Worst Stories Ever

Eighteen: The Mean Green Machine.


“Jimmithey Johnrey James. Don’t. Move…” A voice whispered into Jimmithey’s ear. 

He began to sweat even harder, not moving or saying anything. He followed the voice’s direction, the tingling feeling in his neck increasing.

He could only watch the others begin to leave the house through the front door.

“Don’t move or say a word. If you do, I’ll blow your ass out… Just shhh… Let’s have a bit of… fun…” The voice continued, the hard poking sensation reaching deeper into his butt. 

Jimmithey began to sweat even more, now feeling sharp chills across his body!

"SHIT! W-who the fuck is behind me?!" Jimmithey thought to himself, feeling a fear he had never felt before in his life!

But just before the group completely left the house, Myusel stood by the door frame. She turned to see where Jimmithey was, for some unknown reason.

“Jimmithey?” She asked, then stopping when she saw a large, black cloaked figure looming behind Jimmithey. 

She could make out that he had green hair, sunglasses and a large hood on. Under this hood, his erect cock was pointing straight towards Jimmithey’s ass. It poked into his pants!

“IT’S AN ENEMY!!! INSIDE!!” Myusel screamed, causing both Milly, Jackie and Chad to run back into the house. 

As this happened, Myusel transformed into her magical girl dress! Light poured from her body and surrounded her, changing her clothing into a small magical girl uniform.

“Bitch…” The cloaked figure muttered out in a broken voice, a frown appearing on the revealed parts of his face.

Suddenly, the cloaked man warping around and pulling Jimmithey and itself outside through a nearby window! 

“Who the heck was that!?” Jackie screamed as she ran to check the window. 

“Shit! It must be another fucking Cuckold general! They came for Jimmithey’s power!! Jackie, Myusel! Fly upwards and look to see where they went! Chad and I will follow you in the car!” Milly ordered as she ran back out the door, Chad following her. 

Myusel and Jackie flew up into the sky, looking by the side of the house. When they did, they noticed something strange.

“It’s goo. Green goo. And it’s made a trail. That must be where they went!” Jackie commented as she saw the goo trail. 

“Good observation! Let’s save Jimmithey!” Myusel yelled, flying off to chase after the hooded figure.

At the same time, Jimmithey found himself in a random forest. He tried to escape when the figure pulled him away, but his senses were blurred and he had lost control!

He was strung up onto a tree, by a hard and tight green wire. He tried to rip himself out, but it was stuck too hard! 

He was about to scream, but stopped when the man put his finger up to Jimmithey’s mouth and hushed him.

“Don’t speak… Jimmithey… Do you recognize me? We know each other. Very intimately. It makes me so sad that you don’t recognize me already.” The sunglasses man said as he began to take them off. When he did, Jimmithey’s jaw dropped.

It was the Green Haired Man from the original King Cuck incident. Him, Miss Milly and Jimmithey were all kidnapped by the King Cuck, and he had to have gay sex with Jimmithey in order to escape. 

Jimmithey had assumed he had just gone back to his normal life after the event, so he was incredibly confused and shocked to see him in this form.

“W-what the fuck!? Why are you doing this shit! How do you have these powers?! How did you find me?! I thought you were normal, bit you’re working with the fucking King Cuck!!!” Jimmithey screamed, clenching his fists. 

The Green Haired Man began to giggle, pulling down his hood to reveal his obviously green hair.

“It’s a long story, but we have time. I’ll explain, just for you Jimmithey. You see, after the incident, I went back to my normal working life. I did my daily tasks, talked to the same repetitive fools, and ate the same bland food.

But then, one afternoon, as I was walking back home from my job, I got hit in the back of the head by a metal dildo… The exact same way I was once captured by the king, all of those months ago. A time I truly felt fear for the first time. Yet a time where I felt my heart genuinely beat! A time of pure excitement.

But to get back to topic... I was captured by the same Cucks, once again. But this time, instead of a warehouse, they took me to the Cuck Empire’s capital ship. All the way up in the skies, in outer space.

There, I met the King Cuck, in his new form. Instead of wanting to use me for energy, he decided that I had a better use for him. He was respectable, deciding to explain that if I joined his cause, he would allow me to have the greatest pleasure of them all. Being able to fuck you.

Not only that, he would let me rule the world with him, both of us, as kings! And by my side would be my queen consort, Jimmithey Johnrey James. My life was boring back then, having no future or dreams. But now, with the King Cuck on my side, I will achieve the ultimate goal. Now Jimmithey, don’t resist. Besides, I’m the only one you’ve ever done it with, and only one you will ever do it with…”

“You’re insane… You had everything perfect and normal, and you rejected it to fuck me?! Fuck off dude! I don’t even swing that way!!” Jimmithey yelled as he swung his leg upwards, enhanced with schizo energy, straight into the Green Haired Guy’s Balls! 

But when he did this, he only heard a clunking noise and saw the Green Haired Guy not even react. He only stood there, looking at Jimmithey with a sick grin.

“Sorry, but that won’t work Jimmithey. My balls are pure steel at this point. It’s the cuckold energy the King lended to me.” The Green Haired Guy responded, grinning. 

“Dammit!!” Jimmithey yelled as he tried moving his leg away. But as he did this, the Green Haired Guy grabbed Jimmithey’s leg. 

The Green Haired Guy then brought Jimmithey’s leg close to his face, licking it with his long, green tongue. 

“We got all of the time in the world Jimmithey. And since we’re here alone, we’re going to fuck and make love… You’re gonna enjoy this so much that you’ll join the empire with me and the King Cuck.” Green Haired Guy said with a hideous grin. 

“No fucking way!” Jimmithey yelled as he used his schizo energy to kick the Green Haired Guy in the face! 

He slammed his back into the tree, using his energy to destroy it and the green wire. 

“Shit! No! Come back babe!” The Green Haired Guy screamed as he fell onto the ground, on his back. 

He stood back up, looking at Jimmithey running away. He then began chasing after Jimmithey, both of them running at incredible speeds across the dark forest.

“Don’t run Jimmithey. We have an eternity to fuck. And in that time, you will succumb, my love!” Green Haired Guy yelled as he followed him.

“Fuck you! You're a crazy asshole! I won’t fall for your bullshit and cuckoldry!!!” Jimmithey yelled as he continued to run off. 

But Jimmithey soon noticed that the forest he was running in was getting darker and darker, the trees covering up the light coming down.

Despite the darkness, Green Haired Guy could still sense Jimmithey’s energy through the dark forest. Jimmithey continued running with his limited vision, dodging any upcoming trees. 

But he couldn’t continue this forever, for he was getting more and more tired. 

“W-why am I running? I beat Colonel Cosplay. I should fucking beat his ass!” Jimmithey thought as he looked behind in the darkness. 

But when he did, he saw the Green Haired Guy’s neon green cock, slamming into nearby trees and destroying them.

“COME TO ME! BABY!” He shouted, his green pre cum spraying across the ground. When it hit the ground, it melted it as if it were an acid. 

“Never fucking mind! I can’t fight him alone! He’s too fucking gross! Fuck!” Jimmithey thought as he ran even faster, ignoring how tired his body was. 

But because of him looking back at the Green Haired Guy, he became distracted.

And that distractedness made it so he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings. 

So he accidentally slammed his foot into a nearby tree root, something he would have dodged easily! He fell onto the ground, slamming and skidding across the dirt!

“What a fantastic opportunity! The Cuck King must be blessing me!” Green Haired Guy yelled as he jumped straight onto Jimmithey.

He pushed Jimmithey’s head down and pulled down his pants! Jimmithey’s ass was revealed and defenseless!

“Oh SHIT!” Jimmithey screamed as he tried getting up, his head being pushed even deeper into the ground in response.

Green Haired Guy held his long green cock in his hands, aiming it at Jimmithey’s ass crack! 

He couldn’t control himself, since he got more aroused by Jimmithey’s running. This made him ready to cum!

“Don’t fret Jimmithey! YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE THIS!” Green Haired Guy screamed as he began to shoot his green bust into Jimmithey!

But before the green goo could hit Jimmithey, Green Haired Guy was slammed by a massive wave of magical girl energy!

It disintegrated both the green cum and most of his body, slamming him across the forest and into a nearby mountain range! 

A massive landslide occurred because of this, covering and crushing the Green man’s body!

Myusel had landed next to Jimmithey, running towards him. Jimmithey began to stand back up, pulling up his pants and fastening them up. 

He then noticed Myusel and looked away from her in rage.

“Jimmithey! A-are you okay?” Myusel asked, walking up towards him. But as she came to him, Jimmithey looked back at her and began to yell.

“Fuck off bitch! I would rather get ass fucked by that creep than talk to you! BACK AWAY!” Jimmithey yelled, slamming his foot onto the ground. 

“J-jimmithey… I-I know you don’t want to hear this… But I-I’m sorry.” Myusel said, holding out her hand towards him. 

Jimmithey looked up at her, feeling at first pissed off. But when he saw her, he saw how different she seemed and looked. 

He noticed how nice she looked in her dress and could smell her perfume. 

And he noticed the size of her breasts and the small gap in her dress that showed them. She was more feminine now, more elegant and beautiful.

“What the fuck am I thinking about?! Focus!” Jimmithey thought as he turned away from Myusel, remembering all of the horrible things she did to him.

“I don’t wanna fucking hear it! We’re going to save the world and defeat the King Cuck, but once that is over, you’re out of this fucking town forever! You hear me?! I don’t want to hear from you or your dumbass boyfriend ever again! Okay bitch!?” He responded, beginning to walk away from her. 

“Please Jimmithey! Please listen to me! I know I did horrible things to you, unforgivable things. But I want to redeem myself! Back then, the other magical girls and I were affected by a monster’s curse. It made us sex pests and obsessive. But, you broke that curse, and allowed us to become normal. I know you suffered because of it, but I’m a changed person. These past few months, I’ve been working to bec-”

“Fuck off. I don’t give a damn!” Jimmithey interupted, turning around and running off incredibly fast.

“J-jimmithey!” Myusel yelled, tears forming in her eyes. 

She fell onto the ground, beginning to cry. She wanted to be forgiven by Jimmithey and redeemed, but she had no idea how to. 

It hurt her heart to think about all of the misery she inflicted onto him, and his rejection made this pain even worse.

“I-I… I just w-want to be better… But how can I...?” Myusel muttered to herself, seeing that Jimmithey was long gone.

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