Why A Dimensional Chat Group?

The Chat Group

"I heard him nearly choking up outside, If it could stop him from blaming himself, leaving the country is a minor inconvenience," Kyouka was really shocked as Yuu showed his emotional side for the first time after losing his grandfather.

Shizuka sighed she could understand it as well, Yuu has always been the quiet type, he spoke only when absolutely necessary before.

She also thought that it might be because he didn't want to open up to others since he lost people close to him twice and as a child, it surely had a severe effect on his mind. She has seen many cases of children becoming withdrawn after they suffer the loss of their parents.

But later she had seen him smile again just like at the dinner table tonight, he started to see them as his family. It took a few years but he did, he came out of his shell.

Then this happened, A yakuza gang threatened his family and it was because of him. The fear of thinking that you might lose your family and it is due to your fault. It would cause a lot of damage to even an adult let alone a child who had lost his family once.

'Oba-san knows it better than any of us,' Kyouka had seen Yuu since he was born, even though she officially adopted him when he was 9, but in her eyes, he had always been a son to her.

So, even when Yuu didn't say much Kyouka understood what was going through his mind.

"Oba-san the family is saying they are already on it," Shizuka said making Kyouka look up at her.

"Are they really going to help?" Kyouka asked since she didn't have much connection to the Hiratsuka other than that her older sister was the daughter-in-law of the current head.

"Yes, I got confirmation of it during the time they called to let me know about what happened," Shizuka nodded as she just needed to ask a little favor from her adorable grandpa.

'He immediately agreed when I said I'll drop by for a few days,' Shizuka smiled as it has been six months since the last time she went to visit back home.

"Tell them thanks on my behalf," Kyouka seemed a little more relieved as Shizuka smiled.

Kyouka stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and change her clothes because she also got blood on herself when she was consoling Yuu.

"Is Koharu still asleep?" Shizuka asked Yuuka.

"She can sleep through an earthquake, so it is fine," Even though Yuuka tried to make a joke she looked anxious.

"Yuuka go and tell Yuu that the girls he saved won't be targeted by the Shinju gang," Shizuka looked at Yuuka like she was asking a favor.

"I-I will," Yuuka went upstairs as Shizuka smiled shaking her head.

'Where is my best sister award?' Shizuka thought as she stood up and went to her own room to sleep for the night.

Upstairs Yuu was in his room lying on his bed.

[Do you want to save your family from their miserable fate?]

Yuu looked at the screen on his phone and pressed yes. He has already made up his mind.

'If they worried about me dying by getting shot, I'll make it so I don't die if I get shot,' Yuu understood the reason why his family was so worried.

Yuu closed his eyes for a moment as the screen of his phone flashed a few times before he saw a string of words that seemed like an explanation.

Yuu read the information and this seemed just like any other dimensional chat group he could find on the internet through novels.

This chat group will give out missions and went the participants are on the mission the time in their world stop so that it doesn't cause any inconveniences.

And the next part was the one Yuu was interested in as by completing the missions the participants will get points.

'Using these points, I can use the Gacha which gives out a random ability or item,' Yuu seemed to understand it till now, The Gacha would cost 1,000 points for each roll but if you don't want to base things on luck.

There was also a shop but the abilities and items here were way more expensive, since Gacha was luck-based it made sense for the shop to be more expensive.

You can also use the chatgroup to travel to other group members' worlds without there being a mission but you would need to pay with points and the time will flow normally.

'It seems like there will be no changes made to the chat group as well,' Seeing that he read all of the text, Yuu tapped on the 'Ok' button. The screen went black and then the interface of a chat room appeared in front of him.

[Welcome 'I Love My Family' to the Dimensional Chat group.]

['I Love My Family' is the first member to join the group.]

[Member 'I Love My Family' has been made the Owner (Temporary).]

'Hmm? Is that supposed to be my username? Also a temporary owner?' Yuu looked confused but he didn't overthink it and then...

"Is that it?" Yuu blinked a few times after a few minutes.

Around this time shouldn't other members come in, but it didn't seem like there was going to be anyone else.

'This means I can choose members myself, that is good,' This was way better than getting random members as he could avoid many problems.

Yuu left the thought behind as he clicked on the store icon, he currently had zero points but he wanted to see what he could get from there. At least that is what he planned for…

[Shop function is locked. You need the 'Owner' title to unlock it.]

Yuu clicked on the Gacha and it was the same message again.

'How do I get that title?' Yuu thought, there should be a requirement to acquire it like the one he got before.

As if waiting for him to ask that question a new window popped up on the screen.

'I need to prove my ability by completing a mission to get that title?' Yuu looked at the words in front of him. It was simple he needed to complete a mission first in order to get the Title of Owner after which the shop and Gacha will be unlocked.

But if he fails…

'The chat group will disappear,' Yuu seemed to understand the situation as he sat up on his bed. It seemed fair if he couldn't even finish the first mission how was he supposed to do the future ones?

"Yuu are you awake?" Yuuka's voice came from the outside accompanied by a knock on the door.

Yuu placed his phone aside and went to open the door.

"Did Mom call for me?" Yuu asked Yuuka since she looked a bit nervous. And she wasn't the only one who was nervous, Yuu himself was very anxious right now.

'They all likely know what became of those guys, their injuries that were caused by me,' Since Shizuka got the news just a few minutes after he gave his statement means that the police contacted the Hiratsuka house who relayed the info to Shizuka who told the others.

He had beaten a person into a coma, ruined multiple lives by putting them in a wheelchair and so that they won't even be able to communicate properly, although it wasn't something he was scared of doing. He was scared of another thing…

"Shizuka-nee said not to worry about the two people you saved, they'll get proper help and won't be targeted again," Yuuka looked away from Yuu.

"…I see, then I'll go in," Yuu looked down with a small smile as he was about to turn around.

"Mou, How am I supposed to give you space if you make a face like that?" Yuuka shook her head as she pulled Yuu into her embrace.

"Yuuka-nee," Yuu was shocked as he found his head into Yuuka's boobs as she held him there.

"Shh, No need to say anything, I thought of giving you some time because you looked down after what happened, But I can't stand this," Yuuka ran her fingers through Yuu's hair wanting to calm him down.

"There is no need to worry, we know you did that because you were angry after that low-life wanted to come after us, None of us blame you for what you did, not me, not mom, not Shizuka-nee and Koharu won't either, because we know how kind the Yuu we live with is, So don't look so anxious, none of us will ever hate you," Yuuka spoke slowly making sure Yuu hears her words.

"Yuuka-nee," Yuu called out with his face still buried in her boobs. She also felt her face heat up at the situation but she tried to keep calm.

"What happened?" Yuuka asked.

"I might get a cramp if I stay this way for any longer,"

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