Woman with the tiger eyes in the Beast warrior's World

Chapter 283: The power play-house

The training grounds of the Snake Castle were shaking from the vicious fight. Marco and Marath fought in their animal forms. Marco tried to pick the Black Lizard into the air with his huge claws, but the lizard's skin was hard as iron, so he could not get a good grip and slid over the black scales in angry disbelief. Marath noticed Marco in close distance, so he leapt and squashed the huge eagle under him, rolling over his wings in a wild fight!

The agile Black Lizard tightly clasped the strong Sea Eagle between his wide jaws and the hard ground. Marco was stuck in his eagle form in Marath's grasp again and felt like a little sparrow, he could not even move...He felt a strong energy force over himself, draining every bit of strength in his body...he felt as if his body was falling apart and sinking into the ground...he felt as if some inner flame consumed him all...

"I'm going crazy or I'm dying...."Marco thought frantically but he still could not move..." Bloody sorcerers!" he cursed in helpless anger.

"You can't control yourself. Stay away from your queen till you talk to Sarcos!" Marco heard Marath's cold voice in his head...It looked like the bloody sorcerer was weirdly calm even in fights...

"What? But I just came to pick her up..." he rasped hard and his heart was engulfed in deep sadness suddenly. Even Marco himself was shocked at how he could feel something so intense!

"Silly eagle."Marath shook his head dragging Marco on the ground with it..." The small stones getting stuck under his feathers, ripping them apart from the pressure...."But ok, I can help you for three days...you can spend them with your queen." he finally said."In three days you will take Sienna to Crystal City, drop her to Tyrel and go wetlands to Sarcos. You do that or I have to kill you right now..." he said seriously...

"On my word of the king..."Marco nodded his head hardly."I will do that!"

"Good", Marath said, still holding the ruffled eagle in his mouth. Marath's lizard liked to eat birds. Marco in his mouth felt like a huge bird so he was a bit reluctant to let it go...

"Hey, don't eat my guests, Marath!" Sharmut chuckled as he was returning with Chantelle from their morning walk. They figured out that Sienna would come later as they could hear some interesting noises coming out of her room as well!

"He just needs to train more..." The Black Lizard grinned, but slowly released Marco from his grip. The Sea Eagle King felt as if all the bones in his body were rearranged and hurted as hell, his head was spinning and he never felt so weak in his life...It felt so humiliating for him that he wished to be dead! He was quite glad Sienna did not see him in this state...He sat under the tree in his human form and rested.

Marath changed into his human form as well and went to sit next to shocked Thyasse. She was quite impressed with him but utterly puzzled..." He almost ate Sienna's mate..."She thought a bit shocked.

"You were so amazing..."She kissed her master-mate with the quiet fear around her heart. She realized that he was way more powerful than she thought before...

Soon enough Sharchan came to the training grounds as well. The strong Snake King was a little disappointed that Marco was alive but seeing him so beaten up felt quite good to him...Sharchan's snake was chuckling at resting Marco in his head."Maybe I will be able to kill him by accident while sparring." he thought because Marco seemed almost defeated.

"Do you want to start, or would you like to rest first Sea Eagle King?"Sharchan asked a bit mockingly.

"We can start!" Marco stood up...

"Here, a new sword for our hero..."Sharchan threw him a new sword from the spare sword's holder which was hanging on the training ground wall...

Marco sobered up and stood in a fighting position...He could put himself together quite fast.

Sharchan attacked Marco full-on with his sharp sword, hoping to kill him in the accident. Marco was a little slow at first but was getting his grip quite fast.

Marco and Sharcham fought ferociously and the more Marco fought, the more he felt his strength was coming back!

So, Sharchan was lying in the dust within a few hours! Marco was upset he kept losing to Marath so he used Sharchan as a punching bag to ease his frustration....Marco was a little content only with Sarcos being stronger and being defeated by sorcerors was driving him crazy....

Sharchan changed into the snake by himself as Marco's eagle drew bloody lines on his scales, because the Sea Eagle was deranged his claws could not pierce Marath's lizard armour...so he was practising it on Sharchan instead!

Marco watched Sharchan's bloodied snake body at the training grounds with cold rage, he felt the urge to kill him but Marath with Thyasse was watching and Marco did not like to have witnesses for it...because he could not get away with Marath...he was Sharchan's family after all!

The strong Snake King felt something was wrong with Marco and grinned...even he was defeated. " He must heard Sienna's moans for sure then..." he chuckled to himself."I'm surely better than he in the bed and he had to hear it out..." he thought quite pleased resting on the bloodied training ground.

"Well, the thru was, as Marco left Sienna's room that morning...Sienna went to dress up but Sharchan who was somehow still in his towel, pressed her by the window dominantly."I want you one more time before you go..." he pulled her on himself hugging her from behind.

"But it is officially Marco's week from today," Sienna whispered but pressed her bum at Sharchan, he was so hot she was melting ..."We should n..." 

"But he is outside and I'm right here..." he pushed his hand down her waist lifting her gown with his hands and he just stuck his cock inside of her hardly from behind!

"Ahhh," Sienna shrieked as she held onto the smooth stony stool of the window..."But Marco is waiting for you alrea..."

"Shh, shhh, then don't talk and let's hurry up, so he doesn't wait for too long..."Sharchan kissed her neck passionately and keep fucking her strongly. Her body reacted to him already...he was so hard to resist...Sienna realized that if he would be her only mate she would be completely tamed by him by sex itself...the only other noise she could get out of herself was moans...Sharchan was really hot!!!

"Shhh, Marco will hear you..."Sharchan chuckled...but pushed himself into her strongly, making her even shriek a few more times...

"Shh."Sharchan held her mouth from behind and pulled her down onto the soft weawed rug. Sienna just collapsed under him, he was just way too strong.

"Let me satisfy you if you are so wild..." he rasped into her ear...as he entered her body abruptly again and Sienna felt his energy as paralyzing pleasure force. Sharchan was making her crazy with his domineering love-making session.

Sienna felt her conscience slipping away...the crazy colours started to fly in front of her eyes...as she muffled into Sharchan's hand...the pleasure spreading around her body again... then her mind went blank eloped in ecstasy.

 When she came back to herself, she watched as Sharchan was putting light armour on him..."I will see you later my sweet queen..." he chuckled....and went.

Sienna breathed deeply and put herself back together...her legs shaking and belly trembling.

She washed quickly, dressed up and went to find Sharmut and Chantelle. 

Still, on the training ground, Sharchan's snake got some strength back and slithered slowly away, still thinking of his sweet morning, even his hurting body could not dent his good mood...the pictures of Sienna moaning under him were stuck in his mind till he managed to come to his room in the tower...The enormous snake spread happily into his golden heap....to rest...and think of her some more...

Outside Marath watched how Marco cleaned the sword after his fight. He walked to the puzzled Sea Eagle King slowly. Marco stared at his figure a bit concerned but did not move...

"Well done King Marco, we enjoyed the fight!"Marath chuckled and clapped his hands a few times slowly, emitting a fierce force somehow...

"Here, a prize for you, so you don't flame up when with the little queen," he smiled and gave him a little black crystal bottle.

"What?"Marco stared at him a bit shocked. He thought he sorted out his dragon already...

"You don't want to flame like that again, it can kill her..."Marath shook his head...

"Thank you then."Marco took the vial from Marath.

"Drink it tonight..."Marath said seriously."It works for three days only." he added."Then you ask Sarcos for help."

"Thank you," Marco said."Please, can you tell Sienna I will come for her at dusk?" he asked carefully. That Snake Castle felt too weird to him and the people he met inside even more...apart from Sienna of course...

"Sure. Fly free!"Marath nodded as Marco changed into a Sea Eagle and flew away...then he walked back to Thyasse, who watched him in awe, slowly as if thinking.

"Come, let's see your sister-in-law," Marath took her by hand.

"Why do you care for her so much...?" Thyasse asked."Why would he do a messenger for her!" she thought with furrowed brows."Do you still like her?" she asked him loudly with a quiet hurt in her heart.

"Sure I do...This world needs her, she has to stay well..." Marath smiled.

"But she is not that strong, has no magic...Why is she so important anyway?"Thyasse asked curiously.

"Are you pretending with her?"Marath looked at Thyasse a bit suspiciously...

"Well, of course, I like her... I'm just still wondering what do you see in her?"Thyasse asked.

"Her heart...kind heart..." he nodded seriously.

"That is? "Thyasse wondered surprised...Sure, she knew Sienna was almost stupidly kind, but did not understand why would Marath care so much...

"What is more important than that? "he smiled softly.

"Well, I thought you liked her body..." Thyasse whispered.

"I do...but the body gets old...just the heart stays the same..." he smiled. "It is her biggest treasure...and it has to be protected..."

"I don't understand when you talk..."Thyasse shook her head...

"Sure...you are not a sorcerer...." he smiled gently..." So come, then I have some more plans with you..." he slapped her bottom lustfully.

Thyasse blushed and followed him holding his hand obediently. She decided rather not to ask him about Sienna anymore...she was quite pleased she still had her mate by herself only...

Meanwhile Sienna was finally painting Sharmut and Chantelle. She felt so happy she helped them to be happy together.

"You are so beautiful Chantelle," Sienna was drawing Sharchan's mother's delicate features..." And Sharmut is very handsome, you look so well together...." she smiled.

"That is true," Sharmut nodded. "My Chantelle is the most beautiful woman in the whole world!" he held his hand around her waist gently. Chantelle smiled victoriously. He was finally respecting her wishes....The life felt good...

Sienna painted them for a few hours and she thought of Sharchan as well..." Sharchan is so handsome after you two..." she stared at her painting..."How will our children look like?..." she asked quietly for herself. But Sharmut and Chantelle heard it and smiled at each other...

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