Chapter 287: The first granted day
"High in the morning sky the massive Sea Eagle King was flying home with his queen. His heart was cold as ice and his mind almost blank. Marco was out of line with the only person he loved and it made him detached even from his own body.
Sienna watched the clouds and the country under as they flew fast with the wind. The familiar stony fortress was suddenly in her view and Sienna realized she was only once there, straight as the now dead Sea Eagle Prince took her, the old cruel king wanted to mate her and Sarcos's crystals killed him and then Marco claimed her...the disturbing memories flashed in her mind.
Sienna felt a little worried in her heart as they approached the airy fortress when she saw the rebuilding works in progress.
"Marco, are you making a city?" she called to the cold eagle and smiled.
"Yes, we are building houses for females as well..." he nodded. He got half of his army at home building, one quarter in Sand City under Rem's command and another quarter in Crystal City under Bran's order.
Marco descended to the fortress and took her straight into their room through the opened stony arched windows.
" I was not here for ages!" Sienna looked around in a daze. The room was redecorated in turqoise, silver and black and Sienna smiled.
"Marco, it looks so beautiful now..." she turned to him happily.
"So you did not like it before?" he looked at her coldly.
"I did, but now I like it even more...thank you so much for making it pretty for me." She smiled and cuddled up to him as a kitten seeking warmth.
Marco picked Sienna into his arms as she hugged him and placed her to sit on her new bed. He looked into her eyes thinking...
"I love you, Marco..."Sienna smiled...
"So why it took you so long to come here...?" he asked her coldly.
"I just missed everyone..." she looked at him..."And..."
"Apart from me!" he bit his lips.
"But you were with me, no? I do not love a room but a if the man is with me, I have no miss for the room..." she said cutely trying to melt him but his face was still freezing...
"But not in the Sand City or Crystal Castle...there you love your rooms as well..." he looked at her coldly...the pictures of Sienna hugging her cushions in Sand City after he brought her from Wetlands flashed in his mind...
"Iceberg! Why is he making me problems suddenly!" she sighed in her mind. "Yes, I did miss my rooms in Sand City or Crystal Castle because I spent time with a horrible man who wanted to kill me...You can't understand how I felt."She bit her lips."But now, I'm here with you, so stop being so grumpy to me! I do love you and your acting up is ridiculous! I have no idea why you are so winded up and cold." she stood up from the bed upset.
"Because I'm your cold eagle..." He noted in a freezing voice.
"Well, then let's go warm up together in the bed, you can cuddle me, it will be a win-win, hm? We will warm each other..."She chuckled."I need to spend more time with him!"She thought.
"Not now! I did ask you something and you refused me." he shook his head.
"I need to check on my men. Have a hot bath to warm you up and rest...and eat something, you must be hungry. "Marco said in his freezing voice.
"You will just leave me here by myself?"Sienna opened her eyes wide...
"I have work to do."He nodded."I got you some drawing paper inside the table drawers...have fun." He said coldly and left.
Sienna bit her lips..." Is he doing this on purpose..? I had a taste to mate with him and he is so cold, the taste is gone....good we are going to Tyrell tomorrow, or I would really have to make myself..." she chuckled a bit bitterly..." Or should I do it with him, so he will calm down..." she thought..."Maybe it be better...but it would be so embarrassing!" she bit her lips..." Well if I make it hot, he might mate after it...and it will stop the weirdness.. hopefully!" she thought...
Sienna was drawing and thinking for the rest of the day...Marco came back at dusk..he was thinking as well.
"So, how was my eagle today?"Sienna smiled at him...she missed her old Marco and was trying to get him back.
"Busy..."He noted coldly..."Are you ready to sleep?"He asked her.
"Not entirely," Sienna helped him to take off his shiny armour...Then she went to the bathroom, checked herself out in the mirror and went back to him...
"You know...I felt so cold today..." She bit her lips softly..." Would you help me with it and cuddle me... I miss you so much..." she said seductively.
Marco looked at her suspiciously..."So are you ready to show me what I want to see..."He asked firmly.
"Sure..."Sienna bit her lips...This was hard for her...She was quickly making plans in her head of what she would do because it was highly embarrassing for her like this even though he was her mate! She would agree on kinky stuff probably with Sarcos, Tyrell or Sharchan, but cold Marco was so hard to read and his cold staring made her uncomfortable!
Sienna took off her gown and went to sit on the bed. She took a deep breath and smiled at Marco seductively..."Come closer then, I want to feel your warmth. She took off his shirt and ran her hands on his muscular shoulders. He looked like a handsome marble statue to she bit her lips and lay down on the bed. Half naked Marco sat between Sienna's slightly opened legs and watched.
"This is so awkward!" she felt her heart frozen but smiled sweetly at him...She pushed her head down and tried to relax, but his presence was overbearingly cold! Sienna thought of Sharchan and touched her breasts gently moving her hips as if dancing seductively. She moaned softly, biting her lips trying to heat him..but he was still cold...She ran her hands down her belly and tights, breathing deeply, but it was more of him stressing her out than the pleasure she was supposed to feel!
Sienna touched her body in front of Marco and tried to pretend she felt a lot of pleasure from it. It was not erotic for her at all because he was way too cold...just staring...
Sienna closed her eyes again and thought of Tyrell but it still did not make her relax...Marco's eyes were as icy icebergs and her heart was squashed nervously into a knot..her hands were cold and if he was not her mate already, she would just stand up and leave!
But she tried to untangle his weird mood...and was willing to push herself...and play a theatre for him if he wanted it that much!
Marco watched naked Sienna in the bed thinking. He could feel she was pressuring herself and did not feel anything and bit his lips... "She is clearly not enjoying making herself...maybe the snake was just taunting me and I really waste our time, we can spend mating... Hm, does she love me so much that she is forcing herself to do this for me..."He thought coldly..."Well, it still looks good...but she doesn't moan loud enough at all! She is pretending for me and moans differently than when I mate her anyway." he thought and touched Sienna's hips gently.
Sienna stopped as he touched her and looked at him worriedly."What now?" she flinched in her mind and wished to be locked in the Sharchan's golden cage..."It would feel safe at least and he would mate me for real..." she thought.
"Thank you."Marco came on top of her and kissed her lips. "I think you can stop now..." he said.
"Did you like it?"Sienna asked and bit her lips worriedly...
"I did. "he noted, "So I think I like to give it a try..."He burrowed his head between her legs kissing her belly..." I like to explore you slowly.."He actually smiled!
Sienna felt as if a huge stone fell off her heart...and started to feel better...Marco felt as the nervous cloud lifted from her and she enjoyed his tongue between her legs. He kissed her inner tight slowly and Sienna touched his head... he was still a bit rough, but tryed his best and Sienna appreciated it...
Marco touched Sienna gently. "I will do my best to please you..."
Sienna hugged him tightly..." But you are always pleasing me, I love you, don't you feel it?" she lifted her arms to him and circled his neck but Marco took her hands off..."Let me touch you first..." he kissed her breasts gently, continuing on her back, he turned her around as a doll exploring every bit of her...
Sienna relaxed her body but she felt really excited by now..." Can you just fuck me hard now?" she smiled gently at him..."I like it a lot...."
Marco lay at the top of her and did as she wanted...Sienna was moaning from pleasure and her body felt good. Marco felt as one with her again...
When he finished Sienna lay on his shoulder..." I love you so much my strong eagle..." she fell asleep happily.
Marco looked at her sleeping body... he wanted to mate some more now...and he felt kind of stupid...