Chapter 294: Chapter CXVIII - A Meeting Under The Moonlight (part 1)
We spent the rest of the day training intensely.
Everyone else learned a lot of things from today's training because this is a lot longer than the normal day training. They are obviously going to miss Saturday training a lot more next week.
When night time came, we all took a rest and spent some time eating at the new base. We all had ordered some meal before we met up at the bottom of the cliff, so that we could eat it at the training site.
And to me, everyone looked quite hungry.
After eating, we continued with the training. I taught them how they can continuously enhance their bodies with magic energy, or a full body enhancing. This is a much easier technique than augmenting with elements, but it's definitely weaker.
But in a battle, who knows what kind of things will happen. Knowing this will surely prove them a large help.
We trained until midnight, which is when everyone became quite tired. Then we finally decided to return.
After training for the whole day, I felt very tired. Not in terms of energy, but tiredness in the mind. I'm just fed up.
I dropped my face on the bed as soon as I entered the room. Then I realized I could use a bath, so I lifted it back up and headed to the bathroom.
After bathing, I changed into a new set of clothes and checked my books to see if there's anything I can read to relieve my mind. At least, I have three more books left to read, so that's something.
The moment I opened my book, I could hear a loud explosion coming outside.
Feeling curious, I closed the book and grabbed my fresh school outfit, and headed out to check.
Arriving in the lobby, I can see tens of female students piling outside the female dorm, gazing up to the sky. I followed their gaze and looked up.
In the sky is a firework explosion that somehow can last quite a long time. The flames in the skies seemed to be resembling a sentence… which says--
"Red Hood…?"
What does it mean?
… Oh…
That's me.
I looked around to see if the person who shot the fireworks was still there. And I can see a single person in white robes and blue hood standing on top of the middle building. On his hand is a wooden wand, and his gaze is searching for something.
"… They must be looking for me."
I quickly went back inside into my dorm room and changed to my black robes that the headmaster gave me. After that, I left from the window.
Using only one wing, I flapped to the top of the class building, waiting for anyone to come.
And as expected, three people landed on the roof.
And they all wore the same blue hooded white robes…
"What the hell... That robe is very similar to ours!"
A male shouted as he removed the hood. He looks to be a senior. I remembered because I fought against plenty of them during my beginning days, and I can't help but remember his face a little bit.
I casted shadow magic to cover my face, like Elmone did when we fought earlier today. Then, I turned my face to them.
"A mask, huh…?"
The female next to him mumbles as she studies me. I tried my very best to not let out too much presence because people can be known just from their presences.
"Hello there, fellow disciplinary committee!"
I spoke with a heavy voice, trying to cover my identity.
"Huh! Fellow, my ass. You are not one of us."
The male seemed to be a little bit of an ass hole, but I get his reason. After all, this robe is a blatant copy of theirs, only with a little edit.
"… True. But I am your ally, am I not?"
"Don't act all cocky because the headmaster--"
The male was quickly stopped by the third person. The third stepped forward and pulled off the hood. Now I can see her face clearly.
It's Milly…?
"The headmaster must have picked you for a reason. And I believe in the headmaster, so I believe in you."
"Would you believe me if that guy smelled like fart?"
Milly lifted her hand again and stopped the senior male from raging, then she shook her head.
"I have no idea who you are, or what you can do. But, we are in a desperate situation right now, so let's leave the jokes aside."
I tilted my head a little.
"The academy has been infiltrated by demons, and it's possible that they will hurt other students. We have lost our vice leader to them, who is known to be in the top five of his year. And the headmaster… he won't be here to aid us when the time comes."
My mind couldn't believe what I just heard.
"I couldn't quite get that last part. Can you repeat it?"
She let out a deep breath.
"The headmaster is leaving tonight. It's possible that… he won't be back until the autumn event."
My heart... skipped a beat.
That asshole… He was actually leaving the academy and dropped all of this to me…
He is dropping all of this…
To me...
Without realizing, a sense of anger and hatred leaked from my emotions into the air, making them feel my anger just for a second. But, it was enough to get them disarrayed.
Some of them even kneeled on the ground due to the loss of strength, while some others managed to stand with just breaking lots of sweat.
I noticed them slightly getting their breaths uncontrolled, so I quickly controlled my emotions.
"Ah, sorry about that! Well, don't worry about him leaving. After all, I'm here."
I said that to quickly calm them down, but in reality, I'm still very much pissed.
Milly chuckled as she controlled her breath again, and everyone else was also controlling themselves.
"That is okay... We too were angry when we learned the headmaster won't be with us. And, it is highly possible that the demons will make their move while he is gone."
"Agreed... Then I will be counting on you, the disciplinary committee, to patrol around the academy for any signs of the demons."
"Why you--"
The male was very easily pissed, and Milly had to calm him down every time. This time, she shot him with a death glare, and he quickly shut himself down.
"That is what we do. And, we are expecting you to be our main source of strength in fighting this with the demons."
"I said don't worry about it. If the headmaster gave this role to me, then he must believe I can take care of it."
I said confidently, and luckily, it hit the mark pretty well. Milly let out a sigh of relief, and the other two stared at each other while grinning.
"Then, how can we contact you? We can't just use a sky message every time."
Sky message? She must be talking about that firework thing she did.
"I'll let you know later. For now, we need to devise a plan. If the demons decide to start doing their vile actions, we must be ready."
"We have already devised a plan, and we are hoping to let you know about it."
"Oh? Then I guess there's no need for me being here. Was there anything else?"
"That's… pretty much it."
"Then, I will take my leave."
But before anyone could stop me, I already leaped away. With a single leap I landed on the middle building, and another leap got me on top of the boys dorm building. I leaped again, and disappeared from their eyes.