Unlasting World

Chapter 295: Chapter CXVIII - A Meeting Under The Moonlight (part 2)

"That's… one powerful leap..."


The male senior muttered as I left their vision. Milly can only let out a sigh of relief.


"Well, at least now we are confident we can take those demons on."


"Yeah… I hope that guy wasn't just all talk."


The other female said as she put her hood back on.


"Do you think that guy is a guy or a gal? Because I really couldn't tell, but the voice sounds really light."


"Does it even matter!? Come on, let's tell everyone."


The two other seniors leaped away, leaving Milly alone. She gazed up before putting on her hood and followed.


The three seniors who confronted me quickly made their way to meet the other committee members and told them about what happened. Meanwhile, I had to walk all the way from the gymnasium to the dorm by myself. It was horribly silent at night now that everyone had already returned to their dorms.


Arriving at my dorm, I quickly drowned my face on the pillow and fell asleep. With my academy clothes on. I might regret this, but I'm too tired to take them off, so let's just go with it.




Today is club day.


And… I have no clubs.


Jericho and Manda had suggested the healing magic club to me because I can use healing magic, so that's my first target to check out.


After all, my goal here is to sharpen my healing magic so I can obtain the emperor tier healing magic. That way, I can regrow limbs… and I can return the favor to that guy.


Let's just hope that the members of the healing club actually know how to tier it up.


Sunday is very busy in the club's building. The building is located behind the gymnasium that is placed behind the labs building. It's the third layer of the building stacks on the left of the middle building, and it's definitely far away from the girls' dorms.


Luckily, the building was superbly large. The width alone is twice the class building, but there's only three floors, whereas the classes building had four. The shape is nearly circular like an oval, and the rooms are divided fairly.


The lobby looks like a goddamn plaza. A water fountain is placed in the middle and the space above it goes all the way to the top where the sun shines through the glass at the ceiling. The stairs are placed behind the fountain, and every floor has the same location for the stairs. There are seats right next to the fountain, and all around the lobby. This lobby really is like a mall's.


On the right side of the fountain, there is a small mini-map of the club's building. It described every floor detailly and wrote them very clearly.


"Let's see… Healing magic club… third floor…"


My god... It's on the third floor, and at the furthest part of the floor from the stairs.


Why the heck is it so far away from the stairs?


I quickly went up the stairs and walked to the club room. I finally arrived in the club room and knocked on the door. I looked down as I waited for the person inside to answer, there seemed to be a lot of shoes here, so why is no one answering?


I tried knocking the door again, but louder.




A girl can be heard answering from the inside. 

Here we go. Prepare to meet the female senior!


The door was pulled open in a rush, showing me the scene inside.


"Oh? Welcome to the healing magic club room. How can I help?"


The female senior who opened the door wore these round glasses that looked quite dirty. She wore a white lab coat and had a few stains of blood on it, and her face looked quite tired also.

Her appearance does make me worried, but it might be caused by something else.


"I… I'm sorry, are you busy?"


"K-Kind of."


"Then, I can return later."


I turned my back, but she quickly placed her hand on my shoulder.


"Wait! What is it? Did someone need help?"


"I… I want to join the healing magic club…"


Her face looked confused for a second, and then she finally became shockingly happy.


"F-For real?!? Fuahh!!! A new member!!!"


She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.


"Guys! We have a new member!!"


Ah… Now I have a clear look on the inside of the club room…


This place is a goddamn hospital.


I can see beds in the room, and a lot of injured students sleeping on top of it. They all looked like they had gone through some rough war with a bunch of monsters or something.

What exactly happened here…? Why is everyone wounded?


The senior kept on going deeper into the room and finally arrived at an opened door. I followed her through the door and arrived in a smaller room.


The room is like a library and a storage room combined. Bookshelves with a ton of books are fully covering the walls, while in the middle are some tables filled with some laboratory stuff. Probably to create medicines or something.


On the right is where the storage is at. Tons of boxes and bags randomly thrown there and piled up. And on the left is another door, where the senior is going through right now.


I followed her through that door and... It's another hospital room.


Bloody hell, how big is this club room?


I expected it to be at least smaller than a classroom, but it's unexpectedly bigger.


Well, probably because it wasn't a club room in the first place… It's a goddamn hospital!!

The third room is for the small closed rooms for the patients. Most of them are unoccupied, and I can see from the opened doors that a few of them looked like they were in a coma or something. Seems to be the VIP rooms, for heavily wounded patients.


There are eight rooms in total, and at the end of the hall is yet another door, but this time it's a double door.


And I finally arrived at the real club room.


"Guys! We have a new member~!"


The senior shouted as she entered the real room that belongs to the club. She quickly moved aside and pointed her hands at me as I entered the room.


This room is neat. There's a fireplace at the left side of the door, and the floor is covered with a red carpet. At the right side of the room is a table filled with decorations, while above the table on the wall is a large painting of some random dude.


I nearly lost my balance when my foot took a step forward. There's two steps down right after you enter the room.


"Put your shoes above the steps, that way they won't dirty the carpet!"

The senior told me quite cheerfully, which makes me rather glad.


After doing that, I faced forward at the sofas placed in the middle of the room, where the other members of the healing magic club were sitting down and studying me.


"Well, well, well… And here I thought we won't be having any new members this year!"


Another female shouted from the sofa. She seemed to be the eldest one because her expression shows a really tired face, but who knows. Looks can be deceiving.


"Yeah. I thought we were cursed this year."


A male voice, coming from the left sofa. He fixed his glasses as he studied me while his other hand held open a small book. Looks like a notebook or something, because it's quite small.


"Then we should give her our all on training, don't you think?"


The middle female, the last member on the sofa, is giving me the worst vibe of all. Her mocking tone plus her demeaning look. Her reddish auburn hair was tied on the side and flowing down her right shoulder. Her eyes are showing no friendliness whatsoever.


Something is odd about her. Probably it's her hair. It looks fairly similar to my dark red hair, though hers looked more natural compared to mine.


"Yeah, let's see just how good she is."


The blonde haired glasses senior leaned her hips on the sofa as she and everyone else stared at me.


Looks like... I'm going to be tested.

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