Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 451: There seems to be something wrong with the new drug?

Nukic is not a business-minded person, so after retiring, he basically lived off his assets.

He used to make some money from the stock market, but the stock market crashed a while ago, and his assets shrank by half.

And Xingchen's new drug has such a high attention in Europe and the United States.

If he is selected as a volunteer, he can definitely make a lot of money as long as the popularity is good.

Thinking of this, Nukiqi nodded immediately.

Discuss with his son to shoot a video and post it on the video website.

But just when Nukiqi was packing his luggage and preparing to leave.

Nukiqi's parents came over: "You can't go. China is so backward, and the quality of the goods they make is so poor. How can they research excellent drugs?"

"Not to mention that you still go to test the drug. They use strange grass to treat diseases. What if you die there?"

"Are you crazy?"

Nukic's parents are in their seventies. They were shocked to learn from their neighbors that their son was going to China to be a volunteer to test drugs.

In their impression, China is synonymous with shoddy products.

They have traveled to the three Indian countries and feel that China should be similar to them.

The parents' dissuasion made the Nuki family helpless.

Nuki held the phone and patiently explained to his parents: "Dad and Mom, China was indeed very bad before..."

"But it has changed over the years."

"Especially in the past two years, China has a top-level college called Xingchen College, which has trained many talents."

"Do you remember the high-end restaurant I took you to last month? You said it was the best restaurant you have ever eaten in your life?"

"That restaurant belongs to Xingchen College. It is common to make a reservation for three months if you want to eat a meal."

"And the little cat Zhouzhou that you took your grandson to see last time, didn't you say it was interesting? That is also a work of Xingchen College."

"Now many young people in the United States are watching their Comics. "

"They are the most amazing college in the world."

"They have trained countless outstanding students."

"And the reason why I was able to lose so much weight this year is because I took the weight loss pills launched by Xingchen College. Since I lost weight, many of my diseases have disappeared."

"Several pharmaceutical giants in our country are working for Xingchen College to produce drugs, and their drugs have been recognized by the world."

"And this time, I am volunteering for the drug trial, which is also a new drug launched by Xingchen College."

"By the way, look at the picture, this is the house built by Xingchen College, is it beautiful?"

At the end, Nuki took out his mobile phone and began to show various pictures and videos related to Xingchen College.

The two looked at their mobile phones, and their eyes were full of confusion.

Distant China, has it developed like this in just a few decades?

Didn't they say that the development was worse than that of India and the three countries?

Why does it look like the city is better than that of their beautiful country? There are more high-rise buildings?

Is it the problem of India and the three countries, or is it the problem of China?

Nukić's father's impression of many years was broken, and he said in a somewhat unacceptable way: "Could it be that China has surpassed us?"

"Isn't our country the most powerful country?"

Hearing this, Nukić shook his head immediately, and was particularly proud: "Of course not, China will never catch up with us, it just showed mistakes in some places."

Hearing this, the old father was relieved.

After confirming that what Nukić said was true, the two old men did not stop him.

Today's China seems to be different from what they thought.

"Since I went to the three Indian countries last time, I had diarrhea in the hotel for a week, and I have never traveled to backward areas again. It turns out that China is different!"

The old father sighed.

The old mother nodded and said with some expectation: "Since China is so good, let's go traveling there in a while?"

The old father nodded and agreed, but thinking back to the last time he went to India, he still said with lingering fear: "I hope I won't have diarrhea."

Before leaving, he patted Nuki's shoulder with relief: "Son, you didn't study hard when you were a child, and I was worried that you would always look stupid. I didn't expect you to know so much about such a distant country."

"You've really grown up..."

Looking at his parents driving away in a classic car, Nuki's mouth twitched.

I'm in my forties, and my father actually praised me for growing up...

What Nuki said embarrassedly was that he didn't know much about China before. When he occasionally watched the news, he saw that it was backward, China's manufacturing quality was poor, the air was bad, or it was pirated.

Until the Star Academy became popular.

There are more and more news and videos about the Star Academy in the United States.

More and more people are traveling to China.

He has a better understanding of China.

It can be said that everything is because of Xingchen Academy.

It has allowed more and more foreigners to understand the real China.

A week later.

Nukiqi took a plane and officially landed in China.

Then he arrived at Xingchen Academy easily, verified his identity, and signed an agreement.

Then he entered the closed volunteer area.

The venue is large, everyone has a single room, and there is enough free space.

At the same time, three meals a day are provided by Xingchen Academy, and different cuisines can be chosen.

And if there are any additional needs.

For example, if you want to buy a game console, TV, computer, etc., you can also ask the staff to do it for you.

Of course, you have to pay for these needs yourself.

But such an environment undoubtedly makes Nukiqi very satisfied.

The environment is good.

You can also eat meals cooked by Xingchen students every day.

And except for applying medicine and physical examination every day, you can use your time freely.

This is simply perfect.

Of course, what everyone is most looking forward to is the new medicine of Xingchen Academy.

The first day is mainly to record various data, take photos, draw blood for physical examination, and wait for everyone to arrive.

And early in the morning of the second day.

The clinical trial of Xingchen's new drug officially began.

It is different from the last time Xingchen's weight loss pills were taken.

The use of new drugs needs to be applied all over the body, so it must not be live broadcast.

Volunteers need to take a shower in the morning and then apply the medicine in a separate room by professional medical staff.

Nukiqi took a shower in the morning and soon waited for the staff wearing masks, gloves and protective clothing.

The other party held a jar in his hand.

After opening the lid, you can clearly see the light green ointment inside.

Is this the new medicine of Xingchen Academy?

Why is it light green? Like aloe vera gel?

The staff asked Nuki to stand up, opened the double walls, and began to apply the medicine all over Nuki's body.

When the medicine was applied, Nuki could feel the coolness on his skin.

There was also a faint fragrance, like the fragrance of mint.

If you have to say the feeling, it is similar to lotion, which is quite comfortable.

After applying it all.

Nuki looked at his skin reflecting green light and felt a little awkward.

Like an avatar.

But it didn't last too long.

Ten minutes later, the green on the skin disappeared, and it looked like it was absorbed.

Touching the skin again, it was a little moister than before, but there was no other feeling.

But Nuki was not so anxious.

After all, no matter how you think about it, the medicine can't be effective as soon as it is applied.

If your skin tightens immediately after applying it,

That's not medicine, but magic from the Starry Anime.

Nukić was assigned to the drug group and didn't need to exercise.

So after applying the medicine.

He could go downstairs and have breakfast leisurely.

Then he sat on a recliner, basking in the sun and watching the volunteers in the exercise group exercise.

After lunch, he took a nap, woke up and browsed his phone comfortably, and it was time for dinner.

After dinner in the evening, he applied the medicine again.

That's how the day ended.

When Nukić sent the video recorded on the first day to his son.

His son edited it and posted it on a foreign video website.

The title was also particularly explosive "Former NBA professional player, encountered these during the drug trial at Starry Academy..."

Tutu also mastered the skills of the title party.

Foreign netizens are undoubtedly very concerned about the experiment of the new drug at Starry Academy.

So once the edited video was released, it immediately became popular on the website and attracted countless attention.

And watching Nukić's first day of volunteer life.

Countless netizens were amazed and jealous.

Isn't this life so comfortable?

All three meals a day are prepared by Xingchen students, and the dishes are so rich that they may not be repeated in a month.

Every day, except applying medicine in the morning and evening and taking photos and records.

There is nothing else to do.

Sunbathing, chatting with foreigners, reading books and browsing mobile phones, the day passed so easily.

The most important thing is that there is money to be earned, which is simply a paid vacation.

Many applicants who were not selected were very uncomfortable, as if they had lost 100 million.

However, the treatment of volunteers at Xingchen Academy has always been very good.

So most people's focus is still on the new drugs of Xingchen Academy.

Want to know what the effect is.

But everyone also knows that nothing can be seen on the first day.

So they are more focused on the subsequent changes.

Want to see how long it will take to see the effect.


Although Nukiqi's life is leisurely. .

But he has been restricted to the clinical trial park and cannot go out.

Even if he plays with his mobile phone every day there.

After staying there for four or five days, he can't help but feel a little irritable.

Nukić was chatting with a few foreigners. He felt that he had been taking the medicine for five days, but he didn't feel any changes in his skin.

He looked down and saw that his belly was still drooping like a skirt, and he had to tuck it into his pants.

When he raised his arms, they looked like elephant ears, still loose.

He asked the other people and they didn't feel any changes.

This made Nukić suspicious.

Could it be that the new medicine of Xingchen Academy was useless and failed?

But it was only five days, so he couldn't be too anxious.

So Nukić still resisted the urgency in his heart.

But when it was the seventh day.

Except that the drooping skin didn't look as dry as before and was much more moist, there was still no sign of tightening.

This time, it was not just Nukić.

Many volunteers were a little restless.

On the Internet, because of live broadcasts, many volunteers took videos.

So the outside world could also clearly see the process of the clinical trial.

In a week, most netizens went from expectation to confusion.

Because the volunteers in the video basically did not change in this week.

The skin was almost drooping, and it seemed that there was no trend of shrinking.

You know, the previous experiment of Xingchen weight loss pills had already reduced several kilograms in a week.

Could Xingchen Academy's new drug really fail?

Or is the effect not as good as expected, or is it completely ineffective for the human body?

For a while, there were countless discussions.

There are even many self-media that have jumped out to announce that the clinical trial of Xingchen Academy's new drug is not effective and may fail.

The volunteers in the clinical park who originally trusted Xingchen's new drug were also a little restless.

Finally, after lunch, they found the scientific researcher in charge of the park.

They expressed their confusion.

The scientific researcher was Ling Yu.

Responsible for collecting and analyzing the specific data of the clinical trial of the new drug.

At this moment, seeing the volunteers running in front of him, he immediately looked at everyone with some confusion.

When he understood the purpose of the visit, Ling Yu smiled immediately.

It turns out that it was because the effect was not obvious, and I was a little anxious.

Ling Yu closed the notebook in front of him and explained calmly: "It is normal that there was no effect in the first week."

"The effect of the drug in the first week is to penetrate and maintain the skin."

"Because the skin loses fat support and becomes loose, it will be particularly dry, just like paper. I think you should all have a deep understanding of this, right?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Their skin is like this.

Those sagging skins are different from normal skin.

It is particularly dry and rough, especially for foreigners with large pores, which is like sandpaper.

It is precisely because it is too dry that even if you walk around casually, it is easy to cause abrasions and inflammation.

Seeing that everyone understood, Ling Yu continued: "The effect of the drug in the first week is to help your skin recover to a state where it can remain moist and smooth..."

"And the elastic fibers in the dermis that were originally stretched to the point of being nearly broken are also constantly recovering their functionality in this process."

"Depending on each person's physical condition, this preparation time will be about one week to ten days."

"This period is called the preparation period by us."

"And after the preparation period is over, the elastic fibers in the dermis that have restored their functions will start to work, helping the moist skin to regain its firmness and gradually shrink."

"I think you should be able to feel that your skin is getting better and better these days?"

"This is the skin recovering."

Hearing this, the volunteers who were originally somewhat skeptical couldn't help but look at their drooping skin.

Thinking carefully, they found that it was indeed as Ling Yu said.

Before, they only paid attention to whether their skin had tightened.

But they didn't notice that their skin condition had indeed improved a lot without them noticing.

Before, they would also apply lotion to dry skin, but it was not very useful.

It may dry up again in half an hour, which is extremely painful and tedious.

But what about now?

It seems that except for applying ointment in the morning and evening, even if they don’t apply lotion, their skin will not be scratched.

The skin is not like sandpaper, as if it can be torn like paper with a little force.

That’s right, how can paper-like skin shrink?

It is indeed reasonable to restore the skin itself first.

At this time.

The doubts in everyone’s hearts disappeared, and they were all a little embarrassed.

Sorry for the previous doubts.

While feeling sorry, they are also more looking forward to the next Linchuan experiment.

Because it has been a week, the next period should be the contraction period of the skin! (End of this chapter)

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