Chapter 284: Hot rude snake versus cold boiling eagle
In the lightest upper room of tall Snake Castle, Sienna was painting the Royal couple when Thyasse and Marath came in...Sharmut sat on the carved Snake throne with white snake-like alabaster stone inserts on it and Chantelle sat on his lap.
It was very unusual for a painting pose, but Chantelle did not want to sit at his feet and Sienna said it was the cute modern pose showing how much he loved her, so she was satisfied...
Sharmut secretly enjoyed the hours of painting and wished Sienna would do it for longer than a day...He felt Chantelle's body on him and it made him extremely proud and happy. After all these years he tamed his fox's heart....
Marath came behind Sienna and nodded at the painting approvingly..."Looks are indeed talented my little queen..." he smiled gently.
"So when you will come to the Underworld to paint me and Thyasse?" he asked cheekily...
Sienna felt her blood disappear from her face and her body shook a little in a cold sensation...Just the thought of Wetlands made her feel a little sick and a lot scared...
"I think I can paint you next time Snake Castle...You both are always welcome..." she managed to say in a bit shaken voice...Marath's presence felt always overpowering somehow...
"Are you scared of Wetlands?"Marath was quite pleased by her funny reaction. He loved to tease her..."You know I will protect you there..." he smirked at her.
" is just better light here...and crispy suits Thyasse more..."Sienna tried to sober up and save the situation. She never wanted to go to Wetlands ever! "Or you can come to Sand City...I have even more paints there..." she smiled..."Sarcos made me a room full of paints and canvases with great light..."
"Sure, sure..."Marath smiled..."Next time I will let you know when we will visit. "I'm quite curious about Sand City...Do you like it there...?"
"A lot..."Sienna nodded."I'm sure King Sarcos will be happy to welcome you there as well..." Sienna nodded eagerly...
"Sure he will," Marath nodded thinking a bit..."Good, it is settled then..."
Sienna just nodded her head quite happily..."I just managed to avoid the Wetlands. Horray!" She was so happy with herself...If Marath would invite her directly, she would have to go there. He was a very powerful sorcerer and she did not want to anger him at any cost. It was always better to have him on her side...
Marath looked into her tiger-like eyes and had to smile for himself...She was so cute! He could always read her as a book and it was very entertaining to him...
"Oh, and one more thing...Your eagle will come to pick you up at dusk..." he smiled...
"Thank you...are they both ok?" Sienna asked carefully...
"Sure, they both live...I kept an eye on it..." he chuckled.
"Thank you, Marath, you are the best!"Sienna smiled. She kissed his cheek gently, holding her hands apart in the air as they were covered in paint. Marath smiled and watched as she continued to paint...
"Silly little queen..." the Black Lizard sorcerer watched her painting for a little and then he went out with Thyasse.
Marath took Thyasse to their room to let her get ready and went to see Sharchan quickly.
He walked to the top of the tower still thinking, when he opened the door he saw a huge snake resting in the golden heap with a satisfied expression on his face...
"You look quite happy for a defeated man."Marath looked at him smiling.
"You surely heard why."Sharchan chuckled and took his human form.
"I stabilized Marco for three days..then Sarcos will decide his fate."Marath said seriously.
"But you could kill him so easily...he looked half dead..."Sharchan grinned his face in disappointment.
"Yes, but Sarcos kept him, so it is his responsibility..."Marath nodded. "Queen is safe for three days...then he will drop her to Tyrell."he added.
"What if he doesn't obey you...."Sharchan looked at him curiously.
"Then he will die..."Marath noted coldly.
"How?"Sharchan asked secretly pleased...
"I poisoned him."Marath nodded his head satisfied.
"I did not know you were poisonous?"Sharchan looked at his brother-in-law in awe.
"Now you know..."Marath nodded."I gave him an antidote to my poison for three days only...He has to drink it tonight."he said.
"What if he will not take it...?" Sharchan asked curiously. There was still hope proud Marco will not listen...
"Then he dies sooner."Marath noted coldly...." I can't help those who don't trust me..."he smiled.
"Well, I trust you and my Sienna trusts you for sure..."Sharchan noted just to make sure he knows it...
"She will do everything I will tell her..."Marath smiled cheekily..."If you are nicer to her, she will obey you better as well...You should trust in her love for you. It works better than golden cages." Marath chuckled.
"So no magic golden cage for me then?"Sharchan grinned.
"Only if you don't mind that only I will be able to take her out..."Marath chuckled..."Only my property can be in my magic cage...or do you want to share with me? "he chuckled.
"You are way too wild for your age..."Sharchan shook his head."Forget it then...Thank you for helping me with Marco and if there is anything you need just let me know brother-in-law..."Sharchan was very polite to him just in case.
"For sure..."Marath nodded..."Now go to your queen's room and get some sympathy before she goes. It will help you to heal faster. " he chuckled...
"Good idea..."Sharchan nodded.
"Have fun."Marath shook his head entertained.
"You too.."Sharchan grinned and went...
"Silly snake."Marath noted in his head..." He could have so much more if he would just listen..."
Sharchan dragged his sorry body to Sienna's room to recover...he washed up and lay in her bed. Her scent was still lingering around, so he just closed his eyes and rested...
As the dusk came...Marco returned to Sienna's room but she was not there and Sharchan was resting in her bed instead...
"What are you doing here? "Marco asked him..."Why don't you go to your own room...?"
"All the rooms in this castle are mine..."Sharchan smiled, "And her bed smells like helps me to heal. You might try it too in your fortress.."Sharchan chuckled.
"Hm...Was Sienna here?"Marco asked impatiently.
"Not yet, she must still is a lot of work, you can't understand it for sure..."Sharchan smiled sneakily..."Besides she probably does not rush to be with you anyway...."
"I'm taking Sienna with me now. Recover well, so we can train some more soon..."Marco said to him in an icy tone.
Sharchan felt humiliated! He stared at cold Marco..." Well, at least I'm hotter than you..." he hissed provocatively.
"What do you mean?"Marco furrowed his brows.
"Sienna did not even want to go to your fortress, she wanted to stay here because she loves me more..." Sharchan grinned revengefully.
"Is that why she mated with you this morning?" asked Marco coldly.
"Ahh, you noticed..."Sharchan pretended to be surprised. He just started to have fun at Marco's account.
"Sure, she screamed way too loud..."Marco noted
"Do I make her scream more than you, then?"Sharchan chuckled..."You are so cold that she must have more pleasure if she does herself than with you!" he chuckled wildly.
"What are you talking about?"Marco stared at the bewildered snake suspiciously.
Sharchan showed him two fingers cheekily...mocking Marco was making him feel better somehow! Especially when he knew that Marath sorted him out for the time being. It was safe to mock him now and Sharchan would enjoy it fully...
"Don't be so over yourself, I know how to make her scream in pleasure too..."Marco said coldly.
"Hardly...You are just giving her bruises and calling it mating!"Sharchan hissed."You are useless in the bed for sure!" he grinned."I bet you just turn her on her belly and make yourself with no regard for how she feels." he hissed upset..."I make her crazy for me, I know her body well and where to touch to make her melt in my hands...I don't need to bruise her, so she feels at least something..."Sharchan was taunting Marco. He was so jealous Marco was taking Sienna with him...His snake raged he could not make her pregnant yet and he exactly knew where to hit cold Marco the best.
Marco felt his blood boil! Sienna was always pleased with him...but the snake's words touched his little tiny sensitive inner core bit within his cold heart...
"Do you think she will not want to come with me?"Marco asked seriously.
"Sure she goes...she does not expect that much from you...I think she is happy to survive next to you ....Did she ever manage to stay a whole week with you at all, hm....?"Sharchan lifted his eyebrow.
"Why don't you just shut up! You lay in her bed as a little kid!"Marco bit his lips.
"I want her to see how brute you are..."Sharchan grinned..."She will kiss my wounds to make me feel better..." he chuckled."You won the fight, but I win over you in the mating game anytime." he grinned.
"I finish talking with you."Marco bit his lips and sat under the window waiting for Sienna. He kind of disappeared into the shadows of a darkening room...