Chapter 301: Chapter CXXI - A Month Later (part 2)
The headmaster… is currently out.
Everyone knows this, hence everyone also knows that his room will be empty.
We all decided to head to the headmasters office by sneaking in, without the black robes obviously. Because robbing the headmasters office in broad daylight wearing black robes doesn't seem suspicious at all.
Ah, right... Time.
A month has passed ever since I healed my charred skin, and not much has really happened ever since.
Class E has been training non stop at our own private training ground. And thanks to our secret training, the teachers were very much surprised by the sudden change in the students' abilities.
And whenever we were asked how we were able to grow this quickly, we always threw the blame to Miss Malindey, the Magic Aptitude class teacher. As a result, I escaped the spotlight every time.
Aside from physical training, we also hold classes on the training ground's secret base, where I taught them some stuff about mathematics and stuff about controlling magic energy.
It's funny, because despite them being the last class position, they had this large talent to learn extremely fast. Right now, they had fully mastered algebra and thought about it on a daily basis. We are entering geometry right around now, which is supposed to be a second semester thing.
All the teachers who are teaching us were extremely shocked and awed. But in the end, they all had one suspect for the cause of all of these.
The headmaster was gone just a week after I came, and he completely gave a ton of work to me, like asking me to teach an empty class that he himself was supposed to be filling, which is about magic energy consumption.
I had to put on a disguise to teach them, and funnily, it was Milly's class.
A third year's class.
That day was hell, but in the end everyone managed to get the knowledge. My teaching was actually pretty good since I do have plenty of experience in it with teaching class E. But, the academy managed to get a more proper teacher to replace me, so I only have to do that once.
But… I have guessed that the headmaster will definitely send me to more classes in the future…
His assistant, Plauren, was in an even worse situation. I think he just complained to me two days ago when I told him about my work, that he hasn't slept for three days doing some paperwork for the headmaster.
And that was two days ago… who knows if the guy actually slept since then. If he doesn't, uhm…
I kind of feel bad for him. I did most of the headmaster's physical work, while Plauren did all the secretary's stuff, like paperwork. And it's… pretty clear which one is heavier.
During this one month, I have been visiting the healing magic club room every weekend on Sunday. I couldn't visit the room everyday because I have a whole classroom to train.
The day after I showed myself to the committee members at that roof, I approached Milly and told her I'm the red hood.
She was mildly shocked, but somehow she had some guesses already when she saw me on the roof the first time.
And just like that, the connection between the mysterious red hood and the committee members became easier. The committee members reported sightings of the demons' activities at the academy to me and I immediately investigated.
Unfortunately, until now, we couldn't spot any demons nor capture them. They are always one step ahead from us every time we move in to catch them. But, the signs that they are here and doing stuff do exist.
The committee and I haven't given up. If anything, we thought for sure the demons are getting more active.
But, all that will have to wait.
Because in one week, the mid-semester exams will finally start.
Damn… I've only been here for nearly one and a half months, and I already met with the mid-semester exams. Technically for everyone else, it's already two and a half months, which is normal for mid-semester exams to arrive.
Everyone in class E is looking forward to the exam so they can crush their enemies and punch their way to class A. Though despite knowing how confident they are, I myself wasn't quite confident.
I don't think everyone will be able to move on to class A. Some of them will wind up in class B. But, at least I know no one will end up in class C or lower.
Though, I have never seen class A's abilities before. Which is surprising, considering how obnoxious I have been moving around in this academy. And yet, I haven't found out the top student in my year.
Top student of my year… heh, how weak is that person going to be?
While thinking about all that stuff, I didn't realize we had arrived in front of the headmasters room.
Kelmar led the brave little group inside the room by touching the door knob and got teleported in. Everyone else followed until I'm the last one.
But as soon as I touched the door knob, my vision turned black.
It's… different from when I normally get teleported to the headmasters office without him noticing me.
This feels... wrong.
"Well, what do you know... Someone actually made it in."
A voice came behind me in this dark place. I turned around and in front of me was a male student.
He was lying on a couch and reading a book. His blue hair was combed from the front to the top, and his bright dark blue eyes were studying my every move.
The sofa and the table are easily viewable, even with all the darkness around us.
Just what is this place…?
"Congratulations. You made it inside the headmaster's secret room. Come, sit down."
The boy said while fixing his sitting position and pointed at the sofa across him.
Feeling confused, I had no choice but to follow him and sat on the sofa across from him.
"What is this place?"
I asked him, and he rolled his eyes back.
"I just told you. This is the headmaster's secret room. Only me and the headmaster know about this room, and only the two of us can access it. And the fact that you can enter, means that you somehow got him to give you access to it... Impressive."
Access? Secret room?
"... How do I get out?"
"Calm down. This room is comfortable. No one can annoy you here. And the fact that you are here… simply means that the headmaster recognizes you, and that you are strong…
Aren't you…? Rize Violet?"
He knows me.
This is getting more and more amiss by the second.
"Who are you?"
The boy then returned his glare back at me. And I can sense a slight heavy pressure coming from his glare.
He is strong… and annoying.
"Arfius Polaris, but you can call me 'Arfy'."
"... All right, 'Arfius'. How do I leave this place?"
His glare turned into hatred immediately. I can sense him getting pissed from a mile away.
This is not good. If he gets pissed, I won't be able to leave this space. Yet, I just can't let myself be nice with this guy. I don't know why, but call it instinct.
"You can leave if you want to. Just thought about leaving, and you will be transported out. Very easy."
He leaned his back to the couch again and continued reading his book, as if losing interest in me completely.
I followed what he said and focused on asking to leave in my mind.
And all of the sudden, everything around me turned bright. And I arrived at the headmasters office… his normal one.