Chapter 6: About a day in.
Philip heard it before that all good things must come to an end at some point but, for her, they were always just bad maybe that's why they never end. She never end!
She seriously loved Stanley but, hated his guts. She hated how it was always physical with him, No boundaries whatsoever, He never let him choose anything, No personal space, Constant manipulations, exploitation... and that just to name a few.
"Phi phi is here" Philip heard Coraline after Philip saw them going at it in Stanley's office. In broad daylight! They always did it in their bedroom, doggystyle, with him in a leash on his hands and knees but, Coraline seemed to enjoy their time together so, good for her.
"Hi Stanley, a happy morning I assume" Started Philip with a warm smile. She couldn't tell if she was masking it, faking it or just in character.
"Oh, sorry about that" Came Stanley's reply as he was trying desperately to peel Coraline off him with no success.
"That's no bother. I heard that you were looking for me?" Asked Philip bored already.
"Right! Right... Can I have a moment with Phili... Phi phi alone?" Stanley asked Coraline exasperated who basically rolled her eyes and glared at Philip in return before standing up from Stanley.
"Don't worry, You have won. He's yours to hold" Said Philip in mock surrender, moving from the door way so, Coraline could pass through.
"That was hot" Teased Philip with a smile going for the chair opposite Stanley who felt somewhat weird to have her sit across from him. She was his jewel.
"About last night..." Started off Stanley sincerely before he was cut off by Philip,"Water under the bridge"
Stanley blew out a sigh of relief before walking up to Philip's chair who escaped his touch.
"Yeah, that was under the bridge but, this is not happening again" Said Philip gesturing from her to him.
"I told you I'm sorry" Said Stanley with gritted teeth.
"And I'm sorry too that I'm glad it blew out in my face last night! I could even sing best thing you'll never have on your ass but, I'm done playing this game with you" Explained Philip seriously, standing up for space as Stanley was hovering over her and it wasn't a good look.
"So, this is it?" Asked Stanley with a low voice. He felt dangerous and Philip didn't feel safe at all.
"Yeah, pretty much" Replied Philip casually starting to walk away when she heard Stanley's business tone.
"I called you here because there's a contract here in the series you auditioned for like a month ago" Announced Stanley sitting on the table eyes fixated on Philip.
"Paradise in hell?" Asked Philip excitedly before eye searching the table for the contract, "So where is it?"
"I'm not giving it to you" Said Stanley casually walking to cage Philip once again. He wanted to kiss that plump on her lips until they feel sore and swollen.
"Why?" Asked Philip in a confrontational manner, She was upset and hurt. She busted her ass off for that audition and Stanley made it seem like it was him who made it happen!
"Because, I said so" Whispered Stanley with a devilish smile. Was he seriously bribing Philip? It would have worked before but, that day? He was messing with another thing entirely.
"Good" Said Philip in a chilly tone, "I came here to tell you that I quit and you are fired as my manager. You can keep the money, the contract, the house for I can fly on my own"
"You are serious" Observed Stanley before the panic settled in his features, "Please don't go. Philip, don't do this!"
"Boy please. Say something you mean the next time we see each other" Said Philip pushing him away so she could walk out of there, "Well, until next time"
"Who's the new guy? Jake? Steven? Harry? Who?" Asked Stanley drained. He felt like dying.
"You know I hate to flaunt my relationship public, right? But, it's with someone special, so, rest assured" Said Philip before closing the door to his face, leaving a crashing sound in her wake.
"What did you do to him?" Came Coraline's angry question startling Philip.
"Oh, nothing much. Just had an overdue talk" Replied Philip with a shrug making Coraline angry anew.
"I can see that you love him" Stated Philip eyes glue to Coraline, stalling for Stanley to gain his composure.
"I do love him unlike some gold diggers I know" Jabbed Coraline with a snide.
"Oh, please... I would have been crazy rich, don't you think? Twelve years by his side. I deserve a medal of some kind" Said Philip as a joke before it hit her.
She spent all her youth in a mask. Was it really Stanley who was at fault there or something to do with her not really standing up for the things she needed.
Was the fear of abandonment that big to lead a person on that long just so, she could break his heart and dump all the blame on him in the end?.
"You witch!" Yelled Coraline with a slap Philip's way before was stopped by the enraged Nona
"That's enough! Go to your man before I fuck you up real good" Commanded Nona before throwing her hand back to her and she ran to Stanley.
"Are you okay, Cookie?" Asked Nona cautiously. She knew that look on Philip and that time wasn't the best time for self blame.
"You guys are ready for the final twirl?" Came Christe's voice reminding them of their plans.
"I was born ready!" Replied the duo in sync before Nona stepped away for Philip to do honors, "Well?"
"Tell the guards to open up the gates!" Sang Philip as in frozen 1 as they made their way outside leaving the audience behind shocked. It was happening.
"So what happened in there?" Asked Christe earning a disapproving look from Nona but, a resigned sigh from Philip.
"I just realized that a relationship is a two way traffic" Replied Philip simply l.
"Or... or can be a three way" Chimed Nona feeling wise beyond her years.
"Nona, if you think about it in each person's perspective? Even if they were millions you are dating with, how you interact with them differs" Explained Christe helpfully.
"Okay, Ms Genius. What of those interelationships?" Asked Nona, haughty before answering herself in her head, "So yeah it's a two way traffic"
"I'm sorry but, who are you again?" Asked Nona just to spite her. She was the new to the crew but, damn!. A smart ass indeed.
"Tristan, A private school principal by day and a stripper by night. Nice to meet you two" Greeted Christe making them two's jaw drop like that.
"Uhm... So, I'm Jacob a... I actually sleep by day and a stripper/sugarbaby whenever I get the chance" Followed Nona not really knowing what's happening.
Christe had a life outside stripping and slutting whenever?. She was the biggest cheapest slut in history and she was a principal?
"So, my name is Philip_" Started Philip only to be cut off by Christe and Nona, "And the rest is history!"
"I'm that famous?" Asked Philip making the duo laugh aloud before Christe opened up her social media accounts.
"I'm that of an influencer? Oh, my God! An ambassador?" Gasped Philip when she saw the video of her flaunting on a make up brand collection.
"You didn't know? You have a smartphone don't you?" Asked Nona concerned.
"No, I didn't know... and these skits? I thought Stanley was just being an ass for filming me!" Said Philip feeling so bad for breaking up with Stanley.
"I guess he's one hell of a manager for you" Commented Christe.
"But a bad lover to you" Commented Nona before they heard a ding from Philip's phone.
It was a money transfer from Stanley and a text from him.
'I'll send you a copy of the script to your email and you can sign the contract anytime this week. Good work'
"What's he playing at?" Mumbled Philip out loud.
"I don't think he's playing any games here. It's either you can live through his indifference or you don't" Said Christe after reading the text.
"And are you sure you can move on from him? I mean the guy is everything you know about sex and love" Asked Nona carefully.
"I still need him as my manager. He makes it seem so easy and effortless" Mumbled Philip wishing she could breakdown in peace.
"Just as a manager?" Asked Christe holding Philip by the hand before the box she was carrying splattered there and then on the street. With dildos, condoms and lube in public eyes.
"Just a manager" Replied Philip casually before she started to pick up her things with the help of her friends.
"My house is right here actually, how about a day in?!" Suggested Christe when she saw the state Philip was in.
"I don't know, Tristan. This just feels too fast to me" Nona pretended to be unwilling in words for she was already inside the lobby in actions making Philip and Tristan laugh.
"That's Nona for you" Said Philip with a laugh but, she could feel Christe's eyes on her, "What?"
"Nothing. You just always gave me the vibe that you hated me since I joined there" Replied Christe with a shrug.
"So, where to go from here?" Asked Nona to the security guard who was eyeing her like candy.
"Oh, Tommy! I'm so sorry about my friend. The heat is doing a number on her" Came Christe's defense to the guard.
"That's debatable" Replied Tommy with a smile pressing for the elevator for them. Good thing it was on the ground for it opened right away.
"You're typically my vibe! Daddy, purrrrr" Nona went on hitting on the guy as they got in the elevator, making Tommy blush visibly in front of the crowd in the lobby, "Call me"
Christe realized just how much unfazed those two could be with an audience on them and she loved that.
She had enough of those 'please, walk silently and keep a low profile... the sun will shine again' type.