What Are We??!

Chapter 41: He's not that simple.

The whole time they were having lunch, Philip wished to die. He couldn't believe how much he played that part that even his reaction felt like a written role.

Philip never knew how it feels to wish to turn back the time. His goal was always to survive the day till the next one but, not that day. He wished Grayson didn't have anything on him.

That's the thing about secrets, once it's out there then it's out there!. It gnawed at a person.

Stanley was right after all, he will never know how to stay after a storm has passed.

"You are overthinking this" Philip heard Grayson say and all he could hear was the triumph underneath.

"Is there a hot way to underthink the situation?" Retorted Philip steeling his fragile confidence.

"Listen, I didn't say that to shake you up and if anything? You just confessed your lie to me" Clarified Grayson with a shrug. So, was he a friend or a foe?

"You weren't sure before?" Asked Philip for confirmation.

"Nothing is the truth unless proven" Said Grayson looking outside the restaurant thoughtfully before turning to look at Philip, "I'm sure Aiden knows. It's just a matter of time"

"You told Aiden?" Asked Philip feeling robbed and betrayed.

"I get this feeling you think Aiden is naive" Muttered Grayson in way you can't tell if he was pitying or straight up impressed but, with Philip's expression? Grayson had to laugh.

"Just a piece of advice, don't underestimate the guy. He's not that simple" Said Grayson before he stood and walked to the counter to flirt some more before leaving.

Philip hoped Julia wouldn't take that guy in their cycle. But, why though? Everything he said was nothing but, facts. Deep down he knew that to be true.

There's like no way for a person as smart as Aiden, Business oriented mindset could get fooled by someone like him? That's just impossible.

He had no appetite, couldn't swallow shit and he sure as hell couldn't vomit his guts once he went to the toilet. Which wasn't a surprise.

Philip just stood there, looking himself in the WC mirror only to see his beaten up reflection. He was tired.

"You don't look so good" Commented Tyler amused by the sight as he walked to the urinal, "Something you ate, perhaps?"

"Hi, Tyler" Greeted Philip gathering his things from the faucet.

"Hi, Philip. Oh, please don't leave on my account" Said Tyler back to him cheerfully, a complete contrast of how he welcomed him this morning.

"Are you like high on something?" Asked Philip confused.

"Oh, trust me. I can go higher than the sky" Replied Tyler as he walked to the faucet to wash his hands.

"Good for you?" Replied Philip unsure.

"Lunch time will be over in ten minutes. Should we expect you in there?" Asked Tyler as an after thought.

"Of course, I love everything about this film. Plus, I can't quit while I'm ahead" Replied Philip sadly.

"Except your acting skills, obviously" Said Tyler, reading Philip.

"I can always do better" Said Philip with a shrug hitting a chord in Tyler.

"I know you will. There's no other option for people like us" Said Tyler after drying his hand, "And a word of advice? Don't ever come between them. Bad things happen"

"Between who?" Asked Philip confused.

"Aiden and Grayson" Replied Tyler with a knowing look making Philip gasp at the possibility, "I didn't know..."

"Now, that's gossip" Interrupted Tyler before nodding at Philip's ringing phone, "Pick it up or keep it silent" Said Tyler and went out.

Philip was left to stare at Aiden's name on the screen. Should he answer it? What is he going to say to the man? I know that you know what I'm hiding? Who does that?

"Are you okay in here?" Came Leon's voice from the doorway, "Tyler told me you were hiding"

"Coming right out" Said Philip as he applied some blushes to his cheek. Make up always gives him strength and they didn't fail him then too.

"Don't try so hard with us. Be yourself. Do your thing and we will work our parts" Said Leon awkwardly but, he seemed cute.

"We are a team and this is not a job but, a partnership" Said Leon as he walked along side Philip.

"You don't hate me" Observed Philip in wonder.

"More like I don't care about you for shit" Answered Leon sincerely.

"That's a breath of fresh air" Said Philip with a scoff, "And weirdly calming"

"And that's honesty" Said Leon so seriously that it made Philip stop his stupid smiling face and take it as such, "Go and live that dream in the studio"

Philip couldn't help but, laugh at his life story. Every day he was writing and overwriting whatever he was deeming to be important to him. Only to realize that truth was what's valuable.

So, he just had to put his big boy pants on and walk the talk. He was a star since early on and being a character is his happy place.

After he took his seat behind the mic? The rest didn't take so much from him and he had to admit that when he let all hell burn, the fire wasn't as scorching. He had fun.

So what if Aiden knows and throw him out of his life? Yes, it would kill him but, then what? He'll just miss the sex, the services, affirmations, being adored... But, then again? Who knows what's next? Not him and definitely not Grayson.

He had fun working with them. And if that day was the last day to meet then he was glad he met them in that lifetime.

The world doesn't know but, Philip decided to disappear from Aiden's life for good. He couldn't face the guy not after that day. He felt cheated and fooled.

They say it's better to die in your prime than as somebody they used to know. We are talking dramatic exit. The memories live longer.

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