Winter Lilies: A Yuri Garden Anthology

6. A Crack In The Veneer

Prompt: male to female gender bender, french maid, smut. character has to enjoy being a woman by the end of the story.

Author: bokuboy

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Through no fault of my own, I had fallen upon hard times. I lost a great paying job before the company I worked for suddenly went bankrupt from embezzlement fraud. Without the income, I had to move out of my luxurious two bedroom apartment with a full kitchen and living room that was in the best part of town. I ended up staying in a one room apartment with the bedroom, living room, and kitchenette combined.

I eventually found a job working as a clerk at a 24 hour corner store, which wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't the new guy and had to work the night shift all the time and by myself. After the third robbery in a row during my first month working there, I had had enough.

I quit and didn't bother showing up for the next two weeks that my notice would have made me work, if I had even cared about fulfilling that requirement. I was glad that I hadn't, because my replacement had been shot only a week later during the next robbery.

Another month later, I was still out of work and I had burned through my meagre savings like an out of control wildfire in a dry forest. No one was hiring and the only explanation I could get out of anyone was that there were too many people for the few jobs that were available. If you weren't overqualified, you weren't hired.

Two weeks later, I was drunk off my ass and face down on my quite dirty floor with my face stuck to an old newspaper. You don't want to know what it was that made it stick there. Hell, I didn't want to know what made it stick there and I was laying in it.

When I woke up with the mother of all hangovers and my face stained with ink, I stumbled into the bathroom and tried to wash my mouth out with soap, just to try and get the taste out of my mouth. It kind of worked and I was so grateful that I sighed with relief and stared into the mirror.

The ugly bastard staring back at me looked like crap. His hair was a mess, he hadn't shaved in weeks, and there was an imprint of a newspaper ad on his forehead. It took me a minute to focus my eyes enough to see what it was and I leaned forward to read the small print.

Help Wanted: Mansion in need of live-in housekeeper. No experience necessary. Extreme conditions must be met to apply. Respond to ad at 123 Muskgrave Lane. No solicitors.

I blinked my eyes at the thing and thought about it. I could be a housekeeper and no experience was necessary. That must have meant learning on the job and I smiled. The more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

My apartment was a pigsty and I thought about practising my cleaning skills. I somehow knew that was a great idea and I bent over to grab a pair of dirty socks and nearly split my head open when I whacked it on the corner of the sink. I cursed and hopped around for several minutes as I rubbed the spot. My hangover was not being helped at all as I did so.

I went to the toilet and threw up the liquid breakfast, lunch, and dinner I had enjoyed the day before and stayed there for another ten minutes before I was dry heaving. I washed my face off afterwards, swallowed four headache pills, and went about completing my great idea of cleaning. I was much more careful this time, too.

Three hours later, my apartment was relatively clean. There wasn't much I could do about the carpet stains, because some of them I didn't even know what they were and I had no desire at all to discover the truth. With that done, I decided I needed to clean myself up as well. A strong shower was needed to get the grime off and then a long shave to get every stray hair off of my chin.

My brown hair was still a mess and it was fairly long, so I combed it and pulled it back from my face as I put it into a tiny ponytail to get it out of the way. I dressed in my best suit, which was a pair of black dress pants and a grey suit coat, and I grabbed the newspaper with the ad in it and cut the ad out.

I also grabbed my resume and references, not that the last one would do me any good. Quitting because I didn't want to die, wasn't really a valid reason for unemployment insurance, even if it had been proven true.

It took me an hour to find Muskgrave Lane on a map from the local gas station and the three taxi cab drivers I talked to wouldn't go out that far. I sighed at that and looked up at the sun, asked how far they would go, and balked at the price because it would use up nearly every bit of spending money I had left. So, I started walking.

The sun started to set on the horizon when I finally reached the right road and walked down it. I wasn't surprised to discover that the mansion, despite the address of 123, was the only building on the entire road. It was also right at the end and the driveway was actually part of the road and it went around a huge fountain in front of the building.

My mouth gaped as I looked at the massive building that must have had at least fifty rooms inside. That was the first indication that I might be biting off more than I could chew. There was no way that one person could handle a mansion that size and I hoped that I wouldn't be the only one working there.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the front door and knocked. Barely a minute later, the door opened and a mousy-looking woman with short dark hair stared at me with wide eyes.

“Hi, there. I'm here about the ad.” I said and held the ad out to her.

“EEP!” She yelped and slammed the door in my face.

I was so surprised by her reaction that I stood there and didn't move at all. I didn't try to knock again and I didn't walk away as I tried to come up with some explanation as to why they would place an ad for help and then turned someone away.

The door opened once more and an older lady stood there with a stern expression on her face. She wore a heavy brocade blue dress that was both flattering and concealing. Her eyes caught the ad in my hand and she nodded and stepped back as she waved me inside.

I was still a bit stunned from the other woman's reaction and didn't say a word as I entered the house. The older lady led me through the large lobby and down a hallway. We entered a very nice office and she had me sit in the visitor's chair and she sat behind the desk. She folded her hands onto the desk blotter and her stern look didn't abate in the least.

“We have had dozens of people visit because of that ad.” She said, her voice as stern as her face. “Are you a solicitor?”

“N-no, ma'am.” I said, a bit nervously. “I need the job.”

She nodded. “You read the ad completely, then? You know there are extreme conditions to be met in order to apply for the job?”

I nodded and didn't say anything.

“I suppose you are curious as to what they are?” She asked and I nodded again. “The Mistress of the house abhors men. She hates them with a passion, in fact.” She said and I stiffened. “She is out for the day, so you need not worry about incurring her wrath.”

I relaxed a little and nodded once more.

“We only have a small staff here to take care of both the house and the needs of Mistress.” She said and pursed her lips. “As you currently are, you are unsuitable for the position.”

“I... ah... yeah. I guess being a man would upset her if she saw me every day cleaning.” I said and stood up to leave. “I'm sorry for wasting your time.”

“Sit down!” She ordered.

I sat immediately because that was not a tone of voice to defy at any time.

“If you will let me finish?” She asked and I nodded. “As I was saying, you are unsuitable as you are. However, that can be fixed.” She pulled out several sheets of papers and an envelope from her top desk drawer. “Please read these thoroughly and tell me your decision.”

I took the sheets and started to read. The top sheet was a standard work contract with a non-disclosure agreement incorporated into it, which was quite a neat way to handle things. I didn't read all of the clauses at the end, because it was usually nitpicky stuff and I didn't want to waste the older woman's time. When I started reading the second sheet, I almost choked.

“G-g-gender realignment s-spells?” I asked, shocked. “Are you serious?”

“Please keep reading.” She ordered and I thought about refusing, then saw the look in her eyes. Like the voice earlier, I was sure that I shouldn't defy that look.

I read it all the way through and was surprised that the sorcery used was completely safe and it would be paid for by the staff. It said the main cost was willingly given blood, two pints worth, and my contribution would be three years of willing servitude.

I would also be paid a million dollars for going through with it and I didn't have to keep the job after the terms of the contract had been fulfilled.

“Is this for real?” I asked and waved the papers.

She handed me the envelope and I opened it to see a check for a million dollars. It was made out to 'cash', so I didn't even need my identification to take it to the bank to cash it.

The thing was, I was actually considering it. A million dollars. It was a ridiculous thing for me to even be thinking about, having my body altered so fundamentally for a million bucks. Was it worth it? Was being rich worth not having my original sexual organs anymore?

“Before you make your decision, because of the current magical strength of the Sorcerer with my assistance, the spell is actually reversible instead of us having to cast it again to change you back into a man.” She said, her face still stern, except for a slight twist of her lips that could be mistaken for a smile.

I hadn't looked closely enough to notice that, though. My mind was filled with what I could do with all that money. I could get my luxury apartment back. I could get back into the right social circles again. I could do a lot with it and I was sure that my life was going to change because of it, just like it had when I lost my job, lost my friends, and lost the life I used to live.

I read both contracts again and I didn't realize I had a pen in my hand before I signed both things. Before I knew it, I was naked as the day I was born and in the basement ritual room and laid down on a warm stone slab. With a softly worded series of mumbles from the stern older woman, I felt tingly all over and quite sleepy.

“The temporary glamour is applied, Sorcerer.” The stern woman said and I saw a cloaked figure move around and they started to chant.

The magical pressure around me built, something that I had never felt before, and I couldn't help but try to stay awake. I wanted to see what was happening and then I suddenly didn't want to. I closed my eyes and waited for whatever was happening to happen and it seemed to take a long time. My mind was still groggy as the chanting ended and the room was filled with a bright light.

“Welcome to the household, Jean.” The stern older woman said.

“Jean? My name is...” I stopped talking and my voice wouldn't continue. It was an odd sensation to have.

“You agreed to serve Mistress in any capacity required of you.” The stern woman said and pat my shoulder. “From this moment on, and until your contract is completed, your name is Jean and you will act accordingly.”

I nodded acceptance and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up sometime later and felt quite different from what I did when I had fallen asleep. I couldn't place why I felt different, just that I did. Since I had no real frame of reference to catalogue the differences from before I was fundamentally changed with magic, I pushed my worries aside and opened my eyes.

I was in a very nice room with billowing curtains, ornate wall sconces with embedded lights like the old gas lamps from a hundred years ago, and light yellow walls with dark wood panelling on the bottom half. The furniture was expensive as well. They almost looked like antiques and would probably fit well in a museum display. When I was done observing the room, my eyes caught something quite shocking.

There were two pronounced protrusions on my chest.

I was also wearing a nightgown for some reason and I had the brilliant idea to lift it up to look at myself. My eyes widened at the fairly nice pair of breasts that hung slightly off to the sides. That wasn't the surprising part, though. It was my building desire to grope them and feel them.

I didn't want to check if they were real, because I could clearly see that they were a part of me. I only wanted to squeeze them and see if they felt as good as they looked. I was sure that I had been given magical implants or something, because no one could grow breasts so quickly, even with magic. Or so I thought.

It took me several moments of admiration before I successfully fought off my desperate need to pinch my now erect nipples. It was a little odd to see, considering my old nipples didn't look that big. I also felt the desire to suckle them, even if I knew there was no way to bend my breast up enough to get the tip into my mouth.

'What the hell am I thinking about?' I asked myself and let my nightgown go. The cloth tickled my nipples and I shivered at the pleasant sensation. I laid there for several minutes and tried to force myself to ignore my body's automatic response to stimulation, even accidental as it had been, and took dozens of long breaths to calm down.

When I thought I was calm enough to move, I pushed off the blanket that only covered me from the waist down, and sat up. I didn't feel disoriented or felt any pains or twitches down between my legs where I had assumed that I would be extremely sore from having one thing changed into another.

I could have been under a pain relief spell or something, too. I held in my sigh as I moved over to the side of the bed. I hadn't tried to touch myself down there, because I was kind of in denial about having a part of myself removed magically. Or was is transfigured? I really should have asked.

Accepting mentally that my penis had been essentially sold for a million dollars, was one thing. Accepting that I no longer had something that I had been born with, an essential part of my identity no less, was something completely different.

I wondered if this was something that everyone felt that had taken such drastic steps for monetary gain. I shrugged and stood up, only to wobble a little and caught myself on the side of the bed. My balance was off, probably because of the two extra weights on my chest.

I sat back down and my hands went to my breasts to try and judge how much they actually weighed. A moan escaped my mouth before I could stop it and my innocent weight check soon became a full-on groping session. My nipples felt as hard as diamonds when they poked my palms and I didn't try to restrain myself as I felt myself up thoroughly and even pinched my nipples.

“OHHH!” I moaned and fell backwards onto the bed and felt myself become damp between my legs. I was breathing a little heavily as I tried to recover from whatever had just happened that made me so weak and feel so good at the same time.

A minute later, the door to the room opened and the stern older woman entered to see me collapsed onto the bed. Her stern look softened slightly as she walked over to me and her eyes went to between my legs. She must have seen something she approved, because she nodded and looked at my face.

“I am happy to see that you haven't sullied yourself before Mistress has had a chance to examine you, Jean.” The stern woman said and saw where my hands were clutched. “Did you enjoy them?”

“Y-yes.” I admitted. I wasn't sure why I didn't try to deny it.

“It's been some time since we've had anyone that could get off on just having their breasts touched.” She said with a broad smile. “Mistress will be quite pleased with you, Jean.”

“But... but, I... my name is...” The words caught in my throat again and I sighed.

“As a member of this house, your name is Jean. You can never use a man's name, even if you insist to try and use it in private. You remember the stipulation I gave you, correct?”

“Mistress hates men with a passion.” I said.

She nodded. “You must never mention what you used to be. You must never mention men in any capacity when in her presence. You must encourage this same behavior in the other maids and ensure that Mistress remains happy in her male-free environment.”

I kept it to myself about how restrictive that could be. Never mentioning men? How could that work? What in the world did they talk about if men could never be talked about?

She smiled at me again, as if she could read my mind. “It will take some adjustment before you can fit in properly with the staff. You will also be trained in proper cleaning methods and how to attend to Mistress if she ever requests it.”

“Attend?” I asked as thoughts ran through my head of what that meant.

“Baths, dressing and undressing, doing her hair and make-up, beauty and skin care, serving meals, and anything else essential that she requests.” She said. “I am the head of the staff, Miss Karen. You must call me Miss or Miss Karen at all times, as Mistress has ordered.”

“Yes, miss.” I said and she smiled again.

“Since you are up and awake, we need to get you cleaned up and properly dressed.” Miss Karen said and clapped her hands once.

The short and cute dark-haired mousy-looking maid that had answered the door came into the room. She wore a traditional maid outfit that showed off a bit of her breasts and the skirt went to her mid-thigh. The white frilly apron was just an accessory that drew the eyes to both her breasts and her milky white thighs.

She caught me looking and blushed. “M-miss Karen needs my h-help?”

“Yes, Sara. Our new staff member Jean needs to be washed and dressed.” Miss Karen said. “You can show her how to do both and make sure she learns how to do it herself by the end of the week.”

“Y-yes, Miss.” Sara said and walked over to me. “J-Jean, it's nice to m-meet you.”

I finally let my responsive breasts go and held a hand out to her. “It's nice to meet you too, Sara.”

Sara blushed and took my hand and she shivered slightly, probably because my hand was quite warm after holding onto my breast. Her hand in mine made me feel a little better about things and her shy smile only added to her cuteness.

I also noticed that my own hand seemed to be a bit smaller than it used to be. Not in size, however. In thickness. Instead of being man-like, they were more slender and delicate. I supposed that I was going to have to get used to things being a whole lot different about myself from now on.

I used Sara's hand to help myself sit up. “My balance seems to be off as well.”

Miss Karen nodded. “We allow for a few days for you to acclimate to the changes in your body, especially how you walk with a different set of hips. After that, you are expected to perform your assigned duties to the best of your ability.”

I took a breath and let it out. “I can clean and do dishes, as well as maintain a high class environment.” I said, referring to my old luxury apartment and not the pigsty that I had lived in after losing my job.

Both Miss Karen and Sara looked happy.

“Then you should impress our Mistress even sooner than I expected you to.” Miss Karen said. “Sara, use the main servant's bath to get Jean used to the accommodations.”

“Y-yes, Miss.” Sara said and looked at our still held hands. “C-can you s-stand? I can g-guide you.”

I smiled at her. “If someone so cute can support me, I think I can do anything.”

“EEP!” Sara let out and tensed up before she blushed deeply and ducked her head as she clung to my hand like it was a lifeline.

Miss Karen softly laughed. “I knew pairing you two together would be a good decision. You are both twenty-five years old and can still remain peers as Sara teaches you everything you need to know.”

“M-m-miss.” Sara mumbled and her blush didn't fade.

“I'll leave you to it.” Miss Karen said and looked at me. “You won't be expected to attend meals with the others until you have adjusted to our way of life. The sooner you can perform your duties, the sooner the rest of us can accept you as a part of our loving family.”

My eyes widened slightly at her words and she reached out to lightly put her hand on my shoulder.

“Jean, this shouldn't be seen as only a job that you need to be perfect at to be accepted. We all live here and this is our home. We don't let just anyone into our lives or to help take care of Mistress.” Miss Karen said. The look of tenderness and caring on her face was quite different than the stern look she had worn before. I had to hold in the shiver that her hand gave me as it slid up from my shoulder and cupped the side of my face.

“In private, we are free to feel what we want and can do what we want in our spare time. When out in the halls and around Mistress, you must... must... act with the utmost respect for everyone around you, especially Mistress.” Miss Karen said and let my face go.

“I... I understand.” I said and Sara gave my hand a squeeze. I looked at her and smiled warmly as her fading blush returned in full force. “I really am going to depend on you a lot.”

Sara smiled and nodded. “I'll d-do what I c-can to help you learn everything.”

“Thank you.” I said and took a deep breath. My chest rose and both women looked down at it. The thin cloth didn't hide my poking nipples at all, so I let the breath out and they looked back at my face. I wasn't sure why their attention being distracted like that had made me feel happy.

“I will be in my office if you need anything.” Miss Karen said.

“Thank you.” I responded.

Miss Karen nodded, put on her stern face, and left my room.

Sara held her other hand out to me. “I'll b-be a counter-balance for y-you.”

I took her other hand and braced, then carefully stood up. I felt a little woozy for a moment and Sara let my hands go and hugged me close, which put her chest below mine and my breasts pressed against her shoulders. I put my arms around her and held on as I let my inner ear adjust to standing up. It was almost like having low blood pressure and I had stood too quickly for my body to fix the blood flow.

“I hope this feeling goes away soon.” I said as Sara's hands on my back rubbed comfortingly. “I won't be much good to anyone if I'm this dizzy every time I stand up.”

“Don't w-worry. You'll a-adjust as soon as y-you can. Th-there's no rush.” Sara said.

“Really?” I asked and eased my hold on her. I didn't let go, though. “Miss Karen thinks I need to get up to speed as soon as possible.”

“It takes a l-long time to ch-change who you a-are and you n-need time to get u-used to everything.”

I looked into her eyes. “You don't have to be so nervous around me, Sara.”

“B-but... I... you... pretty...” Sara stammered.

I didn't even register being called pretty instead of handsome as I smiled at her genuine compliment and held onto her with one hand and used the other to run a hand through her short dark hair. She let out an oddly pleasing sound and her head pressed against my hand as I essentially pet her. She really was a pretty woman and my nipples grew hard and pressed into her skin.

We both gasped at the sensations and Sara blushed deeply once more and looked into my eyes. I wasn't sure what came over me as I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. Sara let out the cutest little moan and her tongue darted into my mouth. I didn't let her challenge go unanswered and we kissed quite passionately and explored each other's mouths for several minutes.

I eventually broke the kiss and Sara's cherub-like face was bright red and she looked quite happy. Her tongue licked her lips several times and her eyes went to my mouth and then back to my eyes.

“Shall we head to the bath?” I asked. “You can be the first to see me without my clothes on.”

Sara beamed at smile at me and stepped back slightly, turned to the side, and put her arm around my waist as she held on tightly.

I took a tentative step and it wasn't that bad. I smiled at her and she kept pace with me as we walked across the room to the bedroom's door. She told me I was assigned the third one in the hallway and we left the room. My new name was on the small plaque beside the door and a key was hung on the handle. Sara nodded to it and I took it to hang around my neck.

We eventually made it to the servant's bath room and Sara had to sit me at the side of the room to prepare the bath. She instructed me to watch carefully and described exactly what she was doing and what order to do the tasks in. With the instruction done, she helped me undress.

Sara's eyes lingered on my breasts and mine did as well. Seeing them hanging from my chest was quite odd and oddly satisfying, because they were very nice breasts. Whoever had composed the spell had really done some excellent work. I couldn't help myself and caressed them to see if they felt just as good as they had while laying down... and good lord, it was even better!

My moan echoed in the bath room and Sara let out a matching moan at seeing me having fun with myself. I let my breasts go and motioned to her hands with a clear invitation.

“Thank you!” Sara exclaimed and she dug her hands into my sensitive breasts as her mouth clamped onto one of my diamond hard nipples and sucked.

“OHHHHH!” I moaned and I felt even more dampness between my legs.

I wrapped my arms around her and Sara's mouth and tongue played with my new appendages expertly. I kept getting that overwhelming feeling every few minutes as she essentially worked my breasts over and found every single thing that made me make a sexy sound.

That was the exact moment that I realized my voice was different than what it was supposed to be. I had had sex before and had let out moans of pleasure, only I didn't sound sexy while doing it. I did now and having an altered voice didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. My hands caught Sara's as they slipped down towards my underwear and she seemed to freeze.

“I need... before I'm undressed, I need a mirror.” I whispered. “I want to see for myself.”

Sara blushed and nodded, stood up, and ran from the room.

'I hope I didn't just ruin things.' I thought as the young woman hastily retreated. I looked down at myself and I was both surprised and not surprised at the soaked panties I was wearing. The severe lack of my erection sticking out, despite me being extremely turned on right now, made my mind snap back to reality. My nipples shrank and retreated to their resting state and I almost laughed at that thought.

A very subdued Sara came back into the bath room and she held a two foot long and one foot wide mirror. She walked over to me and held it in front of her chest to show me my reflection.

I gasped at the gorgeous and voluptuous woman with long dirty-blonde hair in front of me. That was not a quick and simple gender change spell result. Not at all. My eyes went to my perfect breasts and then down lower as my hands moved on their own and pulled off my underwear. To my utter shock, there was an absolutely gorgeous vagina there and it dripped fluid because my own reflection had turned me on.

I sucked in a sharp breath at what that meant, that I was really a woman, and promptly fainted.


Miss Karen stood over the new addition's bed and tried not to sigh at the unconscious form that laid there. She had hoped to avoid this very situation and had ordered Sara to not show Jean her reflection. The stupid girl had forgotten the order after being so flustered during their interrupted exploring and brought the biggest mirror that had been hidden in the hall closet.

“I'm s-s-sorry, miss.” Sara whined. “I was... she's so p-pretty and... she let me...”

Miss Karen sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. “I told you to not go overboard.”

Sara blushed deeply. “I didn't realize... she was just so... she wanted to see if...”

“I know.” Miss Karen said. “Jean just wanted to know what she was going to look like down there.”

“Y-yes, miss. S-so did I.” Sara said and ducked her head in supplication. “I'm s-sorry that I tried to r-rush things.”

“It's all right.” Miss Karen said and let her shoulder go. “She was going to discover how much detail went into the magical transformation anyway, even if she hadn't taken a liking to you and forgot to ask before.”

“I-I-I h-hope she s-s-still likes m-me.” Sara said, sadly.

Miss Karen gave her a reassuring smile. “I don't believe you have to worry about that, Princess.”

Sara blushed at her pet name and grew went between her legs as she remembered the last time it had been used by Mistress. It was Sara's sincere hope that she could find someone besides Mistress that could say that name and actually mean it. Her eyes went to the beautiful woman on the bed and remembered how happy she was that she had been the first to touch and suckle upon those bountiful breasts and such tasty nipples.

“There's no need to worry at all.” Miss Karen said at the look on Sara's face and left the room.


I woke up and almost felt drained of energy. I wasn't sure why, then Sara was above me and her lips found mine and she gave me several soft and tender kisses.

Sara sat beside me on the bed and her hand pet my hair. “R-rest, Jean. Don't push y-yourself.”

“What happened?” I asked, even though I knew.

“I shouldn't h-have made you s-stand there for so l-long without s-support.” Sara said and looked embarrassed. “I'm s-sorry that I w-wanted to spend t-time with y-you before the b-bath.”

I smiled up at her. “I suppose I should feel guilty about that, too.”

“R-really?” Sara asked in a whisper.

I held a hand up for her and she clasped onto it and held it to her chest. “I was curious about what a bath entailed and then I was distracted at your knowledge, how well you moved, and that short skirt when you kept bending over and showing off your cute little panties.”

Sara blushed and held my hand tighter. Surprisingly, I felt one of her nipples through the cloth of both her outfit and the apron. I wiggled my wrist and elbow a little and made sure to rub her through the cloth. Sara caught her breath and the look of desire on her face made me feel all warm and tingly down below.

I had to admit that it sure was different than losing blood pressure and having an erection crushed against my underwear. She must have seen something on my face because she blushed again and leaned down to look directly in my eyes. After a short pause, she kissed me once more.

We both let out cute moans and Sara moved down slightly and laid beside me. I put an arm around her and held her close as we made-out again. It was just as thrilling as it had been the first time and I was grateful that I had met someone like her, even under the circumstances. It wouldn't occur to me until later that it was an odd thought to have, because I had to become a woman to meet her.

A woman.

I was a woman now.

I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. The happy look on her face was nice to see. “How much did the spell actually cost?”

“Miss Karen s-said it was o-okay to tell y-you, now that y-you've seen y-yourself and... and shocked y-yourself with w-what you l-look like.” Sara said.

I huffed a little laugh and she smiled briefly before her face went blank.

“It took six pints of blood instead of two and the seven of us agreed to another year of service to Mistress.” Sara said.

I stiffened and stared at her. “You're joking!”

“Please! D-don't be a-angry!” Sara said and ducked her head down and hid as much as she could under my chin. “There were c-complications... and the Sorcerer said... r-r-reluctance or r-rejection of something... and... I d-don't know m-magic stuff to e-explain it.”

I took a deep breath, which just so happened to press one of my sensitive breasts into Sara's cheek. She let out a little moan as my nipple poked her and I put a hand on her other cheek and held her tenderly. Her hand cupped my other breast and I tried to not react to the soft touch. My nipple had its own mind and popped right out to match my other one.

“Most of what I saw in the mirror was actually real, wasn't it?” I asked and she nodded, which rubbed her face across my breast. I snapped my mouth closed to stop my moan from escaping completely and only let out a soft hum. I was sure that having such sensitive breasts and reactive nipples was going to drive me crazy eventually.

“With y-you in a m-magical suspension, the Sorcerer said it w-would be a w-waste to n-not do as much as p-possible to fix you.”

“Fix me.” I whispered.

“Y-yes.” Sara said and lifted her head from my chest to look at me. “You were f-flawed. B-broken. Not w-whole. They t-took what they c-could and... and now... n-now you're... you. You're r-really you.”

I wasn't sure what to say to that.

“You d-don't have to p-pretend to f-fit in anymore. You c-can be y-yourself and n-no one can t-tell you that you're n-not good enough.” Sara said and my eyes widened. “Y-you can l-love and you c-can be h-happy. No o-one will judge you...”

“What about Mistress?” I asked.

Sara closed her mouth and looked pensive. After a few moments, she gave me a brilliant smile. “You'll s-see. S-she can h-help you see the t-truth.”

I didn't want to ask what she meant and asked anyway. “What truth?”

“Wh-what's between your l-legs sh-shouldn't define w-who you are. Your h-heart should.” Sara said and gave me a kiss. “Being wh-who you are shouldn't h-have any restrictions.”

I took a breath and let it out. “Sara, I accepted a million dollars to have my penis removed.”

“Why w-would that make a difference?” Sara asked me and I opened my mouth to respond. She put a finger on my lips to stop me. “You can't l-let what you were b-born with decide who you c-can fall in love w-with. How w-would you ever f-find someone while y-you were half-blind?”

That made me pause, because it was quite a thought provoking statement. My mind immediately replayed a lot of how I had grown up and how stilted towards manliness my upbringing had been and how I had been trained to like the opposite sex. How society had decided, as soon as I was born, who it was I needed to be paired up with.

Then again, I absolutely loved women and always had. Even as a child, I had admired and adored girls. Unlike a lot of my contemporaries, I had always been fond of how pretty they were and never chased them or picked on them. As I grew up, that fondness never wavered and I had to admit that it never once occurred to me that my view of what I liked had been so focused and narrow minded.

Of course, it was much too late to change now as I gave Sara a searching look and easily saw that she was completely receptive to me. I really couldn't help myself as I gave her a kiss that really should have been saved for someone that I had been seeing for months and not just recently met.

Sara moaned and her hand kneaded my breast, my actually real breast and not a magical construct. My own moans matched hers as she spent several minutes pawing at me and then she stood up beside the bed and slipped off her maid outfit. Her perky breasts and bright pink erect nipples looked adorable and her completely bald womanhood dripped like a leaky faucet onto the floor.

Sara dipped her fingers into her own soft folds and pulled out soaked fingers covered in thin fluids. “I've never had this much come out before.”

I wasn't sure why I reached for her hand. I just moved and then her fingers were inside my mouth and I tasted her. It was a bit tangy and also sweet at the same time, almost creamy, and I wanted more. I wanted a lot more.

Sara saw the look of need on my face and she bent down to kiss me before she crawled onto my bed and straddled my face. I stuck my tongue out and caught the first few drips that fell from her, then I gave her a very hard lick from her nub to her tight opening.

“OHHH!” Sara gasped and another thin stream of fluid practically poured out of her.

I sucked it up like it was ambrosia and then dug my tongue inside of her. Sara cried out with pleasure as I went to town on her. She ground herself into my mouth and urged me to do more, to go faster, to have her as much as I wanted, then she begged that I call her by her nickname.

“Anything you want, Princess.” I said and sucked on her nub directly.

“AHHHH!” Sara screamed as she came hard and squirted all over my face.

I watched as she seemed to collapse like a wet noodle and she laid down on top of me and her face went right to the spot between my legs. She didn't try to do anything, though.

“I can't... not until... Mistress...” Sara whispered and then she fell asleep.

I could have pushed her off or spoke loudly to have her move, except that the sight in front of me, namely her beautifully formed slit that I had thoroughly licked and sucked, was too good of a sight to give up on and not stare at. I stayed where I was and admired her womanhood for quite some time and eventually fell asleep with the wonderful sight in front of me.

I didn't regret what happened, even though I didn't really know her. She was just too enticing to resist.


Three days later, I was in my own maid outfit and I looked quite delicious in it. By that, I mean that I had seen myself in a full-length mirror and had wanted to go down on myself. I wasn't sure if I had completely disassociated myself with my old identity or if I was just in denial about all of this being real. Would I wake up and be a man again? Would I have the world's strongest erection and biggest set of blue balls?

Sara had to replace my panties twice already today, which was saying something. Once was because I couldn't help myself and mauled my own breasts to get myself to come. The second time was because Sara had begged me to go down on her from behind as we both stared into the mirror. It was sexy as hell as we both watched Sara's orgasm face and my face was quickly soaked because of her.

That afternoon, Sara and I stood outside the mansion's office with Miss Karen and she knocked on the heavy wooden door. It was made of oak and the brass door knocker made a solid thunk sound each time it hit.

“Come!” A strict woman's voice ordered and Miss Karen opened the door immediately.

We shuffled into the room in an appropriate manner, using short steps as I was taught. The very tall blonde woman behind the desk wore a business suit and stood up to look at me. My eyes widened at her enormous breasts and I wondered how in the world she wasn't bent over and crying in pain all the time. Her own eyes were squinted and calculating as she looked me over without being obvious about it.

“Mistress, may I present Jean, our newest successful applicant.” Miss Karen said, proudly.

Mistress walked over to me and her high heels put her a head taller than me, just like I was a head taller than Sara. Each of the woman's breasts must have been the size of my head, at least. After my eyes had successfully found the outline of her gigantic nipples through the cloth of her suit coat, I let my eyes go up from her chest to meet her eyes. To my surprise, she actually had a bit of a smile on her face.

“She does have some promise.” Mistress said and glanced at Sara. “And you? What is your opinion?”

“M-Mistress, I...” Sara paused and swallowed audibly. “Despite my d-desire to... explore h-her as she has e-explored me, I... I r-refrained.” She said and finally raised her head to look at Mistress in the eyes. “For you, Mistress.” She said with much more confidence than she usually had. “I would n-never deny you the f-first touch. Never!”

Mistress smiled. “You deserve a reward for your devotion to my service, Sara. You will attend to me tonight.”

Sara shivered with a look of pleasure on her face and Miss Karen nodded.

Mistress turned her gaze to me. “What is your opinion of that, Jean?”

I didn't hesitate in replying with the answer Miss Karen had given me. “I would request to see such a monumental event, Mistress.”

Mistress glanced at Miss Karen, whom looked a little embarrassed, and she looked back at me. “Jean, I want you to ignore the responses that my First has given you and tell me how you really feel.”

I had to think about that for a moment, then my eyes went to her massive chest, down to her shapely hips, and back up to her face. “If it would please Mistress, I desire to see if what your clothes imply will be as appealing to me as the image that my mind has already provided me with.”

Her eyes widened, Sara caught her breath, and Miss Karen looked pleased.

“Ever since I was young, I have absolutely adored women.” I admitted and that raised her eyebrows. “I can't help but look at you and admire you. Your breasts alone would be an absolute delight to see unfettered and washing them for you would give me great satisfaction. If your womanhood is even a fraction as appealing as I suspect, I sincerely doubt I will be able to stop myself from begging to attend to you properly.”

Sara stared at me with her mouth hanging open and Miss Karen's pleased expression had changed to worry. She probably thought that I had laid the compliments on too thickly, and normally she would be right. However, in this instance, I somehow knew that complete honesty was going to get me much farther than reluctant answers would.

Mistress propped her hands on her hips and squinted her eyes at me. “You are too eager.”

I briefly glanced at Sara and saw her sad expression, so I knew what I had to do. I pulled her close and kissed her passionately for several seconds, let her go, and started to pull off my maid outfit. The three women stared as I dropped it to the floor and that left me wearing only a pair of panties. I reached down and touched my damp underwear and held my fingers up.

“This is my third pair of panties today.” I said and held my hand out to Mistress. The look on her face was a mix of shock and disbelief. It wasn't until I turned and held my hand out to Sara that she reacted.

Mistress grabbed my arm and stopped me from offering it to my trainer. “No, Sara's sacrifice will not be in vain. Don't undo it before she benefits from it.”

I had to smile at that and turned back to face her before I held my hand up to her again. She took out a cloth handkerchief and wiped my fingers off to dry them, then let my arm go.

“Very well. You will both attend to me tonight and will split the duties.” Mistress said.

Sara let out a squeal and then clamped her mouth shut as she blushed and ducked her head.

Mistress stepped close to her and put a hand on her head. “I am not angry that you are happy about it.”

Sara nodded and didn't lift her head.

“I will eat, relax, bathe, and be readied for bed.” Mistress said and looked at me. “Reading skills?”

“College level, Mistress.” I said.

“Comprehension with business contracts?” Mistress asked, which surprised me.

“Middle to upper management at the corporate level, Mistress.” I admitted.

Mistress let another slight smile appear on her face. “Then you will help me relax before my bath.”

“Yes, Mistress.” I agreed immediately.

“You are both dismissed.” Mistress said and turned to Miss Karen. “You and I need to have a quiet discussion about certain things.”

Sara quickly grabbed my maid outfit and led me out of the room. Before I could ask her what she was doing, we were around the corner and stepped into a closet. She pushed the towels and bedding out of the way and slid a piece of wood panelling aside. I barely stopped my mouth from dropping open at the sight that the four inch wide square hole in the wall showed us.

Mistress had Miss Karen's face buried between her legs. Her thighs were tightly wrapped around Miss Karen's neck and I was surprised that we couldn't hear them, even with them almost right in front of our faces, because the hole was right beside the office desk and gave us a clear view of the chair and desk.

“It's soundproof tinted glass.” Sara whispered and her hand reached over and grabbed one of my still exposed breasts. I moaned for her and I couldn't let her tease me without teasing her back, so I reached back and dug my hand under her skirt and grabbed her cute little ass. She moaned as well and then she was kissing me and my fingers had found their way inside of her.

We ended up on the floor of the closet and I fingered her kind of roughly to get her off quickly. She didn't mind as she pretty much mauled my breasts to get me off quickly, too.

Sara took me to the bath room and we washed and cleaned ourselves, dressed in our maid uniforms, and went to the kitchen to ensure Mistress had her meal set properly. Once that was done, we cleaned up the den where Mistress would be relaxing after supper and waited patiently for her to leave her office. When she did, we did any task she asked of us and she ate a very nice meal in the small personal dining room.

After that, the three of us went to the den and Miss Karen was there with several folders full of papers. Instead of handing them to Mistress, she gave them to me. I didn't hesitate as I started going through them and Sara served Mistress a glass of wine.

All three women watched as I carefully read through everything and waited as I sat back and thought about what I had just read. No one said anything and Mistress sipped her wine and looked as calm as can be. That is, until I spoke.

“You're being robbed.” I said.

Mistress jerked as if she had been slapped and Miss Karen looked horrified. Sara looked sick and wavered slightly before she sat down.

“You need to explain that statement.” Mistress spat at me.

I moved one of the folders aside and opened the next one. I started to hand her several pieces of paper and explained about the wording of the shipping contracts that her company had. It had been a subtle manipulation, because unless she looked at the fourth file that had the actual charges and when they were applied, she would never have known that she was being charged twice for the same services. Once when sent and once upon delivery.

“I'll kill them.” Mistress said and stood. Her anger was almost palatable as her arm trembled and her fist shook. “Miss Karen, call my driver. I have a personal visit to make to a particular man that has succeeded in upsetting me.”

Miss Karen ran from the room and Mistress looked at us.

“My bath will be delayed, perhaps cancelled.” Mistress informed us.

“We will be up all n-night waiting for you, Mistress!” Sara promised, adamantly.

The angry look on Mistress' face faded and she nodded.

“Your car is out front, Mistress.” Miss Karen said as she came back into the den.

Mistress nodded and strode out of the room with a purpose.

Let me tell you, her stalking form was as appealing as it was terrifying. She looked like she was going to tear someone a new asshole and they were not going to like it at all.

All three of us seemed to shake ourselves and then we exchanged knowing looks.

Miss Karen was the first to recover enough to speak. “Go to her bedroom and prepare her personal bath. Do not add the water until I send the signal.”

“Yes, m-miss.” Sara said and we left to go to the right room.

Thanks to Sara's teaching over the last three days, I had a pretty good handle on how things were supposed to go. We both prepped everything to make sure Mistress would accept the bath without fuss and without complaint.

It wasn't until four hours later that Mistress returned and her face was almost set into a permanent snarl. We filled the tub at Miss Karen's signal and it was at the perfect temperature when Mistress entered her bedroom. Neither I nor Sara said a thing as we quickly stripped her of all her clothing and then we led her by her hands into the bathroom.

I successfully did not ogle her gigantic breasts or tried to look at the space between her legs. This was not the time to piss her off. We helped her step into the bath and Sara and I put on gloves that were a mix of cloth and sponge. With them lathered, we scrubbed Mistress from head to foot. She never spoke a word, even when Sara took over and shampooed her hair.

I didn't try to join in or offered to help, because it wasn't something I had ever done before. It was a learning experience that I would need to memorize, probably fairly quickly, because I had helped Mistress in such a weird and unexpected way that she might demand that I always attend to her in a similar way in the den. Since baths were usually right after, I would probably be helping her there, too.

Mistress let out a sigh when Sara rinsed out her hair and she stood up. Sara and I used several towels to dry her off and then wrapped one around her head and one around her chest. We took her hands again and led her out into her bedroom and sat her down on the large bed.

“I'm not in the mood tonight.” Mistress said and gave Sara a forlorn look before she did the same to me. “Can you hold off for another day, perhaps two? I will be busy and...”

“No one will touch Jean before you, Mistress.” Sara promised, just as adamantly.

I opened my mouth to say something about fairness, then Mistress reached under my skirt and touched me there. I jerked from the intimate touch before I could stop myself and her fingers deftly moved my panties aside and she felt me up. I moaned and put a hand on her shoulder to steady myself as she fingered me with two fingers and quickly brought me to the brink... and pushed me right over it.

“OHH!” I gasped and tensed up as I came all over her hand.

Mistress pulled her hand out from under my skirt and looked at the fluid. Her expression was almost emotionless as she licked her fingers and sighed.

“Oh, Mistress.” Sara said and put her hand on her other shoulder. “You didn't have to do that.”

Mistress smiled slightly, probably because Sara didn't sound nervous. “You no longer have to wait.”

“But, we were supposed to attend to you first, Mistress.” Sara said, sadly.

Mistress took the towel off of her head and dried her curly blonde hair. “Perhaps another time.” She said and motioned to the bed. “Turn it down for me and you are dismissed.”

Sara did as she asked and waited for Mistress to climb into bed. Instead of leaving, she tucked Mistress in and leaned down to lightly kiss the woman's forehead. “Anytime you need us, we will be there.”

Mistress gave her a genuine smile and closed her eyes. She took several deep breaths and Sara and I stood there until Mistress drifted off to sleep. Sara walked around the bed, took my hand, and led me out of the room and closed the door as silently as possible.

“That poor woman.” Sara whispered and we went down the hallway.

“It's too bad she didn't tell us what happened.” I whispered back and we entered my room.

“That's n-not for us to know.” Sara said and started to undress. “If it w-was good news, she would have said s-something as soon as she entered the h-house.”

I had to agree with that and was suddenly sad that whatever happened, Mistress was not going to get the justification or retribution she needed. I sighed and undressed as well before I climbed into bed.

Sara climbed in beside me and her lips touched mine briefly. “I'm not in the m-mood right now.”

“I know.” I said and gently kissed her back. “Goodnight, Sara.”

“Goodnight, Jean.” Sara said and hugged me close and went to sleep.

I laid there and held a woman I barely knew, and was somehow comforted that she wanted to sleep with me, even if it didn't mean that we were going to have sex later. I was sure that we would, just because Mistress had given us permission, and wasn't that a weird thing to be appreciative about?


For some reason, I had fit in fairly well with the other women of the household. I wasn't sure if it was because they thought my confidence was a good match for Sara's shyness or if it was because I didn't complain about having to do menial chores after working in an office building. I didn't tell them that I had done my time as the menial guy in the office and this was almost like a corporate environment.

There was a distinct pecking order with seniority, there were tasks relegated to those of lesser status and importance, and you could eventually work your way up the ladder. That the jobs needed done were things like washing windows and doing the laundry and not filing innocuous paperwork or getting coffee, was immaterial. It was a similar cutthroat environment and I thrived in it.

The jealous looks on their faces when they found out that a newbie had attended their mistress after being there for less than a week, were priceless. I informed them that it was Sara that had earned it and they were shocked. I also said that Mistress had been magnanimous and very generous in allowing me, Sara's trainee, to also attend to her.

The others were still jealous; but, at least it was explainable and not outrageous like they had thought it was. It wasn't like I had different skills or anything, either. I was sure that they had much more experience with attending to a woman than I had, since they had been there for years and knew Mistress well and probably memorized all of her favorite things.

Then again, they probably didn't realize that giving someone their favorite things all the time, could sour Mistress on the repetition and it could become quite boring for her if that was all her maids did.

It was then that I realized it might be the novelty of having someone new around that was the key. I had seen some of the looks I had earned as I worked and copied Sara as she taught me. Those looks told me that they were disappointed that Miss Karen had watched me and she hadn't had to discipline me once to motivate me to work or to fix a mistake.

I would never tell them that I had no problems working hard, because I knew that I had to earn my keep. Even after paying me a million dollars, Mistress still had to clothe, house, and feed me on a daily basis. That didn't come free and I was sure that if I did slack off or tried to shirk my duties, I would be seeing a lot more of Miss Karen's stern face.

The thing was, despite being an older woman, she was quite attractive when she smiled. I hadn't seen her naked yet and assumed that it was only a matter of time, considering the communal baths that the servants usually took when we were all off duty. Then again, she might keep to herself, since she was the one that ran the house.

To my surprise, Sara was not jealous when I looked at the other women or when they would give me compliments. At one point, I had even asked her why and she said that she loved me and that was all she cared about. My heart had thumped in my chest at the time and it was almost painful. I put my hand there and discovered that my heart was beating rapidly.

Sara had taken me back to my room and we were soon naked and made love to each other as if it was the last night on Earth. We played and explored and tasted everything on each other, from head to foot. Our moans and cries of pleasure had filled the servant's quarters and not a single person complained or told us to keep quiet.


My visits to help Mistress relax in the den over the next few months had become just me going over her business documents as one of the other maids went down on her or fondled her breasts for her. I would talk to her as if nothing was going on and her own verbal responses were never interrupted by her moaning or by her having an orgasm.

Either she was a master of timing or her responses to sex were as practised as her arguments in the boardroom. She only made them because they were expected of her and not because she personally felt that they were needed or necessary. It was a little sad, really. I wasn't sure what to do about it, either.

The worst part of the arrangement we had fallen into was that I was never asked to attend to her again. I wasn't really perturbed by that, though. I had confessed my love for Sara and we had both been deeply in love for weeks. Actually, she had loved me for a lot longer than that and it took me a long time to finally admit that it wasn't just a fling on my part. My heart was as much hers as hers was mine.


Time moved on and the months of work spread out and spanned into a year and a half before I realized it. The acts of sex and debauchery were commonplace for me to see and I knew that everyone participated at once point or another. It was with the Mistress when necessary, with Miss Karen occasionally, with each other a lot, and sometimes as multiples. It really was a large and oddly functional family.

To my surprise, on the three year anniversary of signing the contract, Miss Karen called me into her office and informed me that my first term under contract was coming to an end. I would need to make a choice and I would need to inform her by the end of the week if I wanted to renew the contract for another term of service.

The near uproar with the announcement at supper that night had caused a very upset Sara to flee the room in tears before I could stop her. I didn't hesitate as I ran after her and went right to her favorite spot in the house, the small arboretum and sun room that was warm all year round. I entered it and I could hear a light sobbing coming from the far side near the windows.

I walked over to where Sara was practically huddled into a little ball and I knelt on the floor in front of her. “Sara?”

“N-n-n-no.” Sara muttered. “I-I-I can't. I c-c-can't. D-d-don't ask me to... t-t-to... ch-ch-choose between y-y-you.”

My heart almost broke as I finally realized what she meant. She didn't mean between Mistress and myself. Oh, no. She meant between me as I was before and the me I was now.

“Sweetie, you told me a long time ago that it didn't matter what I had between my legs. It was my heart that let me love unrestricted.” I reminded her.

Sara let out a short wail of anguish and lifted her head slightly to look at me. “You're leaving!”

I reached out and put my hands on the sides of her face as I used my thumbs to rub her cheeks and wiped away her tears. “No, Sara. I'm telling you that it doesn't matter. Penis or no penis, breasts or no breasts, I love you for who you are and not the body you're in.”

Sara caught her breath and she looked shocked. “B-b-but... but... I n-never... n-n-never told you...”

I pulled her out of her huddle and onto my lap. “We both had to come here to find each other, Sara. We had to give up who we were, because even when we thought we were happy, we were still miserable inside. We were lying to ourselves and we never would have realized that if we hadn't given up that one restriction that was holding us back.”

Sara let out another wail before she smashed her lips against mine. I fell backwards and we tore at each other's clothing to get at the flesh underneath that we both loved so much. I adored her modest breasts and suckled and played with them as she loved my large ones and made me moan loudly. I cherished her womanhood and worshipped it, which made her cry even harder as I did so.

Sara's fingers dug into me and she found the best spot for me and I cried out for her. That urged her on and her tongue joined her fingers as she made me feel even better than she ever had before. I wasn't sure if it was the frantic nature of it or if it was because she finally realized that I was never going to leave her.

We made love right there on the rug and Sara kept muttering under her breath as we vented our passion for each other as hard and as best as we could. I didn't hear what she was saying until we had exhausted ourselves and cuddled together in a puddle of our expulsions.

“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.” Sara muttered in a steady stream.

“I love you, too. Forever and always, Princess.” I said and kissed her passionately.

There was a light smattering of applause and we both turned our heads to see Mistress, Miss Karen, and all six of the other maids around them.

“It's about time you finally committed to each other.” Mistress said, almost exasperated. “I was getting worried that you were going to wait too long and would miss your chance.”

I smiled at her and looked at Miss Karen. “I hope you have a pen and a lifetime contract handy for me to sign.”

The maids let out a cheer and Miss Karen held both things out to me, as if she always had them and was just waiting for me to ask.

I quickly read the contract over and signed it. She plucked it out of my hands and it disappeared in a flash of light.

“I think the both of you should attend to me tonight.” Mistress said and her voice sounded eager.

Sara burst out crying again and shakily tried to stand. I stood with her and held her as we walked over to Mistress. Sara let out another sob and Mistress took her from me and held her tenderly as she cried.

“It's all right, Princess. She's yours now and our family is finally whole.” Mistress said and Sara cried and cried. My own tears started and I was soon engulfed in multiple arms and we all hugged and cried tears of joy and happiness.

The End.

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