Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 311 Just change the pattern of the battery industry

Pengzu Company has now occupied almost half of the 33rd floor of the Shanghai Central Building as the company's headquarters.

Of course, although they are nominally a life technology company, they are currently focusing on the same product, which is the RSCA anti-thrombotic drug.

However, even with such a drug, their company's valuation has reached more than ten digits. In China, RSCA anti-thrombotic drugs have basically become a must-have drug during surgery, and this is even more true abroad, especially In those developed countries, no matter what, just use the best. Bayer, which is responsible for sales in Europe and the United States, has set the price of RSCA quite high, which is much higher than the previously used third-generation anti-thrombotic drugs. Quite a few.

Although in terms of cost, RSCA is not more expensive than the third generation anti-thrombotic drugs, but for people in Europe and the United States, expensive is good, and it has been widely accepted.

Otherwise, there would be a situation where people would not dare to take free vaccines.

Of course, according to foreign capital habits, medications are of course expensive. In addition, doctors also like to use RSCA, so there is a saying circulating in the medical community, which is very good, RSCA has Dominated the operating room.

Even if other anti-thrombotic drugs are used during the operation to take care of the business of other anti-thrombotic drugs, the surgeons will habitually prepare RSCA in case of emergency.

"...Currently, RSCA's annual net profit in China is 1.4 billion yuan. This is mainly because we are covered by medical insurance. If we were not covered by medical insurance, the net profit might be higher."

In the office, Yun Rongshang is very familiar with the company's financial data.

Based on the effect of RSCA, even if you are not covered by medical insurance, the sales volume will not be much lower. Of course, if you are covered by medical insurance, the sales scope will be able to cover almost all hospitals in the country, and the sales volume will increase exponentially.

Li Mu was lying on the chair. This chair was usually occupied by Yun Rongshang, but when he came today, Yun Rongshang gave it to him.

"Enroll in medical insurance, then enroll in medical insurance. In our country, if you can help more patients, help more patients. By the way, you can also support the country's medical insurance."

"We don't control the overseas sales, let Bayer do it themselves." Li Mu said, "They will definitely make money."

After all, they took away a lot of profits. If Bayer didn't make more money, how could it be willing to spend so much effort to get RSCA?

"That's true." Yun Rongshang laughed: "RSCA's income in Europe and the United States is indeed quite high. Bayer is very good at making money. If we calculate the income, Europe and the United States have provided us with 1.3 billion US dollars this year. The income, after some time, may be even higher.”

"Tsk, tsk, 1.3 billion is still a 'dola'."

Li Mu couldn't help but shook his head with emotion.

In the domestic market, they only sold 1.4 billion yuan, and abroad they directly converted the currency into US dollars.

It is indeed a capitalist medical market.

Just cattle.

Of course, US$1.3 billion is quite normal for RSCA, especially when there were no other competing products at the beginning. Maybe, considering the effect of RSCA, there may not be any other competing products in another 10 years. Earn more every year.

"Now the market is saying that RSCA will definitely be ranked among the top profits in the pharmaceutical industry." Yun Rongshang said.

If there is really no competing product for a long time, it is entirely possible to do this.

According to estimates, the annual anti-thrombotic drug market in the world is about more than 130 billion yuan. With the emergence of RSCA, this market will definitely become much higher. In this way, RSCA can not only squeeze out the market of more than 130 billion yuan, but also You can also develop your own share.

"These are the RSCA anti-thrombotic drugs."

Putting down the relevant report in his hand, Yun Rongshang picked up another report and said: "Then according to your instructions, I bought a large number of superconductor-related stocks before, and by the way, I bought superconductor concept stocks in the international market. We invested US$500 million, with a total investment of US$1 billion. As of today, including leverage, US$1 billion has become US$3.63 billion, with a profit of US$2.63 billion.”

"Good guy, how much leverage have you added?" Li Mu glared.

"It's not much, just 5 times." Yun Rongshang spread her hands helplessly, "The main reason is that the increase is too terrible."

“One of the concept stocks rose by 160%, and it is still rising even now. The entire concept stock market has been saturated. Then I invested 50 million US dollars in this stock, which is equivalent to 250 million US dollars after 5 times leverage. , just... you should also know."

Yun Rongshang said that she had never expected to earn so much. The original increase in leverage of 5 times was based on her trust in Li Mu. Otherwise, 2 times would be too much.

After all, after the LKD-99 failure, the stocks in the superconductor sector had cooled down, but now that the real room-temperature superconductors are released, the stocks in this sector immediately exploded.

Especially concept stocks.

Concept stocks are a kind of virtual commodity created by the capital market. They are even more empty than Bitcoin because they are a virtual concept.

If in real society, what this concept represents is favored by the vast majority of people, then this concept stock will be able to skyrocket, just like the current superconductor.

Li Mu let go of his thoughts and checked with his mental computer, and then realized how popular superconductor concept stocks are now. Those stocks that chased the prices at high levels due to the LKD-99 incident ended up plummeting after being sold out, so that they are still there now. The investors who had not sold were immediately happy.

Well, well, although they lost money at first, they are making money now.

From now on, people will say that they have foreseen this day.

Li Mu couldn't help but shook his head with emotion: "As expected of you."

"Hehe." Yun Rongshang smiled. Anyway, she didn't expect that this casual move would directly increase their company's liquidity to more than 10 billion.

This is how fast you can make money with inside information.

Therefore, it is completely true that the stock and futures markets are actually information markets.

"In addition, based on what you said, I also paid attention to niobium mines. Now I have acquired two niobium mines in Brazil, with a total cost of 200 million yuan. The annual output of both is almost 300 tons. Added up The total reserves are more than 15,000 tons, and the scale is considered medium."

Li Mu nodded slightly: "That's almost it."

The price of one ton of niobium is about 500,000, and more than 15,000 tons is equivalent to 7.5 billion. Of course, for mineral veins, the total reserve value and the purchased value cannot be compared. After all, mining, There are various costs for protection, refining, etc. Of course, niobium ore is not just niobium. There will be other by-products during the refining process, which are also valuable, so the total value is not just 7.5 billion.

However, it is unrealistic for their company to earn back their investment through mining. The two niobium mines are considered investment products, waiting to be resold in the future to earn the price difference.

"Because of the LSC alloy, the price of niobium ore has dropped a bit recently."

This is normal. After all, the metal type and content of the LSC alloy have not been announced yet. Instead, it is because of the normal temperature superconductor that niobium, a low-temperature superconductor, has been affected.

"But recently a state-owned enterprise in the mining industry came to talk to me and asked me if I wanted to sell the niobium mine to them. The price, if combined, is 100 million more than when I originally purchased it..."

Li Mu waved his hand: "Don't worry about it."

He was actually tricked, and the two together only amounted to 100 million more?

When it is known that LSC alloys require niobium, the value of these niobium ores will definitely increase a lot.

Judging from the news he knows so far, the state has also made moves to acquire niobium ore resources abroad.

The quality of their domestic niobium ores is not high and they are all considered poor ores, while Brazil's niobium ores rank first in the world and have many rich ores. \b

At this time, it depends on the relationship between the two countries. To a certain extent, the bond between Brazil and China is relatively deep. After all, Brazil’s exports to China account for 10% of its total exports. It's more than a quarter of the forehead. It's hard not to think deeply about this bond.

"We will hold it for a period of time, and then sell it when the price is right," Li Mu said.

He knew the inside information, and some of the inside information was inconvenient to explain directly to Yun Rongshang, so Yun Rongshang had to figure it out on his own.

Yun Rongshang nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Anyway, they were able to make so much money this time because of Li Mu's information. As for her, she would just be responsible for the implementation of the process and some details.

"I've finished my work report, so...what will I do next?"

Putting down the materials in her hands, Yun Rongshang couldn't wait to hear what Li Mu said about eating and watching movies.

No matter what, she is still at the stage where she likes these things, although now she has given up on them due to work reasons.

However, Li Mu shook his head and took out information about lithium-sulfur batteries from his bag. The most important thing was the information about lithium-sulfur-iodine solid electrolyte. This electrolyte is the key to the entire lithium-sulfur battery, so it must first be used. Apply for a patent and get a patent number.

"Establish a new company, um... let's call it Pengzu Technology Company. In the future, Pengzu Life Technology Company will be divided into its subsidiaries as a subsidiary. Then, the technology in this document will be applied for an international patent as soon as possible. Please note Keep it confidential.”

Yun Rongshang was stunned, "Patent? Is it another new technology?"

"Yeah." Li Mu nodded slightly.

Yun Rongshang took it and looked at it. Of course, she couldn't understand it, so she said, "What's the use of this?"

"Hmm...what's the use..." Li Mu thought for a while, and then said: "Probably just to change the pattern of the battery industry."

"That's it."

Yun Rongshang nodded, "That's amazing."

Seeing her dull reaction, Li Mu raised his eyebrows.

Didn't Yun Rongshang hear what he meant?

"You really think it's awesome?"

"Yes." Yun Rongshang said: "Changing the battery pattern sounds very powerful."

Li Mu sighed, forget it, science students and liberal arts students really have nothing in common.

"Okay, get the patent number as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll do it myself."

Yun Rongshang nodded, took the information, and put it directly into the safe in the office.

She listened to everything Li Mu said, and she could see that Li Mu valued this information, so she would do it herself.

As for the changes in the situation, she was really not particularly surprised, not only because she didn't know much about this aspect, but also because she knew a lot about Li Mu.

No matter what amazing results Li Mu makes, they are all reasonable.

Relatively speaking, Li Mu took the initiative to invite her to watch a movie, which surprised her more.

Li Mu shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Okay, let's go eat now and then go to the movies. I have already booked the movie tickets."

"Okay!" When this matter was mentioned, Yun Rongshang's reaction became even more obvious.

"What kind of movie is it?"

"Science fiction movie." Li Mu said.

"I knew it!"

Yun Rongshang rolled her eyes.

Forget it, as long as Li Mu has time to watch a movie with her, let's just say science fiction.

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