Worst Stories Ever

Seventeen: Magical Return.


They both instantly stopped and turned. They both saw a dark pink haired girl in a dress, tears in her eyes. It was Myusel. She was in a sundress instead of the magical girl clothing she normally wore. 

She looked completely sane and healthy! It was jarring, the complete opposite of the crazed look she had beforehand. The crazy look Jimmithey knew. In fact, she was beautiful!

“What the fuck…?” Jimmithey muttered as he stared at Myusel, confused by her new look. 

He had never seen or imagined Myusel could ever resemble a normal person. The image of the deranged bitch he had in his mind was beginning to c

But, how was this possible? How could the woman who tortured him for a week… The same woman who harassed him for months… How could he view her as anything but evil?!

“Myusel, baby, I love you. And I don’t want him to disrespect you! Let me teach him a fucking lesson! So he can shut his goddamn mouth!!” He responded, turning back to Jimmithey.

He held his fist in his palm, preparing to sock Jimmithey in the face.

“NO! No… please… Just stop Chad… He has all of the right to say those things about me… After what I had done…” Myusel exclaimed, wiping the tears out of her face. 

He turned back to Myusel as soon as she finished speaking and began walking back towards her.

“Myusel… You know that wasn’t the real you! You can’t blame yourself for that!” The man named Chad said as he walked towards Myusel, hugging her. 

Jimmithey stood there in confusion, pointing at what he was seeing with his mouth slightly open. 

He was kind of pissed at this dude named Chad’s rude comments, but he was way more confused than angry now. He looked back at Milly and Jackie, who were now finished with their snack.

“Ahem. So, are you guys finished? Can we get back to bigger issues now?” Milly asked as she put the popcorn bag aside. 

“Yes. We’re both sorry, Ms Milly.” Myusel said, bowing at the same time. She tugged on Chad’s hand, who was still staring at Jimmithey. He began to pay attention once again and turned to Milly.

“Yeah. Sorry…” Chad said, walking to a nearby, second couch. It was right next to them and across from where Jimmithey was still standing.

Chad was still holding Myusel’s hand as they sat down, beginning to stare at Jimmithey once again.

Jimmithey did the same, reluctantly. But he stayed silent instead of apologizing. He felt that he did nothing wrong!

So he slowly walked towards a random wooden chair that was left in the corner of his living room. 

He remembered that they were supposed to throw it away tonight with the rest of the trash, but soon realized that it didn’t matter at that moment.

“Now that you’ve gotten that out of your system, let’s calm down and talk.” Milly added, pulling out her cellphone. 

This caused JImmithey to also realize that his phone was cracked in his pocket. But he ignored this random thought and turned to Milly with a serious look on his face.

“Okay… Milly, why are these assholes here? I told you if you bring Myusel, I’m gone. And you instantly brought them. I thought we were, you know, allies. You too Jack. I thought you’d stand by me. Because I’m your best friend! Right?!” Jimmithey exclaimed, looking at the two. 

Jackie was about to respond, but Milly put her hand up and sat up straight in the seat.

“We are allies, and Jackie IS your friend. We just had to think of what was important to the mission. Whether it hurts your feelings or not. I apologize, but it was necessary. Additionally, as you can see, Myusel isn’t acting the way you said she would. She’s calm and has no interest in you. That was the second piece of good news.” Milly answered, looking straight into Jimmithey’s eyes.

“I get that, but it feels like a breach of trust…  What the hell happened to having my back?! Even if she’s changed, that still doesn’t undo the bullshit she did to me!” Jimmithey responded, looking down at his legs. Chad was preparing to yell at him, but Myusel tugged on his shoulder, calming him down.

“We don’t have time for this. I’m sorry again Jimmithey, but this will be a temporary team up.” Milly ordered, crossing her arms.

“Fine. Just know I’m NOT happy with this!” Jimmithey yelled, sitting back in the hard wooden chair.

“Trust me, we know. But anyways, let me begin to explain the situation once again to everyone.” Milly stated, sitting up on the soft couch.

“The reason why we’re all here is because of King Cuck and the war he’s started. He wants to get Jimmithey for the powers he has, the schizo abilities. These powers, if used to their fullest potential, can rewrite the world’s laws and bring imagination to reality.”

“He’s sent his degenerate generals named the Furry Führer and the Colonel Cosplay. We’ve defeated them, but it was too hard of a battle. This has helped us realize we need support.” Milly explained, looking towards Myusel and Chad.

“So you’ve called us.” Myusel answered, holding Chad’s hand. He stayed silent, being told by Myusel to let Milly talk.

“Yep. The fact is that we need more fighters, and a magical girl is necessary. Magical Girls use anti-degenerate magics, making them essential. The fact of the matter is that King Cuck’s plans are getting even more dangerous.”

“According to the news, he’s sent a general or two to take out a few military bases across the country! He’s told the media that his declaration of war will happen tomorrow morning, and when he does this, he’ll send his cucks to every major city in the world! They will fill the streets and masturbate, their disgusting fluid covering the streets and destroying nations.”

“It’ll be the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of their new degenerate world. No longer a world of good men and women. It’ll be a world of Cucks.” 

They all became silent, considering what Milly had just said. At first, this would’ve seemed like a joke. In fact, Chad was confused and nearly laughed from what he heard. 

But the rest, they understood the gravity of it. They understood how hellish a world ruled by these degenerates would be.

“But if we strike first, before the King Cuck sends out his forces, and take him down… We can save the world and go back to the normal lives we want to live.”

“But in order to do that, we have to work together. Understand everyone?” Milly asked, looking around. 

Everyone began silently nodding, including Jimmithey. He was pissed off and felt a bit betrayed, but understood Milly’s reasoning.

To her, winning this war was far more important than Jimmithey’s feelings, and he could somewhat agree. Even if it pissed him off.

“So, what are we gonna do now? And how are we even going to get to the KIng Cuck if we don’t know where he is?” Jackie asked, looking aside at Milly.

“The plan is that we’re going to another one of my lairs, the one I mentioned to you and Jimmithey earlier. It’s an abandoned school across the city, in the forest. It’ll be a quick drive. When we get there, we’ll train and rest before tomorrow.” Milly answered, crossing her arms.

“Good idea. I want to train with Jackie and get her ready before we fight. If we have two magical girls with good techniques, we’ll be able to beat the King.” Myusel stated timidly, looking down at her lap in order to avoid Jimmithey’s angry gaze.

“Alright, good. Jimmithey and I will train relating to our energy. And we’ll try the same with Chad. If that’s not possible, simple gun and combat training will be fine for him. He has a good enough physique for quick training.” Milly continued, looking at Chad’s toned body.

“To answer your other question, Jackie, about the King Cuck’s location. The degenerate detective I was working with got the plans for their main capital ship and found out it’s located in outer space. It’s apparently in orbit close enough to our city. I’m hoping you magical girls will be helpful for this part of the plan.” She added, pointing at her fixed phone at the same time.

“I see… But that’ll be an issue for much later, huh?” Jackie asked, her face remaining relaxed.

“Yeah. We’ll worry about it when the time comes. But that’s enough for now.” Milly responded, standing up from the floor.

“Let’s go, everyone. We have to begin this training quickly and do it efficiently!” Milly ordered as she stood up. 

Everyone else followed the same, beginning to leave Jimmithey’s living room. As they went, Milly noticed Myusel tapping her shoulder.

“Um, I wanted to apologize for last time Milly. I shouldn’t have blasted you so hard with my energy… You could’ve died after all.” Myusel said with a frown on her face. Milly turned and raised her eyebrows.

“Last time? I’ve never seen you before. Besides on the news.” Milly asked, not remembering ever meeting her. Myusel put her hand on her face in shock and began to laugh slightly.

“Ahaha, you don’t remember? Never mind then. It wasn’t a pleasant memory for any of us.” Myusel explained, continuing to walk forward towards Chad. 

Milly stayed silent and followed, not remembering anything from after she shot the Cuck Beam at the Green Haired Guy. 

The memories between her shooting the beam and finding herself on top of the King Cuck’s body were very vague. She barely remembered that part of the King Cuck incident.

Right next to them, Jackie walked to Chad and began to rub her small chin. He noticed her and smiled slightly.

“So, your name is Chad, huh? And you’re dating Myusel… I’ll let it slide this time. Just know I don’t like your kind…” She grumbled with a tiny glare, walking further away as she finished speaking. 

Despite becoming a girl, Jack’s hatred of couples still lingered.

“Huh? My kind?!” Chad muttered as he saw her leave through the front door. 

He had no idea what she was talking about or what her problem was. But he ignored it when he saw her skirt fluttering as she ran.

At the same time as these little conversations, Jimmithey began to stand up from the chair he was sitting in. But as he did this he noticed something strange. 

The air had a different feeling, the same feeling he had felt earlier in the forest. It was like someone was behind him, watching his movements. His neck felt chills and he began sweating.

“The hell…?” Jimmithey wondered to himself as he felt the sweat dripping from his forehead. 

Despite the weird feeling, he decided he was going to ignore this and just follow the rest. 

It was most likely just one of his delusions from his powers. It was probably nothing too serious.

But he stopped moving when he felt something hard poking at his butt. 


“Jimmithey Johnrey James. Don’t. Move…” A voice whispered into Jimmithey’s ear. 

He began to sweat even harder, not moving or saying anything. He followed the voice’s direction, the tingling feeling in his neck increasing.

He could only watch the others begin to leave the house through the front door.

“Don’t move or say a word. If you do, I’ll blow your ass out… Just shhh… Let’s have a bit of… fun…” The voice continued, the hard poking sensation reaching deeper into his butt. 

Jimmithey began to sweat even more, now feeling sharp chills across his body!

"SHIT! W-who the fuck is behind me?!" Jimmithey thought to himself, feeling a fear he had never felt before in his life!

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