Traveling between my own world and a apocalypse in order to pay off my debt isn’t cool, Luckily there are cute girl’s here.

{C26}: Doing what’s necessary.

Hey guys, This chapter was meant to be released yesterday. I thought I had another chapter in stock for the Patron subscribers but that ended up not being the case. Considering the fact that I've been busy writing the other novel and put a lot of time in that I decided I couldn't exactly neglect this one. So I put my time into writing another chapter for the patrons this morning to ensure that they remain 5 chapters ahead like promised. So, With that in mind i'll release this chapter, My apologies for the late upload! Also, As far as novels went I put " humanoid goblin " on hiatus. Working on 3 novels at the same time is just to much and Apocalypse is my main novel, besides that, I've had a lot of fun working on Civilization online so far so I decided to focus on these two for now.

Alice, Now alone downstairs, dealt with the elderly man; the merchant had already pulled his pants up to make himself more presentable. The younger girl, Ellie, seeing the situation also, was quick to pull her soft pajamas back on, hoping that tonight she wouldn't have to experience it. If she was lucky, They'd reach the city by tomorrow, where they could acquire some birth control. Saving her from the pain of being forcefully taken into her backdoor. She didn't like it in her front hole either, but at least that was bearable and not as painful.

Alice patiently waited for the male to dress up. The scene Max had caused earlier was already rude enough by Wasteland standards, and she didn't want to show any further disrespect. Meddling with someone else business was a quick way to make enemies, and Alice wasn't looking forward to dealing with a sizable armed merchant group.
Especially not since this man already knew about their products, which could act as a double-edged sword. It was a valuable card that could be used to negotiate; on the other hand, if negotiations didn't work out, it was unlikely these merchants would be willing to part with their potential golden egg.
Once the merchant was fully dressed, he looked at one of his subordinates. His men had already gathered to look at the commotion. He pointed at the nearest one and spoke.
" Get us some chairs and a table. "
The merchant saw the importance of this deal and was willing to deal with it in a calm manner. Even if he was humiliated by the way  Max screamed and dealt with him. Luckily for him, the majority of his caravan were simply slaves, Meaning their opinion meant very little to him; even if their opinion of him lessened because of this, there wouldn't be any mutiny.
Alice patiently waited; she didn't have to wait long since, not much later, a simple table and a couple of chairs were placed down on the spot. The lights had flicked back off, but a simple.
" Lights on, please. "
It was enough to make the lights flicker back on; this place was truly handy, and if it wasn't for the water shortage, a bank like this would surely be used as some type of survival shelter by survivors.
Alice started the conversation.
" My apologies for my brother's display; he didn't communicate his problems and went at the situation in the wrong way. He won't apologize for what he did, So I'm hoping that you're willing to take mine. "
Alice, of course, wasn't Max's brother; however, a simple guard or girlfriend had no right to represent her master. It would've been an insult to the other party, not to mention they couldn't take whatever guarantees or promises she gave seriously. So, She instead decided to claim she had familial ties to him. This, of course, surprised the man since they had denied being brother and sister earlier today, So he was quick to ask.
" I thought Max said you weren't his sister? "
To which Alice simply responded.
" Just like what you did to your daughter is a crime in the place we come from; having the relationship we have with one's sister is also taboo although not a crime... Where we come from. "
Alice paused for a moment, after which she continued, Trying to keep a light tension in the air.
" Max still, Even here, Denies I'm his sister because he believes having sex with your sister is wrong; as I said, Where we come from, it's a taboo. Which, although not punishable for someone of his standing, is still something that can greatly tarnish one's reputation. So he simply denies that I'm his sister out of habit; besides that, He doesn't like the thought of having sex with his sister. So, to satisfy his little fetish, I'm acting as a mere guard of sorts for him. "
The male pondered over it for a moment before asking.
" Are you from a vault? Although some people might frown on what I do with my daughters, in the end, it is our business and not that of anyone else. What Max did, on the other hand, isn't normal and instead overly rude, not to mention offensive. If he is from high standing as you claim he is, Why does he behave in such a manner?"
Alice, Hearing both questions, calmly collected her thoughts for a few seconds before responding.
" We're indeed from a vault, although it's a private overseas one, One that the government didn't set up but was set up by one of the richest elite before the war. It was made to protect and sustain our family, which it has done for generations. Max, as one of the younger siblings, grew up spoiled. This is why he lacks so much knowledge of the outside world and what is and isn't common in it. Unfortunately, his eldest brother got killed in circumstances that are none of your business. Max, Alongside most of his male siblings, has been shoved out into the world to face the cold, hard reality of this world. Our father has a multitude of children, which isn't weird considering his impregnation fetish and the absolute power and authority he wields within his vaults. "
Alice intentionally mentioned (vaults) since that meant there were multiple, Which made Max's father a serious force to be reckoned with.
" So, Considering the fast number of children he had, he decided to shove the males into various parts of the world with limited resources. They, however, are granted connections and simply have to build something up for themselves. The most capable one will inherit the father's empire, While the rest will have to remain outside to prevent internal family disputes over the inheritance. They each, however, Are granted a resource quota as a gift and can trade with one of the vaults for extra."
The merchant pondered over her words for a moment before he asked.
" If what you claim is true, why are you here as one of his daughters? Why are you almost alone, and why are you overseas rather than on your own continent? "
Alice expected as much and was quick to respond.
" I'm here because I've been spoiled rotten as well; I wasn't greatly into the whole girls thing, you know? I didn't want to be a spoiled little princess locked into a beautiful golden cage. I wanted adventure, To see the outside world, and to discover new things. So, I got what I wanted, Although in limited quantity. I came along with Max after insisting on it. Luckily, our father has a soft spot for our mother, who happens to be the main wife. Because of that, it was allowed; besides that, The only reason Max is even allowed to participate, even though his sheer lack of incompetence, is for that very same reason. He, however got shoved off to one of the further continents."
Alice took another breath before she continued.
" As far as our escort goes, We did have an escort, but for reasons I'm unwilling to share, most of them are either dead or no longer in our service. "
The merchant squinted his eyes before saying.
"Then why are you acting like such a foodie with the products Max brought? As his sister and a spoiled princess, Shouldn't you be plenty used to the luxury?"
Alice smiled before responding.
" When I said I didn't want to be a spoiled princess and wanted adventure, seeing the outside as well as training with the soldiers, my father decided that I shouldn't get the princess treatment either. My appetite and love for luxurious products come from how my incompetent little brother was always there for me. Smuggling things to me and generally having a good time with me. I turned into a bit of a foodie thanks to that and developed quite the unique fetish."
The merchant couldn't help but slightly widen his eyes upon the fetish remark, Which was completely unnecessary and quite bashful. The merchant decided to accept what she said for now and simply asked.
" So, how do you wish to proceed? Do you have the authority to negotiate on your brother's behalf? "
The girl gave a polite smile before responding.
"Brother's authority has significantly dwindled ever since our escort became pretty non-existent. So, he has learned to listen to his sister, which is why I managed to get him upstairs. So yeah, I dare say I have the authority to negotiate on his behalf. "
The man didn't get why a guy, Fucking his own sister, Could blame him for doing his daughter. He, however, decided not to voice this question and decided to work on continuing their working relationship. If Max, however, would've heard it, he could've spelled the word ' Consent ' out for him.
" So, how do you suggest we continue? "
To which Alice smiled.
" You jokingly offered your pregnant daughter to Max earlier today; I want to take you up on that offer. I want both your daughters gifted to my brother. "
The merchant was quick to shake his head.
" There's no way in hell that I'll leave my little girls with a man that got his own escort killed. "
To which Alice simply helplessly shook her head.
" He has learned from previous mistakes and now allows me to take a leading role.... Look, With my Brother taking whatever happened today on a personal level, our business relationship can't continue like this. "
The man's eyes squinted, to which Alice was quick to follow up.
" Because of that, I think this is for the best, For a mutually beneficial relationship. Your daughters will act as a pacifier to my brother, while for you, They're a guarantee for our business relationship. As long as they're with us, our business relationship is guaranteed. Last but not least, For security reasons, you can keep them with you; we'll meet up tomorrow afternoon in the city. Once in the city, my brother will use a fair portion of his accumulated funds for protection. Once you've seen the safety precautions he has invested in, you can let your daughters go with a relieved heart, knowing that he's a good man who'll take care of them. "
The man simply frowned before asking a simple question.
" What guarantee do you have? "
To which Alice smiled.
" We can travel back with you from the city, and we'll show you where we want to set up our base. Besides that, you can stay in contact with your daughters through radio communication. "
The man shook his head,
" My daughters are the only thing I have left from my deceased wife. If you think a single business deal is enough to entrust not one but both of them to your brother, then you are surely mistaken. "
To which Alice retorted.
" You already offered one. "
The merchant, however, was quick to reply.
" I offered one, but we never discussed details; a single deal wouldn't be enough. For all I know, you don't have more and are simply screwing me over. "
Alice gave a nod as if to say ' fair enough ' before she responded.
" Then how about you'll transfer both of them after our first bulk sale? Naturally, you can't have sex with either of them, or the deal is canceled. "
The man thought about it for a minute before asking.
" For how long will my girls be with you? "
Alice pondered for a moment before asking.
" They'll remain with my Brother forever as a gift in good faith."
Alice was interrupted before she could finish.
" Never. They'll stay with you until the end of our business deal, and that's the most I'm willing to do after the first bulk sale. Besides that, I want a safety guarantee as well as the right to visit them whenever I want. "
Alice pondered for a moment before answering.
" You'll be able to visit, but the visitation has to be communicated with my brother. The duration of your stay is also up to them. If you dislike it, you can always just cancel our deal and take them back. "
The man reluctantly pondered over it, after which he reluctantly agreed.
" Fine. "
As far as the man was concerned, he could use this to make a lot of cash over a few years and then let one of his daughters or perhaps even the child that Freya is carrying inherit the business. Thinking of which, He was quick to ask.
" What about the child that Freya is carrying? "
To which Alice asked.
" I assume it's yours? "
The man gave a nod, after which Alice spoke.
" That would be up to my brother to decide, but I assume it'll stay with its mother. "
" How will you provide for my girls? "
That was what the man asked next, to which Alice responded.
" I assume they'll get the same treatment as me, which means eating food of similar quality to what we're selling you. The meals, Assuming they get the same as me, Would be fed to them two to three times a day. Besides that, all other necessities are likely to be taken care of by my brother. "
The man pondered for a moment, after which he offered her his hand, which signified the agreement of a deal. Alice didn't take the hand directly and was quick to clarify.
" I negotiated on my brother's behalf, and although I don't think he'll reject the deal, the final say will be up to him. "
After saying so, she held out her own hand as if to clarify that the deal would be made under these terms, and the merchant decided to take her word for it and shook her hand. The girl gave him a nod and decided to settle on this for now. After excusing herself, she made her way over to Max, who was simply cuddling with the girls.
Once there, she joined the cuddle pile, and after repeating the content of the potential deal, he decided to agree with it. Max didn't fully agree with letting the girls go, but Alice said it's unlikely any other potential deal is possible. She explained how the man likely had some kind of obsession with his deceased wife, which he saw back in his children. If it wasn't for the crazy profit, he likely wouldn't have agreed. Any deal other than this was dangerous, and it was better to either just accept this one or kill the man when they were able to. Max reluctantly agreed.
In a show of good faith, he went downstairs himself, and although he refused to apologize to the man and his disgusting behavior. He did clarify that he agreed with the deal. The merchant offered to bring him to the city, but Max refused. After all that happened, there just wasn't enough trust. He calmly explained this, and the merchant didn't take it personally. They would meet up in the city and then return to Max's base after Max had his own means of defending himself.
He didn't stay for a drink and made his way back up; he didn't like dealing with the man and simply returned to Alice's embrace. He gave the girl a proper kiss for the way she handled the situation for him. The girl attempted to get Max in the mood, but since he had recently experienced five orgasms and just had a shitty situation, he just wasn't in the mood.
He was woken up early by Alice, who said that they should get a head start on the merchants if Max didn't want to travel with them for safety reasons. Max agreed, and they quickly packed up and left; just in case, they took an alternative route. Alice said the route would take about 4 hours if they didn't sneak around like she liked to.
Considering their group was now more sizable, it wasn't as important anymore. The area had few bandits, and as long as they weren't too loud and were smart about it, it should be manageable. The only real problem was that they didn't have any heavy weaponry. If something that was both stronger and faster showed up, that'd be a problem. But that's where Mister Rapist and Mister Bandit came in as live bait. Not that Alice said that to Max, Since she wasn't sure if he'd agree.
If push came to shove, she could just shoot one of them into their leg to buy some time while the rest made a run for it. On their way, Max had given Alice administrator permission; she could do pretty much everything except remove collars. Considering the bandits were wearing high-tech collars, she could now simply order them to be a distraction if need be.
Luna apparently thought similarly to Alice, which is why she stuck close to Max, Minimizing the chances she would have to act as bait. So, With Alice thinking about Max's safety and Luna scheming to ensure her own the group moved forward.

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