Chapter 300: Chapter CXXI - A Month Later (part 1)
A dark room.
It's always the place where shady people like to group up and talk about shady things. Because the room itself is shady.
Until someone turned on the light.
"Yo! Keep the lights off!"
"Oh! Sorry, senior!"
The shady woman with black robes quickly turned off the lights again after being barked at by her senior, who was also wearing the shady black robes.
Aside from the two, there are three other members of the shady cult. And of course, they are about to discuss something super shady.
The leader turned on the candle placed on the carpet floor. The dim light from the candle was able to illuminate the faces of the shady people very clearly.
"Today… We are going to talk about something very serious."
The female leader spoke with a heavy tone. From the deep voice, anyone can tell she is going to say something very important and serious. The other members listened to her very carefully.
"We... The cult under the shadows..."
The leader moved her hand around the candle, and played around with the burning flame on the candle.
"… Will be deciding our future leader!"
Suddenly the light turned on again. The girl who previously turned the lights on and off, walked back to the switch and turned the light on again.
She took off her hood, showing her glasses and blonde hair completely.
"Come on! I thought it was something more important."
"Yeah, I thought we were going to raid the... Headmaster's office or something."
Another voice came from another member. It's a male with glasses, and his face looks pretty disappointed.
"Now, now. This is also important! Though that is a good idea, Kelmar-"
"Lezlia, we prepared all this ritual crap… for leader picking?"
Another female, Filma, took off her hood and spoke angrily. She was expecting something much more serious because all these were suddenly set up by the leader.
By the way, the room has been completely transformed by our beautiful and funny leader. The sofas were moved away, and the middle of the room is clear from any object. Only a single candle was placed on top of the carpet.
It's dangerous as hell, we all know. But, they already placed a fire extinguisher next to the door, in a special case where the candle flame drops to the carpet and burns the entire building.
If that happens, it sounds like a fun event.
"Please, Filma! You can't be thinking that a club without a new leader isn't important. Right, Rize?"
Lezlia turned to me for support, but I only showed a very demeaning and disappointed expression at her.
"You don't have to be that disappointed!!"
"Okay, okay. Lezlia, move back the sofas please."
Kelmar stood up and went to the sofas. Lezlia and Megisca also moved to aid him in moving the sofas, while me and Filma prepared some drinks on the table outside the living room.
After resetting the room back to normal, we all sat down on the sofa. I sat next to Filma, Megisca and Kelmar sat on the single sofa on our left and right, while the leader was being left out on the long couch.
Lezlia placed the torch candle on top of the table that was placed in the middle of our sofas, but Kelmar knocked the candle away with a fast and fabulous air kick.
"Hey!! That candle can damage the wall!"
"How can a candle damage a wall--"
He stopped his sentence as his gaze fell on the candle, being completely stuck on the wall. The candle was sticking to the wall with its butt in and the candle wick out.
"Wow... At least now we have a wall torch."
Filma added, and Megisca chuckled. Kelmar went ahead to the wall while looking down and tried pulling the candle out. But he somehow failed, and the candle got snapped in half, leaving one half on his hand and another on the wall, not possible to be pulled.
Kelmar went back to his sofa and placed... the half candle on top of the table. He then turned his annoyed gaze at Lezlia, who seemed to be holding her laugh. Then all of the sudden, she coughed really hard.
"Uhuk!! Anyways! We are going to talk about a new leader!"
"I vote for Megisca."
I lifted my right arm and spoke out, which immediately made Megisca widely surprised.
"I vote against Megisca."
Kelmar immediately rejected my vote, which immediately disappointed Megisca. The two of us were having sparks between our eyes as we glared at one another.
Filma, however, remains nonchalant.
"Hmm… The two of you are fighting the votes out, huh… Which means Megisca is down to zero votes! It's up to me to decide, then!"
Wait… How does that even work?
"Hmm... Let's see. Filma, what will you do if you become the leader?"
"I will certainly get more members than you."
Somehow, Lezlia is a little bit taken aback by that answer. She expected Filma to be nicer towards her, but after being let down like that earlier, Filma had no intention of being nice.
"That's... annoyingly rude, but acceptable. Megisca, what about you?"
She turns to Megisca who is exchanging death glares with her senior, Kelmar.
She quickly snapped when she felt a bloodlust from Lezlia and turned her gaze at the leader after coughing.
"... Right. I will certainly do my best."
"That's for sure, but I mean--What will you do?"
"I will do my best."
"No I mean, specifically... What 'thing' will you do?"
"I will do every 'thing' at best."
Megisca seemed to be very proud of her answer while Lezlia smacked her face with both of her palms.
The leader turned her gaze at me, as if once again asking for my vote.
"I'm no longer voting for Megisca."
Megisca seemed to be quite shocked seeing my sudden betrayal, and Kelmar can only cough while chuckling.
"Then... anyone who will vote for Filma?"
Lezlia lifted her hand up, followed by me and Kelmar. And just like that, Filma is the future leader of the healing magician club.
"No fair..."
Megisca seemed to be quite sad, so Filma stood up and hugged her.
"Don't worry... You are still my vice command..."
"I don't want to be vice commander... I want to be the new leader..."
"Why do you want to be a leader?"
"So I can prove to that scary ass that I'm a better healer!"
Megisca didn't actually want to talk that loudly. She thought only Filma heard her. She only thought that it was only Filma she was talking with.
It never comes across her mind that everyone else is also listening. Everyone, including that 'scary ass'.
The leader coughed to break the silence, and Megisca quickly skipped a heartbeat.
"Anyways, Filma will be the leader from now on. Me and Kelmar will still be here for the next few weeks. Hell, we might still come even until the year ends. But, our role ends after the mid-semester. Got it?"
The ex-leader said coldly to everyone else, and we all nodded.
"You guys will still come here even after the mid-semesters?"
I asked her while she was letting out a breath.
"Yeah. Even though the academy prohibits any third year club activities after the mid-semester event, we from the healing club are basically like doctors to them already. We can come and do things here anytime we want."
"Oh, I see... Privileges."
After that explanation to me, Kelmar slapped close his book and stood up. Megisca and Filma quickly got startled by his sudden book slap.
"Now that we got that settled, let's raid the headmaster's room."
"Wait! What the hell!?"
Megisca and Lezlia suddenly shouted together, making Filma extremely confused. I can only follow with a grin, knowing that I have been in there so many times.