

He pleaded and begged in the past, wishing to get away. Yet they ignored it, and only continued to fuck with him. And now they pleaded with him? This only made Jimmithey more angry, his bloodlust and anger leaking outward!

“DIE!!!” Jimmithey screamed, blasting his energy straight into their faces! It caused a massive explosion, covering the entire dirt field with his energy! Myusel came as soon as this happened, her vision being covered by white as her panties exploded.

The dust eventually settled, revealing the fate of the magical girls. They were all lying there naked, without the magical girl clothing they had from earlier. Despite Jimmithey’s declaration to kill them, they were still alive and unconscious.

The full power trauma boosted schizo beam had somehow eliminated all of their magical girl energy. He had ended their rampage, and hopefully the lust that controlled their bodies.

He truly hated them, but he also thought it wasn’t right for him to kill them. If he killed them, he wouldn’t be able to return to his normal life. He would be a murderer, not a normal person. 

He removed their powers and their threat to him, solving the problem. He now just wanted to get away from them and have nothing to do with them.

Jimmithey turned, feeling his energy return back to normal. He was no longer enraged and began to calm down, the trauma buff’s effects seemingly disappearing.

“It’s over. They’ll leave me alone, and I can go back home. Back to my normal life.” Jimmitehy thought, looking at his hands. He clenched them, sighing in relief.

But then, he noticed Myusel crawling towards him, puffing and twitching around.

“J-jimmithey… You’re so strong, so special. Please, kill them Jimmithey. They’ll find some way to get their powers back, and will make our lives a living hell! Take them out, and stay with me forever!” Myusel said, slowly getting up. Jimmithey then noticed that her panties were dripping wet, causing him to turn away in disgust.

“No. I’m not going to become a murderer just because of you all. I am better than that. Better than you…” Jimmithey responded, looking at the bodies of the unconscious girls. 

Maybe they were just like him, dragged into degeneracy because of things they had no control over. They had a chance to be better, even if Jimmithey hated them. But even then, Jimmithey still wanted nothing to do with it anymore.

But in response, Myusel began to stand up, grabbing him by the arm. She looked down at his defenseless crotch and began to smile.

“That’s fine… Forget them. But don’t forget me, Jimmithey. Let’s do it… Let’s have sex, just as we always do. I love you, Jimmithey…” She said moving her hand closer and closer to his crotch. He then grabbed her hand and held it tightly, looking at her straight in the eye.

"NO! When will you learn? Stop this crap! Just move on, stop obsessing over me! I’m not into you! I don’t love you! I don’t want to be near you! We’re not good for each other!!! You just hurt me!! If you love me so much, then stop all of this! Okay!? Listen to me! Keep this up and you’ll end up like them. OKAY?!” Jimmithey shouted as he looked back at the other girls. Myusel began to tear up as Jimmithey let go of her hand.

“Aa--aaa… N-n-no… W..what? D-don’t go… Don’t leave me!” Myusel cried out, falling onto the ground. Her head began to thump, her heart racing up.

The feeling of failure was rushing into her mind, causing tears to drip down her face. Myusel never imagined failing. She only got what she wanted in the past. But if Jimmithey left now, she would never get the chance to see him again. She knew it deep down.

“Goodbye Myusel.” Jimmithey said as he left her behind, walking away. And with that, Myusel’s heart shattered. She had failed, and had nothing left.

As Jimmithey said this, he grabbed a piece of cloth that was floating down from the mansion ruins above. He put it around his waist and left Myusel and the other girls behind.

“W-what…? Aa…aaaaa…. I… I failed… What do I do now… Oh no… No… Without Jimmithey, what am I? What c-can I do? N-No…! NO!” Myusel said as she grabbed the dirt under her, clenching it in her fists.

Jimmithey went off into the sunset, leaving behind the defeated Magical Girls and their destroyed mansion.


The end…

The End?

Jimmithey had eventually gotten to his house, ringing the doorbell. 

When the door opened, his mom was standing there, her jaw dropped. She was a pudgy, short woman with brownish blond hair. She had stress lines all over her face, Jimmithey instantly noticing that she hadn’t been sleeping much.

Of course, her first reaction was to instantly hug him. They hadn’t seen each other in a week. Tears welled up in both of their eyes.

“I-I’m back mom.” Jimmithey said as they embraced each other.

“Jimmithey!!! Boy… Where were you!?” She sobbed out, clenching on him. 

“I’ll explain…” Jimmithey answered, letting go of her. 

They both eventually went inside, both of them sitting at the living room table. 

His mom firstly explained how she called the police and everything, begging for them to look for him. But they had no leads and didn’t link him back to the King Cuck incident. 

So she just waited for him to come back, scared for him. She was beginning to lose hope, until he came back that afternoon. 

This made Jimmithey feel sick. The possibility of his mom being alone, accepting that her son was dead, was something he would never allow.

Jimmithey eventually explained everything that had happened to him in the past few months. Myusel chasing after him, the King Cuck kidnapping him, and the slavery he went through. At first, Jimmithey’s mom didn’t believe it. But by the end, she really understood how messed up everything was.

“Jimmithey… I’m so sorry.” His mom said, hugging him tightly. He was pretty calm, just hugging her back and staying silent. She then smelled him and let him go, backing away a bit.

“Ah… Jimmithey… s-should we call the police? That crazy girl may still be around!” His mom said, disturbed by the stories he explained. But Jimmithey looked at her and smiled.

“No. It’s over now. She’ll never bother me again. Everything will go back to normal. I know it.” He responded, looking at her calmly. 

She saw the look in his eye and understood how he felt. Despite that, she still called the police and emergency services, telling Jimmithey to take a shower at the same time. 

He found it a bit annoying, but understood where she was coming from. That’s how any normal and decent person would react to the stories he explained, he thought. 

Jimmithey went upstairs, checking his room. It was the exact same as when he left, all those days ago.

He grabbed some clothing from his draws, walking towards the bathroom. He smelled like piss, puke, and semen all at the same time. A scent he had somehow gotten used to.

So he went inside of the bathroom, entering the shower. He turned on the warm water, causing it to fall on himself. It was calm and peaceful, the one thing he wanted. Steam blasted throughout the entire room, making Jimmithey feel like he was in a dream.

But as he was getting used to the heavenly feeling of a hot shower, he heard a faint voice coming from across the bathroom.

“Jimmithey…” The female voice said. Jimmithey twitched, thinking it was Myusel for a second. But the voice was different, much lighter and weaker than Myusel’s voice.

“W-who’s there?!” Jimmithey asked, pushing the curtains aside. There was steam everywhere, making it hard for him to see around himself.

“It’s me… You… Your wife…” 

“W-what the fuck?! I don’t have a wife! I’m only just in high school!” Jimmithey responded, stepping out of the still running shower. He was freaking out, not understanding what he was hearing.

“No… Think of it Jimmithey… Know who I am… I’ve been with you, ever since your inception… You just haven’t noticed, until now…. I’ll never leave you, never let you go… Remember that… As the days upcoming will be dark… Rest my love… But don’t forget.” The voice said, getting quieter and quieter. 

Suddenly, the smoke began to swirl around, forming a female figure. It then put out it’s hand, getting closer and closer to Jimmithey! 

He tried walking back, but then slipped on a water puddle under himself! He slammed onto the floor, his vision going dark.

He then fell unconscious, his mind going blank.


The End.




Hey suckas! This chapter may have seemed like misery porn, and it kinda was, but trust it’s important for jimmithey’s character. I think. This is his turning point, where he finally fights against the degenerate world that's tried to bring him down. Hopefully, he can find peace now that Myusel leaves him alone.

What did you think of the new magical girls? And Myusel, what did you think of her conclusion?

But yeah this was funny to work on. Waste of time but it was fun. I kinda have no idea what I'm doing with this story but the cuck king is coming back next chapter. Same with milly and I'm gonna introduce more stupid stuff and characters. Enjoy. Bye.

Wait, who the fuck is his wife? Huh?

Do I even know?!? Maybe? Maybe not!

Please share this with friends or people you think would like it! I really want people to see what this silly story is! Bye and have a good rest of your day, week, month, and year! 

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