Travel to Another World because ROB asked me.

Chapter 26. Meeting Asia and Serafall Request.


{POV: Matsuzaka Satou}


Today Onii-chan told me that he forgets to tell me that he got a better plan to get the nun from heaven faction without conflict and he told me now the plan is already successful. We also got allianced with heaven faction on top of that.

Despite that it turns out to be good and scrapped all my plans within this holiday, I didn't like it at all.


I'm mad.

Absolutely mad.


Onii-chan forget to tell me that plan has changed, either way, I can't blame him because Onii-chan is just that stupid sometimes. Especially him being kind to everyone, which is I didn't like either.

Anyway, I don't mad at Onii-chan.

Because it is Onii-chan being stupid as always.


The one I am mad with is Azazel-san. He purposely leaves me from the Onii-chan plan, and when I ask him, he said he also forget to tell me.

Onii-chan is one thing, But Azazel-san forget too?

He won't be the leader of the faction if he is stupid like Onii-chan. I'm holding a lot of his dark secrets after all.. such as how his faction is the one with most connected to the human world, a number of a political leader on the various large country is fallen angel in disguise, etc.

It wouldn't be far off to say, Fallen angels have a big influence on the human world without other factions realize it.


Azazel being smart himself probably realize my plan toward my Onii-chan then proceed to against it. I was leave in the dark. I believe he will always inform me and I can focus on increase my power but.. the reality isn't that kind.

I know he is not trustable at all. Unlike other people like members of the friend's group, Azazel doesn't have a lot of good influences on Onii-chan.. I believe he is actually using Onii-chan.

After all, the Fallen Angel faction getting a lot of alliances since Onii-chan comes. And Azazel only needs to provide him with material support which actually I think should be easy to get with every other faction in this world.

Azazel gets a lot of benefits with Onii-chan help with my Onii-chan not even realize it.


Azazel used Onii-chan!!

I see.

Azazel is not good anymore.

Since he breaks our agreement first, then he will need to be punished.


He needs to be removed.

And top of that, he also knows Onii-chan's mission of life.


He is clearly a threat to us.

Why I didn't realize this sooner?



I should find a way to kill Azazel naturally, and as we are his children now, we are getting the part of wealth and influences as we will inherit it from him.

And Onii-chan being himself should be okay.

I notice that when our parents die.. he didn't even that sad..

his first kill...

his first pet dies... 

and with the Phenex accident...

Onii-chan didn't realize despite being a kind and caring person.. such as what he did with Kaori, he is having a cold personality too. If Azazel died, he probably just ok with it later.. like everything else before.

Onii-chan really looks like me. He probably only breakdown when something happens to me, and so do I toward him.


We are really twin siblings, though Onii-chan is a contradiction. 

I suspect that it is because the effect of his abilities Onii-chan has become such a mess but I have found no proof about that so far. Not that it's actually a bad thing, we are siblings similar which each other, isn't it romantic?


Anyway back to kill Azazel again. I need to find a way to kill him without him being able to suspect that it is me who did it. The thing is, he is smart, he probably already consider me planned to dethrone him in some way later on.

Outsmarting him isn't easy at all.




I got an idea.. but it is involved a big scale of things to avoid the get suspicious from him.

I don't need to kill him myself. After all, he got a lot of enemies already right?




A week after the whole duel, I was in Tokyo Airport waiting for Asia, as Azazel instructed.

Two guys in a church outfit approached me, They should be from the church. 

"...Nice to meet you, Champion of Humanity. My name is Touji Shido, one of exorcist that assigned to this country." Touji said to me as he bows to me.

So this is Irina's father. He has light brown hair same as her daughter and a pretty average face you can find everywhere.


"...This is the boy rumored that cause wound on Vasco-shisho and defeat him too? He is not looking like the person who just beat the Champion." (???)

The other one seems rude and he didn't even introduce himself. He wears a thick hoodie that somehow makes me can't see his eyes as most hentai protagonist does... except he wearing a hoodie.

"The rumor is true you know. I have seen Vasco-shisho got a bandage all over his body when he comes back to the Vatican. Also, I got the feeling that the boy is incredibly dangerous.. despite his young age." Touji replied to him.

".. As Agent of Rubina, I don't care as long he is not a vampire." (???)

Rubina? Where I did hear it come from?

I don't think it is from Highschool dxd canon stories.

Should be from something else.

["Let me help you find your memory. You should focus on real-world conversation, user."] The system replied.

Alright, I leave it to you.


"So where is my new friend?" I asked.

"She will be here shortly as she taking her baggage with Griselda. Also a friend? I thought it was said she will be fiancee." Touji said to me giving me confused look.


"...What?" I replied instinctively, as I feel dumbfounded.

"Boy, here is the document for that. Just read it so we are done with you. We have another mission to do after this anyway." Hoodie man said to me as he gives some documents.






Apparently, Asia now also become promised to be engaged with me as Phenex does to Ravel. Michael stated it was requested by his faction to balance out the alliance fallen angels had with the Phenex family.

Politic really such a mess. I still bet Azazel probably does something here, I swear.

While I'm still accepting the current situation, A woman and a little girl approaching us.

Both woman and the little girl have blonde hair and wearing nun outfits. The older woman should be Griselda since I can see her strict business-like appearance, and the little girl should be Asia who hides behind her.

"Ahh... Griselda-senpai. Welcome." Hoodie man greets her.

Griselda nodded and look at me. She seems to ignore the hoodie guy.

"She ignored me again, senpai!" Hoodie man then hugging Touji.

I thought this guy is scary but he seems actually a funny guy.


"...Boy, You are not looking like someone who defeats Vasco-shishou." Griselda said to me.

I swear she looks at me so intensely that like she wants to fight me right now.

"Nah...Griselda-san, you can test the truth later. For now, we need to focus on the business we have here." Touji said to Griselda 

Griselda nodded and introduce herself.

"My name is Griselda Quarta, I'm here to deliver Asia as our alliance agreement, Matsuzaka Satoru the new Champion of Humanity." Griselda said as she introduces herself.

"..Err nice to meet you?" I replied to her with a confused tone.

The title still confused me a lot.

"Asia, Please introduce yourself as we practiced." Griselda said to Asia.

Asia who hides behind Griselda came forward and bow herself to me.

"..My name is Asia Argento, I'm 6 years old and a nun candidate. Nice to meet you!!" Asia said loudly.

["...She is weird, user."] The system said to me.

I agree. The story never reveals how Asia really act in her childhood, she seems not so nun-like now?

"Nice to meet you. I'm Matsuzaka Satoru, and I will be your friend. Please, treat me normally." I said to her with the most sincere smile I can put on.

"Y-Yes!!" Asia replied as she looks at me then she hides again behind Griselda.


Huh, She really resembles Ravel a lot. She also stuttering a lot when I know her first, and she still does.

["You are not dense protagonist, user."] The system replied.


...Ehh, but it is too fast?

["Should be admiration for now, though I don't know for Kaori. Now, think about it.. all girl that somehow gets close to you so far is blonde-haired."]

...You are right. 

Except for my sister.

And Hayasaka Ai is also blonde but only loves Kaguya!



After our introduction, Only Griselda and Asia follow me to the car while Touji and the Hooded man said they are going to Kuoh. Not really surprising since his family should be still in Kuoh this time.

Everyone seems quiet in the car, and I'm feeling nervous with Griselda looking at me.. she probably tries to judge me now.

Also, there is no my sister with me. Since I forget to tell her my plan, she is currently still quite mad at me. 

She is still the cutest though.


["User, I think I've found a series that where is 'Rubina' organization originally came from. It is from eroge called Kyuuketsuki No Libra."] The system informs me.


Another vampire eroge really? I have confirmed Dracu-Riot already here and now Libra of the Vampire Princess?


This is concerning.

["I agree. Looking at how the eroge progressed from your memory.. Very big chance that antagonist in that game also exist.. which an evil god entity, Enosh."] The system said to me.

...Yeah, I remember that in the original eroge no matter the route you take it is definitely impossible to defeat that except some sacrificing by a major character. Even that only push that away, not slain it.

He is like Dormamu on MCU except for more troublesome power. I remember in Libra, Vampire creature is coming from another world that was destroyed by that entity.


Imagine if that thing cooperated with Rizevim like or worse.



["You forget you are jinx master, user?"] The system said to me.

God damn it, my mind.



While I thought about how to process the new information, My phone rang, and it comes from Azazel.



I answer the phone. 

"Yo Son, how is your retrieve mission?" Azazel said through the phone.

"Seems good, except apparently, Asia become my fiancee instead of a friend. Explain what happens, dad?" I said to Azazel.

"...Er.. In the name of the death god, I swear it was come from Michael.. not my proposal. You know the detail already right?" Azazel replied.

I guess that's true.

"Then why you are calling? We are on the way to the mansion right now." I asked on the phone.

Seems Griselda also listening to this conversation right now.

"Nah, Just go to Kaori's house, I don't have much time so we will need to quickly put her in place. I'm already here and informing Kaori's parents about your plan." Azazel answer me.


He sure works fast, like what he does on negotiation too. Azazel was worth his name being the leader of a faction.

["He is. But his adopted son is dumbass."] The system agrees with me and adds mocking at the end.

...Hey Azazel son is not only me, there is also Vali.

Now I think about it where is Vali?



"It is a bit out of topic but I haven't seen Vali for a while, where are him, Dad?" I asked Azazel.

"...He said to me last week that he goes to meet a monk in the mountain to train his mind, something like cleanses his mind. Do you know something about it?" Azazel asked through the phone.

["Should be because your Tsukiyomi effect."] The system said in an amused tone.

...Yeah let's hide the fact I use one of my secret weapons to stop Vali from challenging me.


The route has changed to Kaori household as Azazel already instructed my guard and driver.

After that I explained to Asia in the car that she will get new parents and a sister, she sounds excited. Though she might doesn't understand what she coming for and I haven't asked yet whether her Sacred gear is activated or not.

If it's not, how to activate it? Any manual?

["Duh. Ask Azazel, he is ducking Sacred Gear maniac expert."]


Oh right, Thanks system.


We finally arrived at Kaori's household.

And somehow when I got to Kaori place. There is already Serafall Leviathan and Azazel talking with Kaori's parents.

A short-looking black-haired girl in twin-tail, wear magical girl outfit, that big oppai, and the way she talks very childish.

Yeah, I'm sure she is Serafall Leviathan. One of the Four Satan.

"Oh? This is the boy who defeats Vasco?? He is cute!! With his pink hair too! What a funny-looking boy! Hello, my name is Serafall! Call me Levia-tan. A magical girl of justice!" Serafall said as she looks at me with her weird magical girl pose.


...Instead of angry, I feel embarrassed instead. Is this power of a magical girl?

I admit she is cute though.

["He is not really a magical girl... User, don't tell me you have awakened new fetish now."] The system said to me.


I think?


But I think if my sister wearing a magical girl outfit, she should be much cuter, yes?


["Goddamn it."] The system replied.

While Imagining how cute my sister wearing it, Azazel interrupted my thought.

"Mmm... I think it is no mystery anymore but he is my son, a recent Champion that beat Vasco Strada in a 1 vs 1 battle. It is his wish that he wants to save your daughter.. as a friend, apparently." Azazel introduced me again to Kaori's parents with a serious tone.

I think both of them already know me though. They suddenly bow at me after Azazel has done introduce me.

It feels awkward not gonna lie.

"I don't think we can pay this gratitude in our lifetime. Kaori is our everything... I'm glad she got a really good friend like you, Matsuzaka Satoru" Kaori's father said to me.

"It is nothing. She is my friend, I will do anything to protect people who are close to me." I said to them with a serious tone.


"Very cool, pink boy! You are really an ally of justice! Kaori is a very good girl, Ask me if you need anything! The friends of magical girl apprentice are my friend!" Serafall said to me from behind.

She is hugging me with her huge oppai. 


["Now you are awakened as a pervert too?"] The system retorts me.


Not yet.

It just feels comfortable.


After the whole introduction is done, Asia gets introduced to Kaori's parents and they express the willingness to adopt Asia into their household. 

Azazel promises them to take all medical fees for Kaori in case something happens, though as long Kaori stays close to Asia I don't think it would be needed.

About where is Kaori itself, it seems Kaori is currently on fallen angel medical facility for further condition check so that's why I haven't seen her here.

...Azazel sure moves fast.

Now both Kaori's parents, Azazel and Asia with Griselda teleported to the facility where is Kaori hold.

Azazel refuses me to follow along because I don't have any business on there because they will be doing test effectiveness of Asia sacred gear on Kaori and awaken it too.

He promised me that he will tell me the result later.


Now I'm alone with Serafall in the Kaori house as we are still sitting together... Everyone just teleported out.



Wait, she isn't shotacon, right?

She didn't release her hug all this time, by the way, even now I'm sitting in her lap.

I put my head in her boobs hard.



She is not bothered by it.

I look at her face, she is.. looks amused?

"...Ne, Toru-chan? Do you want to become an actor on my show?"  Serafall said to me from behind.

What she was talking about? Also Toru-chan? My name sounds like thor instead of Satoru.

...I have a very bad feeling about this.




Damn, I'm not Issei!

["Ganbate user! Remember It is just a lump of meat!"] The system yells at me.

I disagree! It is a place filled with dreams and hope!

...Serafall-san hug me tightly and begin stroke my head too.

"You know, I have a very cute little sister! About as cute as you... No, she is definitely the cutest!! She is one year older than you too but I think both of you could become friends!" Serafall said to me with a childish tone as she keeps stroke my head.

It is actually very comforting.


["User, I can already see where this is going."] The system said to me.

..Me too, system.


"However, my sister doesn't want to join my magical girl show with me, apparently she has become mature fast! I'm proud of her but I'm sad because she keeps rejecting my invitation." Serafall continues to explain to me.


"Then I got the news about you being the new Champion of humanity. The news said you, pink-haired boy, even beat Vasco in 1 vs 1. Wow! Even I'm sure won't be able to do that, Toru-chan.. and I'm one of the leaders of the devil race!" Serafall said to me excitedly and giggled.

...Yeah I really can see where this is going.


"...Because you are cute and strong too, then how about become an actor on my show, Toru-chan! Together we will reign the television program and share the love of magical girl!" Serafall said to me.

She stands up and begins to dance weirdly. A lot of glitters come from near her out of nowhere. Should be magic.

"Please Please Please!!" Serafall then bows at me.


She is a really magical girl maniac huh. And also a siscon.

As siscon myself, I can't imagine the time when finally my sister doesn't want to shower in my love anymore.


I don't hate the idea of playing in Serafall magical girl show but I need to know the benefit if I decide to do so.

["...Do what you like but user, try to get her favor in exchange if you go for it. Even though she is like this, she is still satan right? A favor from her would be useful someday in the future"] The system said to me.

Nice idea, System. Thank you!!

Also, I will ask extra magical girl outfit as a present to my twin sister as an apology from me.

I think she will love it!



"Hmm... If I agree to join Serafall-san, What is the benefit I could get?" I asked her immediately after thinking a while.

Serafall then runs at me then hugs me from the front.




I'm suffocated by breast!!

["Should be your dream though."]

Not when I can't even feel lust yet!

"REALLY?! You will agree to my request Toru-chan?" Serafall said as she keeps hugging me tightly.

Meanwhile, I barely hear her as I am still in bliss- I mean suffocated because of the big breast.

"Mmm!!! Mmmm!!" I said to her as I am barely able to let a sound.

"Ohh!! I'm sorry Toru-chan!"

Serafall releases her hug immediately, then I quickly take a deep breath.

Damn, with all my cheat imagine if I died because of breast suffocation!

["..That would be legendary."] The system comment on my monologue.

Legendary embarrassing!

"Hah.. hah.. hah... Levia-tan... You almost hug me to death... Anyway, what is... benefit to me... join your... show... also I'm... still a kid... you know?" I said to her while I'm still out of breath.

Serafall sits down on the sofa then said... "Umm.. money?"

"Not really interesting to me."



Seriously, why is she satan again?

"Then what do you want Toru-chan?" Serafall finally asked me.

"...Aside from money, A favor from you that I could save until I need it." I said to her.

"Ohh!? You are pretty sly for a cute boy, Toru-chan." Serafall said to me with a surprised tone.

"...I'm Azazel's son after all." I replied.

....After become quiet for a while she finally gives her answer.

"OKAY!! You got one free favor to use anytime from Levia-tan!" Serafall stands up and smile widely, she seems happy about the outcome.

I also stand up then she suddenly hugs me again.


Her breast suffocated me again.

"ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou. Finally, I have a new character for my show!" Serafall said excitedly as she keeps hugging me tightly.



I already pass out at that point though.


["My user career become child actor huh? Interesting."] The system did monologue as always as he ends the chapter.

I might create one more chapter before time skip because I don't think suddenly time skip after this would be 'OK' lol. I promise to do time skip afterward.

I havent show enough 'personality' of Asia after all.

Also mc become child actor soon, and he also will get acquitance with Sona by this.

Tell me if something is unclear as I did edit this chapter alone (3k words).

About eroge I mix in this world :


There might be bunch OC I also inserted from now btw. But I will make sure they actually have role in the story. 


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