What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 39 : The freezing winter is coming

“Xiao Shin, teacher Wei told us that you were in the middle of enlightenment and she did not want to disturb you but right now it is almost dawn… you really need to sleep” said aunt Yan gently. I looked up and saw teacher Wei, aunt Yan and uncle Huai looking at me. The windows were closed and no light was coming in. Only candles on my desk and teacher Wei’s desk were giving a yellow glow.               

Sh*t! It was almost dawn! Only now did I feel my belly screaming from hunger but I was not tired. I was hyped so instead of asking for forgiveness I said what I wanted to say since I came back more than 10 days ago; 

“This winter will be a freezing winter”


I was pretty sure I looked like a lunatic. A ‘10 year old with red eyes and a crazy look’ type of lunatic. And I just screamed like those crazy people who talk about the end of the world to anyone who listens to - and who won’t - in the streets of my second life.

“I can prove it” I added to try to seem less crazy

“Ok Xiao Shin, How about we go home, eat something and rest. Then you can prove it” Answered Uncle Huai

I could rest. I really needed it, but I just spent a long day researching this. I was drugged by my findings and had to explain but had to do it correctly so I closed my eyes for a few seconds to reorder my thoughts. Took a big breath to calm down a bit and started my speech:

“I know that I need to rest and I know you are worried about me. But I need to say it now because if I waste another day, hour or even a minute not convincing you … I would feel guilty not giving everyone the time to prepare. Guilty that more people could die. I am sorry that I am giving you this burden. I will try to help as much as I can later on. But convincing YOU is the first and most important step” I said looking at uncle Huai. No, now I was talking to the city lord. He should not look at me as this 10 year old son of his friend but as a serious researcher. 

“City lord, I do not have prediction skills. My cultivation is very low and I have no master backing me. I might not be good at understanding people BUT I am pretty good at reading and analyzing. I can remember everything I read or happened in my life and that helps me find patterns others might not see right away.

Today, I was reading the first 6 volumes of AnNan history’s books. At the 5th volume, I found a pattern that can predict, with good accuracy, the extreme weather that plagues the city and its surrounding area. I used that pattern to predict all the extreme weather mentioned on the 6th volume. I already predicted the remaining extreme weather. You can take a look if you want, I did not read the 7th volume as I do not have it so it should be a good enough proof. The 6th volume recorded history up to 1500 years ago, only 3 extreme weather has happened since then. The 4th one is predicted to be this winter; The freezing winter” I said showing the paper that contained 10 dates; the extreme weather’s starting dates for the last three and half thousand of years

“This is an equation that shows the pattern I found. Each variable is defined below the equation” I showed him another paper

“These are the dates and type of extreme weather I wrote down from the 5 books and used to see the pattern” I gave him another stack of papers

“These are papers calculating the 10 dates and type of weather of the first page I gave you” I pointed to the biggest stack of papers in my desk.

“And the last proof is in these ones; these are the dates of the beast horde's attacks mentioned in the 6 books that happen in AnNan and other cities around us. There was extreme weather up to one year before or after the attack. No exception. The dates and type of catastrophe is written down on the same paper. Huo city was destroyed by the beast horde a few months ago. So far, no extreme weather has happened before the attack and none yet. So we can assume that there will be one soon. It is just that this does not proof the type of extreme weather not the exact starting day but the previous equation does”

I was really very tired but had to stay awake until I knew his next plan. 

“City lord, if I was not a 10 year old but an adult with a good reputation. If it was whomever got the achievement reward 33 years ago coming to you today and telling you what I just said and showing you these papers. What would you do?”

“I would make copies of this, keep the original, summon the dean and order all teachers with good brains to go over those papers without rest. I would at the same time reach out to known scholars to do the same. I would need this proof to be validated but I will have my team think about an emergency plan in advance in case it was confirmed” answered the city lord

“This is good for the beast attack proof but scholars are useless if they are not good at math. I suggest you contact array masters. They would understand this equation better” I added while taking all the relevant papers from the city lord's hand. Made 50 copies using master’s Huo copy spell then gave all back. My body felt heavy instantly but did not regret using my spiritual powers to save time for copies.  

“Here, your first step is done” For now, this was out of my hands. The future me would have to deal with explanations and unconvinced old grumpy scholars. Most school’s teacher would hate me making them work overtime and without rest but I did not care. I will deal with it when I have to deal with it. For now, I need food and sleep…sleep first.

Then I remembered no more       


Huai WenXie held Xiao Shin before he hit the floor.

“Give him to me. You have a lot to do today” Said his wife softly

“Lady Wei, I will keep secret what happened today” He was not asking, he was ordering. If those scholars find out that a 10 year old wrote those papers they would not even try to validate them. If there was a mistake, Xiao Shin would be protected if there were no mistakes he would need to be more protected. 

“I will, city lord. But I have to tell you...” teacher Wei continued “I met this kid only twice and it is enough for me to know that he is smart. Naïve and shy for everything else but genius smart. He explained something to his comrades today that I could not fully understand. I think only teacher Hong could be in this school. I saw him writing these papers, saw his focus and felt his enlightenment. From that, I have no doubt what he found is the truth. He will wake up with his cultivation level few levels higher thanks to it”

“He is too young, he cannot withstand a quick level increase” said a concerned Yan MeiMei

“Don’t worry lady Yan, I checked his body before all this happened. He can withstand more than a normal child could” Teacher Wei stopped there. Anything more about student Bai’s cultivation could only be shared with his parents. No one else.

“You need to leave now darling. I want Xiao Shin away when I call the dean” Then before waiting for his wife’s departure, he left for the dean's office. The dean was not there yet but it would be difficult to explain why he called him to a classroom. He expected busy days, no months to come. What he told Xiao Shin was correct, he would order his team to start working on an emergency plan. The beast attack theory was easy to check, he would let his team do that first. The 7th volume was not done yet but he had the draft so he could further proof a little 10 year old’s predictions. As for believing Xiao Shin, his intuition and common sense told him to. That intuition saved him countless times and common sense told him that no one could get enlightened if their findings were wrong.

He took a moment to recall the little boy’s behavior since he saw him. Even though he had some friendship with his father, it was not strong enough to take care of his child. Normally, he would assign a guardian and rent a house for anyone else in this situation. The minor favor he owed Yu Qing would offset that much but he saw his kindness toward his servants and how naïve and introverted he was. His vast experience told him that Xiao Shin was a good child who will turn into a good man. Today, he learned that he was a genius too.

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