Chapter 286: I want to watch you
High in the starry dark sky, the huge eagle was flying with his precious load over the high mountains. Sienna clenched onto Marco's silvery chain-like necklace as his strong body cut through the strong cold wind.
Sienna wished they would travel through the day...but she did not want to say anything to Marco...he was colder than always and it made her a little insecure around him...She just tried to cuddle up to his feathery body, think happy thoughts and survive the freezing flight...It felt kind of cold from the inside out!
Sienna secretly dreaded the expected hours of night flying, so she lifted her head in surprise when her strong eagle suddenly descended into the deep mountain and landed at a dark grotto opening...Sienna slid down from his back in seconds as he changed into his handsome human form.
Marco just took her hand and pulled Sienna inside the utter darkness...
"We will sleep here..." his voice resonated within the stony walls." I can see you are too cold. Why did you not say anything? Don't you trust me?" he asked coldly but Sienna felt that he was somehow hurt.
"I did not want to stop you..."Sienna bit her lips."I saw you don't like to stay in the Snake Castle..." she replied to her mate's voice because she did not see anything in the dark!
" That is why we stay here..." he let go of her hand and lit a few torches hanging from the stony walls! There was a big nest ready in the grotto room!
"Did you prepare this for us?" Sienna smiled pleasantly surprised...cuddling with Marco the whole night was better than flying in the freezing wind...
"It is my responsibility to take care of you," he said seriously... "I prepared the nest as you were painting," he added...
Sienna went to stretch her tired body in the nest. She lay comfortably and stared at Marco expecting him to come next to her but he looked thinking. He was feeling his body start to go numb somehow, so he remembered something important...
"Do you trust Marath?"Marco asked Sienna suddenly.
"With my life," Sienna nodded.
"Ok, then. If you just wait for me little." Marco asked her.
"Ok," Sienna nodded a bit surprised."I will be right here, waiting for you, my strong eagle."She smiled gently.
Marco went out of the grotto. He sat outside on the stony ledge, looked into the dark sky and drank the potion from felt cold and cooling, and the weird numb sensation was going away fast so felt himself again...
"Bloody sorcerer."Marco shook his head but felt grateful to Marath a little. The strong eagle closed his eyes for a moment, the strange day ran in front of his eyes in a flash and the handsome rude snake was laughing in his mind.."I'm better than are just making her bruises and call it mating!"
Marco shook his head, he did not like Sharchan at all but his words made him feel guilty somehow. Marco bit his lips and rather went back to check on his sweet mate.
Sienna was resting in the big nest. Marco came closer to her and touched her cheek." She is so cute and beautiful." he thought. "I can mate with her now, she will be safe, but would she like it for real?" his heart was getting an icy hit.
Sienna felt his touch and opened her eyes seductively just a little, looking at him through her long eyelashes.
"Marco, come to me...I'm all cold!" she whimpered cutely."I want you.." she licked her lips.
Marco sat at the edge of the nest and touched her hand gently...
"I need to talk to you..." he said seriously.
"Yes, my love?"Sienna smiled and turned to him more, leaning on her side...
"Do you feel pleasure with me?" he looked at her coldly as an eagle he was...
"Yes, "Sienna blushed.
"So you do like mating with me..?" he asked a bit suspiciously.
"I do!" Sienna nodded..."You are amazing..." she reached to kiss him...but he stopped her by holding his finger at her lips seriously.
He stretched his hand and opened her dress slowly. He was watching her naked body shiver in the cold air with expectation, but he pushed her back to lie in the nest.
"I want to see how would you pleasure yourself..." he said suddenly biting his lips.
"What?" Sienna half sat up in shock...."Why would I need to, with so many mates at my hands?"She chuckled at him in disbelief...she would not expect this from him at all!
"Well, did you before or not?" He asked her coldly.
"Maybe, sometimes.."Sienna was red as a tomato!"But it was long ago..."
"I want to see it..." he said stubbornly.
"Well, it is not so good as real mating anyway...why would we waste our time together?"Sienna smiled sweetly trying to ease him...
"Just do it!" he stared at her.
"Maybe if you help me with it?" she chuckled and took his hand to place it on her naked body...
"By yourself..." he retracted his hand and pushed her to lie back gently but firmly.
Sienna watched in shock how Marco opened her legs and sat between them to watch!
"I can't like this..." she gulped because he was staring coldly at her and she became nervous... "Marco, what is wrong?" she asked worriedly. She was stuck in the mountain grotto with a weirdly crazed-up eagle!
"I want to learn how to pleasure you the way you like," he noted coldly.
Sienna felt her heart clench and kneeled next to him.
"Why do you think I do not like what you are doing?" She asked...
"You took Sharchan today in the morning. I heard it!" he bit his lips.
"Yes, he gave me a quick one before we parted..." she nodded..."He caught me dressing up and I couldn't resist at all...He is way too sneaky and strong!" Sienna bit her lips guiltily." Does it upset you that much?" she asked carefully.
"A bit. You moan differently with him. I heard you moan in pleasure and with me, you mostly hiss in pain..." he bit his lips.
"Well, you are brutal at times, but you did more gently lately..."Sienna tried to coax him.
"So you did not really like it and you were pretending with me? "He asked coldly...
"No, of course not...I did enjoy it a lot..."Sienna blushed.
"Why are you moaning differently with Sharchan then?"Marco stared at her firmly...
"I'm sorry, I just do what I feel." she touched his hand trying to placate him.
Marco grabbed both of her hands strongly and pressed them to her lap..."Touch yourself!" he looked into her eyes coldly.
"I don't feel like it!" Sienna said a bit upset. He was rough and it made her feel weird.
"Why don't you touch me and I tell you what I like..." she smiled gently trying to make him cooperate.
Marco was getting upset...he felt his heart hurted...
"Marco, I love you, "Sienna snuggled next to him and kissed his cheek gently.
Marco took her hand..." Then show me!" he rasped.
"I can't relax like this..."Sienna shook her head and her heart was as tight as a little golf ball.
"So you don't trust me enough to relax next to me..." he bit his lips.
"Marco stop! You are making a weird mood!" she said with a frantically pouncing heart. This was a bit too much from him!
"Ok, let's sleep then."He nodded his head.
"So you don't want to mate with me now?"Sienna asked.
"Don't force yourself," he said coldly...and started to close her dress with tightly clenched jaws.
"But I do want to mate with you...just do it as was so good..."Sienna tried to do cute puppy eyes but she felt like freezing Marco's iceness was piercing her heart. It hurted a lot...
"I will ask Tyrell to show me how to touch you then..."Marco noted coldly as he finished closing her dress and lay down next to her in the nest.
"What is wrong with him?"Sienna thought frantically but did not know what else to say to him.
"Come here, I will keep you warm."Marco pulled her onto his shoulder and covered her in Sharchan's blanket.
Sienna bit her lips and cuddled up to him...the tears flew a little from her eyes, but she tried to stop them... There was no point in crying...She felt scared next to him suddenly so she tried to think of Sarcos, Sharchan and Tyrell and fell asleep.
Marco felt as Sienna fell asleep and listened to her deep breathing. "She was surely tired from the day anyway." he thought. He was cold and even though he felt that his words hurted her, he would not back up because the snake's words were haunting him...He did not want her to suffer his rough mating any more! He was so coldly pragmatic that it did not even cross his mind that Sienna might like it as she told him many times!
The next morning came and Sienna woke up a bit stiff in the cold nest. She pulled the blanket on herself and opened her eyes. She remembered the weird night but decided to try again sweetly.
"There is no point in being upset at Mr.Iceberg!" she thought as she searched with her eyes for Marco's manly figure. He was already up watching the cloudy sky from the grotto entrance.
"Good morning my love," Sienna smiled at him...but her heart was squashed in quiet worry...he made her nervous inside because she was not sure of him any more after his acting up...
"Am I still your love?" he asked coldly.
"Sure you are!"Sienna smiled and stood up to hug him, but he just covered her more tightly in that warm blanket from Sharchan.
"It still smells of your snake, I hope it may relax you a bit more..." he said a bit bitterly to her.
"What?"Sienna smelled the blanket, it smelled of both of them now. "It smells of you now too..." she chuckled..."Don't be so serious, hm? It is a new day today and we can spend it together."
"Hm, sure. Let's go then, I need to check my fortress and tomorrow we go to Crystal City," he said firmly...
"So early?" Sienna asked surprised...she thought he would have her for longer!
"I have some business in Wetlands!" Marco said coldly. He took Sienna down to go to the toilet and found her a mountain spring to wash her hands and face. Sienna refreshed and ate some blueberries from Marco as well. She looked at him innocently but felt he was in a weird mood..." I have to find out what is wrong with him!" she sighed in her mind as she climbed onto his back again and he lifted to fly to his fortress with her.