Chapter 42: Young and Stupid
Even when Grayson walked in, Philip was so calm that he felt like he deserved some type of reward.
Grayson didn't mean anything to Philip. He wasn't even a threat! He already pictured the end and moved on from the future. He got nothing to lose but, loss itself.
"Okay, and that's a wrap everybody!" Declared Leon with a beaming smile after Philip was done inputting the last entry exceptionally, "Good work everybody"
"It's not a fucking commercial, Leon. Grow out Jof that already" Demanded Monica as she eye rolled Leon's big project fantasies.
"Geez, where's the love people" Said Leon with a grunt before turning to Philip who didn't believe what was happening. He did it!
"Thank you for the assistance, Philip" Said Leon meaning everyword.
"Thank you guys for your patience and guidance" Replied Philip gratefully.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but, yeah... Nobody was more suitable for the part. I know that now" Said Tyler awkwardly but, at least that's a compliment?
"Awww, Are you saying that I'm more than adequate?" Teased Philip to the blushing Tyler making the whole crew laugh.
"I'm just saying that you get desperation and despair. Not really compliments on a person's personality, are they?" Said Tyler with a wave of dismissal.
"I would say the same to the writer but, that would be rude considering I just got paid for your sad work" Retorted Philip making the crowd gasp but, Tyler smiled. He had a twisted humour. They knew that.
"Fuck you, bitch" Replied Tyler with a scoff, giving Philip the middle finger.
"A bitch? Now that's a secret I'm not comfortable sharing. The feeling is mutual, no?" Questioned Philip dryly with a knowing look towards Tyler who blushed even redder.
"I'm going home!" Announced Tyler as he fled the crime scene leaving the crowd confused.
"Great work everyone! I think I need to go too" Said Philip as he tried to move past Grayson who merely held him back, "You wish to add something?"
"It's too early outside Philip, you wound me" Came Grayson's cheerful tone sending shivers down Philip's spine.
"How about a round of drinks? on me" Offered Grayson earning the crew's cheers but, Philip wasn't impressed.
"I don't drink anymore, sorry" Excused Philip tried once again to leave.
"That's a bummer" Said Grayson in a whiny tone, "That's Aiden's influence, is it?"
"I'm not sure but, I can feed this to your curiosity" Paused Philip for his dramatic hand gestures and walked to whisper to him, "I never feed from someone's hand like a pet"
After saying that, Philip decided to walk out of there not another question his way. You see, this is why he hated fights. They never seem like one until they are. Who knew Grayson hated him that much? Or maybe it wasn't hate but, concern for his friend.
Philip found Andy, his assistant, going full blast lady Gaga in the car and he didn't say nothing else than for him to be taken home.
Andy obviously didn't know where his home was at and he couldn't possibly sent him back to the club because, yeah, the boss's pet was running the house so, he just resolved to drive around in hopes of Philip to point a route to follow.
"Phi phi?" Called out Andy when the time stroke nine in the night, "Difficult day?"
That's what Andy was confused about, the email he received was a job well done and money transfer so, for Philip to come out that bummed? He didn't want to assume the worst but, he wished Stanley was there.
"I'm dramatically crying my heart out at the moment" Replied Philip with enthusiasm making Andy chuckle.
"Without tears?" Asked Andy for the sake of conversing. Maybe it will help.
"I'm beyond tears and screams at this point" Said Philip with a sad smile.
"So, where exactly do you want to go?" Asked Andy seriously looking back at Philip through the rearview mirror.
"Home?" Replied Philip with tears in his eyes, "Send me to a hotel. I need to rest"
"Alone?" Asked Andy worriedly, "So, I already called Jake and he's been calling you none stop. I know that I crossed the line but, I'm late to go to my family and_"
"I get it. Drop me off here" Said Philip taking his back pack from the next seat.
"This is a highway, bitch! You are clearly not in your right state of mind! Did you take something in there?" Asked Andy as he drove them off the road.
"Choose your destination wisely, Phi phi" Came Andy's solemn voice, "Stanley's, your boyfriend's or Jake's? Your pick"
"I just want to be alone!" Said Philip tiredly. Why were they having that conversation?
"I left you alone before, only to be called back to the hospital after your failed suicide attempt seven years ago" Said Andy frustrated, "I still remember your image on the hospital bed"
"I'm sorry for the burden. I was young and stupid back then" Replied Philip ashamedly. Philip couldn't believe he went through all that just for Stanley's attention.
"Well, that's no excuse because, nobody really grows up, do they?" Questioned Andy with a bitter chuckle, "So where's it gonna be?"
"Jake's?" Said Philip at last and sat back tight as Andy brought the engine to life and drove to Jake's complex.
Jake was already outside, worried sick and when he saw the state Philip was in? He didn't need the details or maybe not yet. They weren't important.
They didn't say shit to each other. Even after Jake showered and dried Philip. Philip didn't put up a fight when Jake tucked him into bed nor did Jake tease him on the matter.
Whatever happened that day, he wanted to believe that they happened for a reason and how Jake responded to him? Sure, it was cute and touching but also, it was clear as the day that he too was troubled by something.
The reality of life can wait. He's already safe and warm. What else could he wish for?