Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 312 Okay, okay, this is how you issue a mission, right?

Perhaps for Li Mu, watching science fiction movies is a bit unwise.

After all, for a scientist, there is always something wrong when watching science fiction movies.

Especially this science fiction movie, when the level of rigor is not high enough.

For 99%, or even 100% of science fiction movies, it is impossible to achieve perfection in terms of rigor. After all, artistic processing always involves some human factors.

But for scientists, such imperfections make them feel like they want to complain.

Just like if a real mathematician were to read the clips about proving mathematical conjectures in online articles, he would probably have an expression like [old man on the subway looking at his cell phone.jpg], wondering what the hell did the author write?

Of course, Li Mu still restrained himself from complaining about this movie to Yun Rongshang. Who made him choose this movie? \b

After watching the movie, it was already very late.

Li Mu didn't stay any longer and sent Yun Rongshang back to the house where she currently lives - it's actually not far from the Shanghai City Center Building, just on a street. Of course, this CBD area also has apartments and accommodation buildings. As for house prices and so on...

For their current company, they could still afford this amount of money, so they bought a set for Yun Rongshang directly from the company's account.

After watching Yun Rongshang enter the apartment building, Wang Meng sent Li Mu back to Sheshan Research Institute.

Time passed slowly.

News about room-temperature superconductors is still buzzing, gradually attracting attention from around the world.

People abroad are clamoring for China to disclose the production process and formula, and requesting that people be sent over to learn.

Regarding this situation, Hua Guo said that you can send people over, but only to see how powerful our LSC alloy is. As for learning, it is impossible.

Of course, they don’t need to come over to see it. China has already shot a lot of videos about LSC alloys, and in order to show its superior performance as a room-temperature superconductor, the State Grid Corporation of China has built it in less than half a month. A superconducting transmission line with a total length of 1.67 kilometers is used to detect the input current and output current.

Obviously, after the input current passes through the 1.67-kilometer superconducting transmission line, the output current does not change at all, without any loss.

Of course, there will still be losses. Strictly speaking, the resistance of the superconductor itself is not 0, but it is so small that it is completely negligible. It is almost impossible to measure it. There is no absolutely rigorous experiment that can prove that it is 0. According to It is recognized by the physics community that if the measured resistance value is lower than 10^-25Ω, the resistance can be considered to be 0.

With such a small resistance, it will obviously take a long time for the current inside to be completely lost.

Therefore, after this video was released, it caused a huge response around the world.

How much electricity can be used can be used as much as it is generated. No one can predict what a huge change this will bring to the energy pattern of the world. But for now, people can be sure that such changes will definitely also occur in the future. Subtly affecting the pattern of the world.

As a result, other countries feel even more urgent.

Moreover, this experimental video also highlights one point, that is, the transportation of current no longer requires a transformer. The 220v AC voltage is directly connected, a socket is connected to the input port, and then the actual charger is directly plugged in for charging.

With this function, it may be possible to provide a shared socket under each telephone pole in the future. If your mobile phone or something runs out of power while shopping, you can just plug it in. There is no need for a transformer anyway, thus reducing costs.

In the same way, this makes more sense for laying charging piles. If high-voltage power is transmitted like before, such voltage must be reduced to the corresponding voltage through a transformer before charging can be done. But now, It also saves the cost of the transformer.

Of course, this is obviously bad news for those transformer manufacturers.

But no matter what, under the trend of history, some things will always be eliminated.

Natural selection applies not only to the biological world but also to these things. There will always be something new appearing in an era.

Just like the universal charger back then, now I can only ask "Where is it now?" \b

Obviously, before the trend of the superconducting era is coming, transformers are among the things that will be submerged.

Of course, no matter what, the foreign transformer market will definitely still exist. After all, as long as China does not export large quantities of LSC alloys to the outside world, foreign countries will still need transformers.

As the institution that developed room-temperature superconductors, Sheshan Research Institute has also become famous. It was only slightly famous in domestic academic circles before, but now it is famous all over the world.

Although most people abroad know that Li Mu left Oxford University and returned to China, they do not know where Li Mu went after returning to China. As a result, now I look at it, good guy, it turns out that this Sheshan Research Institute belongs to him, this room temperature Superconductors were also studied by him.

What about specializing in theory?

Why are you suddenly studying the material?

Everyone was shocked.

As a result, many of those foreign friends from back then called Li Mu and expressed their congratulations to him.

However, there are also some people who are "called on orders".

They just wanted to get some detailed information about room-temperature superconductors from Li Mu. Some people even hinted to Li Mu that only by disclosing the synthesis method of LSC alloy would he have a chance to win the Nobel Prize in Physics again.

Of course, there are hints to Li Mu that he can win two more Nobel Prizes in Physics with the help of superconductivity theory and LSC alloys, plus the one in 2022, for a total of three times.

For a person to win three Nobel Prizes in Physics will definitely leave a mark in the history of science.

However, for Li Mu, he had already gotten it once, so he didn't care much at all.

Anyway, winning the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize in Physics at the same time is enough of a highlight, so it doesn't matter at all.

Therefore, he completely ignored the hints of these "friends" and did not explain anything about LSC alloy. He just made it clear that this was indeed researched by him, and then reminded the other party in his words of the original discussion. Academic time.

Let these "friends" feel ashamed for calling him with such ill intentions.

It doesn't matter if I'm not ashamed.

Anyway, Li Mu is not going abroad now.

On the other hand, the spring recruitment of Sheshan Scientific Research Institute has also begun. Although it is relatively late, the atmosphere of this spring recruitment is still extremely hot because of its fame.

However, although it is said to be a spring recruitment, in fact, it only recruits fresh PhD graduates or those who have already graduated, and are interested in becoming postdoctoral fellows. Postdoctoral fellows are not academic qualifications, but can be regarded as a kind of position.

Recruiting these doctoral graduates can naturally be regarded as providing a talent reserve for the scientific research institute, and by the way, they can also be regarded as some odd jobs.

After all, the experts in their research institute always need to do some chores when doing experiments.

In short, this recruitment has directly expanded the number of researchers in their scientific research institute to more than 260, which is quite large on average across several departments.

After the number of people has increased so much, Li Mu no longer considers continuing to expand the number of students. The upper limit is capped at 300 people to ensure that the average level of their scientific research institute is high enough. For now, they do not seek to be among the top in the world, at least in China. Make it so that there are basically no competitors.

"It has been detected that the subject [Electron Behavior Analysis of Material Synthesis Process] has been completed and the simulation space is closed."

The system's voice sounded in his mind, and then Li Mu felt his consciousness automatically withdraw from the simulation space.

Opening his eyes, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

After such a long time, the project he originally set was finally completed. Of course, in fact, he was able to complete it after he synthesized the normal temperature superconductor, but he also prepared the previous The lithium-sulfur battery has also been synthesized, so it has been delayed until now.

Because of this, he didn't feel any regret at the end of this simulation space. \b

"Thanks to the system and my brain computer, I was able to acquire room-temperature superconductors and solid lithium batteries for free."

Li Mu muttered silently in his heart, then opened the computer in front of him, connected it to the computer through his brain computer, and then copied and pasted the article he had already written in his mind into the computer.

All of a sudden, the blank new document in front of me suddenly contained more than 120 pages of content.

Of course, the title is not called "Analysis of Electronic Behavior of Materials Synthesis Process", but directly named "Principles of Electronic Behavior of Materials" by him.

His paper perfectly explains the impact of various behaviors of electrons on the various properties of materials.

Inverse reasoning based on these behaviors can help people determine how the electrons in the material should behave when trying to synthesize a material, and then choose a synthesis method.

Although it will still be troublesome, at least to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a microscopic theoretical guide for material synthesis.

From this point alone, it has epoch-making significance for the entire material world.

And the most important thing is that this theory also reveals many phenomena that scientists have not discovered in the past. These phenomena can be regarded as directly observed by Li Mu with the "naked eye" in the simulation space. After all, the simulation space can allow He directly sees the microscopic world, and naturally he is able to see phenomena that are invisible to real microscopes.

Then he can deduce it using mathematics combined with experimental data.

This will bring a new horizon to the entire materials science.

In addition, his theory is also a blessing for computational materials science.

Since the birth of density functional theory, computational materials science has gradually begun to rise. Now, his article "Principles of Electronic Behavior of Materials" will once again bring a major guiding theory to computational materials science.

So it is conceivable that computational materials science will fall into madness again in the future.

However, we have to wait for Li Mu to publish this paper first.

Of course, Li Mu didn't have the intention to do it yet, because the system's voice sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the task [New material synthesis theory]"

"The completion of this mission has brought 30,000 energy points to the upgrade. The current upgrade progress is 45,787/150,000."

Li Mu's eyes lit up, 30,000 energy points, not bad.

Unfortunately, there are no additional rewards this time.

However, immediately after, the system issued the next task.

"The computing power upgrade task is promulgated——"

【Practice of new theory】

[Task introduction: Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Whether a theory is correct or not needs to be verified in practice. 】

[Task purpose: Use "Principles of Electronic Behavior of Materials" to develop a new material. 】

After reading this task, Li Mu just stared.

Damn it, it turned out to be waiting for him here!

Using the simulation space of this topic, he obtained room-temperature superconductors and solid electrolytes for free. As a result, he was asked to use this theory to re-research a new material.

"Made, I have also practiced room-temperature superconductors and solid electrolytes, so why don't they count?"

"Okay, okay, this is how you issue a mission, right?"

Li Mu complained wildly, but the system said it couldn't hear him.

In the end, Li Mu had no choice but to accept this fact.

Okay, just research.

Before that, please send this paper out first.

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