Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 454 Outrageous new material!

Today's Star Academy is still the focus of public opinion.

Star Academy’s new drugs are still in clinical trials.

Attracting the attention of most netizens.

In particular, the recently launched postpartum skin care clinic for women has attracted the attention of countless women around the world.

And beyond that.

News about a new drama by Xingchen film and television major students has also spread to the outside world.

Even Principal Xingchen makes a stunning cameo in the new drama.

It brought a lot of discussion.

In addition, Xingchen Yipin Community also appears in hot searches from time to time.

Because every day, netizens go outside the construction site to take aerial photos with drones.

There is obviously no risk of a bad ending.

Because the construction site is in full swing every day.

The progress on the aerial photos is simply visible to the naked eye.

The exterior of the main body of the apartment building has already begun.

But the most surprising thing is the working hours at the Xingchen construction site.

From eight in the morning to six in the evening, with a two-hour break in between, and such compliance with labor laws, netizens who watched it were particularly moved.

However, some property owners who have bought a house are extremely anxious and wish that the workers would work overtime every day so that the community could be completed early and they could move in as soon as possible.

However, anyone who makes such remarks online is basically criticized by netizens.

It is definitely the long-cherished wish of most netizens that companies abide by labor laws.

Xingchen College abides by labor laws even on the construction site, which can be said to be a great progress for society.

It turned out that some people just said this just to move in early.

If you don't get sprayed, you'll be a ghost.

With the construction of Xingchen Yipin’s campus, landscape, and facades starting one after another.

The entire community looks closer and closer to what it looked like in the previous publicity renderings.

Countless netizens watched with emotion.

I feel like I will wait until the Xingchen Yipin Community is officially handed over.

It will definitely become one of the most scenic communities in the country.

When I think about this, I think that I will be able to live in such a community in half a year.

Those homeowners who have bought a house are increasingly grateful for their luck.

For a mere unit price of about 30,000 yuan, you can get a property in such a community.

I'm so lucky.

And there are also top-notch property facilities.

Maintain the facade of the community according to the plan, maintain the waterproof layer of the community, various facilities, etc.

Then the lifespan of this community is definitely very long.

This is a truly livable community.

Most of the residential communities in China have good scenery and living experience when they first opened.

But it may take up to five to eight years, after the first batch of equipment and building materials age, they will accelerate and begin to decline.

Because the property is not maintained or repaired.

In some properties, even changing a light bulb in a public corridor can take half a month, not to mention others that are more expensive.

This is the reason why many communities, even though they have only been built a few years ago, look as dilapidated as houses that are decades old.


Countless netizens hope that there will be more and more conscientious real estate developers like Xingchen Real Estate Company.

There will be more and more good properties like Xingchen Property Service Company.

Only in this way can everyone's life experience truly improve.

In Tianhai City, due to the rise in rights protection awareness in the past two years, more and more communities have set up property owners committees to expel property owners.

They also took a fancy to Xingchen Property Company.

There are even high-end residential areas in the city center with high housing prices. They are willing to take the initiative to increase the property fees. At the price of seven yuan per square meter, they invite Xingchen Property Company to come and take over the property.

In doing so, they have the idea of ​​introducing good properties and improving service quality and quality of life.

But there are also some people who want to rely on Xingchen Property to become famous and increase housing prices.

After all, as long as house prices can rise, even a seven-dollar property fee will be nothing.

There are many communities with similar ideas.

But their invitations were all rejected by Xingchen Property Company.

On the one hand, Xingchen Property Company is not officially established yet.

On the other hand, after graduating from property management majors, there is little enthusiasm and a small number of students willing to enter the property industry.

Under such circumstances, the property needs of our own college can only be roughly met.

After all, we will have to build schools, hospitals, expo halls, and even big hotels and amusement parks in the future.

There is a high demand for quality properties in these industries.

Where can I find the time to take care of other communities?

But even if Xingchen Property Company does not accept the invitation.

But just because of the emergence of Xingchen Property Company, the entire property industry is also undergoing changes.

The essential purpose of all walks of life is to make money.

Nowadays, Xingchen Property Company has emerged, which just satisfies people's fantasy of excellent properties.

Under this situation, people's tolerance for junk properties is getting lower and lower, and they directly resist by collectively not paying property fees.

You can't make any money at all by keeping the property as it is.

In this case, transformation is naturally the best choice.

The service standards of Xingchen Property Company are what they learn from.

Of course, due to various factors such as the level of property fees and employee salaries, it is impossible for most properties to truly achieve the services of Star Property.

But even if you only do part of it, most owners will be satisfied.

It can be said that the emergence of Xingchen Property Company has set off a wave of good money driving out bad money in the property market.


In the next few years, the overall service and professionalism level of domestic real estate companies will be improved.

It will definitely go up a notch or two.

And this is undoubtedly all the credit of Xingchen College.

Just when netizens were discussing it heatedly.

Ye Chen, who finally had some free time these two days, often wandered around the campus.

From time to time, he tried the innovative dishes of the culinary students who were about to graduate this year.

He also went to listen to the new songs of the music students.

He could also watch the dancers by the way.

The dancers were basically students from the art college next door.

Ye Chen was quite puzzled when he saw so many art college students rehearsing in his own college.

He found out after asking around.

It turned out that since the Spring Festival Gala this year, the dance majors of the art colleges have completely seen the future employment direction.

Dance majors are actually not easy to find jobs.

If the family is rich, it’s okay. Maybe you can find connections and get into a dance troupe or an art troupe to get a regular position.

If the family is average, most of them can only go to tutoring institutions to be teachers, and the treatment can only be said to be very average.

In this case, dance majors all find that.

Hanging out with Xingchen College may have a better future.

After all, the previous batch of students have already performed on the Spring Festival Gala. With this resume, even if they become dance teachers, their tuition fees will be twice as high as others.

And even if the students after that may not perform on the Spring Festival Gala.

But Xingchen Music students release new songs every year, and the quality of the songs is very good.

Dancing with these students can get attention in the industry.

Maybe they will be absorbed by the dance team of some top singers.

And Xingchen Film and Television majors always shoot works, and they may also need dancers.

Isn't this also a future employment direction?

If you are lucky, you can become a big star from a supporting role and become popular overnight. Isn't that a great thing?

And the teachers of the Art Academy are also happy to see their students clinging to their thighs.

They even take the initiative to match them up.


This semester, dance students have more and more cooperation with Xingchen Academy.

Some have already obtained visitor privileges.

They can freely enter the campus of Xingchen Academy.

When Ye Chen figured out the reason, he was a little speechless.

But he could understand it.

This is not a bad thing for our own college.

Many majors are for employment or development prospects.

There is no need to open them.

Cooperation with other colleges can also be considered complementary.

Besides, just watching some of our students' amorous feelings when watching the dancers.

Ye Chen can't intervene.

Let them be.

After watching the students' rehearsal, Ye Chen, who was sitting in the back row, planned to leave quietly and go to the culinary building to see if the students of the culinary building have made any outrageous new inventions.

Some time ago, a student made a stew with canned herring.

Ye Chen was there at the time and felt that the lethality was no less than the nine-turn large intestine in a certain culinary program.

The whole teaching building tasted wrong.

As a result, many teachers tasted the new dish with gritted teeth and thought it was good.

They even advised Ye Chen to try it.

However, Ye Chen felt that these teachers were pretending and just wanted to drag him into the water, so he refused to eat it.

What happened afterwards also confirmed Ye Chen's guess.

The culinary arts major has issued new rules.

It is forbidden to make any dishes using canned herring as raw materials in the academy.

But just when Ye Chen was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was a call from the director of the civil engineering department.

Ye Chen was slightly surprised.

Even if the college teacher is not in the office, he rarely calls.

Unless there is something urgent.

Could it be that there was an accident at the construction site?

Are there workers or students injured?

Although the construction site attaches great importance to safety regulations.

Even the work clothes provided to the workers are top-notch and expensive.

But after all, it is a construction site with a complex environment, and everything is hard to say.

So Ye Chen immediately picked up the phone and said seriously: "What happened?"

Although the director on the other end of the phone did not understand why Ye Chen's attitude was so serious, he still said in a brisk tone: "The students in the scientific research class have produced results. The students want to invite the principal to come and see and introduce you..."

Ye Chen was relieved when he heard this.

It's good that there was no safety accident.

The good news from the director really made Ye Chen's eyes light up.

The research class of civil engineering has produced results?

This is indeed a good thing.

You know, just after the Chinese New Year this year, students from the research class returned to school to do research.

This aroused Ye Chen's curiosity. He went to inspect and comfort them several times, and roughly understood the main research directions chosen by students from the civil engineering research class.

That is sound insulation materials.

However, the main focus is no longer on sound insulation, but on earthquake isolation.

It is said that there are many sound insulation materials in the industry now.

What three-layer vacuum glass, various levels of sound insulation boards are available.

As long as you are willing to spend money, it is not difficult to turn your home into a soundproof room at the level of a recording engineer.

It can be said that it is not difficult to soundproof.

But if you want earthquake isolation, it is difficult.

The vibration sound of decoration, the vibration sound of children running, and the vibration sound of tables and chairs pulling.

These can be said to be the main sources of noise in modern communities.

It is also the noise that is most difficult for owners to accept.

It is said that many students have such experiences because of the research class.

That’s why they chose this research direction.

Ye Chen had heard reports before that great progress had been made.

Now it seems that it is completely done?

The students have achieved results, and they want to let themselves, the principal, know, and they definitely want to be recognized.

As the principal, I naturally want to support him.

So I immediately agreed to the director and went to the teaching building of the civil engineering major.

The laboratory for the scientific research class is on the top floor.

An entire floor belongs to them.

When Ye Chen arrived, he saw that all the teachers from the civil engineering major had arrived.

The more than eighty students in the scientific research class were also in high spirits.

At this moment, when they saw their principal arriving, their eyes lit up.

Even before there were no results, the principal was extremely supportive and valued them.

Now they finally have results.

Naturally, they wanted to prove to the principal that they lived up to his expectations.

Ye Chen also saw the excitement of the students. He patted the shoulders of those standing in front and said with a smile: "You did a good job. Who can introduce it to me? By the way, let me see where the finished product is?"

As soon as Ye Chen opened his mouth, a student immediately brought out a small piece of gray material that looked a bit like tire material, but felt harder.

However, compared with cement, concrete and other building materials, it appears to be somewhat tough.

Ye Chen is now incredibly powerful.

I couldn't help but try it with all my strength, causing the material in my hand to deform slightly.

But after letting go, it can be seen that it is slowly recovering.

This made Ye Chen look interested.


This new material has vague characteristics of rubber, but it has a stiffness that rubber does not have.

It seems that my own students have indeed developed some remarkable things.

The students didn't know that Ye Chen knew more about the construction industry and building materials than they did.

Seeing the principal looking at the new material, he quickly introduced it: "Principal, this is the low-elastic polymer building material we have developed..."

"After our week of testing."

"This new building material has strong energy absorption and impact resistance, a high damping coefficient, and a certain degree of rigidity and deformation resistance. It is very suitable as a building material."

"Of course, it is not about replacing main building materials such as concrete and cement."

"It has become a functional building material, and its main function is to isolate earthquakes."

"Like the current house, if someone runs upstairs, there will be a thumping sound downstairs."

"This is because someone upstairs steps heavily on the floor, causing the floor to vibrate. The floor vibrates and resonates with the air, thus generating an elastic wave similar to a mechanical spring, which is eventually transmitted to people's ears."

"And our new material can absorb a lot of energy and minimize the vibration of the floor caused by external forces."

"If our new material is spread evenly in the middle of the floor."

"As long as the amount of laying is sufficient, it can absorb a large amount of energy and reduce the vibration amplitude of the floor. When the vibration of the floor is not enough to generate kinetic energy in the air, no matter how much people run or jump upstairs, they will not cause enough noise to be heard downstairs. noise……"

Students explain the characteristics of new materials, as well as their use scope and effects.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised after hearing this.

My own students really have something.

But that's obviously not all.

And sure enough, the student said excitedly: "Of course, when we test new materials and make architectural models for estimation."

"We found something even more surprising."

"That is, as long as the building uses a sufficient amount of our new materials and the design is reasonable and uniform, when an earthquake occurs, the vibration energy from the earthquake will be weakened by at least one-fifth by the new materials, and the shaking of the building will be smaller. , the perception inside the building is even weaker..."

"In other words, new materials can significantly improve the seismic performance of large buildings."

When it comes to this, almost all students are proud and excited.

After hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and his eyes lit up.

New materials can absorb energy and provide shock isolation that is already amazing.

After all, if nothing else, looking at the country, the demand is simply not too high.

And now, new materials can actually improve the earthquake resistance of buildings?

Even Ye Chen would be amazed by such new materials.

No wonder the department head called me specifically.

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