Chapter 7: If I can't have him
One of the things Philip hated the most about being an 'adult' was the heavy burden of consequences after every decision on his life choices. It's not fun and games no more.
He had a choice in that matter. He always has a choice and just tend to choose wrong for different reasons each time that they begin to sound like excuses.
And he clearly knows it that a secret always comes out in one way or the other if it was kept between two people and more but, he just had to share it. It was weighing him down.
They were all chilling after a quick shower and a change of clothes when he decided to lay it all out there from the moment he saw Aiden to that morning before he left for the club.
"And you are saying he believed you? How young are we talking about here? Or is he just stupid?" Tristan asked too invested to care on his judging tone.
"Tristan dear, leave the age to the parent" Started Jake seriously earning the attention he was seeking from his two people crowd, "I'm curious honey on... How?... I mean how the hell did you photoshop the whole fucking album in a single night? And after that explicit of an orgasm?!"
Jake had to ask since it doesn't add up due to the time when he saw Philip stumbling to hold onto the man up as they made their way out of the club at two in the morning. It was just humanly impossible!
"Guys, I think I'm becoming my worst version this year" Said Philip ignoring both their questions for he didn't have the energy for them.
"Not really your worst but, trust me with all these lies building up? You are getting there" Said Tristan savagely before he saw Jake's side eye.
"I can't lose Aiden" Mumbled Philip making himself comfortable on the sofa, closing his eyes and letting it all sink in. How could he ever do that to someone as innocent and naive as Aiden?. A golden retriever in human form.
"And you won't! Not if we can help it, right Jake?" Said Tristan assuredly, "If you still want to see how this will develop then you have to protect your lies and only when you feel his love for you can you disclose the truth"
"That I'm nothing but a scum, a liar and a manipulator? He will hate me so much!" Said Philip not even been able to stomach the idea of telling Aiden the truth
"You don't know that!" Retorted Tristan with the same conviction that Philip showed.
"Do you love the guy that much?" Asked Jake who was busy sipping on his expensive wine glass which was Tristan's, "Or you are just using him to heal your broken heart and wounded self esteem?"
"I don't know. All I know is that if I can't have him, I'd go crazy, Jake. And I can't let him him go now. I'm too deep in the woods to go back now" Replied Philip not really knowing what was the truth from his heart anymore. It was hectic.
"That's scary honey, even for me" Said Jake looking at Philip like he were an alien of sort.
"You think I'm not terrified of myself?" Questioned Philip with tears brimming in his eyes, "He's the only one to ever look at me like I'm someone precious. Like I could break any minute and still take over the world if I want to. He's just not those people who owns a person but, add value to them. You guys didn't stay with him yesterday... He's funny, intelligent, compassionate and very much genuine in everything he says and does. I can't lose him because... I came, last night. He... he connected with me in more ways than I can explain. I enjoyed sex!"
"I'm breaking up with Leon" Said Jake somberly after Philip's rambling making the duo laugh.
"Now that's what I call an overdue decision! Cheers everyone" Said Philip raising his glass for a toast.
"So, what's your plan now?" Asked Tristan handing Philip his buzzing phone, "He's been calling since forever"
It was a call from Aiden and it was two missed calls and a text.
'I'm at this bakery downtown. Craving anything in particular?'
Philip couldn't hide the smile that broke up out his face after he read the text. This is what he was talking about! The guy is just stupidly generous.
'🤤🤤 Nothing in particular but, if we can have a movie night at home instead that would be very much appreciated 🤗🤗'
'Then its a done deal, I noticed that you came without your suitcases... Shopping tomorrow. You up for it?'
'Won't be necessary if I could wear yours😘😘'
'Not really a good time for a wink my way baby. I kinda miss your kisses tho'
'When are you done with your shift?'
'Wish to pick me up, Zaddy?🥰🥰'
'If you'd hav me that is'
'That'd be great since I already lost the keys to the apartment😥😥'
'Text me when you are done and I'd be there'
"Woah girl. You are down that bad, huh?" Commented Jake not really believing his eyes. Even Philip could make that soft look on his face?
"See? He makes it so easy to love him. I don't fucking know anymore!" Said Philip hiding his blushing face, "I was sad just a second ago and then came his text and the memories of last night, of this morning... He could be a total goofy sometimes_"
"We get it, you have won!" Complained Tristan making the duo laugh.
"You mean you with your V.I.P clients?" Jake teased Tristan who sort of bite his lower lip to hide the grin.
"Who is it, girl?" Pried Jake, "Is it the tax officer guy?"
"Definitely the grandpa! Seemed to be his type more" Said Philip excitedly and when Tristan couldn't hold the blush they both knew who it was.
"Does he know about your feelings?" Asked Philip, worriedly.
"I told him about it last night and more or less he kinda left me on read. Hanging there" Replied Tristan with a shrug, "He once said that he doesn't hit the same place twice but, we didn't go all the way even once! I can't even comfort myself with the memory of us having sex like you and Leon!"
"Ouch! That's brutal darling" Supported Jake relating to Tristan in more ways than one, "I guess we are all fucked up and twisted in our love story"
"Girl, we are not twisted just psychotic" Informed Tristan so seriously making them laugh.
"I don't see a difference there but, let me drink to that" Said Jake with a laugh
"Aiden will be coming to pick me up later, I can't be too wasted" Humble bragged Philip bashfully.
"Girl?!" Came the duo's reaction, "How does that feel?"
"Loved?" Replied Philip casually fixing his shirt.
"Now that's the place I wanna go!" Announced Jake full of envy.
"With Tommy I presume"Suggested Philip absent minded.
"Who's Tommy?" Questioned Jake totally clueless making the duo speechless. Should they tell it to him?.