Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

{C27}: Is that a f*cking furry?

My apologies that there hasn't been a chapter upload for a while, I found myself both not in a writing mood and am at a important point where I'm planning to introduce extra characters. Anyway, I was inspired and wanted to start this weekend but my comrade that I got over here (temporarily) is deathly sick so yeah, that's that. Anyway, Enough with me rambling around, here's your chapter. I'll try to work out a chapter for the Patreon tmmrw if circumstances allow me to.
Luna managed to get most of what she wanted since she wasn't forced onto the front where Alice would've preferred to dump the woman. Alice didn't want her there to increase the chances of getting rid of her competition. No, Alice wasn't that jealous. She just wanted to make Luna know her place by making her do the more dangerous and shitty jobs.
As far as Alice was concerned, Luna was still a bandit and pretty much someone who tried killing them not too long ago. As a matter of fact, it was true; Max, however, didn't want Luna on the front when they still had two males who were equally if not more guilty than she was.
Unlike Alice, who didn't have a single feeling of mercy or compassion for Luna or her background. Max did consider it kinda sad how she has gotten into banditry and her tragic past. He, however, also knew that she wasn't a saint and would stab him in the back if given a greater profit, which was unlikely to be possible considering what he had to offer, Not to mention the explosive collar around the girl's neck.
Although Alice would've liked to see the girl at the front, Max didn't agree. At the end of the day, Luna was someone Max felt slightly possessive over; She was someone he had a good time with and someone who had proven useful, unlike the other males. So, although a little biased, He did side with Luna, Allowing her a safer location within the formation.
In the end, they placed the males in the front, One on the right and one on the left. Each of them had a pistol with a Silencer on it. They went for this setup since they preferred to make less noise. In the middle were Max, Hannah, and Alice. Hannah was unarmed, while Alice had one of the two Kalashnikovs that the group had. She had given her own suppressed handgun to Max. Although Max wasn't trained to use firearms, he did get a run down from Alice and figured out how to reload rather quickly; besides that, the safety button was a bit of a no-brainer.
Alice figured that if push came to shove and she had to intervene, then whether or not the gun was silenced didn't truly matter anymore. Besides that, She wanted Max to get used to guns as quickly as possible; they were one's lifeline in the wasteland.
So, While Max was in the center with Hannah and Alice, Luna Was in the back. Her job was to watch their backs as the group moved forward. The group didn't encounter much during the first hour primarily because they were close to a regularly used trade route. So if anything truly dangerous showed up New Heaven, the nearest settlement would usually mobilize troops to take care of it.
Whenever they ran into a walker, Max insisted on dealing the finishing blow. Although it was a little weird, No one really questioned him about it; Luna, however, Had a curious glint in her eyes.
As they moved, Max made some small talk with Alice and Hannah. Hannah was a really intelligent woman. She just lacked a lot of knowledge due to the way she lived her life up until now. She never truly thought for herself and simply did what others demanded of her. This resulted in a lack of knowledge development, not to mention that with the way she was treated as a usable object, she didn't get too many social interactions.
Thus, the girl, although highly intelligent, sometimes acted a bit childishly. The black-haired lady with red eyes had, however, noticed that Max often smiled or gave other positive feedback when she acted like this. This was because Max considered it to be adorable, and Hannah was smart enough to play into that. Cutely demanding to hold his hand during their walk, which Max happily gave in to.
Besides the occasional zombie or some other small-time stuff, which the males in front could take care of, there wasn't much in the area. Max, however, had noticed himself getting hungry. He hadn't had dinner yesterday due to everything that happened, and since they left early, breakfast was skipped as well.
The others weren't really bothered by this since the nutrient supply only supplies the body with necessary nutrients. It didn't fill the stomach, and because of this, for most people, the feeling of hunger was normal unless, of course, They were willing to spend money on a hunger suppressant, which was a small crystal. That equaled two nutritional supplies.
Seeing that he was the only one, Max decided to simply go for a snibba, and since he didn't want to eat alone, he did take one out for everyone. This included the males in the front; after all, They were sticking to the formation and making themselves useful. It was a sloppy formation. It was nothing professional, and it did take some rebuking from Alice towards those guys to get it done and keep it in shape. but in the end, they were doing what was asked of them, so Max decided to cut them in on the sweets.
He asked Alice if he could grab something out of the backpack, which was less of a question about whether or not he could and more asking for her to walk in front of him. Alice naturally got the message and did as asked. Max broke free from Hannah, which earned him a pout, and as they continued their walk, he opened the backpack on her back and withdrew the items he wanted.
[Withdraw: 5X Snibba]
He also grabbed the water bottle that was still in the backpack. He naturally gave Alice the bottle first before he gave the Snibba. He knew she was a glutton, so he made her drink something first; it was important to stay hydrated.
" Ahhh. "
The water was indeed tasty; then again, Imagine the alternative, which was boiled irradiated water, well... This sounded pretty tasty, indeed. After she drank, he gave her a snibba, which she was quick to start eating, Chewing it and savoring the taste. The face she made was one of pure bliss, and Max once again confirmed that she was a foody. He should really test out if she had a food fetish one of these days. He also had a bottle of liquid honey, which he could do some fun things with.
Either way, Alice soon snapped out of it as she returned her attention to her surroundings. A smart wasteland girl, indeed. While she did that, Max repeated the process with Hannah.
He first made the adorable girl drink something, after which he gave her a Snibba, unlike Alice, who munched on the tasty snack. Hannah simply nibbled on it cutely, Taking small bites so she could savor the taste longer. She looked like an adorable squirrel and Max absolutely loved the sight.
After giving Hannah a head pat he made his way over to Luna, who by now had already realized she was about to get something. She put up a seductive front and properly thanked Max while feeding him some flattery, which Max didn't particularly care about.
Max instead grabbed her right breast as they continued moving forward. Luna, of course, was happy to let him touch whatever he wanted, but to Max, it still felt surreal. He didn't grab her breast cus he was horny or anything; he simply did it because he felt like he could, and seeing Luna's reaction, he indeed could.
It was an empowering feeling, Knowing he could touch these women and have them whenever he wanted. In the modern world, Simply touching, Even if you thought you had permission, could lead you to a whole lot of problems. So this whole, Being able to touch them whenever he wanted and everyone being fine with it, was still a little new to him. But slowly and surely, over the days, he grew more confident and less shy.
He released Luna's breast and gave them a soft slap, which earned him a surprised gasp. He instructed the silver-haired girl to start paying attention to her job again, Which wasn't completely fair since he was the one who started groping her in the first place. Luna, however, Didn't complain and simply did as instructed while Max made his way over to the males.
Both of them were quite surprised to see him, especially since Max hadn't bothered with them so far. He had been drowning himself in pussy and the softness of the female flesh while they simply had to make do. The most frustrating part for them, of course, was their sexual life; the male bandit had the chance to have his way with Hannah on an almost daily basis, and although mr rapist wasn't so lucky, he was a free man able to empty his sack whenever he got the chance.
Not only have they been robbed out of that, but they've been listening to Max going at it more than once. So seeing their owner and slaver that's neglected them so long show up surprised them to a fair deal. Max was quick to notice that they didn't really like him; the glint in their eyes betrayed them. They, however, stayed polite, and so did Max; Unlike Luna, Neither of them tried buttering up to him either, which was refreshing.
He gave them both a Snibba, which taste greatly surprised both males, and the bandit suddenly understood why Luna, Who normally wasn't as much into males, was whoring herself out like that. At least he defined her behavior like that. He has been with her for a while, and although she occasionally used Hannah to satisfy herself or had a play around with another girl, he hadn't seen her with men yet. She also denied any of his advances coming her way and was quite brutal at that.
The male bandit, however, knew better than to trash-talk his former partner. After all, She was the one fucking the one owning the collar around his neck. So the last thing he wanted was her speaking poison into Max's ear about him. So he wisely decided to shut up and simply made some small talk with Max.
Max learned their names, which he hadn't bothered with, and upon hearing them, he laughed aloud, Much to the frustration of the guys. He apologized to him and explained the names were from an old game. Both characters were brothers there.
Who imagined the male bandit and mr rapist to be named ' Mario and Luigi '? It was fucking hilarious; Max couldn't help but consider buying them a red and green outfit, respectively.
He, however, soon made his way back to Alice; after all, These men didn't truly interest him much. He didn't feel much guilt about their current fate either since both of them had their way with Hannah, who he now considered his precious little girl. Not that she was little in anything but height.
As they were about 3 hours in and had gotten further off the trade route to get to the hospital, they ran into a peculiar sight, and Max couldn't help but ask.
" Is that a furry? "
They were crossing a park, and he noticed an anthropomorphic wolf-like creature. It stood on two legs and looked humanoid, well, Except for the fur and all other beastly features, that is. It, however, released a not-so-human-like snarl, and before Max could ask anything else, he was interrupted by the sound of crackling gunfire and empty shells hitting the ground as the beast started charging at them.
The males in the front had already started shooting, Followed by a scream.
" Humanoid wolf mutant "
Alice also pushed Max aside and took to the middle of the formation and started shooting while Luna came from the back to assist the girl. Max was pretty curious about what a normal wolf mutant was if this was a humanoid one, but he didn't have to ask, Not that he would've in such a situation.
Following the humanoid wolf-like creature were the apparent mutant wolves. Unlike the thing he'd describe as a living fucking furry, These were normal wolves, just bigger and a lot more aggressive.
Seeing how the furry just kept on charging at them even though bullets penetrated his skin greatly surprised Max. Realizing that the thing hadn't dropped dead yet also snapped Max out of his haze. He finally noticed the apparent danger and lifted his gun to assist the rest in their shootout. He wasn't sure if he truly hit much but he tried his best.
The furry had put its hand in front of its head using it for cover and although the bullets penetrated its fur it didn't have enough firepower after exiting its arms to also penetrate its skull. However, With the combined firepower of 2 and a half handguns, The half being Max and his inability to properly aim. As well as two Kalashnikovs they had at some point shredded the arm enough to just straight out shoot through the gaping holes within it, hitting it in the face. That did the trick as the creature finally dropped death. But by that point, the four mutant wolves had already almost closed the distance.
Alice went for another quick reload while Luna continued her fire support, Mario and Luigi also continued their best but as the wolves came closer they got cold feet. Luigi in particular attempted to turn around and run to the back of the formation but was instead kicked forward by Alice as she finished reloading
A wolf leaped on top of Luigi's exposed back, Pinning him against the ground and Alice used that chance to shoot the thing through its head. Brain matter splatted over Luigi and the man tried scrambling away but the dead body on top of him was simply too heavy to instantly push aside.
The display served as a stark reminder, Mario only had to glance back and look Luna in the eye once to realize she'd do the same thing to him if he tried to retreat. So, Taking a chance he instead leaped forward while Luna shot one of the beasts down after which she had to reload.
Mario's sudden leap came as a surprise to the animals who tried to grab him but just couldn't quite, One tried to turn around and grab her but had his back filled with bullets by Luna who was done reloading, While Alice had already taken care of the last one.
Max had simply tried shooting whatever moved and was closest but he quite honestly was mediocre at best. Not to mention he had to be careful not to shoot the people in front of him. While Hannah had simply calmly observed the entire thing without a worry in her mind. Seeing her smiling like that Max couldn't help but awkwardly smile at her to which Hannah gave a curious glance, Cutely nocking her head to the side. Max simply gave her a headpat as he wasn't exactly sure how to react to that.
Once the Wolves were dealt with Alice shot each of them in the head once more, Just to be sure. This wasn't appreciated by Luigi who got another load of brain matter over himself by the act, Not to mention he didn't like bullets flying so close to him. Max wasn't sure whether Alice was that confident in her marksmanship or simply didn't care.... Well, she probably cares since she bothered to take them as slaves rather than shoot them the first time they met.
Once Alice was done with her little safety precaution they dragged the dead body of Luigi, Freeing him up. Mario and Luna, Both former bandits were eager to start skinning the wolves although the bodies were too heavy to take without a cart, They could at least take the fur.
Luigi however objected due to the amount of noise they made while Alice simply didn't think the effort-to-risk ratio was worth it. A single can of mais was worth more than those furs combined at least half of them were riddled with excess bullets and holes. Although she cleanly shot some wolves Max's random gunfire also caused some unnecessary holes in the fur.
Besides that, In her opinion, They lacked the hardware to take their sweet time. That humanoid mutant wolf could've been easily dealt with by taking an explosive from a grenade launcher to the head. They came close when it was just one, Imagine if it was a pack.
So, After Alice very professionally voiced her objections to Max the group decided to continue forward. Max had of course asked Luigi how he was but the man only grumbled after which they continued making their way. Max promised the guys that they'd be included in the proper meals from now on which cheered them up somewhat.
The group started listening to Alice better after this little accident and under her lead, they finally reached the hospital after an hour. Not much happened as they avoided what they could and simply stuck to cover.
Max took another look at his ongoing quest as they made their way over.
[Kill quest - Kill 100 walkers: 60/100]
It was kinda sad he didn't get anything for killing the furry since it was a lot stronger than a walker but he guessed the system just didn't work like your usual game.
' No XP and free attributes I guess. '
Upon reaching the hospital Max couldn't help but smile at the 2 meter large concrete fence that was surrounding it. The bank was a safe place thanks to the droid but this was the first place that had a proper wall around it. Considering how messed up this world is that made him kinda curious, So he asked.
"Why aren't there more walled-off places like this? "
To which Alice responded.
" If you reinforce your base you pretty much give its location away. Also, Everyone able to wall off their base or living area clearly has the resources to do so. That's why only sizable groups with the means to defend themselves actually set up such noticeable defenses. "
The concrete wall was only about 2 meters high so it wasn't much but it sure as hell was better than nothing. Behind the walls on each corner was a rotten wooden watch post and when they passed the metal gate they finally laid eyes on their soon-to-be base.

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