Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 450: The Architecture Research Class is also going to ship?

On the Internet, there are many discussions about whether Xingchen Academy can be used as an anti-aging drug for the skin.

For humans, anti-aging has always been an unavoidable topic.

People have always been particularly anxious about aging.

It can even be said that it is by selling anxiety about aging that the skin care market has grown so big.

But even if these skin care products are big brands, their functions can only be said to be metaphysical.

The whitening effect may be good.

But anti-aging and wrinkle-free?

It depends on luck.

In this case, if Xingchen Academy's new drug can solve the wrinkles and sagging caused by aging.

It will definitely make a sensation around the world.

The money earned is definitely hundreds of times more than simply helping people who lose weight to restore skin firmness...

After all, not everyone needs to lose weight.

But everyone will age one day.

In the face of aging, even if internal aging cannot be delayed.

It is worth delaying it on the outside.

By then, almost every human being is a potential consumer.

I dare not imagine how big the market can be.

This may also be one of the reasons why Xingchen weight loss pills are so popular.

In addition to the discussion about anti-wrinkle.

Many pregnant women were also excited and looked forward to the new drug of Xingchen Academy.

As we all know, pregnancy has a great impact on the abdominal skin.

After giving birth, women's belly will be loose and produce a lot of wrinkles.

For many women, this is the most terrible thing about pregnancy.

After all, most women love beauty.

If the new drug of Xingchen Academy can help them restore their postpartum figure and even eliminate stretch marks.

That would definitely be a big surprise.

In short, the attention of people who pay attention to it for various reasons has made the attention of Xingchen Academy's new drug reach its peak.

It is even more popular than the previous Xingchen weight loss drug.

Countless manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry are in their hearts.

If the new drug of Xingchen Academy can really do what netizens expect.

Then the income must be unprecedented, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most profitable drug in history.

In short, the whole network is boiling.

It has brought unimaginable heat to the new drug of Xingchen Academy.

They are all eagerly looking forward to the clinical trials of Xingchen's new drug.

Speculations whether it will be live broadcast like last time.

The outside world is very excited.

Ye Chen is in a good mood.

The new drug is finally available, as long as the efficacy is good.

With the current market demand, it will naturally bring huge revenue to Xingchen Academy.

This is undoubtedly very important for Ye Chen, who will start to exchange more science and technology and scientific research related majors this year.

This new drug was not developed suddenly.

Last summer, when Ye Chen went to the United States to discuss cooperation with major pharmaceutical giants, Ye Chen mentioned that the new drug had entered the end of the research and development stage.

This is also the main reason why the major giants chose to cooperate.

After more than half a year, the new drug finally reached the clinical stage.

Ye Chen is not too worried about the upcoming clinical trials.

Because Ye Chen often comes to inspect during the animal experiment stage.

The effect is indeed very good.

However, at this moment, Ye Chen looked at the high expectations on the Internet and was a little confused.

Delay skin aging and eliminate wrinkles?

It is almost blown up as an omnipotent anti-aging drug.

But how is this possible.

Because it is not a question of principle at all.

Human skin is divided into three layers, namely the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

The reason why aging occurs is that as we age, the elastic fibers and collagen that make up the dermis decrease, become thicker, and age...

And the skin is loose due to obesity.

The skin tissue of the epidermis is stretched, and the elastic fibers of the dermis are stretched to the extreme, making it difficult to recover on their own.

But there is no problem with the composition of the skin itself.

The principle of our new drug is to apply it to the elastic fibers of the dermis to help it regain elasticity, thereby stimulating the skin to contract and recover.


New drugs cannot solve the problem of aging.

Maybe it can be a little useful, but it is definitely not much.

However, the problem that pregnant women are concerned about is that the new drug can solve it.

Because the essence of the problem is the same as excessive obesity, the skin is stretched too much and it is difficult to recover on its own.

Through our new drug, it can indeed achieve rapid recovery.

Ye Chen thinks this is very good.

Our new drug can help pregnant women solve postpartum problems and relieve anxiety.

This can dispel many women's concerns about childbirth.

There are definitely some benefits to the increase in fertility rate.

In short, Ye Chen is very optimistic about the market prospects of new drugs.

Related supporting factories have also begun preparations.

The area next to Xingchen New District belongs to another county.

However, the county has begun to cheer for the upcoming merger with Tianhai City.

For the factory to be built here, it is directly given the best policy, and even fireworks were set off when the contract was signed.

After all, once the Xingchen factory is opened, it will inevitably bring a large number of employed people.

Under the same scale, the number of workers required by the Xingchen factory is more than twice that of the same level factory.

Because the Xingchen factory does not work overtime, it strictly works in three shifts of eight hours, only one shift a day, and the night shift has 1.5 times the salary.

At the same time, there are weekends, annual holidays, and holidays.

Even if factory production cannot be stopped, overtime work on holidays will be paid twice as much, and the overtime hours will be accumulated as paid leave.

You can take it together with your annual leave when you are not busy, and you can take it for more than half a month at a time.

In other factories, making money depends entirely on working overtime.

In the factories affiliated with Star College, the basic salary is high enough, and you can earn a starting income of 8,000 yuan without having to work overtime.

Ordinary employees in most factories have no time to rest at all throughout the year except for a few days off during the Chinese New Year.

But the employees of Xingchen Factory can travel and take the whole family when they have time.

The difference in treatment is really huge.

This also resulted in the Xingchen Diet Pill Factory’s turnover rate being unimaginably low.

Situations like running away with a bucket will never happen in Xingchen Factory.

Once there is a vacancy for external recruitment, there will be a huge crowd of people immediately, with hundreds of people applying for a worker quota.

It looks like the state-owned enterprises era, when everyone was proud to be a worker and competed to get into the factory.

It is precisely because of this.

Only then will news often appear about factory labor shortages, and young people are unwilling to enter factories.

But there is no shortage of people in the factory of Star College.

As long as the money is enough, there will naturally be no shortage of people.

In addition to the good news that biological experiments brought Ye Chen new drugs.

There is also good news coming from the scientific research class of civil engineering and construction majors.

Majoring in civil engineering, he is developing a new building material related to sound insulation.

After the New Year, students in the scientific research class return to school early to conduct scientific research, full of motivation.

Unexpectedly, there would be a key technological breakthrough before the school started.

Although various parameters still cannot reach the desired standards.

But those are just a matter of time.

As long as it succeeds, it will definitely bring disruptive changes to today's real estate market.

These news undoubtedly made Ye Chen more aware of the importance of scientific research.

And beyond that.

For the film and television major, there are a large number of project applications after the new semester.

Started to get involved in online dramas and online movies.

The scripts are very interesting and touch on various fields.

Moreover, the cost is not high, and there is no need for investment from the college. The creative funds of the film and television majors can be fully covered.

Even the creative capital pool is getting more and more the more it is used.

Ye Chen doesn't doubt that if this continues, the creative funds for film and television majors alone will one day reach tens of billions.

In addition, there are also new projects in the game major.

Students began to experiment in more types and directions, and the difficulty and scale of game production also increased accordingly.

As for music majors, they are not idle either.

The students’ professionalism has long been recognized.

In addition to composing and providing soundtracks for the professional works of brothers in this college.

There are also outside agencies who come to book songs for their own singers.

But it’s basically impossible to get an appointment.

Because these brokerage companies are not honest.

Songs professionally created by Xingchen Music have a strict sharing system for lyrics, composers and singers.

But most brokerage companies are simply not willing to share money.

For example, if you earn 100,000 yuan at a time, if you have to give 30,000 yuan to others, it will make them feel more uncomfortable than cutting meat.

Do whatever you can to get this money secret.

There are too many of these people.

Even though he had the support of the college to file a lawsuit, it was too troublesome.

Xingchen students simply refused to cooperate with them.

Anyway, my own singer is enough.

Star Academy has entered a new semester amid big news.


The official website of Xingchen Laboratory actually publishes the list of candidates.

Because there are so many people signing up.

Star Academy has added another group of volunteers.

The new group of volunteers required are overweight and obese people.

You will be taking diet pills to lose weight and applying new skin tightening drugs at the same time.

Check whether this can affect the skin's recovery speed and effect.

But even so, there were only eighty people.

Most of the four groups are Chinese.

But each group also has four places for foreigners.

They are white men and white women, black men and black women.

To test whether new drugs have different effects on various races.

However, the foreigners who can participate in the experiment are carefully selected.

They must be from developed countries, and secondly, they must be rich and famous, and they must not have a criminal record.

When the list is announced.

It immediately caused an uproar.

Those who won the lottery were very excited.

Those who were not selected just sighed with regret.

I lost the opportunity to be a volunteer. I don’t know how long it will take to buy medicine in the future.

It's a pity, it's really a pity.

But what is even more surprising is that Xingchen Laboratory announced the volunteer selection list at the same time.

It was also included in the announcement, replying to what netizens had been paying attention to.

The first thing to clarify is that the new drug from Star Academy has no obvious improvement effect on skin sagging caused by aging.

Secondly, it shows that Xingchen's new medicine is helpful for women's postpartum care.

But everything must be subject to the results of clinical trials.

Looking at the announcement, many middle-aged people with unrealistic expectations were extremely disappointed.

But this is actually reasonable.

After all, if the medicine from Star Academy can really fight aging, it would be a miracle medicine.

But the new medicine from Star Academy can help women recover after childbirth. This is really good news.

Giving birth is a very painful thing.

It is not over after giving birth.

It will take at least one or two years of hard work to restore the belly skin.

Now the new drug of Xingchen Academy can help solve the problem.

For most women, it is the best news.

But the premise of everything is that Xingchen's new drug is really effective.

Although everyone thinks it is reliable.

But after all, it will feel safe only if you see the effect in real life.

So everyone is looking forward to the next clinical trial.

The clinical trial is scheduled to start next week.

At the same time, as before, there is no need to keep it confidential.

Volunteers can broadcast live, shoot videos, and share the process of clinical trials with the outside world.

On the Internet in the United States.

The discussion about Xingchen's new drug is even more lively than that in China.

After all, in terms of obesity rate and obesity degree.

The United States is enough to rank in the top ten in the world.

For Xingchen's new drug, they have the greatest demand.

When the list of volunteers was announced.

The netizens in the United States were all brightened.

Because there are four people in the United States who were selected.

And they are all very famous, or they were very famous before.

For example, there are two white girls. One was a child star. She was very popular and had high hopes. However, when she was in high school, she became fat after she got sick. It was a pity.

The other was a former singer, and she was close to the status of a queen.

Then she started to gain weight when she reached middle age, and finally she simply gave up and stopped managing her figure. She became so fat that her former fans doubted her life.

The other two men.

One is also an actor.

The other is former NBA player Nurkic.

The four selected are actually celebrities.

And the four are undoubtedly very excited about being selected.

After all, after being selected, not only can they solve skin problems without surgery and leave ugly scars.

They can also get huge attention.

This is definitely a good thing for them.

After all, it is the same all over the world now. As long as you are famous and popular, it will be easier to make money.


"I was actually selected. I almost decided to have surgery."

In a big house in Los Angeles, the former white star Nurkic was very excited.

Since he retired, he has not been training, nor has he controlled his diet. He indulged in drinking and eating fried food.

All these caused his weight to soar rapidly.

At his peak, he weighed 400 kilograms with a height of 2.1 meters.

Standing there was like a wall of flesh, full of oppression.

Even the bedroom door had to be enlarged because of this, otherwise it would be impossible to enter.

But with the weight guarantee, various diseases also followed.

It made Nukić particularly painful.

But it was really too difficult to get up and lose weight after slacking off.

Nukić almost had liposuction at that time.

As a result, the Xingchen diet pill was released that year.

Nukić bought the pills from scalpers at a high price without hesitation, and successfully lost weight to 200 kilograms.

For a 2.1-meter-tall man, 200 kilograms is not heavy.

But the skin loosening caused by rapid weight loss, abrasions caused by skin friction, infection and inflammation, have become Nukić's new troubles.

Nukić doesn't care much about his appearance, and a few scars don't matter.

So I have already made an appointment with the doctor for surgery.

But I didn't expect that I would win the lottery...

This luck couldn't be better.

And Nuki's wife and children are also happy for Nuki.

At the same time, it is suggested that Nuki should start a live broadcast or write a column to earn some extra money when he is a volunteer.

After all, although he made a lot of money as a star, he squandered it for so many years, and the U.S. stock market circuit breaker some time ago made Nuki's assets decrease rapidly.

Now this opportunity is rare, so of course he should not miss it... (End of this chapter)

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